Infinite Bloodcore

Verse 1: When I wake up



Zi Di opened her mouth wide and tried her best to breathe, even though her chest was already aching.

She was covered in sweat, and as a magician, her delicate body suddenly burst out with amazing power, which surprised even herself.

"Faster, faster!"

"I have to get away from here as soon as possible!!"

Zidi's mind was filled with thoughts of escape.

This is a dense rainforest.

The hot sunshine penetrates the gaps between the layers of leaves in the rain forest and shines down. The air is very hot and humid, and the dense vegetation grows extremely dense and prosperous due to abundant rain. The vines are entangled and the roots are tangled, creating many obstacles.

Zidi has curly black hair, and her wheat-colored skin is dripping with sweat, making it even more slippery.

Her facial features are exquisite, outlining a face that is beyond ordinary beauty. The most attractive thing is that she has a pair of big purple eyes, as clear and bright as amethyst.

The girl was wearing cyan trousers and a long gown, a pair of deerskin boots, and a magic robe. Whether it is a cassock or a long shirt or trousers, there are many scratches. There were also several wounds. Although they were hastily bandaged, they were oozing blood due to the full force of their movements at this moment.

The pain from various wounds was also tormenting this thin girl.

She stretched out her hand with difficulty, pushing aside the green leaves that blocked her vision, and then took as wide a step as possible on the moist ground covered with many vegetation.

There was a thick hemp rope on her shoulders, and something heavy seemed to be pulled behind the hemp rope, causing the hemp rope to press heavily on the girl's tender shoulders.

Although the magic robe was made of tough material, the inner lining had already been worn out, and the girl's shoulders were already in burning pain.

Pushing aside the leaves, Zidi was disappointed to find that there was a large dense bush in front of her. Tall broad-leaved trees and low bushes together formed a thick wall.

"Damn it, I have to change lanes!"

The girl bit her lip subconsciously, becoming even more anxious.

She knew that the situation was extremely urgent and everything had to race against time. Thoughts were racing in her mind, so she wisely gave up and continued moving forward, changing her route slightly to the left.


Suddenly, a shrill scream came from a distance.

The girl trembled all over, as if she had received an electric shock.

Then, the sense of crisis and urgency suddenly grabbed her heart like a monster's giant claws.

At this moment, there was only one voice left in her mind - run away! Run away! Run away! Leave everything behind and worry about nothing else. Otherwise, you will be killed by that evil wolf, just like those guards, torn into pieces by it, chewed by it, and finally swallowed into its belly!

The girl's face was pale and her eyes were panicked. However, when her eyes reached behind her, she became firm again.

She was dragging a hemp rope, and the back end of the hemp rope was firmly connected to a stretcher, with a teenager lying on the stretcher.

This young man didn't know why, he closed his eyes and fell unconscious, but he had dazzling golden hair, a very handsome face, and a natural nobility.

The young man is undoubtedly a burden to her.

In such a critical period of life and death, and dragging a burden heavier than herself, she was waiting to give up her life.

Looking at the young man on the stretcher, Zidi gritted her teeth.

Immediately, without any hesitation, she suppressed the panic and nervousness in her heart and continued to drag the stretcher, resisting the terrifying pressure of approaching death and moving forward with all her strength.


Zidi was panting, her thin body was already weak in physical fitness, and she had reached her limit at this moment.

There was silence behind him, and there were no more screams. This means that the battle is over, and it is very likely that the evil wolf will come on behalf of death in the next moment!

She was full of energy but not strong enough. She could not run in small steps, so she could only drag the stretcher step by step and move forward with difficulty.

The dense jungle covering the sky suddenly became rare and sparse, gradually revealing the blue sky.

The sound of the river flowing gradually became clearer, and soon, a small river appeared in the girl's field of vision.

Both sides of the river are covered with dense unknown aquatic plants. The river is not fast or deep, but the river surface is wide.

By visual inspection, the girl knew that the water in the river probably only reached her waist.

