Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 31: Birdie’s new captain Zong Ge

The decks of the Bird were crowded with sailors.

"Please give way, okay?" Bai Ya walked in front to clear the way for Xuma behind him.

There were so many people that it was very difficult for Bai Ya to clear the way.

From time to time, some people would look back and glare at Bai Ya, or yell, but after seeing the bronze-level Suma again, ordinary pirates would stop and take the initiative to retreat to a small path.

From this, Bai Ya and Xuma slowly passed through the crowd.

Bai Ya was about to squeeze to the front of the crowd, but Xuma grabbed her clothes.

Xuma said: "Don't be so pushy. It's good to be here. We can see clearly without standing in the front row."

Zonge walked vigorously, and after a dozen steps, he stood on the bowsprit of the Bird's deck.

"I am the Lion Flag."

"Once the first mate on the Justice, now the captain on the Birdie."

"I don't care who you are or where you come from. Now that you are on my ship, you must obey my orders!"

Zong Ge pointed out three swords: "He is our first mate."

Bai Ya was not surprised at all when he heard this appointment. But many outsiders were surprised.

Although San Dao has a black iron cultivation level, he is still a goblin after all.

Normally, on a ship dominated by humans, black iron goblins like Sandao have the same status as bronze humans.

People's view of the goblin race is very negative.

The sailors couldn't help but stir slightly when they thought about being commanded by goblins in the future.

Xuma was equally surprised. He was more excited than ordinary people.

He stood behind Bai Ya and smiled: "Thank me, I brought you to a good place."

"Senior, what do you mean?" Bai Ya turned around and asked.

Xuma showed a meaningful smile but did not give an answer. He didn't want to tell Bai Ya the secret of his bribery with three swords. Maintaining a sense of mystery to his younger brother was very helpful in maintaining his authority.

Then the next moment, Zonge began his inaugural speech.

"You don't know me well."

"I am a person who likes war!"

Suma:? ? ?

Zong Ge continued: "I like annihilation battles and see the tragic situation of the enemy being completely wiped out by our army."

"I like cavalry fighting. I enjoy two cavalry colliding with each other. The swords are bloody, the people are on their backs and the horses are overturned. The winner is the king."

"I like ambush warfare. When I see the enemy entering the ambush circle I carefully arranged without realizing it, and when we launch the attack, I can get endless joy from their panicked expressions."


The bronze thief subconsciously covered his heart. What was going on with this unpleasant feeling?

Zonge's voice rose: "Now, I begin to like artillery battles. I fall in love with the sound of artillery blasts, and I enjoy the wonderful taste of gunpowder, which is more delicious than cigars. I look forward to the cannonballs hitting the enemy ships and watching them The decks and sides of the ship were shattered by cannonballs. Watching their masts tipping over faster and faster, watching their sailors being blown to pieces, all the blood in my body was excited."

"And what I like most is the boarding battle. When I hold a sword and rush to the enemy ship, when I cut down the enemies who intercept me one by one, my blade cuts their throats and pierces their hearts, watching them Their hot blood splashed everywhere, and they heard their dying roars or screams. Ah! What a beautiful sound!"

Suma:! ! !

Seeing Zong Ge's expression of enjoyment, he couldn't help but turn pale and sweat break out on his head.

"He is more violent than the dragon suit captain!"

"He's just a war maniac."

Suma finally realized that the decision he made was far less correct than he had imagined.

Zong Ge's face changed: "And what I hate most is weakness. The weakness of being chopped down by the enemy, trampled underfoot, trembling with the sword, the cowardly weakness. I don't allow you to have such weakness! Who wants to escape from the battle, or If he wants to hang around, then I will go in with the white knife and go out with the red knife! Give him some dignity!"

Xuma opened his mouth slightly and was speechless.

"Follow me!" Zong Ge raised his arms.

"I will rush to the front and lead you to slaughter every enemy and capture every sea ship!"

"Let's build great achievements on the sea!!"


The sailors were inspired by the passionate speech and raised their arms and shouted.

Xuma raised his arms and shouted weakly.

On the Justice, the knight boy was located in the captain's cabin, looking out through the open window.

Many sailors also gathered on the first deck, watching what was happening on the Little Bird.

The knock on the door was accompanied by Cang Xu's voice: "Master Longfu, do you have time? Lao Zhong wants to see you."

With the young man's permission, Cang Xu pushed the door open, then turned around and closed the door gently.

The knight boy had already turned on the alchemy artifact radio box, which limited the subsequent conversation between the two to this room. 16 reading

"Sir, I have found a way to absorb soul crystals." Cang Xu brought good news.

