Infinite Bloodcore

Section 12: Am I a genius among geniuses?

I don’t know how long it took before Zhenjin woke up leisurely.

The crisp chirping of birds came to my ears, and then a breeze blew, bringing with it the fresh smell of vegetation.

Zhen Jin was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses.

The first thing he discovered was that the severe pain that once tortured him had disappeared, leaving only a dull pain.

He tried to raise his head, and the unbearable terrifying dizziness dissipated without any trace.

Then he discovered that there were many bandages on his body, especially the layers around his waist and abdomen, with faint traces of blood.

Zhen Jin's arms used strength to support his upper body with difficulty.

He had no strength all over his body, as if he had been hungry for more than ten days. At the same time, his mouth was dry and he was extremely thirsty for water.

When he managed to sit on the ground, he froze.

He looked at his arms and hands.

Originally, his arm bones had been shattered to pieces, and the skin and flesh of his arms had been beaten into minced meat by the brown bear. But now I am almost healed!

It's just that the surfaces of both arms are abnormally red, as if they've been cooked.

"Did Zidi really do it? What a miraculous skill!" Zhen Jin couldn't help but marvel.

If it's magic or magic, it's actually not that difficult. But here, Zidi cannot use her spells. It is really too powerful to be able to do this with potions alone.

"Could it be that my fiancée is still a master of pharmacy?" Zhen Jin couldn't help but guess.

He looked around, Zidi was not here.

The young man soon discovered that he was no longer deep in the cave. This is not the place where he and the brown bear fight to the death, but closer to the entrance of the cave.

Because of this, the ore here is sparse, the air is not hot, and the chirping of birds can be heard outside the cave.

Just after taking in the intermittently blowing wind, and listening to the crisp chirping of birds, Zhen Jin's heart gradually surged.

His eyes fell on the entrance of the cave, where a blue and red wild flower was blooming tenaciously on the cave wall.

Zhen Jin watched quietly, her eyes gradually turning red and almost crying!

After being obsessed with life and death, he cherished the ordinary scenery even more.

He looked at this most inconspicuous wild flower, and saw its delicate and small petals trembling gently in the breeze, and a throbbing surged through his whole body.

This is the throbbing of life!

"I'm still alive, still alive!" The joy of survival is like the sea water covering the beach, which is endless, making Zhen Jin unable to control himself.

It took a long time for Zhen Jin's agitated mood to slowly dissipate.

He had new worries.

In fact, it is quite dangerous here.

Zhen Jin did not forget that there were many corpses of scaly-horned black panthers lying outside the cave. The fresh flesh will attract carnivores.

After experiencing these few days, Zhen Jin has completely felt the danger of this island, and the danger cannot be overestimated.

The boy tried to stand up, but his attempt failed.

Being able to sit up is already the maximum limit.

His whole body was soft now, especially his waist and abdomen, which felt like a large piece was missing, and his legs had no strength at all.

"You're awake!" came a familiar voice.

Zidi appeared at the entrance of the cave. She froze on the spot with a look of disbelief.

Zhen Jin then nodded to her and smiled lightly.

Zidi finally confirmed that this was true. She was so excited that she took a few steps and almost threw herself into Zhen Jin's arms.

With her delicate body in her arms, Zhen Jin almost fell down.

He patted his fiancée on the small shoulder, and his voice was much hoarse than before: "I listened to you and didn't give up."

"Yes!" Zidi nodded, let go of Zhenjin, and stopped holding her tightly. A pair of purple eyes stared at the boy without blinking.

Four pairs of eyes.

Zidi said emotionally: "Lord Zhenjin, you are a true Templar!"

For a moment, the young knight felt the girl's full admiration and love, all of which was unabashed.

Zhen Jin smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "It's not even close to that. I can't even use fighting energy until now."

Zidi said firmly: "Sir, you will definitely be able to recall it!"

The girl's confidence in Zhenjin is far greater than that of the latter himself.

"Sir, while you were unconscious, I also cleaned the battlefield and disposed of the corpses of brown bears and black panthers."

"I used the blood of brown bears to prepare a temporary potion. I sprinkled the potion near the entrance of the cave. Now the place is filled with the smell of brown bears, which should be able to deter other predators. It is safe here for the time being."

"In addition, I went deep into the cave and explored it to the end. There is only one way in this cave, and your decision was extremely wise!"