But she didn't dare to step into the river easily!

"This isolated island is surrounded by dangers, and we must not judge based on common sense. I am almost certain that there are vicious crocodiles or a large group of piranhas hiding in this small river!"

"There are as many as sixteen guards around me, and now I am the only one left. They sacrificed one after another along the way, using their lives to illustrate the horror of this isolated island jungle."

"Damn it, if I could still use magic..."

The girl observed for a while, bit her lip, and still decided to cross the river!

The giant wolf behind him is like the God of Death, and is likely to continue to pursue him. If you really hesitate and are chased by a giant wolf, you will be in danger of death.

Although the girl was frightened, she never completely lost her mind. She still maintained a clear understanding and judgment of the situation.

She pulled the heavy stretcher and began to move along the river.

After a moment, a bright light flashed in the girl's purple eyes.

She saw a small tree, growing diagonally, with its trunk extending from this bank, tilting up in the air, and reaching over the other bank.

The girl carefully checked and found that there were no poisonous snakes or thorns hidden in the trees, but the trunks were covered with moss and were very slippery.

If a girl alone climbs such a tree trunk, she will fall into the river if she is not careful.

What's more... she has another burden.

The boy lying on the stretcher had his eyes closed and was completely unconscious.

Maybe...she should give up on this boy.

It was too difficult and too risky to carry the unconscious boy across the river.

The girl gritted her teeth, quickly untied the hemp rope on the stretcher, then carried the boy on her back, and then tightly wrapped the hemp rope around her and the boy's bodies.

After doing all this, the girl took off her boots directly and stuffed them into the gap between the hemp rope and her body.

Finally, she took a deep breath, carried the unconscious boy on her hands and knees, and began to venture up the tree trunk.

The moss on the tree trunk was scraped away and became more slippery.

"I can do it, I can do it!"

"Zidi, Ziti, you must not fall here."

"You are the president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. I still want to avenge my father!"

The brave girl keeps cheering herself up.

She tried her best to cling to the tree trunk, moving forward again and again, her purple eyes looking ahead, full of determination.

Eventually, she climbed over successfully.

Because the weight of the two people pressed down on the small tree trunk, when the girl followed the trunk to the other side, the trunk was pressed down to the ground.

This makes it easier and safer for teenage girls to stay grounded.

Without the pressure of the two people, the tree trunk tilted up again, and the branches and leaves swayed, creating a roaring wind.

The girl was still carrying the boy on her back, kneeling weakly on the ground, supporting the ground with her hands.

Her face was pale as she watched the sweat drop rapidly from the tip of her nose and chin to the lush green grass on the ground.

Feeling slightly dizzy.

But my heart was filled with joy.

"Unbelievable! I did it!"

“I really climbed through it.”

The girl gasped for a moment, the dizziness gradually subsided, but signs of numbness began to appear in her limbs.

This is the aftermath of exhausting yourself.

The girl took out her boots from her waist and tried to put them on her feet.

At this time, she discovered that there were large areas of abrasions on the insides of both of her feet. All her fingernails were broken and stained with blood.

She was too nervous when climbing the tree trunk.

The girl knew that her life hung on a thin line, because she was carrying the boy on her back, and if she was even slightly unstable, she would no longer be able to find her balance and would fall into the river in an instant.

So she concentrated on climbing on the tree trunk with all her strength, without even noticing that she was injured.

But now, the pain in the girl's arms, fingers, legs and feet began to hit her, and became more and more intense.

In addition, her arms and thighs were trembling slightly, she was sweating excessively, her physical strength reached its limit, and she began to feel cold.

The girl's mouth was dry and her chest was rising and falling less, but she was becoming more and more exhausted.

There was an unconscious young man lying on her back.

At this moment, the boy became heavier and heavier in the girl's feelings.

The girl tried to put on her boots again, but that's it!


The roar of a wolf suddenly came, and then a figure as big as a calf jumped out fiercely from the dense grass.