Directly absorbing soul crystals is too inefficient and a huge waste of resources. And not everyone has the ability to absorb soul crystals.

Therefore, since he obtained a large amount of soul crystals, Cang Xu, with everyone's expectations, began to study how to better absorb soul crystals.

After so many days, Cang Xu finally got gratifying results.

"This is the alchemy circle absorbed by the soul crystal." Cang Xu handed the young man a scroll.

The scroll depicts a rather complicated magic circle diagram with straight and curved lines that dazzled the young man.

"I studied the books I got from the secret chamber under the sea and combined them with the alchemist's writings I got from the Mysterious Island. After several failures, the current magic circle can already benefit ordinary people."

“I’ve tried it myself and the mental improvement has been huge.”

The young knight nodded and praised without hesitation: "Very good, old scholar, you have never disappointed anyone. It just so happens that we will dock at the island to rest tonight. Gather everyone, let's taste the soul crystal together."

Cang Xu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Sir, do you really want everyone to consume soul crystals?"

The young knight nodded: "Of course, we are all on our own. We have a common secret to escape from the mysterious island. The reason why these soul crystals can be obtained is to consume the unlocking scrolls. And the redemption of these scrolls is public property. .Soul crystal...everyone should have a share of this kind of good thing."

"Sir, I admire your justice and tolerance. However... please forgive me for being rude." Cang Xu bowed slightly.

"Say it. Don't have any scruples."

"First of all, many of us are ordinary people. Investing precious resources like soul crystals on them is a very wasteful thing. Their bloodline limits their future achievements. No matter how much they use, they will Just ordinary people with good spirits.”

"Secondly, we can let them choose. We can promote transactions and let ordinary people sell their share of soul crystals to extraordinary people. In this way, ordinary people can get the money they can use. And the extraordinary people will The improvement will be higher. The strength of the entire team will also be greatly improved. In the future, battles will be more confident, and more loot will be obtained, forming a more beneficial positive cycle."

"at last……"

"Sir." Cang Xu took a step forward and approached the desk. He turned slightly and gestured with his eyes to the bird singing outside the window.

Although the noise on the Little Bird was much quieter, it still continued.

Cangxu's face was full of solemnity: "I always believe that the strongest person in the team should be you, sir. It is the safest. Zong Ge...he is a bit strong."

The young man raised his eyebrows: "Do you doubt him?"

Cang Xu shook his head slightly: "It's more of fear than suspicion."

"He is a fighter at the peak of Silver Peak."

"If he gets angry at close range, I won't even be able to cast a single spell, and he will kill me quickly."

"His fighting spirit is already the strongest, and now he has the Little Bird Number..."

"Sir, don't forget, he has always wanted to seize leadership on the Mysterious Island. However, magic and fighting spirit are prohibited on the Mysterious Island, and his strength is severely limited. But now, this is a vast ocean, and he can use it to his heart's content. His cultivation."

The young knight's eyes couldn't help but trance.

After seizing the Little Bird, where Cang Xu was standing at the moment, Zong Ge stated his summary of the naval battle to the young man.

Zong Ge believes that our side needs better equipment and more rigorous training.

During the battle with the Little Bird, it was obvious that many of the sailors on the Justice lacked the ability to sail and fire guns.

This was intolerable to Zonge.

Zong Ge also believes that our senior leaders also lack the ability to command naval battles. Now that there are fewer ships, it is not obvious yet. But when there are more ships in the future, this flaw will become obvious.

This includes himself.

What Zong Ge said were all true insights, and the young man recognized them very much. In fact, they both think alike.

Therefore, the boy gave the birdie number to Zong Ge, hoping that he could play freely.

The Justice is commanded by a young man.

Both of them have enough space to give full play to themselves, and they can learn from each other's strengths.

This is exactly the original intention of the young man to accept his fate.

But today, Cang Xu said these words, and the young man suddenly realized that there was a gap between his companions, and this gap was deepening.

Cangxu is afraid of Zongge, and Zongge is also wary of Cangxu. A few days ago, Zong Ge also reminded the young man to be careful of Cang Xu.

They each have their reasons, and they are all good ones.

"As a leader, what should I do?" The young man frowned and thought.

However, until Cang Xu resigned, he still didn't find the answer.

The distressed knight boy opened the drawer of his desk, and there was a pile of scrolls in the drawer.

These are secret scrolls.

Although he had redeemed these scrolls before, the young man had been hesitating whether to use them or not.

Cang Xu's visit today made the young man make a decision.

You still have to use the secret scroll!

Don't underestimate people, don't overestimate people.

For the sake of the entire team, he must make it more difficult and costly for members to betray each other.

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