Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 204: I am not your princess

Latest website: Zidi knows the secret of the substitute and is worried about it.

The difference between the beast transformation and the divine knight is too big. Once the secret is exposed, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the reaction of everyone is unpredictable.

"And there is Zhenjin. He also knows this secret!"

It has to be said that the addition of Zhenjin made Zidi feel even more stressed.

Keeping the secret and bearing this worry made both the substitute and Zidi feel tortured.

Finally, Zidi made up her mind and used the animal transformation potion given to her by the war dealer.

Zidi diluted the potion and secretly put it into the reserved food and water alone.

At first, everyone ate the food and water and didn't feel anything strange. But as the frequency of eating increases, the toxins in the body accumulate.

Members of the team began to fall ill.

At first, no one paid much attention.

But as time went by, more and more people became sick, and the symptoms of the diseases were very similar. Even the shipwrights became sick.

"Cough cough cough..." The boatman was lying on the straw bed. His face was flushed, his breath was weak, his skin was swollen, and everything he could see was blurry.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, for causing you... trouble." The shipwright said weakly.

"Have a good rest and don't think too much. As long as I'm here, I won't give up on anyone." The substitute comforted the shipwright as much as possible.

Afterwards, he, Zidi and others slowly left the tent.

"How's it going?" Black Juan (Zhenjin) asked immediately, "The shipwright can't afford to make mistakes. What disease does he have?"

Zidi shook her head and sighed: "How many times have I told you, I am just a pharmacist, a pharmacist who specializes in the field of perfume, not a doctor."

"I can't find the cause."

"This shouldn't be poisoning, magic erosion, or illness."

"If it is an ordinary case, I would still have some confidence. But this disease is probably related to the environment here, and I have no way of starting."

Zonge's voice was low: "It's not just the shipwrights who have this disease, but also several other people. I suspect this is an infectious disease."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"Infectious disease..." The substitute looked solemn and sighed secretly.

"Although the symptoms of these sick people vary in severity, they are all similar. Do you want to give up on these people?" Sandao asked the substitute.

"Give up?" Heijuan (Zhenjin) shook his head, "How can we build a ship without a shipwright?"

"I am too short of tools in my hands." Zidi complained to the substitute, "I can't use magic, and the techniques and techniques for preparing potions are very limited. Now I can only prepare some simple herbs to alleviate their pain. "

No one doubted Zidi.

These signs of illness are actually the process of animalization drugs penetrating into the body and transforming the human body. Because people like Shipwright are relatively weak, even though Zi Di has diluted the medicine and taken it many times, these people's bodies still can't bear it.

However, Zidi seemed helpless on the surface, but in fact she was not worried in her heart.

Everything is under her control.

Over the past few days, she has prepared an antidote to this animal-like potion.

She would dissolve these antidotes in other potions and give them to people who could hardly stand it. In this way, the other party's life can be saved.

The infection is getting worse and more people are getting sick.

Zong Ge, Heijuan (Zhen Jin), Cang Xu and others all began to advocate giving up these patients, but the substitute always insisted on staying and protecting these companions. He even continued to visit his patients every day, doing his best to encourage them.

Only Zidi supports the substitute, but on the surface she still uses a tactful tone to persuade the substitute: try not to visit these patients, it will be terrible if they are infected with the disease.

The stand-in did not listen to this opinion.

The "disease" subsided. In fact, it was the animalization drug that took effect, and Zidi stopped the conspiracy in time.

Some of them have strong physical constitutions that offset the effects of the medicine. There were also some people who were too weak, and Zi Di secretly used the antidote to save their lives.

"As long as I spread this medicine, I can trigger many of them to suddenly transform into beasts."

"But after transforming into beasts, these people will lose their minds and become crazy. After a period of time, they will die suddenly on the spot."

"I hope I won't have to use this medicine."

Zidi didn't want to target these people. She did this just to cover her substitute.

Once the secret of the avatar's transformation into a beast is exposed, she can use the medicine to turn some other people into beasts, thereby making the avatar innocent, and then blame all the evil on the island's environment.

After leaving the humid and hot jungle, everyone trekked all the way and finally arrived at the beach.

Moving forward on the beach, the team's speed will become much faster because there are no trees or vines blocking the road.

But the good times did not last long, the weather gradually became abnormal, and heavy rain continued.

In order to prevent the shipbuilding wood from getting soaked, the team had to return to the rain forest and use trees and vegetation to take shelter from the rain.

After setting up camp, Zidi took advantage of the darkness and secretly came to the substitute's tent alone.

"Sir, this is a potion I made. It is made with a poisonous mushroom as the main ingredient. The potion is slightly toxic and can cheer up the spirit. It can especially dispel the cold and increase the flavor."

In fact, it's the antidote.

Although the substitute's physique is very strong, he also has a lot of animal transformation medicine accumulated in his body after eating the same food and water.

The substitute had no doubt that he was there, and his eyes lit up: "Can we make more? Can we promote it to everyone?"

Zidi shook her head: "Only people with strong physical fitness can ignore this toxicity. They must at least have a black iron life level."

"Thank you, Zidi." Zhen Jin said gently.

Zidi smiled sweetly in return.

The whole plan was implemented very smoothly, and no one except the girl knew the secret.

