Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 206: I am not a needle gold

Just at the moment of defeat, Zhusha discovered Zidi's flaw with a little inspiration in his mind, allowing Zhenjin to finally see Zidi's true intention.

"I didn't expect that there would be a deadly poisonous snake lurking next to me!"

"You damn woman, you actually want to kill me!"

Zhen Jin was frightened and angry. He pulled out the silver lightning and was about to assassinate Zidi.

At the critical moment, Zhusha exclaimed, saving Zidi's life.

"My divine power is no longer enough. I can't encroach on authority by myself. But my spirit has been entangled with Zidi's spirit. Her spirit has been recognized by the tower spirit. I am trying to adjust my spirit and pretend Act as hers. Only in this way can I control teleportation and other permissions again."

"Of course, it would be best if Miss Zidi can cooperate with me obediently."

Zidi stubbornly refused to comply, with a ferocious face on Zhusha's face, and whispered, "Torture her, torture her hard!"

Zhen Jin kicked Zidi over.

The thin sword in his hand stabbed repeatedly with silver lightning, and then pricked Zi Di's hands and feet.

The huge pain caused Zidi's whole body to twitch, and her blood flowed, quickly accumulating into a pool of bright red blood.

Zhenjin is proficient in martial arts, and is extremely skilled in torture methods. He has a good understanding of the structure of the human body. Zidi endured great pain, but did not die for a while.

Zidi was disturbed by the severe pain, and was no longer a match for Chasha in the mental duel, and suffered defeats one after another.

Zhenjin continued to torture the girl in front of him, wishing he could just twitch her and peel her skin off.

"How dare you fool me and deceive me!"

"Who do you think you are? What a blessing and opportunity it is for me to marry a businessman's daughter!"

"You actually fell in love with a substitute and abandoned me?!"

"Hehehe, hahaha! Sure enough, scum is scum, and the bottom just can't get to the top."

Zhenjin kept roaring.

Zidi was unable to open her eyes.

But she still has a breath left.

"Begging for mercy, begging for mercy!"

"As long as you beg me, I will poke one less hole in you, hahaha!"

However, Zidi had no intention of surrendering from beginning to end.

Even though she was too weak to resist, even though she could only be slaughtered by others, and she was completely changed beyond recognition, reduced to a bloody human, and extremely miserable, but she never said a word and had no intention of compromising or begging for mercy.

This made Zhen Jin even more angry, and also made Cha Sha feel somewhat uneasy.

"what happened?"

Although the priest quickly occupied the authority, he still felt that Zidi still had a spirit, huddled in the corner, and always resisted tenaciously.

Acupuncture's method of tormenting people was so cold and vicious that even Chu Sha felt cold in his heart.

"With her injuries, she should have been in a coma long ago."

"No, exactly, she's unconscious. But why?"

"Why is it that even though she is in a coma, her spirit is not broken?"

"What is she insisting on?"

"What is she insisting on? Does she think there is any hope?"

Uneasiness grew in the priest's mind, and he quickly surveyed the situation.

On the fourth floor of the central tower, he has taken control of the situation. Zhenjin and the four guardian knights have gathered around him, and Zidi, the enemy who almost killed him not long ago, has been completely defeated.

In the third level, lightning strikes from time to time, and only the space near the blood core is safe. Zong Ge, Cang Xu and others were reminded by Zidi and surrounded the blood core. They did not dare to move around in confusion, for fear of being struck to death by lightning like a substitute.

On the second floor, the first floor, and outside the tower are a large number of man-made monsters. These monsters are fighting each other, and the scene is bloody and chaotic.

And further away, in the lava battlefield, the sealed Flame Dragon King was also far, far away from getting out of trouble.

Zhusha could never find the source of his uneasiness.

"Is it because success is approaching that I start worrying about gains and losses?"


A deep darkness.

After a beast roar, the young man's consciousness regrouped here bit by bit.


"Where is this place?"

"Where am I?"

The boy's consciousness became clearer and he began to ask questions.

Boundless darkness enveloped him, silence, and no response.

The hope in the young man's heart became less and less. He looked at himself, but he couldn't see himself.

The confusion in my heart inevitably increased.

"So, who am I?"

"who I am?"

Along with this doubt, suddenly, a picture came to the young man.

Jungle riverside.

A girl with purple eyes had an eager look on her face, "You are a needle gold, you are a needle gold baron. Oh my God, sir, have you even forgotten your identity?"

"Zhenjin, I am Zhenjin? Why don't I remember anything?"

The girl replied, "Sir, we encountered a shipwreck a few days ago. A storm swept through, the ship broke, and the survivors drifted to this island..."

Around the campfire at night.

After Zidi carefully considered the words, she responded, "Master Zhenjin, I actually don't know much about you."

