Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 208: I am a monster! ! !

The stand-in boy stared at everyone, "I don't need to say more about the current situation. In fact, everyone knows it deep down."

"With unrealistic illusions, hoping that Zhusha and Zhenjin will save you, this possibility is too slim."

Everyone was still on guard, but their eyes flickered, showing slight hesitation.

The young man's words got into their hearts. The time Chusha spent with them was short, and his behavior became increasingly miserable. Zhusha's desire to possess the artifact is too strong and he is very unreliable.

But at this time, Chasha's smile came from the fourth floor: "Hahaha, substitute, if you want to rush up to die alone, forget it. Do you still want to trick them into coming to die with you? He is just guessing about the situation. , so you can’t be sure. You’re just trying to trick them into sharing the risk for you?”

"Don't be fooled, everyone! Lightning Discord will kill you. Even if you rush up, are you going to kill me and Zhenjin? Kill a priest and a Templar? Are you fighting against the empire? The enemy. Even if you win and survive, you will be wanted by the Shengming Empire. From now on, you can only live a life of wandering around in fear. And once you are caught, what awaits you is a crueler punishment than hanging!"

Of course, Zhusha would not sit back and watch the young man encourage others. His words made everyone even more hesitant.

The substitute boy looked at Zong Ge. He needed support, and Zong Ge was obviously the most prestigious person among them.

But at this time, the half-orc frowned and showed no sign.

Zhen Jin laughed loudly and mocked, "Substitute, you still think it's me? You are not a Templar at all, and you are not a noble at all. You have despicable blood flowing in your body. Why do you let them follow you? You are just a substitute. , a tool. You actually want to respond to everything at once, and want to lead a group of people to deal with us? Was it the lightning that just struck you stupid?"

Zhenjin followed Chasha and mocked the boy, then continued to shout to the others, "He just wants to use you. He can live, you can't be deceived anymore!"

"As a noble mage, you can all be saved!"

"Believe me, I am a Templar, and he is just a substitute who has been deceiving you!!"

The crowd was in a commotion.

The substitute boy sighed in his heart.

Zidi once said when she was on the fourth floor that her understanding of the situation was always correct. When Zhen Jin's identity was exposed, the loss was huge. People will not trust needle gold, and at the same time they will be more wary of substitutes. Now their eyes were flickering when they looked at the substitute boy, and they all suspected that he had ulterior motives.

"You have been lying to us all our time together. Who are you?"

"What do you want?"

Zong Ge finally spoke, his brows furrowed deeply and his voice low.

The crowd fell silent, waiting for the boy's answer.

They used to be obedient and even fanatical towards the young man, but now their faces are full of indifference and suspicion.

The boy took a deep breath.

He still looks like gold, with blond hair and blue eyes, and a handsome appearance. But he was in a very embarrassed state. He was injured, stained with blood, and struck by lightning. There were many dark spots on his clothes and skin.

"Zhusha and Zhenjin are right." The young man said the first sentence.

Everyone almost thought they heard it wrong.

But the boy repeated, "What they said is not wrong at all."

He spoke slowly in a low, slightly hoarse, but frank manner.

"I'm not a goldsmith."

"I'm not a genius either."

"I don't have noble blood in me."

"I'm not a Templar."

"There was once a beautiful woman by my side. I thought she was my fiancée. But she was not me. In essence, she was a conspirator."

"I am not your leader either. Because I am not qualified to lead you."

Everyone became quieter.

If a teenager denies or avoids these facts, he will be more suspicious and wary.

But now, everyone began to listen carefully to his words.

The boy then smiled bitterly, "Who am I? I have asked myself this question constantly."

"But until now, I can't answer myself at all."

"All my original memories have been erased. My current memories were all instilled by others, and they are still incomplete."

"You all know your names."

"I'm not as good as you because I don't even know my own name."

The young man's sad tone made everyone stare at him.

"Even my own appearance belongs to someone else. I should have been modulated and transformed by the war traffickers."

"Actually, as you can see, I am a lycanthrope, a rather special lycanthrope at best."

Having said this, the stand-in boy paused, took a deep breath, and seemed to be trying to gather his courage.

"I'm a spear scorpion."

As he spoke, he activated the demon core in his heart, red light burst out, and mutated into a dark golden hard scorpion shell.

At night in the desert, the gun scorpion boy was eating golden stone, exclaiming in his heart, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

This sudden change made everyone exclaim, and most of them took a big step back.

"I'm an acid lizard."

In the forest, a green lizard boy practiced tail flicking hard. As a result, I was injured and my buttocks and coccyx were sore the next day.

The boy suddenly changed his tail, and everyone exclaimed again, and many people couldn't help but take a step back.

"I'm still a bat monkey."

The boy grew bat wings and bat ears.

That night, the moonlight was like water. For the first time, the bat monkey boy heard countless beautiful sounds and felt the profound and moving beauty of nature!

Everyone was frightened continuously, and the screams became smaller. More people stopped where they were, and few people subconsciously retreated.

"I'm a monkey-tailed brown bear."

The young man spread his hands, and everyone saw the red light surge and disappear, and then the young man's hands turned into the claws of a monkey-tailed brown bear.