But there are surprises.

Zhen Jin went to Zidi and asked, "That night, someone saw you secretly going to the substitute's tent. What did you do?"

Zidi quickly explained.

Zhen Jin's eyes were scrutinizing: "My fiancée, there is something wrong with you!"

Zhen Jin shook his head: "As long as you know that I am Zhen Jin, that one is just a fake. When he has no use value, he will usher in death. This damn island is not the whole world. You have to remember that you are Zidi , is the leader of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and also my fiancée!"

Zidi narrowed her eyes slightly: "I know! Lord Zhenjin, what do you doubt about me?"

"You can take care of yourself." Zhen Jin said with a cold face and quietly retreated.

"Have you noticed anything? But I still have to keep you alive..." A faint light flashed in Zidi's eyes. Zhenjin also ate food and water, but Zidi secretly used the antidote.

The team continued to move forward, and they finally arrived at the first camp, but the camp was already empty.

After seeing the letter left behind, everyone came to the small valley and finally joined the large army.

The stand-in led everyone and powerfully seized the leadership, and then successfully solved the threat of underground sandworms, completely consolidating authority.

Bai Ya and others dismantled half of the Pig Kiss, and the shipwright designed a new ship. People cleared the herd and started building ships at the same time.

"How many gaps are there in terms of supplies?" the substitute broke the silence and asked.

The shipwright replied: "Mainly ship nails. We need a lot of iron, and the gap is largest in this area."

"Don't we have enough ore?" the substitute wondered. He was afraid of this at the time, so he transformed into a monkey-tailed brown bear many nights and kept digging. Most of the ore in their hands now was mined by a substitute alone.

Zidi replied: "We have to thank those monkey-tailed brown bears. The ore is sufficient. But to extract the iron in the ore, we currently use chemical ablation. The pharmaceuticals in this area are far from enough."

She looked at the substitute with a smile in her eyes, but the substitute didn't notice it.

The shipwright also mentioned that it would take at least half a year to build the ship.

Zhenjin was also dissatisfied with the timing.

The substitute was equally disappointed. After more than half a year, the position of the Lord of Baisha City has probably been decided.

Zidi sighed helplessly in her heart.

In the beginning, the reason why she wanted to get rid of the captain of the Pig Kiss was to buy time. But unexpectedly, a shipwreck occurred and they fell to the Mysterious Island. The time dragged on even longer. And at that time, when Zidi landed, all she could think about was finding the alchemy factory and inheriting the war smuggler's legacy.

Everyone worked together and the shipbuilding progressed rapidly.

Zhen Jin finally waited for the opportunity and spied the substitute's animal transformation.

He fled back to the small valley in panic and asked Zidi for help: "Now, only you can help me!"

Zidi's heart skipped a beat: "Has this day finally come? Fortunately, I have made arrangements. If it doesn't work, I have to sacrifice some people."

But on the surface, she stared at Zhenjin in disbelief: "Sir, how can you do this?! It's too risky for you to do this, and it's not necessary at all. What we have to do now is to escape from here with all our strength."

Zhen Jin felt very scared and wanted to try his best to clear his suspicion and give up the intention of the substitute to get rid of him. He used the letter that recorded the truth to threaten Zidi.

Zidi looked threatened on the surface, holding on to Zhen Jin, but she had already chosen to help him in her heart.

Because she knew very well: "The exposure of secrets will do far more harm than good. Her animal transformation potion is just a remedy."

Zhen Jin's heart was filled with fear, and he asked Zidi: "You couldn't be more in love with him, right?"

When Zidi was told, she quickly denied it: "Sir, what are you thinking about? Will I fall in love with him? A substitute? A lycanthrope?"

This time, Zhenjin was not easily fooled. The panic stimulated his mind to be clearer than usual.

"Yeah, it's really ridiculous. Falling in love with a substitute, falling in love with a lycanthrope... This is really unwise. It is definitely not what a chamber of commerce president should do."

"But love... I can't really say for sure about this kind of thing."

"When love goes to the head, no matter how sane the person in this world is, he will become a hopeless fool!"

"It's very dangerous, Zidi. Your current behavior makes me feel that you are in danger now."

"I hope you can recognize the reality."

"Even if you fall in love with him, it will only be a tragedy between you!"

"Think about it, when he knows the truth of everything, when he knows that he is not a Templar at all, just a humble stand-in, when he knows that the person he loves most, the fiancée he always thought was actually the one who deceived him the most Man. What would he do? What would he think of you?"

These words were like a sharp arrow, hitting the deepest part of Zidi's heart.

She couldn't help but breathe.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that what she feared most was not the exposure of the substitute's secret. Instead, she was worried about how the substitute would view her once the truth was revealed.

She knew that in the substitute's mind, she was a perfect fiancée, considerate, sincere and caring, and helpful. Find Shuyuan www.

How disappointed will the double be if the truth is revealed?

How could she face him?

The double is a real knight, but what about her?

She was an accomplice in the war smuggler's conspiracy, she was the one who disguised the needle gold, she killed the captain, she indirectly caused the shipwreck, and she administered the animal-transforming drug...

“What would he think of the real me?”

This question made the girl weak, and the courage in her heart was blown away.

"You are a knight, but I am actually... not your princess."

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