Infinite Bloodcore

Section 4: Why are there still 2 silvers?

The central tower of the Warmonger Alchemy Factory has four floors. The first floor houses the sapphire gold coffin, the second floor houses the fairy tale of the mermaid, and the third floor houses the second blood core.

Chasha opened the portal for the first time and sent the sapphire gold coffin to a deserted island in the sea near Mysterious Island. The mermaid fairy tale has never had the chance to be given away.

After killing the war monger, the mermaid's fairy tale fell into the hands of the knight boy and his party.

After using the Deep Sea Monster Fish to escape, and following the instructions from the tower spirit, everyone set up an alchemy array and opened up the mermaid's fairy tale.

After the big shell is opened, there are dozens of pearls.

These pearls are colorful and uniform in size. From the appearance, they look like soap bubbles. The inside is completely transparent and seems to be empty, and the outside is just a layer of spherical foam. But in fact, these pearls can be pinched by hand and are very hard to the touch.

This is pearl foam.

For a long time, the reason why War Dealer's Mysterious Island was able to hide in the waters of the main world without being discovered by others was because of this artifact.

To be more precise, he consumes pearl foam to disguise himself and confuse divination, prophecy and other means.

When the Mysterious Island was destroyed, the substitute boy and his group immediately used several pearl foam to protect themselves.

Because of this, when Yi Yi saw the young man and Zong Ge, he mistakenly thought that they were both of the Black Iron level.

Now, the boy and Zonge saw the power of pearl foam again.

Without the protection of Pearl Foam, their names would be on the holy monument of the Pirate City, completely exposing themselves.

Now it's all ashes that take the blame for them.

"Quick, quick! Boys, let me sail the boat!!" The cannonballs were raining like rain, and he was covered in ashes and shouted urgently. Now is not the time to explore.

"Hehehe." On the enemy ship, the sea snake girl laughed.

She was wearing a revealing brown-red leather outfit, and her long wavy hair hung down to her waist. She held the slough of a sea snake in her left hand, and in her right hand was a glass bottle filled with blue liquid.

She had started singing long ago, but the singing suddenly stopped.

One-tenth of the blue liquid in the glass bottle spurted out and merged into the sea snake's slough.

The snake's slough blooms with a faint blue light.

The sea snake girl raised her left hand and threw the snake slough into the air.

The snake slough suddenly exploded and turned into a snake-shaped water stream, shooting towards the Gray Squirrel.

Water spell - Snake Water Arrow!

The water arrow pierced the sky very quickly, and after a few breaths it reached the sky above the Gray Squirrel.

Drawn by the spirit of the Sea Serpent, it did not pounce directly on Yi Yi, Knight Boy and Zong Ge, nor did it attack other pirates. Instead, it pounced directly on the Squirrel's sail.

Wherever it went, holes were immediately drilled out of the sail, and the rope broke instantly when it was lightly wound around it.

"Damn it, let me go!" Seeing this, Yi Yi was about to burst into tears.

But the next moment, the young knight behind him took out his alchemy crossbow and fired three arrows in a row.

Two of the arrows caused the Crooked Snake to dodge the water arrows left and right. The third arrow hit the center, and with a bang, the water arrows were completely exploded.

The sea snake girl snorted slightly, and her spirit attached to the water arrow was destroyed by the knight boy's alchemy arrow.

"Good archery skills!" Yi Yi blurted out and praised.

Zong Ge's expression was dull. He had seen this scene many times.

The man in gray immediately yelled, urging the pirates to move faster and get the Squirrel started.

The pirates also knew that the situation was serious. As they wrote desperately, the Gray Rat began to move slowly.

"He's covered in ashes, but your subordinate is very good at archery." The sea snake girl giggled, "Kill him later and feed it to my little baby. He will definitely like it very much."

In her opinion, the knight boy and Zong Ge both had the aura of black iron, and standing behind them covered in gray, she mistakenly thought they were the latter's generals.

The sea snake girl was a little embarrassed.

The opponent was just "Black Iron", but he broke her own magic, which made her, a silver-level magician, a little embarrassed.

The key is that she has to admit that it is a stupid choice to continue using the curved snake water arrow.

Her casting materials are much more expensive than alchemy arrows, and once the curved snake water arrow is broken, she will also lose part of her spirit.

Such a swap is undoubtedly a loss-making transaction.

However, the Squirrel had begun to move slowly.

"Don't even think about leaving!" The sea snake girl gritted her teeth and took out a magic scroll from her arms.

The next moment, she unrolled the scroll and imbued it with magic.

Wind spell - windless realm!

The spell took effect immediately, and with the Squirrel as the center, there was no wind within a few hundred meters.

The Squirrel's swollen sails all drooped feebly.

The speed that had just been slight dropped rapidly.

The magic scroll turned into fly ash and scattered between the sea snake girl's slender fingers.

The sea snake girl was heartbroken.

In order to purchase this scroll, she spent a lot of money.

"As long as we get the treasure, all the investment will be worth it!" The sea snake girl's eyes shone, and she was even more determined to get the treasure, which was covered in gray.

The golden chin stood proudly on the bow of the ship and laughed.

He originally wanted to fire cannons and use chain bombs to destroy the mast and sails of the Gray Squirrel, but the sea snake girl's move was a blow to the bottom, and Golden Chin immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​cannon attack. After all, the shelling was too heavy and if the treasure was destroyed, the loss would be great.

"Stretch out your oars and charge forward!" Golden Chin shouted loudly.

Golden Chin's ship is very tall and has a unique bow shape. The bow of a normal seagoing ship is like a sharp knife, with the blade facing the sea to ride the wind and waves. But the bow of the golden-chinned Big Chin looks like a trapezoid. The square, trapezoidal slope faces the sky diagonally.