Many late nights, the brown bear boy hummed and dug in the cave, working diligently.

People did not retreat, their fear and tension were reduced a lot, and they began to look surprised.

Cang Xu looked at the pair of bear claws, seeming to have thought of a certain question, and fell into deep thought.

"I'm a blade spider."

The boy conjured a sharp edge.

In the forest, the spider boy was in trouble. "It seems that spiders need to practice hard to weave webs!"

"Oh my god. This is the truth!" Someone whispered, and he recognized it. It was the sword that the boy was using more and more frequently when fighting with the monsters.

"I'm still a flying squirrel, able to discharge electricity."

The boy's mutated blade began to sparkle with lightning.

In order to be able to discharge electricity, he practiced hard for a long time, even catching flying squirrels alive and enduring electric shocks in an effort to find the trick to discharge electricity.

"Yes, I am a beast and a monster." The young man's expression was extremely heavy. At this moment, he felt like he was naked in the ice and snow.

Just as he thought, people looked at him with strong fear and rejection, and wanted to stay away.

But it was different from what he thought. In addition to the emotions of fear, rejection, and avoidance, there were many other emotions, which made many people's faces complicated.

No sound came from the fourth floor.

It was also the first time for Chusha to see such a change in the boy, and he was very surprised.

The monster boy continued, "Although I am a beast and a monster, I want to be a knight, so I have always used the knight's principles to demand myself."

"I want to become a person favored by the gods, so I keep praying, but the Holy Emperor never responds to me."

"I want to be a noble, the sole heir of a big family. So I have been pushing myself to work hard to revitalize the family."

"I want to be a leader, so I try to be on the front lines and do justice with all my heart."

"How I wish I was!"

"I almost thought I was it."

"but I am not."

"The memories that come to my mind are other people's."

"My name is someone else's."

"My fiancée is also someone else's."

"When I wake up from my island, I'm living a lie."

The young man smiled bitterly, "Do you know how shocked I was when I first transformed into a beast?"

"I had suspected that this was the awakening of the bloodline, and I also suspected that I had taken some kind of transformation potion by mistake."

"When I discovered step by step that I could transform into more beasts, I suffered a lot."

"Fear, doubt, hesitation...I asked myself, why am I like this?"

"I don't want Zidi to worry, and I don't dare to tell the truth."

"How I wish this was a nightmare, but they really happened to me. I want to forget, but I can't, because the harsh environment always forces me to use this ability."

"Gradually, I discovered that they were part of my body, part of me. I hated and avoided them because I hated and despised myself."

"I feel for the big guy because I see myself in him."

"I'm most afraid when my companions turn into beasts and go crazy. I'm especially afraid that one day in the future, I will lose my mind, my bestiality will come out, and I will kill the people around me."

The young man looked at Zong Ge and said with great honesty, "Some people just said that I lied to you. Yes, I lied to you. If possible, I would like to lie to you for the rest of my life. If possible, I would like to deceive myself." "

"Because I don't want to be a monster! I don't want to be a lycanthrope, a substitute, a tool! I don't want to be ostracized, I don't want to be disgusted, I don't want to be discriminated against."

Everyone was moved.

The young man lowered his head, looked at his hands, and smiled bitterly, "Actually, there were many flaws along the way, but why didn't I realize it until now?"

"Because I want to lie to myself more."

"I want to lie to myself that I am a noble knight, with exquisite armor, riding a tall white horse."

"I want to lie to myself that I am a nobleman. I have my own castle, a summer manor, and a beautiful and wealthy fiancée."

"I want to lie to myself that I have been favored and appreciated by the gods. I want to prove that I have a firm belief."

"I failed."

"As you can see, I'm not."

"I am nothing!"

"I can only tell myself now, hey, you idiot, don't lie to yourself, throw away those ridiculous, pitiful and unrealistic fantasies of yours, you are not! Recognize the reality, you are not even an ordinary person, you are a transformed beast Man, a monster.”

At this point, the boy's eyes turned red obviously.

This is his true feelings.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone looked at the boy quietly.

The wariness on their faces disappeared, and their vigilant expressions gradually disappeared.

"Haha, you are very self-aware, substitute." Zhen Jin's ridicule came from the fourth floor.

People immediately frowned, and many showed disgust.

But then, the boy's voice suddenly rose, and the topic changed: "Although I am nothing, can't I even think about it?"

"If I'm not, can't I do it?"

"If I'm not, can't I try?"

People's hearts are shaken.

"Huh, wishful thinking." Zhusha was extremely displeased and scolded, "When a person is born, his identity and status are determined. You have to recognize the reality and keep yourself in order to get your own happiness. But you are driven by greed and desire. , coveting something that does not belong to you will inevitably lead to a miserable and bleak end. This is your biggest original sin, and your holding such thoughts is the source of social unrest. How can you have the nerve to say such things? You may still be able to get redemption and peace by pleading guilty now. forgive!"

Everyone frowned deeper.

The substitute ignored Zhusha and continued, "If I have the chance, I want to be a knight, I want to be a noble, I want to be a person favored by the gods. I want all of these, don't tell me, you don't want to!"