"But according to rumors, sir, you don't usually approach women and keep to yourself. Even if you encounter big events, you don't show your emotions easily."

"You spend most of your time practicing in the temple, with a serious expression and a taciturn look. However, your food, clothing, housing, transportation, and every move you make are elegant, calm, and aristocratic."

"Although you have few friends, you are willing to help others, especially defending the weak and helping the poor. Therefore, sir, your reputation among the lower classes has always been very good."

"Also, my lord, you suddenly took action this time and successfully joined the competition for the master of White Sand City. It seems that the other Templars were very surprised."

In a stuffy cave.

The Templars' charge to the death!

After a brutal fight, the monkey-tailed brown bear died, and the boy also fell to the ground.

"Hehehe..." He looked at the huge bear corpse and let out a weak laugh until the breath dissipated.

In the Spider Forest, Yellow Algae asks for help.

The boy and the girl discuss "You are right. But you forgot the most important point."

Zidi quickly stopped her smile and lowered her head seriously, "Please give me some instructions."

"I am a Templar, a knight among knights. Helping the weak and rescuing the wounded is my creed! Even in times of crisis, I will not abandon my companions." The boy's loud words echoed in the quiet forest.

For a moment, Zidi looked at the boy, stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sir, I understand."

Cangxu took the initiative to take refuge with blue algae and yellow algae.

Zhen Jin looked at the people around him, his body as straight as a gun, and his plain voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

"The glory of the temple covers every inch of the land. The military flag of the empire protects every citizen of the empire. Follow me, and I will lead you out of here alive."

"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded in unison, half-kneeling on the ground.

Lan Zao admired from the bottom of his heart, "Master, you are so powerful!"

"Lord Zhenjin, your talent is amazing. Your bravery and achievements will definitely be widely praised." Cang Xu also said.

"Sir, with you here, there is nothing to be afraid of! You are a knight, a Templar! You are the one who saved us this time." Bai Ya shouted excitedly, breaking the silence.

"Master, my two brothers will follow you to the death, no matter when and where, no matter whether the sky falls or the earth falls." Lan Zao also expressed his loyalty.

"You are truly worthy of the Baizhen bloodline! In terms of accuracy, the Baizhen bloodline is enough to rank among the top five in the entire Shengming Continent. Lord Zhenjin, you are the hope of the Baizhen family. You will definitely bring glory back to the entire family."

The exploration team ran out of food and was in danger.

Only by successfully hunting the flying squirrels can there be a chance of survival.

before the war.

The boy shouted loudly, "Today, if we defeat them, they will be our food. If we fail, we will be their food."

"I, Zhen Jin, as a Templar and the sole heir of the Hundred Needles family, will be with you. I will lead you to overcome difficulties and obstacles and reap victory. Follow me and let us gain glory!"

In the desert, the young man charged forward and led everyone to break through the siege of the lizards.

"I said I would never abandon anyone." Zhen Jin said firmly, "Bai Ya will be no exception!"

"Sir!!" Bai Ya, who was in desperate situation, was extremely excited when she saw Zhen Jin coming to save her, and her eyes were full of gratitude, admiration and love.

Taking Bai Ya with him, Zhen Jin fought back and successfully joined the others.

"Leave here with me." Zhen Jin said calmly and charged forward again.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded in unison, and their morale soared.

After getting rid of the scorpions, the boy returned to the desert, leaving only four people in the team.

"I once said that I will do my best to save everyone and will not give up on anyone. This is my promise and my responsibility." The young man said this to Zidi and Cangxu.

"Sir, your noble character has dimmed the bright stars in the night sky!" Cang Xu sighed from the bottom of his heart, "You are a model among the Templars."

In the oasis, white buds wake up.

His eyes were red, tears fell, and he choked up and said, "Master Zhenjin, what I know is that you carried me all the way. You are an extremely noble Templar, but you risked your life for a humble person like me." .You also gave me precious water to drink, Master Zi Di and the Cangxu scholar all told me this."

"Helping the weak and saving the good is itself the Creed of the Templars." The young man smiled.

"Lord Acupuncture, you are truly amazing! You have mastered the power of the soul at such a young age. Compared with the Gale Sword Master, you have a better bloodline. Among the Templar Knights, you must be the most special. It's really an honor for me to meet you and follow you!" Bai Ya sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Cang Xu laughed and said in a very affirmative tone, "Master Zhenjin is extremely talented and will definitely have a brighter future than the Gale Sword Master. But what I admire the most is your character, Master Zhenjin. With you, Baidu will be the best." The Needle family will definitely be able to rise again.”

When they first met Zong Ge, the two sides confronted each other.