Zhen Jin nodded repeatedly, the worries in his heart finally dispelled.

"Sir, how do you feel now?" Zidi began to check Zhenjin's wound again.

"I feel good, but I have no strength." Zhen Jin answered truthfully.

He looked at Zidi immersed in her business, and he admired this girl even more.

The girl herself is of the Black Iron level. Even if she cannot use magic here, she still has the ability to prepare powerful potions.

At present, it seems that Zhenjin's sacrifice of protecting the girl has brought huge rewards.

Without the girl's help, Zhenjin would have died long ago!

In addition to appreciation and gratitude, Zhen Jin also had another emotion in his heart.

Zidi and Zhenjin have a close relationship, and they are an unmarried couple. Zhen Jin initially judged that the relationship between the two parties should have hidden secrets and be relatively complicated.

But no matter what the specifics are, the two sides have experienced life and death together, and this friendship of sharing weal and woe is not fake.

"Sir, your current condition is very stable. The reason why you are weak is just because you lack rest. As long as you add enough food and water, you should be able to walk normally in a few days." After Zidi checked it, she said seriously Judge.

"This is all thanks to your potion." Zhenjin praised.

Zidi shook her head: "The situation was urgent and the conditions for making potions were too crude. To be honest, I was not sure at the time. I just tried my best. I never thought there would be such a miraculous effect! Maybe..."

Zidi hesitated to speak, her beautiful purple eyes stared at the young man, shining brightly, with a look of exploration and curiosity that could not be concealed.

Zhenjin smiled: "What do you want to ask? Don't worry."

Zidi immediately said: "Sir, are you really just practicing silver, not gold?"

Zhenjin pondered: "Why are you so suspicious?"

Zidi said: "Sir, it may be that my potion has an effect. But I think this possibility is too low. I think it is more likely that you have strong vitality yourself!"

"This kind of life foundation is not something that can be possessed by the silver level. Only gold life can have such a phenomenon. Sir, if you survive this test, you actually rely more on your own self-healing ability."

"Do you think my cultivation level is not silver level, but gold level?" Zhen Jin frowned slightly.

He couldn't help but look at his arm again.

Now, his arm is almost intact.

The young man remembered clearly how tragically his arms were injured before.

The wounds on the waist and abdomen were originally very serious. But according to Zidi's observation just now, the wound on the abdomen has disappeared and new pink skin has grown.

To be honest, this degree of healing is only slightly weaker than the rebirth of a broken limb.

"Is it really relying on the effectiveness of the medicine?" Zhen Jin couldn't help but become suspicious.

His heart skipped a beat: "Could it be that my talent is very outstanding, not just at the silver level, but also at the gold level?! Am I a genius among geniuses?"

"So why would I hide this gift?"

"Could it be that I'm afraid that someone will kill my bud early. That's why I've endured it until now?"

With many doubts in his heart, Zhen Jin couldn't think of an answer, so he could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

He said to Zidi: "Your guess is indeed possible, but I can't answer you. Because my memory has only recovered a few scenes."

It is a pity that as a person involved, the young man does not know the truth.

Zidi took the water bag, Zhen Jin took it and drank it in small sips.

"Sir, how do you feel about drinking water?" The girl looked concerned and nervous.

Zhen Jin tasted it carefully and muttered: "There is no pain, it seems to be the same as usual."

After hearing this, Zidi exhaled a breath: "That's good, but it still needs to be observed."

Acupuncture just drank water and did not eat anything. Even when I drank water, I only drank a small amount.

Although it only slightly quenches his thirst, Zhenjin knew it had to be done.

Although from the outside, he was recovering well from his injuries, the extent of his injuries inside his body could not be seen with the naked eye.

Zidi has no way to use magic here, nor is she a professional doctor, and acupuncture cannot stimulate fighting energy.

After drinking some water, Zhenjin lay down on the ground to rest again and gradually relaxed.

After Zidi explored the end of the cave, she came to the conclusion that the cave was dug so deeply, almost all thanks to the monkey-tailed brown bear. It was precisely because it kept devouring the ores in the mountain that it gradually created this cave.

The length of the cave proves that monkey-tailed brown bears have lived here for a long time.

The monkey-tailed brown bear is a ferocious beast at the silver level. Living here, it has established enough authority to frighten the surrounding predators. The area centered on it has formed a fixed territory to some extent.