Everyone was shocked physically and mentally.

"If you don't want to, why are you going to a wilderness continent?! Why are you traveling long distances, crossing oceans, taking huge risks, and going to a place full of war risks?!"

"I am a monster, and I am ostracized, but what about you? Haven't you been ostracized, spurned, and hated? Haven't you been crushed by the powerful? Haven't you been deceived by life? Haven't you been deceived by your ideals? , have your dreams ever tortured you?!"

The young man suddenly asked a series of questions at a very fast speed, causing the entire audience to fall silent.

The young man took a deep breath, softened his tone, and said with deep eyes, "We are actually the same kind of people."

"We are born ordinary." The young man looked at Bai Ya, whose face turned red and looked excited.

"We are ostracized and disgusted by others." The young man looked at the big man. The big man's eyelids trembled slightly.

"We were betrayed by our relatives." The young man looked at Cang Xu. The old scholar narrowed his eyes.

"We are never treated fairly." The boy looked at the orcs. The orc's breathing had become heavy.

"We have also committed crimes, and we cannot forgive ourselves." The young man looked at Lan Zao. Ever since the boy woke up and stood up, Lan Zao had been half-kneeling on the ground, looking up at him at the moment.

"We are spurned, exiled, wanted, and ridiculed. So what?"

"Shouldn't we think about it?"

"Shouldn't we do it?"

"The reality has made us so painful, and life is so bad that it is unbearable. We can only become better if we think about it."

"In fact, we've been trying."

"We fell into this island together and fought side by side. We hunted for food and water, and we were poisoned. We struggled in the desert and were hunted by the beasts. We fought off the attack of the Warcraft Legion in the camp. We traveled long distances. , collecting supplies along the way, we built new ships in the small valley, and we set sail to overcome difficult obstacles in the alchemy factory."

The young man paced in front of the crowd, recounting the energy he had gained during this period.

"What are we for?" The young man opened his arms and asked again.

"We want to survive."

"But that's not enough!"

"Far from enough."

"We still want to live a better life!"

"I've always thought this way, I don't believe you don't!"

"Shut up, shut up. You devil, you are deceiving people, you are so rebellious. Your sins are too great. If you continue to make mistakes like this, you will not be saved!" Zhusha roared, the young man's behavior The words made him extremely angry.

The young man smiled slightly, "Devil? Yes, I am!"

He patted his chest and admitted boldly.

Then, he pointed at the crowd in front of him and said loudly, "But I am not the only one. Each of us is a devil and a beast!"

"We want to live, we want to live nourished, we want to have plenty of food and water, we want the status and glory of a human being, we want artifacts, and we want huge achievements. So, you too, my lord priest!"

In an instant, Zhusha's pupils suddenly shrank.

The boy shouted loudly, "On this island, we are lost, we are trapped, we are being hunted, like dead dogs. We are so tired that we collapse, only for the hope brought by the new ship. On countless rainy nights, we are together Let’s hope it clears up tomorrow.”

He then stamped his foot and pointed his finger at the ground.

"This is the war dealer's mysterious island. There are not only man-made monsters here, but also devils and monsters."

“We may seem to have lost our way in life, but in fact, we always know deep down how we want to move forward.”

"Everyone, listen to your inner voice!" The young man beat his chest excitedly, "What do you want? Do you want to wait here to die? Do you want to surrender? Trust such a priest? Like dogs? Wag your tail and beg him to give you a chance to live? Then, he swallows all the credit, just like the master eats all the meat and throws the bones to the dog, do you go and chew it?"

"Bones, big men don't eat bones, big men eat meat." The big man opened his eyes in a daze. He was woken up. He saw the boy and other people, but he didn't react for a while.

"I am not qualified to lead you. But I want you to listen carefully to your inner voice. What do you really want?"

"Should we bow our heads and stop, or should we rise up and resist?"

The crowd was dead silent.

But this kind of dead silence is different from before.

If you listen carefully, you can hear people's beating hearts and heavy breathing.

"Dad, you're still alive!" the big man yelled. He stood up in ecstasy, but because he moved too fast, his head was dizzy and he couldn't stand still. He half-knelt on the ground again.

The substitute smiled at him and then looked at everyone again.

He said no more.

He is waiting.

Then, he waited!

"Master, no matter who you are, you have always been my master!" Lan Zao shouted and stood up.

"You have saved my life too many times. I am willing to follow you, sir." Bai Ya said loudly.

"You are more suitable for the status of knights and nobles than needle gold. I have always thought so." Cang Xu Youyou said and wiped his lenses.

"You are a hero, our hero." Muban took out the repeating crossbow, and the people around him immediately moved a few steps, subconsciously staying away from him.

Zong Ge took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "This is the most touching speech I have ever heard before the battle. Let us fight side by side again..."

The big man stood up, Zong Ge stepped forward, followed by San Dao.

Blue algae, green beards, white buds...

Everyone has gathered.

They gathered around the young man again.

And this time.

The young man is no longer a needle gold, no longer a Templar, no longer a noble, no longer a favored one by God.

But...a monster!

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