The young man immediately clenched the hilt of the sword, frowned deeply, his face darkened, and his eyes became as cold as ice. He shouted in a low voice, "Zong Ge, watch your words! You dare to despise the gods! I bear the gaze of the Sheng Ming Emperor. This It is the blessing of the gods. Divine magic is a gift from the gods, not a performance or a proof of identity. Apologize to me now, right away! Otherwise, you will face the wrath of a Templar!"

"Let's go back to the camp together." The young man took the initiative to invite Zong Ge and others.

"We are all in the same boat, we are all victims of a shipwreck."

"We come from many places, and we have differences in status, but here, we are all castaways who were reduced to the island and wanted to escape."

"Our goals are the same. We should unite together. Any suspicion, indifference, disgust, opposition, etc. will make it difficult for us to cooperate, thereby reducing our possibility of escaping from here."

"I am the Templar Needle Gold. I promise you here that I will treat everyone fairly and justly, no matter where he comes from, no matter what race he is, no matter what blood he has. I will also punish criminals severely, Punish the real culprits and prevent the crimes from going unpunished. I will do my best to take the lead and lead everyone to seek the hope of rescue!"

After the camp defense battle, the boy, Zong Ge, San Dao, and Lan Zao chased and killed the fleeing Warcraft Legion.

The half-orc was shocked by the young man's appearance. He spoke after a while, and said in a strange, helpless and slightly angry tone, "Hey, Zhenjin, is your kid... a divine knight?"

"A knight of the gods?" The young man raised his handsome eyebrows, "Am I a knight of the gods? Am I considered one? I'm not sure."

In the small valley, the young man and his group finally joined the large army.

Lan Zao stood on the secondary stone staircase and announced loudly, "You must listen attentively! The person standing in front of you at this moment is my master, Mr. Zhenjin. He is the sole heir of the Baizhen family and is noble. The Holy Knights of the Temple will surely be the future city lords of Baisha City on the wild road!"

The young man preached, "Whether it's a mountain, an ocean, a swamp, or an island, our Lord's holy light shines on everything. The imperial flag will always flutter in the wind and remain standing!"

"Nothing can stop me from moving forward. I will gain glory, and follow me, and the glory will be yours."

"From now on, I'll be in charge here."

"Who has any objection?"

During the construction of the new ship, the small valley suffered continuous attacks from the Warcraft Legion.

The young man's voice was slightly raised, "Everyone has a place on this ship, and no one will be left behind."

"In other words, we're all in the same boat."

"I know there are differences between us."

"All kinds of differences in status, blood, appearance, and personality."

"But these differences should not be the reason for our suspicion, opposition, and internal strife. We should unite closely. Only in this way can we maximize the possibility of escape."

"We are all...our own people!"

Not surprisingly, his impromptu speech won cheers from the crowd.

Bai Ya's coma shocked the young man.

In the passage, Zidi took the initiative to throw herself into Zhenjin's arms.

"Sir!" She put her hands around Zhenjin's waist and hugged the young knight tightly, "Sir Zhenjin, you are definitely qualified, no, an excellent leader, you are a knight, my... knight, please don't doubt it. Own."

Valleys collapsed, new ships were unable to sail, and the earth cracked in earthquakes, creating new rivers in the blink of an eye.

"Just now, Emperor Shengming conveyed a revelation to me!" Zhen Jin pointed at the river.

Everyone was stunned again.

"Could it be said that this river was created by Emperor Shengming?"

"No wonder none of us died."

"The will of the gods cannot be fathomed!"

"Knight of the Gods..." Cang Xu bowed deeply to Zhenjin and sighed, "This may be your path to a hero. My Lord Zhenjin!"

Almost everyone present felt a little numb.

They seemed to feel that they were witnessing history!

This will be a heroic epic!

In the darkness, the young man's consciousness was getting closer to taking shape.

"So, I am needle gold."

"I am a noble, a knight, and a hero!"

Suddenly, the young man's consciousness suddenly became confused again.

After killing the monkey-tailed brown bear, he rested in a cave. The lingering fear after his death made him pray, repent, and pray for mercy to Emperor Shengming.

no respond.

The expedition team is short of food, and hunting the flying squirrels is too risky. The young man was helpless and prayed to the Holy Emperor

no respond.

While hunting the flying squirrels, the young man silently prayed in front of the formation.

no respond.

Trapped in the desert, the young man prayed helplessly to the Holy Emperor.

no respond.

Blue algae was rescued in the oasis, and the boy fell into self-doubt and prayed to the gods for help.

no respond.

During the defense battle of the camp, the boy deliberately prayed loudly to deceive his companions.

Because the gods still didn't respond.

The secret of animal transformation was almost exposed, and the boy prayed.