Especially since the previous group of scaly-horned panthers were defeated, no predators should dare to offend this place in a short period of time.

After all, these beasts don't know that the brown bear has been killed by Zhenjin.

At present, it seems that the surrounding situation is relatively safe for the time being. This cave can serve as a stable camp.

Acupuncture woke up in the morning and added some water at noon. This time he drank a little more.

By the afternoon, he had the urge to pee.

However, his whole body was sore and weak and he still couldn't stand up.

"Sir, let me help you." Zidi has been paying close attention to Zhen Jin. She is very good at observing words and expressions. She realized the slightest bit of embarrassment shown by the young man.

Zhen Jin had no choice but to lie on the ground and urinate smoothly with the help of Zidi.

"Sir, I am your fiancee, there is no need to be embarrassed." Even though Zidi said so, there were still two lovely blushes on her cheeks, and the hair on her forehead was slightly raised, as if her whole little head was sweating. heat.

Zidi not only put on Zhen Jin's pants, but also carefully observed Zhen Jin's urine.

"Sir, it seems that your injury is recovering well so far. You can drink water with confidence. But you still need to be careful when eating." After a while, Zidi reported with joy.

Zhenjin nodded, and he also felt slightly happy.

The digestive system and urinary system of the human body are very important. Acupuncture would rather lose two arms than have digestive and urinary problems. Losing an arm is inconvenient, but major digestive and urinary problems can be life-threatening.

As night fell, Zhenjin began to eat.

The words "coarse dry food" and "delicious" are completely incompatible. But Zhenjin was very satisfied with the meal, and even felt a spontaneous happiness.

To be honest, the boy was so hungry that he could eat several cows in one meal.

But he endured it and followed the process of drinking water. The first dry food he ate was still only a small amount.

When he woke up the next day, he had regained some strength and could stand on his own, but he still couldn't walk a few steps.

I didn't feel dizzy, but I just lacked too much strength.

He even felt that his arms were thick and heavy, and he had the illusion that he couldn't bear them.

The young man does not force himself on himself, and wisdom and patience are also the qualities that the Templars admire.

He ate some in the morning and more at lunch.

By evening he had succeeded in producing a bowel movement.

Although Zidi wanted to help, this time Zhenjin insisted on completing the excretion on her own.

After observing Zhenjin's feces, Zidi was very happy: "Sir, your body has recovered very well. To be more precise, it is extremely amazing. Such physical fitness is definitely not something that can be possessed by the Silver level."

Zidi stared at Zhenjin, her purple eyes radiating a burning light.

(Let me tell you some good news: the Gu Realm Black Sky Group has been unblocked. It is still full with nearly 3,000 people. Find Shuyuan suitable for discussing "Gu Zhenren". The Infinite Blood Core official group has been unblocked. , group number 676199473. The discussion of the new book "Infinite Blood Core" has been upgraded to thousands of people. It is open to the public. If you are interested, you can join. The official Deacon group of Infinite Blood Core is for genuine readers. There are certain conditions for joining. You need to join Infinite Blood Core first. Deacon group verification group 316556526 for verification. Currently there are only official groups for these two new books.)

(Around 8 pm this Saturday, there will be a QQ group bubbling activity. At that time, the group will bubble in the unofficial group and then exit the unofficial group. The activity mainly answers questions about the new book, listens to friends’ reading experience, and actively learns from it. Suggestions included. Sorry, there are too many groups and personal energy is too limited. In the future, activities will be held in the official group, and groups established by readers and friends can be linked. As for the linkage system, we are currently discussing with the administrators.)

(I know everyone's hopes for "Gu Zhenren", but please try not to involve the two books together. Because this will affect everyone's reading experience. The two books are different, and the new protagonist will have new characters. The atmosphere. It is also the creation that I put all my efforts into. I actually regret telling everyone about the slightly cold-blooded style. Many people are affected by this sentence, which in turn reduces the reading experience.)

(New books should be viewed with a new perspective. The meaning of this sentence is that everyone should try to put aside the influence of "Gu Zhenren" and devote themselves wholeheartedly to a new story. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can try to put aside some online articles. Reading habits. Most online articles are fast songs, but this book is a slow song. Two different kinds of excitement. Slow songs require time, patience, calmness, and aftertaste.)

(This is a little bit of reading advice I give you. This book will take 2-3 years to write, so time will verify it all.)

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