Infinite Bloodcore

Section 1: Dragon Boy

Latest website: Over the dense jungle, a flock of colorful birds suddenly flew up.

The sharp scimitar drew a bright light in mid-air and cut the vine blocking the road into two sections.

The scimitar slashed continuously, finally opening up a narrow passage.

There were two humans responsible for opening the way, one holding a scimitar and the other holding a broad-bladed battle ax with both hands.

Behind them is a long queue.

Most of the team are humans, but there are also orcs, half-elves, half-orcs, etc.

Their equipment was not very sophisticated, and many of them only had cotton armor instead of leather armor. A small number of people were armed with crossbows and long muskets. Most people use melee weapons, with machetes being the most common.

Their appearance is not neat and tidy. Many of them are very slovenly, with disheveled hair and mouths full of yellow teeth. Some people's odor is so strong that it emits a foul odor, probably because they haven't showered for a long time.

Many people have physical disabilities. Those who are missing arms or legs have to use prosthetic limbs to replace them.

This is a group of pirates.

The leader of the pirates is a ratman.

No one knows his specific name, but everyone calls him - Covered in Ash.

He has a body like a human, with arms and legs, but his head is that of a rat, and his body is covered with rat hair. His hands do not have five human fingers, but four mouse fingers.

But unlike his men, this rat man was neatly dressed in a knight's uniform. The clothes were quite neat, and there was even a delicate handkerchief in the chest pocket as an embellishment.

Its mouse fur is gray, obviously carefully groomed, smooth and soft.

At the same time, there is no unpleasant body odor on it, but a fragrance.

He sprayed perfume.

He wore long, well-made black leather boots, and a stabbing sword on his waist.

"This damn weather! I hate it here..." The pirate leader was covered in gray and tugged at his collar.

His collar was stylish, but because of that, it was tight around his neck. Walking in such a hot and humid rainforest, covered in gray and sweating, with the collar tightly tied around his neck, he felt very tortured.

After a fierce ideological struggle, he finally decided to unbutton the first button near his neck.

Suddenly, he exhaled a breath of thick air, his breathing became smoother, and his whole body felt much more relaxed.

"Captain, how should we go next?" Soon after, the team stopped moving forward, and the pioneer at the head ran back and asked, covered in gray.

The dense vegetation in the rainforest blocks out the sun and makes it easy to get lost. Therefore, every time they advance a certain distance, the pirates will stop and ask questions.

Dressed in gray, he carefully reached out his hand to his collar.

His collar was buttoned up again.

He unbuttoned it, revealing more of his neck and the thin black rope around it.

He took out the thin black rope with a bone hanging on it.

The bone was pale and pale, and judging from its appearance and size, it should be a goblin's finger bone.

Covered in ashes, he grabbed the rope and let his finger bones hang in the air.

After a few breaths, the finger bones began to shake slowly, and then like a compass, they slowly pointed in a certain direction in the jungle.

The reaction of the phalanges was quite strong, which filled the discouraged person with joy and curiosity. What kind of treasure can be so tempting to the finger bones?

"It shouldn't be far, keep looking in this direction!" The gray man looked a little anxious.

Hiss... hiss...

A large number of snakes spit out snake messages and intercepted the pirates on their way. At the same time, various birds kept flying down from the sky.

The pirates started fighting under the command of a suit of gray.

They came prepared and prepared a large amount of insect repellent, snake repellent, antidote and so on.

However, these snakes and birds are in a very crazy state, and they are not afraid of death. They all have a fierce attitude to block these islands even if they sacrifice themselves.

Especially when the snakes and birds among them took action, the pirates suddenly had a tendency to collapse.

"Captain, we can't hold it anymore!"

"These beasts are so weird. They are at least twice as big as normal."

"Ah——!" Some pirates screamed, and their eyeballs were pecked out by a bird monster.

The man in gray snorted displeasedly: "A bunch of trash, I have to take action in the end."

The next moment, he activated his fighting spirit.

The surface of his soft and smooth gray fur suddenly became blurry, and the ends of the tiny gray fur began to escape, forming wisps of gray mist.

And in the gray fog, there was a touch of silver luster.

He is actually a silver-level Dou Qi practitioner!

Fighting Skill - Gray Mist Wave.

The next moment, a pile of gray fog formed on the surface of his body, and suddenly spread forward, forming a ripple of gray fog.

Wherever the gray fog wave went, snakes and birds fell to the ground one after another, motionless, and lost their lives.

Because there are no silver-level monsters, and there are only three or four black iron-level snake and bird monsters, so under the sweeping gray mist, the gray mist easily won the victory.

The pirates immediately cheered.

The man in gray snorted again and touched his head with a complacent expression.

Because of the fighting skills just now, the rat hair all over his body was shorter. This makes Yi Yihui, who usually pays attention to his own appearance, very concerned. From the perspective of rat people's aesthetics, a body of smooth and supple rat hair is the biggest sign of beauty.

"I've used fighting skills very frequently this month, so I'd better use them as little as possible. There are still fifteen days until the middle of next month."

Sighing in despair.

During the full moon, the Rat Man's blood will flow faster, wounds will heal faster at night, and hair will grow faster.

