Infinite Bloodcore

Section 15: Landform changes

A few days later, in the early morning, birds chirped.

The weather was sunny, and the sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the leaves, penetrated the light mist in the forest, and sprinkled on the ground.

The boy and the girl stood side by side, looking at the cave, with some complicated emotions on their faces.

The young man has blond hair, fair skin, and a strong build. He is wearing a chainmail, and his expression is alert and energetic.

The girl is wearing a purple hooded robe, with black curly hair spilling out from the hood. She has wheat-colored skin, a beautiful face, and a pair of purple eyes that attract the attention of others, shining like gems. .

It was Zhen Jin and Zidi.

A few days ago, the two of them escaped here after being chased by a swarm of fire poisonous bees.

After a near-death struggle, the two of them managed to save their lives.

Afterwards, they healed and rested in the cave, which became a temporary stable camp where they could take a breather.

However, although the cave is warm, it is not a home after all.

"Let's go." After taking one last look at the cave, Zhen Jin turned around first and walked towards the woods.

Zidi followed closely behind.

Different from the situation when they escaped here before, both of them carried large packages on their backs.

These packages contain a large amount of animal bones, meat floss, and ores.

In addition, there are several long spears and short spears.

Zhenjin’s original sword had been lost by the bonfire. The only dagger he had was broken by the sharp skull of the monkey-tailed brown bear when he stabbed it.

So, these days, Zidi and Zhenjin worked together to create some long spears and short spears.

The long spear is about 1.8 meters, and the short spear is about 1.5 meters. The long spear was for holding, the short spear was for throwing. The spear bodies are all made of wood found near the cave. These trees resemble ironwood and are as hard as iron.

It is difficult to build these war spears by cutting and chopping with needle gold alone. The corrosive agent of Zidi plays a huge role here.

Compared with swords made of real steel, the value of these war spears is very low. No matter how tough or sharp it is, it is not as good as a sword.

But there is no way.

Zhenjin is now severely lacking in weapons. There is only one intact dagger, which is placed in Zidi's hand.

Before setting off, Zidi wanted to give the small dagger to Zhenjin for use, but the latter refused. Zidi's little dagger is a bit special, it is used to process materials. Zidi will use it when preparing potions.

At the same time, if she is in deep crisis, Zidi can also draw it out to defend herself.

In the wild environment, even if Zhenjin had the intention, it would be impossible for her to be completely and thoroughly protected. Therefore, this requires Zidi to have a certain ability to protect herself.

At the same time, the short dagger did not bring much help to Zhenjin.

Speaking of which, the monkey-tailed brown bear's claws can actually be used as weapons. But the strange thing is that when a brown bear emerges, its claws quickly collapse and turn into carbon ash.

Not only are weapons lacking, but armor is also lacking.

Zidi was wearing an apprentice's robe and had only weak magical defense power. Facing the bite and collision of beasts, her defense was quite weak.

Zhen Jin's pair of arm armor has been abandoned. In the fight with the monkey-tailed brown bear, they played a final defensive role. Without them, perhaps Zhenjin's forearm would have been beaten to pieces.

In short, these arm armors were extremely deformed. One of them almost completely cracked and had to be forged in the furnace.

Zhenjin also lacked a helmet, and the chain mail on his upper body was his only comfort.

Zhenjin takes the lead and explores the way ahead.

Zidi is in the rear.

The two of them gradually entered the forest.

Their first goal is to recover the site of the campfire that was attacked by the Fire Venom Swarm.

This is well thought out.

The needle-gold sword was thrown there. Although the long sword is not easy to use, it still has irreplaceable value.

More importantly, only by returning to the campfire can Zidi find her way back to the original path she took her guards to explore and search for.

There are several temporary camps along this original road, each with a small amount of supplies hidden inside.

Because of Zhenjin and Zidi's hard work, they had plenty of food but not much water.

During the journey after Zhenjin woke up, apart from searching for a few water bags, they had no chance to obtain drinkable water.

Although they crossed the river, there were terrible python vines hidden in the river, so the risk of getting water was too high.

And around the cave, water sources are even scarcer.

There was not much water left in the water bag, which was one of the main reasons that prompted the boy and girl to leave the cave.

The trees stood straight upright. Zidi discovered that the deeper they went into the forest, the taller and thicker the trees became. Some trees were even as high as fifty or sixty meters, soaring into the sky.

The sunlight is not transmitted like a pillar here. In the thick white mist deep in the forest, the sunlight becomes weak and spreads along the white mist.

The mist is also filled with the fresh scent of grass and trees, and birds are flying in the canopy. Occasionally, woodpeckers can be seen, standing on tree trunks at least three meters above the ground. The sound of birds' beaks pecking at wood makes the forest more tranquil.

Soon after, the two of them were completely deep in the forest, with trees in all directions.

Zhenjin and Zidi stopped and started making marks.

Zidi used a dagger to cut marks on the tree trunk close to the ground. Zhen Jin took out a piece of animal skin and used charcoal as a pen to draw a map.

This is done to prevent getting lost.

It's easy to get lost in the forest because the trees all look the same. Elves are extremely talented in this area, and it is said that no young elf will get lost in the forest. For elves, the forest is like home.

The consequences of getting lost are quite serious. The wild is not friendly to humans, so getting lost in the forest is often the beginning of death.

Zhen Jin carefully put the animal skin and charcoal pen into his arms.

This is already his fourteenth drawing.

There is a small piece of black writing in the center of the animal skin, which is very rough.

When Zhen Jin set off again, there was a slight look of hesitation on his face.

After walking for so long, according to common sense, he should have found traces of him holding Zidi and running away.

but none.

The surrounding environment is full of natural atmosphere, without any trace at all.