Suspecting that he was bewitched by the blood core and addicted to power, the young man prayed.

The valley collapsed, his companions turned into beasts, and he was in a desperate situation. The young man prayed.

no respond.

no respond.

no respond!

In the spider forest.

"What, what's going on?!" His hands mutated and killed the Blade Spider leader.

When hunting a group of flying squirrels.

His arms surged and he threw a dagger to kill the leader of the Black Iron Flying Squirrel. "Why is there a blood-red magic crystal in my heart?!"

Volcanic landforms.

He killed the spear scorpion leader and defeated the rest of the scorpion group. "I grew a shell. I also grew a tail. By the way, I can actually actively control the magic crystal!!"

Outside the small valley.

Killing an entire legion of Warcraft with one person, the boy completely transformed into a monster and was so proud that he said, "Hahaha, even if there are more legions of Warcraft, what can they do to me?"

In the rain-shrouded training ground.

Qingkui stepped on the young man's head, humiliated him arbitrarily, and then led a group of young men away.

"Strange, I feel very calm, like a passerby watching." This humiliating memory reappeared in his mind at this moment, but it did not bring him anger or hatred.

After fighting a monkey-tailed brown bear, the boy narrowly escaped death.

Zidi said happily, "Sir, your body has recovered very well. To be more precise, it is extremely amazing. Such physical fitness is definitely not something that can be possessed by the silver level."

It was discovered that a camp was attacked by a group of bat monkeys.

"Sir... I seem to have established this camp." Zidi said something surprising.

"Have you been here?" The young man was stunned.

Zidi shook her head.

"I led others deep into the rain forest and found you. You were in a coma and could not be awakened. I decided to set up a camp nearby. I planned to recuperate on the spot and cure you as soon as possible."

Having said this, Zidi looked at the camp again, nodded and confirmed, "That's right. I have a deep impression of this wooden house and this camp. For the safety of adults and the convenience of future treatment, I wanted to stay there for a while. .So it took a lot of time to build the cabin and it was built very solidly.”

Bai Ya was stunned, "Then how come this camp is here...ah, I know, it's teleportation!"

After rescuing the camp and repelling the herd, the boy met the plank.

"Lord Jin Jin, this is the repeating crossbow I designed."

"What does the number eight mean?" Zhen Jin pointed at the quiver, "Your work number eight?"

Mu Ban shook his head and said, "No. I searched for the wood for making the repeating crossbow from this camp. The material is of high quality. It originally had the number eight on it."

Underground alchemy factory.

In the square, there are also boxes of various sizes. The larger box is larger than the giant lava turtle, and the smallest box is three meters long, two meters wide and one meter high.

The box looks like it's made of iron, but it's actually a type of ironwood.

The surface of the box made of ironwood was painted with red paint, depicting letters and numbers one by one. For example, e734, id5dvr862 and so on.

In the central tower.

The boy felt called.

"What is the reason for this secret calling?"

"Why does this central tower look familiar to me?"

"Have I been here before?"

"It's impossible. How could I have been here?"

When he entered the third floor, he found the second blood-red magic crystal.

"War peddlers also have cores!"

"Did he create this heart core?"

"He placed it on the third floor. He must have felt that its value exceeded the sapphire gold coffin and the fairy tale of the mermaid!"

"But why is there such a powerful attraction?"

The core of Zhenjin's body emits a strange red light, flashing one after another, as if loudly reminding Zhenjin, "Eat it! Eat it! Devour it quickly!!"

Zhusha sighed, "Artifacts cannot be abused like this, they are too important. The tower spirit was too badly damaged and will never be my opponent. I am almost successful. After the portal is formed, we will send these two artifacts out first." "

This proposal was categorically rejected by the young man, "No, give it away to people first, and then give away the artifact!"

Zhuosha was anxious and yelled to the next level, "Zhenjin! Go up quickly and use all your strength. I know your concerns, it doesn't matter! Don't worry, I am here, I will purify everything for you."

The young man hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and launched a charge.

He rushed to the fourth floor stairs.


“Zhenjin, look for Shuyuan What do you want to do?”

"If you don't stop, there will be consequences!"

The young man turned a deaf ear and continued faster and faster.

Click, click, click!

Several bolts of lightning struck in succession, hitting the young man and killing him on the spot.

In the dark space, the young man's consciousness suddenly stabilized.

He recalled everything.

"So, I am not a gold needle..."

The next moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

(sAfter this chapter was coded, I suddenly came up with a new idea. I thought it would be better to write it this way. But it was too troublesome. I’m late. I’m sorry, but this chapter is indeed of higher quality. It should be updated by 10,000 words today. .I will resume an update tomorrow. I want to say thank you to my friends who have always supported me!)

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