Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 14: The temptation of the sea serpent

Latest website: The night is gentle.

The moon hung high in the night, pouring out its light like water.

The sea breeze blew gently, and the waves hit the white sandy beach, and the sound of the waves seemed deep and elegant.

This is an unknown island.

The Big Chin and the Snake Lady were docked on the nearby sea.

This small island is not suitable for sea ships to dock. In order to prevent stranding, the two sea ships can anchor near the island.

There was still a day's sail from Crescent Harbor, but the young knight ordered to rest here for a night and replenish the fresh water and food that had been lowered to the warning line.

In the afternoon, the pirates boarded several small boats and landed on the island. After plundering the island, they returned to the ship.

But the young knight stayed.

In the night, he activated his blood core and transformed into a dragon form.

He began to chant.

The language is cadenced, deep and powerful. This is not common language, but dragon language.

Dragon language magic - blazing dragon breath.

The next moment, the dragon boy opened his mouth wide, magic power spurted out, and his mouth turned into a ball of flame.

Then the flame expanded rapidly and spurted out, forming an inverted cone shape, covering the white beach in front of the boy.

The flames burned on the beach for several breaths. During this period, the boy tried to turn his head slightly, and the direction of the flames also changed.

After the dragon's breath ended, the beach turned into a charred black mess, emitting a pungent smell.

The dragon boy looked at the marks of Sha Shuo being burned by the flames in front of him and sighed, not satisfied.

Since escaping from the Mysterious Island, he has been practicing his dragon form. Without a doubt, this is his greatest strength.

The bloodline of the Flame Dragon King reaches the legendary level. The young man had absorbed all kinds of man-made monsters on the island before. Even if they were added up, they could never be compared to this bloodline.

Not to mention anything else, the memory attached to the bloodline alone allowed the young man to master dragon language magic. From a magic idiot to a magic genius.

The growth process of a dragon does not require special study. This powerful being at the top of the biological chain has an enviable racial talent.

They only need to eat, drink and sleep to realize various powers in the natural growth process.

The methods of using these powers are rooted in their blood.

The Knight Boys benefited from this.

"Currently, I have mastered three magics. They are dragon roar, dragon power and scorching dragon breath."

"The chanting time of the first two is half a second and one second respectively, but the chanting time of the third person takes five seconds."

This is the result achieved by the young man after a lot of practice.

At the beginning, these three magic chants lasted longer.

The first two already have strong practical value. The dragon's roar allows the boy to cause damage to magic or special life forms, and can often put the target into a dazed state. Longwei is the best weapon for young people to defeat many with one.

As for the scorching dragon's breath, its chanting time is the longest, and it needs to be grasped before it can be used in actual combat.

This is its drawback.

But on the other hand, it also has advantages that Dragon Roar and Dragon Power do not have.

That is - strong!

The power of the scorching dragon's breath is very powerful. Basically, as long as it is used, enemies at the silver level can hardly resist it. Even if you are at the gold level, you often need to sharpen your edge.

Kuzou can resist it because he is definitely considered a strong person even in the gold level.

"But Dragon's Breath still needs more practice."

"It would be best if the chanting time could be shortened. Secondly, I also need to use it more flexibly."

The young man was thinking in his mind.

He was breathing dragon breath now, and he was so focused that during the breathing process, his body could only stand frozen in place. This is obviously a huge flaw.

Secondly, he chooses one direction to spray, and it is difficult to change the direction of the spray during the spraying process. Once transferred, just like what we just practiced, the dragon's breath will become very unstable, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes smaller, and the suppressive power will be greatly weakened.

These are areas where young people need to work hard to improve.

"It's wrong for you to practice like this." Suddenly a voice came.

In mid-air, a graceful figure gradually emerged.

It was the Sea Serpent.

Tonight she did not wear leather clothes, but changed into a blue dress. The round neckline is wide open, and the snow-white chest shows a deep ravine. It looks even more attractive against the backdrop of the long wavy hair on both sides.

The dragon boy's pupils narrowed slightly.

The sea snake girl's invisibility magic is very magical. If she hadn't deliberately become invisible, the dragon boy would not have noticed it at all.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked.

The sea snake girl landed slowly, landed lightly on the ground, and then walked leisurely towards the dragon boy with cat steps.

Her eyes were fixed on the young man, and her mature and concave body completely exuded her feminine charm, which was like a magic that captivated the soul.

The dragon boy couldn't help but his heart beat faster.

The sea snake girl walked up to the dragon boy, only an arm away from him, and stood happily: "Magic and fighting spirit are different." Youyuan Book Bar

"The fighting spirit used by fighters all comes from themselves. But it is different for mages. When mages cast magic, in addition to consuming part of their own mana, most of the mana consumption comes from the outside world."

The dragon boy looked thoughtful: "Are you referring to the casting materials?"