"But I believe that the treasure pointed to by the finger bone will definitely make up for my loss." Ku Wen

After crossing the corpses covering the ground, covered in ashes, he finally arrived at the center and saw the true appearance of the treasure.

There are few treasures, only one.

It is a golden coffin, three meters long and one and eight meters wide. The surface of the coffin is inlaid with reliefs made of sapphire, and there are silver outlines on the reliefs. The sapphire silver-edged relief depicts the graceful sinuous body of the snake and its broad and gorgeous wings.

On the inner wall of the coffin, twelve murals are painted with black lines. The murals are simple in style and depict mythological contents such as gods, creation, worship, skylight and so on.

After the pirates were surprised, they all looked disappointed.

"Captain, why do you only have this one?"

They imagined mountains of gold and jewels.

Covered in ashes, he looked at the coffin carefully and felt strange. He took out the finger bone pendant again, and this time the finger bone reacted extremely violently, and the whole bone trembled with excitement. He rushed towards the golden coffin and pulled the rope into a diagonal straight line.

"Is this the coffin that the finger bone refers to?"

"What the hell is this?"

Even though he was dressed in gray clothes, his knowledge was very limited and he couldn't see any clues. However, he believed in the phalanges very much and confirmed that this was the goal of his trip, and it must be priceless.

"Young men, search everywhere for me to see if there is a coffin lid!" Yi Yiyi ordered.

Soon after, the pirates returned, finding nothing.

The man in ash nodded and assigned six more pirates to work together to lift the heavy coffin.

The team returned along the same route.

The return journey went quite smoothly.

After more than half an hour, they returned to the beach. Next to the rocks, their pirate ship was moored.

"Finally home."

"I was soaked all over, and the first thing I did when I got back on the boat was to take a nice hot bath."

As soon as the gray man relaxed, several figures appeared on the pirate ship.

"There are enemies!!" The pirates immediately rioted and drew out their weapons.

He was dressed in gray and narrowed his eyes into slits.

"Thank you for your hard work." The enemy leader was a young man.

He has golden hair and clear eyes as blue as the sky. He is smiling, showing his white teeth. He is so handsome that the gray rat man can't help but admire in his heart: This is a beautiful boy from the human race!

"We only need this coffin, put them down, and you can leave. I swear on... well, my honor that I will not do anything to you." The beautiful boy said loudly.

The pirates burst into laughter.

Ashe smiled, and he reached out and stroked the soft and smooth mouse hair on his head: "Young human boy, where did you come from? You are so bold to grab my head."

"He must be a newcomer! The kind who just went to sea."

"Hahaha, these little guys have appeared too much recently."

"Yes, kid, the position of Pirate King is not something you can take."

The noisy pirates gradually relaxed. Because the life breath of the handsome young man and others is very weak, only one is black iron, and the rest are bronze.

"Okay, I'm in a good mood today. You surrender, work for us for three months, and we'll let you live." A man dressed in gray waved his hand. He got a mysterious treasure and gained a lot. As for the young boy's enemies, he didn't notice them at all. Especially the boy's good looks prevented him from murdering.

The young leader was stunned.

An orc behind him snorted: "It seems that pearl foam also has pros and cons. Don't waste any more time!"

"That's fine." The young leader nodded.

So, the next moment, the burly orc jumped directly from the towering side of the ship.

He encouraged his fighting spirit, held a two-handed sword in one hand, and bravely rushed into the crowd.

His move immediately revealed his true cultivation.

"Peak Silver?!" His gray pupils shrank sharply and he quickly dodged away.

The pirates immediately fell into panic and panic. They were caught off guard and were no match for the orcs.

The orcs caused a bloody storm among the pirates, and were invincible and unstoppable.

The pirates howled miserably, some retreated, and some were aroused with ferocity. Even though they knew they were outmatched, they still rushed forward howling, and then died faster and more simply.

"Damn it!" He gritted his teeth and his body was shaken.

Fighting Skill - Gray Fog Sky!

After a few breaths, gray fog enveloped the battlefield. The fog is not lethal, but it is unusual, and vision and perception are greatly restricted.

The gray figure blended perfectly into the gray mist, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the young leader.

"Subduing him will make that half-orc worry a lot!"

The man dressed in gray held a stabbing sword, and the end of the stabbing sword was gently pressed against the young leader's waist: "Don't move! If you move even a little bit, I will kill you. Find Shuyuan and tell your people to stop!"

The young leader seemed very tall and was not wearing any armor, which made Yi Yi feel very lucky.

But the next moment, covered in gray, I felt extremely creepy.

The young leader chuckled, retreated suddenly, and turned around boldly against the sharp tip of the stabbing sword.

The stabbing sword did not pierce his belly. Instead, it bent violently, and then cut through the young leader's clothes, leaving a streak of sparks on his skin.

"Dragon scales!" He was stunned in gray and saw large vermilion dragon scales from the torn clothes.

"Uh!" The young man's hand grabbed his neck, which was covered in gray.

The young man's hands were as solid as rock and as hard as steel. They were no longer human hands, but transformed into dragon claws.

The silver-level breath of life is everywhere.

"Are you a dragon?!" He was shocked in gray.

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