After hearing the captain's order, thirty-six long oars stretched out from both sides of the Big Chin's ship. After the long oars dipped into the water, they paddled together.

The Big Chin just broke into windless territory.

"Fire, fire!" The man in gray roared, looking very nervous.

The gunfire from the Squirrel immediately increased, and some of the guns were aimed at the two ships of the Sea Serpent Girl, but most of them failed. Some shells fell on the Big Chin. Although they caused damage, they did no harm.

During this period, the enemy simply stopped shelling.

The Big Chin quickly shortened the distance between itself and the Squirrel.

A look of despair flashed in his gray eyes.

Unable to sail, the Gray Rat was a passive target. Because it could not rotate the hull, the Squirrel's bombardment could not reach its strongest offensive.

The situation is too passive!

"What Golden Chin is best at is boarding."

"Sea Serpent only has one ship, and the other one is her familiar! It is a silver-level magical beast sea serpent. Combined with Sea Serpent's magic, it forms the illusion of another ship. This is her most commonly used tactic."

"Let me go quickly, the boarding battle is our only chance of victory!" The man in gray said eagerly.

Zong Ge showed hesitation.

If this is a scene where they cooperate and release a body of gray, Zonge and the boy will be surrounded by four silver-level enemies.

But the knight boy directly drew out his silver sword and split the magic-forbidden shackles between his gray hands and feet.

"I am a knight of the Empire."

"If you win this battle, you will win the opportunity to atone for your sins."

"Your sword is in the captain's cabin. Be good and maybe you can get rid of your identity as a pirate!"

The knight boy said to the gray man.

The man dressed in gray glanced at the young man in surprise, nodded to him, turned around and ran towards the captain's cabin.

"This is a bit risky." Zong Ge stared at the Big Chin getting closer and closer.

"I believe he is a decent man." The knight boy responded.

The Big Chin is getting closer and closer, and its tall hull like a city wall brings a huge sense of oppression.


Finally, it hit the side of the Squirrel hard.

Because of the special trapezoidal bow structure, the Squirrel briefly broke away from the sea after being hit, and almost capsized when it fell into the sea.


"You guys, rush me!!"

"Kill them all and seize the treasure!!"

The Gray Rat was still shaking violently on the sea, and a large number of pirates emerged from the Big Chin.

Some of them threw hook locks and latched onto the side of the Squirrel, forcing the two ships together.

Later, long planks were laid out to form a temporary wooden tread bridge.

There were also many pirates who hung long ropes directly onto the deck of the Squirrel.

There were pirates waiting on the deck of the Gray Squirrel.

Some of them used long-range bows and crossbows to shoot, while others blocked the side of the ship and chopped with cold weapons.

For a moment, the battlefield was filled with swords and blood, roars, strange screams, calls for help, and the explosions of artillery and muskets, all intertwined in a chaotic mess.

"Wrapped in ashes, come out and fight me!!" Golden Chin stood proudly on the bow of the ship and shouted an invitation to fight, but did not charge into the Squirrel.


At this time, a ship belonging to the Sea Serpent Girl also pounced on them. The illusion was lifted, and it revealed its true appearance. Just as Yi Yi said, it was a huge sea snake monster.

The sea snake monster directly wrapped its dozens of meters long snake body around the Gray Rat, and its thick and powerful snake body began to shrink severely.

Squeaking and groaning sounds could be heard from the sides and decks of the Squirrel, and it was obviously difficult to resist being crushed by the snake's body.

"Sea Serpent Girl, don't come and cause trouble!" Golden Chin was displeased and turned around to yell.

The sea snake girl smiled and said nothing. She was standing on a real pirate ship, not close to the battlefield, but commanding the sea snake demon pet to take action. Find Shuyuan

"Stop!" A piece of ash jumped out from a gun port on the side of the ship, rushed to the smooth body of the sea snake, and stabbed hard with the sharp sword in his hand.

The sea snake demon pet suddenly roared, turned the huge snake head like a carriage, and looked for ashes.

Yi Yi dodged around, his movements were very agile, and the sea snake looked clumsy. No matter how many times he pounced, Yi Yi dodged it.

While hiding in ashes, he continued to attack.

His stabbing sword was infused with fighting spirit and was extremely sharp. The scales of the sea snake could not protect it.

Seeing that her demon pet was being bullied, the sea snake girl quickly urged Golden Chin: "How long do you have to wait?"

The golden chin laughed heartily, enjoying the show.

The sea snake girl continued to shout: "Hurry up, if others know that we are taking this treasure, the consequences will be unpredictable."

The golden chin suddenly stopped smiling.

"Wrapped in ashes, I am your opponent!"

At the moment of jumping, he used fighting spirit. This caused him, who was tall and heavy, to jump high into the air, and then swooped down to the ground covered in ashes.

Covered in gray, he had just escaped being swallowed by a sea snake, and when he looked up, he saw shadows covering him.

"Oops! It's too late to dodge." Feeling discouraged, he could only grit his teeth and prepare to receive the long-prepared blow to Jin's chin.

But at this time, the knight boy and Zong Ge suddenly appeared next to him.

"This is the moment!"

The young man and Zong Ge took action together, slashing forward like lightning with their big swords, while the silver sword with their thin swords struck out a violent storm.

Jin Chin was still grinning ferociously just now, feeling like he was going to be severely injured, but the next moment his eyes almost popped out.

"Why are there still two silvers!?"


The other person was in mid-air, unable to use any force to turn, and now he was like an idiot, crashing directly into the sword in the enemy's hand.

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