The girl's body and mind trembled violently. She turned around subconsciously and saw a giant dark blue wolf.

At this moment, her pupils were locked tightly, as if she had fallen into an ice cave!

The giant wolf bared its teeth, and there was still some fresh minced meat left between the teeth.

The wolf's eyes were red, staring at the girl, full of violent killing intent.

The girl fell down in the grass on the shore.

She turned around and looked back too hastily, forgetting that she was still carrying the boy on her back.

The boy's weight brought strong inertia, dragging the girl to the ground.

Such weakness and embarrassment inspired the ferocity of the giant wolf.

However, the giant wolf still stayed on the other side.

It jumped and wandered in place, looking at the gurgling river with obvious fear.

Seeing the giant wolf behave like this, the girl immediately understood how wise her previous actions were.

However, the next moment, the giant wolf also saw the tree trunk. It imitated the girl and started to step on the tree trunk that extended to both sides of the bank!

There is no doubt that this violent and ferocious giant wolf also has terrifying wisdom.

Although the giant wolf has a strong body, he has excellent balance and is actually a bit faster than the girl.

The shocked girl seemed to have been electrocuted. She hurriedly took out the dagger from her arms, cut the rope around her body, then stood up like a jump and slammed into the tree trunk above.

The tree trunk was struck and shook immediately.

Although the shaking was not violent, it caused enough trouble to the giant wolf.

The giant wolf's balance was broken and he almost fell into the river, but he could only jump back to the shore in embarrassment.


It roared at the girl, bared its sharp fangs, and became more and more violent.

The girl successfully stopped the giant wolf. She was overjoyed at first, and then very regretful.

"I should have let this beast go to the middle of the tree trunk, and then take action and let it fall into the river!"

The girl and the giant wolf faced off across the bank.

The giant wolf kept roaring and never retreated.

The girl stared at the giant wolf, not daring to relax for a moment. As soon as the giant wolf made the slightest attempt to cling to the tree trunk, the girl would hit the tree trunk, causing it to sway.

After a while, the girl figured it out.

What she had just done in desperation was the right thing to do.

Because she couldn't accurately estimate how far the giant wolf could jump.

If the giant wolf climbs a short distance, it may be able to jump up and jump directly to the other side.

Even if the giant wolf is shaken into the river by the girl, it is unknown whether the danger hidden in the river can explode, and even if it does, whether the giant wolf can be stopped.

Therefore, the safest approach is not to give the giant wolf any chance. As soon as it climbed up the tree trunk, the girl tried her best to interfere.

Time continued to pass, and the giant wolf tried many times without success.

Finally, at a certain moment, it turned around suddenly, got into the bushes, and disappeared.

The girl stood there in a daze. After a few breaths, she realized what she was doing and sat down on the ground.

Her face, which was so tense that it was numb, gradually softened, like melting ice, and two tears flowed down her cheeks.

Finally saved a life!

The girl just sobbed softly.

Her legs were bent and her feet were still bare, and she hadn't had time to put on her boots yet.

She buried her head in the crook of her legs, and as she sobbed, her shoulders trembled slightly, like a delicate kitten.

But the next moment, the girl suddenly raised her head as if she was electrocuted.

Her eyes were red and there were obvious tears on her face. Her expression was complicated, including shock, suspicion and panic.

"Did this giant wolf really give up like this?"

"It is indeed possible. But..."

Recalling the horrific experiences these days, the girl felt more and more that the giant wolf was more likely to not give up.

"Maybe it suddenly turned around and went into the bushes to paralyze me."

"I'm afraid it is following the river at the moment, looking for the next shortcut to the other side!"

"Perhaps it has reached the other side at this time and is rushing here!!"

Thinking of this, the girl felt as if she suddenly fell into an ice cave, feeling chilled to the bone.

What should she do?

Climb back along the tree trunk with the boy?

Not to mention, the upturned tree trunk is at a certain height from the ground, making it extremely difficult for the girl to climb up while carrying the boy on her back.

