Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 28: Captain of the Little Bird

There was panic on the Little Bird.

"Captain, our distance is shortening rapidly!" the first mate reported.

"Damn, these guys are still chasing me." The captain of the Little Bird stood at the stern of the ship, gritting his teeth.

He held up the monocular and observed the situation of the Justice through the opening of the mirror. He doesn't have the good eyesight of the dragon boy.

The camera focuses on the Justice's flag.

The captain of the Little Bird recognized it as a pirate flag at a glance.

But he has never seen this pirate flag: "Cyclops skull... there is also the word justice in the eye socket... what is it? How can there be any pirate who flaunts his justice?"

The more the captain of the Little Bird looked, the paler his face became and the drier his mouth and throat became.

The first mate also held up a monocular, and as the Justice approached, he could see more clearly.

The first mate was worried: "The other party is in the upper wind. Their ship is much larger than ours, and there must be a lot of people on board. If we engage in a broadside battle, we have no chance of winning."

"Look at this boat!"

"The bow is sharp and the hull lines are smooth. The lower tip of the hull is wider and the upper part is wider, with a deeper draft and faster speed. This is the empire's new ship type in recent years."

Compared with the Justice, the Bird is like a chubby little boy in front of adults.

After the first mate said something, his face turned pale: "Captain, maybe we can consider surrendering?"

The captain of the Little Bird turned dark and glared at the first mate: "Surrender? This is my ship!"

If others surrender, they can still be recruited by the other party. After all, the other party is also a pirate.

But he can't.

This ship is his private property, and he will suffer the greatest loss if he surrenders.

At the same time, if he surrenders without fighting, how can he hang out on the sea in the future? All the pirates would make fun of him and think he was a coward.

As far as the Captain of the Birdie is concerned, he is not a knight, and his reputation is nothing like that! But he had to admit that the name of coward was very negative. A little recognized cowardice would cause a lot of trouble, and many pirates would easily treat him badly out of contempt for him.

He will be very difficult to mess with in the future!

"The opponent does have a great advantage, but don't forget, we also purchased that kind of artillery shells and prepared the stern cannon. I want to fire it myself!" the captain of the Little Bird shouted.

"Yes!" The first mate responded and immediately ran down to make arrangements.

After a while, the bronze-level stern gun was pushed to the side of the captain of the Little Bird.

A wooden box was opened, revealing the black iron-grade cannonballs inside.

This is an eagle bullet, an alchemy product that can fly farther than normal cannonballs.

The captain of the Little Bird was half-kneeling on the ground, facing the southeast, holding the necklace pendant in his hand and praying in a low voice: "Goddess of Luck, I praise you, you are our god, everything is possible with you but not with humans. Disappointed , You increase opportunities; those who are tired, You increase motivation; those who wait for You will regain their strength. I pray that Your strength will be poured into my body, make me extremely lucky, and let my cannonballs hit the enemy's most lethal point. "

After praying, he exhaled a breath, nervously let go of his hand, and looked at the pendant of his necklace with expectant eyes.

The next moment, he showed obvious joy.

His pendant is not ordinary, it is a lucky sacred rune from the Temple of Luck! At this moment, following his airway, the lucky charm emitted a faint colorful light.

"Successful!" Before he could cheer, the pirates around him were already shouting when they saw the pendant.

Morale was boosted for a while.

"Quick, Captain, give it a shot!"

"Come on, Captain."

"It's up to you to hit the cannon."

The captain of the Little Bird snorted angrily: "Shut up."

Then, he personally held the Eagle Flying Bullet with both hands and stuffed it into the muzzle. During this process, the seven-colored light on the talisman on his chest spread to the cannonball, giving the cannonball a thin layer of seven-color halo.

He used a wooden stick to pound the muzzle of the cannon again, stuffing the cannonballs and gunpowder as tightly as possible.

Then, he came behind Cannon and lovingly touched Cannon's round butt with both hands.

"Dear baby, come on, roar, neigh, let's fuck him together!"

The captain of the Little Bird spoke plausibly, and with his constant caressing, the cannon was also dyed with a layer of colorful light.

Then, he took a deep breath, held his head high, and poured black iron-level fighting spirit into the artillery.


He roared angrily, and jerked the firing rope. The huge firing pin collided with sparks, igniting the gunpowder.

With a bang, the Eagle Flying Bullet sprayed out, and the entire body of the bronze cannon suddenly retreated due to the reaction force, hitting the captain of the Little Bird in the belly.

At the moment when the cannon was fired, the captain of the Little Bird had most of his fighting spirit drained out of his body, and a strong sense of emptiness filled his entire body and mind.

The cannon's butt hit him, knocking him to the ground.

"Captain!" The pirates around him rushed over and helped him up.

He was panting and dizzy, but the hope in his heart kept him from falling.

"Quick, don't block me, let me see the result of my cum."

Upon hearing his words, half of the pirates dispersed, revealing a large space.

The Eagle Flying Bomb carries the hopes of the captain and the entire pirate ship crew as it shoots away. It penetrated the air and made a sharp sound like an eagle's cry. At the same time, a stream of colorful light trailed behind, forming a faint, looming long tail of color.

"Huh?" Seeing the cannonballs coming, the dragon boy standing at the front of the Justice was slightly surprised.

The range of the Eagle Flying Bullet was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"Get down!!" The crew members around him shouted and fell down.

The dragon boy took out a special alchemy crossbow from his arms, gently pulled the trigger, and fired an arrow.