Zhen Jin kept thinking about it secretly. At that time, he was running wildly at night with Zidi in his arms. Although the situation was urgent, he didn't pay too much attention. But according to his feeling, it didn't take long for him to discover the cave.

Judging from the time and speed, he didn't run very far, so the campfire should be nearby.

"Let's go this way." Zhen Jin was still clearing the way ahead.

He chose to go to the left.

The strategy he adopted was relatively conservative and cautious, focusing on the cave to search for possible traces. The advantage of doing this is obvious, that is, nothing will be missed.

By noon, the sunshine became obviously warmer, and the light fog in the forest gradually dissipated.

The field of vision was much clearer, but the boy's face became increasingly ugly.

He looked at the map in his hand and took notes at intervals in the forest. The marks on the map now formed a large circle around the cave.

After such an intensive search, no trace was found!

"There's something wrong with this place!" Zidi said in surprise, "This forest is too wide."

The place where they were traveling was obviously a rainforest landform, the air was humid and hot, low shrubs covered the forest floor, and countless trees and vines were densely intertwined with each other.

Now this area is a forest landscape.

Although they are all trees, these trees are very straight, there are few vines, and there are much fewer shrubs and ferns than in the rain forest.

Of course Zhenjin also discovered this.

He originally thought that this forest was very small, because it was located near a cave, and the strange scorching mineral veins created a landscape that was very different from the surrounding area.

But now this forest is too vast, far beyond the young girl's estimation.

According to the route, the landform on the island should be a rain forest to be considered normal. At the same time, Zhen Jin clearly remembered that during the early and middle stages of escaping that night, the surroundings were densely covered with rainforest.

The beast that looked like a black panther pounced down from a tree branch that was obviously a rainforest tree.

But not long after, Zidi discovered the cave and gave a reminder.

"After discovering the cave, I immediately adjusted my running direction. At that time, I should have entered the forest from the rain forest." Zhen Jin was sure that his memory was not wrong.

Because he had also compared Zidi's memories with each other.

Judging from memory, the forest is only a small part, surrounded by a huge rainforest landscape. But after a morning of exploration, the strange facts were abruptly placed in front of the two of them, leaving them puzzled.

"It seems that there is something very strange about this island! Not only are there endless wild beasts with weird and patchwork species, but the plants are also very dangerous, and the landscape is very likely to undergo strange changes." Zidi was talking when suddenly a black shadow emerged from the towering Attacked in the canopy.

The black shadow was long and thin, moving very fast, penetrating the air and making a whooshing sound.

But Zhenjin's speed is even faster than that.

In an instant, the spear stabbed sharply!

The black shadow's momentum came to an abrupt halt. Its short neck was pierced by the tip of the spear and hung on the spear.

This is a peculiar bird.

It is about the size of an adult's fist and is covered with a layer of black feathers. The feathers are very hard, as if made of iron. The heavy feathers also make it lose its ability to fly. But it also developed the bird's powerful muscles.

This kind of bird usually lurks in the trees. When it finds an animal walking in the forest, it will often jump down, use its legs and wings to accelerate hard, and cleverly use gravity to peck through the animal's head.

After the animal dies, they suck the animal's brain, blood, then eyeballs, etc., and finally the flesh.

After encountering it several times, Zidi named it Iron Feather Bird.

The iron-feathered bird has almost no flaws on its body, except for one, which is the neck below the bird's head. The feathers here are very fine and the defense is weakest.

At this moment, the tip of Zhenjin's spear accurately pierced the iron-feathered bird's neck.

This is a fatal blow.

Soon, the struggling iron-feathered bird became motionless.

Zhenjin aimed his spear at the ground, thrust it hard, and the iron-feathered bird corpse was fixed.

Zi Di stepped forward, took out the dagger and performed the dissection. Iron feathers are very hard and are an excellent material. In addition, some of the iron-feathered bird's blood will also be collected by the girl.

As for the flesh and blood of the iron-feathered bird, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The portion was not large and the value was quite low, so Zidi gave it up without hesitation.

While the girl was collecting materials, Zhenjin stood guard beside her, holding a short spear, to prevent other beasts from attacking.

The first time he encountered this iron-feathered bird, the young man was a little confused.

He first used a spear to sweep the iron-feathered bird to the ground. The iron-feathered bird could not fly, but it ran very fast on the ground. Zhenjin threw three short spears one after another, which slowed down the iron-feathered bird. Finally, Zhenjin used his spear to forcefully pierce the Iron Feather Bird's belly - the tip of the spear was also destroyed.

But now, acupuncture techniques are becoming more sophisticated.

He found that the iron-feathered bird was the most threatening when it attacked from the tree, but at the same time it exposed its neck in the air, which was also the time when the iron-feathered bird was at its weakest.

With this discovery, the iron-feathered bird no longer poses a threat, but becomes a contribution every time.

In addition to the iron-feathered bird, there are many dangers in the forest.

There are often highly venomous vipers hidden in fallen tree trunks and rotten leaves.

A motionless plant must not let its guard down.

For example, a very inconspicuous moss can cause acupuncture poisoning if the skin comes into contact with it unintentionally!

Green spots began to grow on Acupuncture's face. These spots were round, small, and had no feeling. After Zidi found out, she immediately gave acupuncture antidote, but it could only relieve the pain but not cure it.

The two had to search quickly to find the culprit. Zidi used moss to make a simple preparation and then added it to the detoxifying agent, thus eradicating the toxins in the acupuncture body.

Various hidden dangers have greatly hindered the exploration progress of young boys and girls.

Zhenjin looked up at the increasingly darkening sky and had to make a helpless decision: "Let's go back to the cave to rest."

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