Just say what if this giant wolf still stays in the same place?

Climb to the middle of the trunk and stop?

This is even more impossible.

It consumes too much energy.

The girl was deeply aware of her physical condition at this moment, and she no longer had the confidence to climb the tree trunk again. At this moment, thinking back on the journey she had just climbed, the girl's heart was filled with both joy and fear.

Carrying the boy on your back and moving on?

If the giant wolf comes after him, this is obviously a dead end.

Even if the girl is empty, her speed is far inferior to that of the giant wolf.

"Then there is only the last option!"

A determined light flashed in the girl's eyes.

She hurriedly ran to the boy's side, half-knelt on the ground, and took out a milky-white columnar crystal from her arms.

The girl concentrated her mind and tried her best to open the white crystal.

The crystal was pinched hard by the girl. It was only a few centimeters away from the boy's forehead. It hovered above it and remained motionless for a long time.

"Is it really not possible?"

"No, this is the last hope. No matter how slim it is, even if there is only a slight possibility..."

The girl became more and more anxious and murmured in a low voice: "Hurry up, hurry up! Please, let it take effect quickly."

As if hearing the girl's prayer, the milky white crystal finally began to glow slightly, imperceptibly.

But just such a faint glimmer, when the girl noticed it, she immediately showed a look of joy.

"Although most magic is prohibited on this island, it is only relative. As long as the grade is high enough, you can use it. It's just that the power and effect are greatly reduced..."

This is true of magic, and so is the magic tool.

The light emitted by the white crystal column gradually became richer, and then it was like water droplets condensed enough to form a stream of milky white light.

A small stream of water dripped on the forehead of the unconscious boy, and then miraculously blended into the skin.

In just a short moment, Zidi, who struggled to move the crystal pillar, turned pale, her forehead was covered in sweat, and her body was shaky.

The crystal pillar also began to lose its color, starting from the upper end and gradually turning into gray stone.

"Persevere, you must persist, don't give up halfway!" Zidi squeezed all the power in her body, almost hypnotizing herself, and constantly challenged the limits of her abilities.

When the crystal column had almost lost half of its color, Zidi was already in a semi-conscious state, relying only on an obsession to support herself.

"We must save him..."


The howl of a wolf suddenly sounded, and the giant blue wolf that disappeared suddenly rushed out of the dense grass at a very fast speed.

At this moment, death comes!

Zidi was frightened, and her delicate body trembled. She subconsciously raised her head and looked for Shuyuan Her delicate face was already shrouded in the shadow cast by the giant wolf's body.

She saw that the giant wolf had jumped into the air and was swooping down towards her.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

The wolf's mouth opened wide, revealing ferocious sharp teeth and even splashing saliva.

"Am I going to die?!" Zi Di tried to struggle with her will, but her body was unresponsive. She had exhausted all her strength.

"I'm so unwilling..." The strong breath of death rushed towards her face, and the girl's purple eyes looked at the crystal pillar in her hand with the last hope.

Two-thirds of that crystal bead has lost its luster and turned into gray stone, but one-third is still left.

"There is no hope."

The girl's face turned pale in an instant, she lost all her strength, her head hung slightly, and she closed her eyes tightly.

But at the moment when she was about to be killed, there was a sudden shock in her hands.


With a soft sound, the crystal pillar exploded into countless fragments.

what happened?

The girl opened her eyes in surprise.

Then, she saw the unconscious boy finally waking up!

The handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly turned to his side, then raised his leg and kicked it from the back.

The movements are elegant, vigorous, and crisp.

His body seemed weak, but at this moment he showed fierce strength!

Strong leg blast!

The giant wolf couldn't dodge and was kicked immediately.

The howl of the wolf stopped suddenly, a huge force came, and the giant wolf was thrown far away.

The young man put his hands on the ground, stood up, and glared.

The girl's pupils shrank, she took a breath, and looked at the young man's thin back, as if she saw a mountain peak rising.

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