The trajectory of the Eagle Flying projectile was straight, and the Dragon Man boy had outstanding archery skills. The moment the arrow was fired, he was sure that it could intercept the projectile.

The truth was just as he expected.

But just when the arrow was about to hit the Eagle Flying Bomb, it suddenly self-destructed.

The dragon boy was stunned.

This alchemy arrow turned out to be a defective product. After flying for a certain distance, it self-destructed. The Eagle Flying Bomb was affected by the surge and its direction quickly shifted.

Originally it would have penetrated the sail and hit the sea behind the Justice. But now its direction is tilted downward, and it is actually aimed at the main mast of the Justice!

"Too bad." Zong Ge felt his heart sink when he saw this scene.

The Justice is a black iron-level mana ship, and the Eagle Flying Bullet is also of the same level. If it hits the main mast, it is likely to break it. Even if it doesn't, it will be hit hard. At that time, the main mast cannot continue to set the sail, and the sail surface is forced by the wind to drive the ship forward. If you continue to set the sail, the main mast will break.

Whether the sails are raised or not, the speed of the Justice will be greatly affected. The little bird escapes next, and its chances of success are greatly increased.

At the critical moment, the dragon boy snorted and turned sideways.

At the same time, he opened the dragon claw of his left hand toward the front of the ship, with his palm pointed in front of him.

The next moment, the dragon boy suddenly activated his fighting spirit.

Fighting energy spurted out from the palm of his left dragon claw.

There are two kinds of fighting spirit in his body, Baihe fighting spirit is ordinary, and explosion fighting spirit is explosive in nature.

The dragon boy is using explosive fighting energy at this moment!

With a bang, fighting energy exploded in front of the dragon claw in his left hand.

The explosion gave him a strong thrust, and when combined with his fierce stamping of his feet, he turned from a standstill so fast that a shadow remained in place.

The dragon boy rushed to the main mast in lightning speed, and the Eagle Flying Bullet arrived in front of him almost in the next second.

The young man formed a fist with his right paw, aimed at the cannonball and struck hard.

After the explosion of the alchemy arrow, the Eagle Flying Bullet no longer had the colorful halo, and was directly shot away by the young man.

"Silver Fighter!" Seeing the fighting spirit shining on the dragon boy, the pirates on the Birdie exclaimed in unison.

The captain of the Little Bird even collapsed to the ground, completely losing his strength.

The Eagle Flying Bomb he had pinned his hopes on yielded no results. The dragon boy's silver-level fighting spirit and his ability to successfully intercept the shells made him fall into despair.

"Captain, give him another shot!" a pirate urged hurriedly.

The captain of the Little Bird smiled bitterly, and the colorful brilliance on the necklace on his chest also disappeared.

"That shot just now used up all my strength and essence. I can't do it anymore." The captain of the Little Bird smiled bitterly.

"No, Captain, you can't do it with just one shot?"

"Hurry up, keep cumming."

"If you're a man, just cum, Captain!"

The pirates were a little panicked.

The captain fired the cannon himself, which was their most powerful weapon.

But this weapon did not achieve any results.

The Justice approaches.

"Pull the crossbar, full left rudder!" the dragon boy shouted.

The Justice abandoned the Bird's butt and did not choose to ram it directly. Instead, it leaned across the hull so that the right side of the ship faced the Bird.

"Prepare for starboard bombardment!" The dragon boy shouted again.

His voice was so loud that it was heard directly below the deck. If the order comes from a regular captain, a herald is usually also required.

The pirates on the gun deck had been waiting for a long time. After hearing the captain's order, they all ran to the starboard side of the ship.

They work in teams of four, manning the artillery.

White bud is among them.

His heart was pounding, and he pushed the iron rope with all his strength.

The iron cable followed the pulley and pulled the gun door open. The other pirates pushed the bronze cannon out with force.

Most of the gun's body was still on the deck, but part of the front end of the muzzle had already poked out of the hull.

The Justice has 24 gun positions, and there are no bow or stern gun positions. There are 12 gun positions on the left and right sides of the ship.

Twelve cannons poked their heads out. The luster of bronze and the dark muzzles allowed the pirates of the Little Bird to see clearly.

So, the next moment, a hissing sound of inhalation could be heard on the deck of the Little Bird.

A strong chill spread through everyone's hearts.

"Oh my God!"

"They are all bronze-level alchemical artillery pieces!!"

The Bird also has bronze-level alchemical cannons, but there are only two of them, one on the bow and one on the stern deck.

"Captain, what should I do?" the first mate asked his captain urgently.

The captain of the Little Bird stared in front of him, stunned.

"Get ready to fire!" The dragon boy shouted.

Bang, bang, bang...

The pirates of the Justice pulled the rope, and the sparks from the collision of the firing pin ignited the gunpowder, and the shells flew out one after another.

Clouds of smoke quickly rose up on the right side of the Justice.

"Get down!" shouted the Bird's first mate.

The pirates immediately fell to the ground.

The dragon boy looked at the Little Bird in the distance with a smile on his face. The sound of 12 cannons being fired made his heart surge.

"This is the pride of a man on the sea!"

However, the next moment, the dragon boy's smile froze on his face.

The 12 shells passed over the Little Bird and landed on the sea behind it, causing 12 waves.

All shot empty.


On the Little Bird, the first mate rolled and crawled and hurriedly came to the captain: "Captain, the first round is obviously a warning bomb. You should leave quickly and make a decision!"

The captain of the Little Bird was awakened and suddenly shouted: "Raise the white flag, raise the white flag quickly, we surrender!"

(ps: I wish everyone a happy Double Festival!)

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