The sea snake girl nodded and slowly took half a step forward, getting closer to the boy: "Spellcasting materials bring us great convenience in casting spells. On the one hand, these materials contain magic power. We use our spirit to leverage these magic powers for our own use, which can reduce our own Mana consumption. On the other hand, these spell-casting materials themselves contain specific spell structures, which can greatly save our mental consumption and time in constructing spell models."

The dragon boy looked at the sea snake girl who was getting closer and closer, and frowned: "These are all orthodox spells you mentioned. My spells come from my bloodline, they are different."

The sea snake girl shook her head and smiled: "Actually, the two are essentially the same."

"Sir, although your Dragon's Breath is a natural spell, it still consumes magic power and requires a spell model."

"It's just that this spell model is rooted in your bloodline, so you don't need to use your spirit to build it additionally."

"But sir, in your current situation, the last thing you should do is practice these innate magics."

After the sea snake girl said these words, she was already face to face with the dragon boy, and there was almost no distance between them.

The dragon boy wondered: "Why shouldn't we practice?"

The sea snake girl bit her lip and looked provocatively at the face, chest, lower abdomen and lower part of the dragon boy. Her voice became deeper and more tactful: "Because, sir, your dragon bloodline is still unstable. Although the bloodline has awakened, its concentration is not enough."

"Under normal circumstances, adults should remain in the current state. But you can't do that. Normally, you still look like a human being."

"Of course, sir, your human appearance is also very handsome."

"So, sir, what you should do most now is to take specific potions to stabilize or even deepen the dragon bloodline. Of course, practicing some kind of Dou Qi art can also help you achieve the same goal."

"Sir, please do not practice magic too much. Because the use of magic requires the consumption of magic power and the construction of spell models. Sir, you do not possess magic power, and you do not use your spirit to build models, so all you consume is the foundation of your bloodline."

"If the bloodline is stable, sir, you can use it at will. But now the bloodline is not stable. Once used too frequently, the bloodline will degrade, or worse, even disappear."

"I believe, sir, you don't want to see this happen."

After saying these words, the sea snake girl was already close to the boy's body.

Although the boy's chest was covered with dragon scales, he could still feel the astonishing size of the Sea Serpent's chest and its heart-stopping softness.

The young man stood upright, breathing heavily.

The sea snake girl slowly stretched her head over against the boy's strong body. She whispered softly in the boy's ear: "Sir, it's a long night. There are only you and me on this island, how can we relieve our loneliness? What we should do most now is not practice magic, right?"

The young man felt a ball of fire rising up in his lower abdomen, and his whole mind was buzzing, creating an illusion that was close to dizziness.

A strong instinct made him raise his hand unconsciously.

His hands have turned into hard dragon claws.

His dragon claws touched Sea Snake's back, and then slid all the way down...

The hard and terrifying dragon claws are in sharp contrast to the graceful and flexible body of the female magician and pirate captain.

But the next moment, the young man grabbed the sea snake girl's waist and pulled her away.

"Thank you for your advice, Sea Snake Girl, but I would rather stay alone." The dragon boy said coldly.

The sea snake girl was shocked for a moment, then smiled. She bit her lip and stared at the boy with an extremely seductive look: "I understand."

"I will come to you again, my handsome young lord."

Her body floated slowly, then flew all the way to the Snake on the sea in the distance, and finally disappeared.

The young man let out a breath.

After Sea Snake's interruption, he was no longer in the mood to practice hard.

Stop activating the blood core, and his appearance returns to human form again.

The face that looked exactly like Zhen Jin was full of worry at the moment.

Sea Serpent's reminder made sense, but the boy's real situation was different from what she thought.

Whether it is dragon transformation or magic, all that is consumed is the magic energy accumulated in the blood core.

The young man stood on the white beach, bathed in the moonlight, staring at his right hand.

His right hand seemed to still have the body heat of the Sea Snake.

That soft and smooth touch still lingers in the young man's heart.

"This bloodline brings me more than just strength."

The young man had already felt it before. What he experienced tonight made him feel even deeper.

The bloodline of the Flame Dragon King is affecting him.

Dragon nature is inherently licentious.

The young man found that it became increasingly difficult for him to resist the opposite sex, especially the attractive opposite sex like Sea Snake.

Just now he had a strong impulse in his heart, and his hand even touched the sea snake girl's waist without any control.

But in the end, his knightly will triumphed over his instinctive impulses.

In addition to this influence, the young man also found that he was becoming more and more arrogant.

He gradually developed a sense of contempt for lower life forms, and even for human beings.

This feeling of contempt seems to be inherent, just like the way humans look at pigs and dogs.

While the young man smiled bitterly, he actually began to understand the Flame Dragon King.

The Flame Dragon King's attitude was extremely arrogant, and he looked down on the young man, Zong Ge and others at all. It wasn't until the end that the blood core showed the power to kill it that it had to change its attitude.

"I am a knight, not a dragon." The young man raised his head, looked at the bright moon in the night sky, and secretly warned himself.

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