Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 33: Bloodline mutation

"!" Bai Ya said silently in his heart every time he chopped the wooden knife in his hand,

The pirates were baking on the deck under the scorching sun, and everyone was sweating profusely.

"Finally done!" After chopping for 1,000 times, Bai Ya immediately threw away the wooden knife, turned and ran towards the side of the ship, and then fell into the sea with a splash.

The moment he entered the water, the heat and cold transitioned so quickly that he shivered violently.

But the young man kept the training content in mind, gritted his teeth and surfaced, took a deep breath, rowed his arms with all his strength, and began to swim quickly around the bird.

"Quick, quick, quick!" The urging sounds of three swords came from the side of the ship.

Another group of pirates threw wooden boxes, barrels, etc. at the side of the ship. According to Zonge's rules, the more pirates they hit in the water, the higher their training scores would be.

Bai Ya had to breathe and avoid the barrels that kept falling.

Fortunately, he was not alone, there were many pirates in front and behind him to share the firepower for him.

Bai Ya quickly found the pattern.

To avoid the impact of falling objects, you have to watch the timing. The dive must be deep enough so that the surface of the water can be used to weaken the force of the barrels and other bombs.

But it can't be too deep, because he still has to breathe and compete with other pirates for swimming speed.

This tests his observation skills and his control over his physical fitness, while also requiring him to remain calm in the midst of chaos.

After finally swimming around the Little Bird, Bai Ya completed the training content of submersible swimming.

He had to climb a rope to reach the Bird's deck again.

When he grabbed the rope with both hands, his arms were already sore and swollen. He was breathing heavily and his whole body was shaking slightly.

Holding the rope with both hands, his upper body emerged from the sea. The young man took the opportunity to look around, and he found that someone had already climbed onto the deck in front, and someone was halfway up.

"I'm behind! I have to catch up with them."

Bai Ya became anxious and immediately started climbing.

But the next moment, his arms lost their strength, and his whole body fell directly into the sea water.

"Oops, I'm exhausted." Bai Ya's heart sank.

Finally, it took him much longer than he imagined and he climbed onto the deck with great difficulty. He became one of the last few.

Bai Ya was born as a hunter in the mountains. Climbing heights is actually his strong point, but swimming is not. He spent too much energy while swimming and was hit several times. One time the pain was so painful that I almost fainted on the spot.

Frustration and loss enveloped his heart, so much so that Bai Ya collapsed on the deck, unable to get up for a while.

Xuma came over and stretched out his hand to pull Bai Ya up.

Bai Ya looked at these winners, made some comparisons in his mind, and couldn't help but shake his head in frustration.

This kind of competitive training made him deeply aware of the differences between people.

As long as he is at the bronze level, even the old man's physical fitness is much better than his. Even if he is proficient in swimming, he is no match for these people.

The only remaining ordinary people are actually much stronger than Bai Ya in terms of fighting spirit cultivation, but they just haven't reached the level of bronze level.

"How great it would be if I could become bronze!"

"Are Suma-senpai's words completely correct?"

"Am I really hopeless?"

Bai Ya was unwilling to give in and still had expectations.

In the morning, they trained on boarding and close combat, and in the afternoon, they trained on artillery shooting.

On the narrow artillery deck, Zonge held his pocket watch and kept drinking. The pirates, including Bai Ya, kept going back and forth to the left and right sides of the ship, pushing the cannons, stuffing gunpowder and shells, and pulling ropes to fire off the cannons.

But Zong Ge was still dissatisfied. The half-orc roared loudly at the end: "Your speed is too slow, too slow! The next training session must shorten the time of a round of shelling to less than two minutes!"

Night falls.

The pirates ate their dinner, clattering their wooden spoons and rice bowls.

"Training, training, training all day long!"

"I almost doubted that if I entered the military camp, I would still be an elite regular army of the empire."

“When exactly can I grab a deal?”

"I'll get off the ship if I make a fortune! This is no place for humans."

"Boy, get out of here. Don't you see that this is where I sit?" A bronze-level leader pushed Bai Ya hard.

Bai Ya staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Xuma was no longer around, and Bai Ya didn't want to cause trouble, so he pushed it down silently.

Zong Ge has boarded the Justice.

In the captain's cabin.

He and the knight boy gathered around the desk and looked at the stack of charts on the table.

"How is the training effect?" The young knight looked down at the chart and asked.

"The improvement in artillery training has been good, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. As for boarding battles..." Zong Ge shook his head and said dissatisfiedly, "The quality of these troops is not high."

"This is not a military camp." The young knight smiled and reminded.

When he was on the Mysterious Island, he knew that Zong Ge had a military status.

The orc nodded: "Yes. How many days have it been? These people can't bear it anymore. Although I suppressed it, their anger is getting bigger and bigger. They need to vent their anger."

The young knight sighed: "I also know that according to the intelligence, we should have seen the Rapids yesterday."

The Rapids pirate ship was the boy's intended prey.

The information comes from imperial sources and should be reliable.

But when they rushed to this area, they never found the Rapids.

This possibility is also possible.

Because although the Rapids often appears here and robs passing merchant ships, it is constantly moving. Sometimes it may stay away from this sea area in order to chase merchant ships or for other reasons.

The knight boy drew an arc on the chart with his finger: "This is our route tomorrow."

At the end of the arc, in the direction where the young knight's fingers paused, was a small island.

"If we hadn't encountered the Jetstream, we would have rested on this island. It's marked on the imperial chart that there is plenty of food and fresh water on this island to replenish," the young knight said.

Zong Ge nodded.

He is an excellent general, and he knows that the situation under his command does need some relaxation, and he cannot push too hard, otherwise it will cause rebellion and unrest, which will cause trouble.

Zong Ge couldn't move such a big boat alone.

The next day, the Jetstream was still missing.

The Justice and the Bird sailed for a day and docked at an unknown island at dusk.

The young knight arranged some of his people on two boats and took a large number of people to stay on the island overnight.

The pirates, who had been trapped in the narrow cabin for a long time, all shouted happily and happily after setting foot on the land.

The knight boy divided everyone into many teams, pointed out their directions, let them explore the island as much as possible, and agreed to set sail tomorrow afternoon.

And late at night, everyone who escaped from the Mysterious Island gathered secretly in a valley.

"There are three main things to do in calling everyone together. The first is the secret-keeping contract." The young knight said, raising his hand to let everyone see the scroll in his hand.

"I believe that using the secret scrolls can make us trust each other more. These were purchased from the empire. Now they supervise each other and use the scrolls in their hands together. If you have any objections, you can raise them now."

Everyone looked at each other, then shook their heads to express their approval of the leader's decision.

The light of the secret-keeping scrolls began to flicker one after another.

It was difficult for ordinary people to use the secret scroll on their own, so with the help of others, everyone used the scroll.

The atmosphere seems to have become more harmonious.

"The second thing is to distribute pearls." The young knight motioned to Cang Xu.

Cang Xu stood aside and took out a bag filled with pearl foam.

To each person who came forward, he distributed a few pills to each other.

During the distribution process, the young knight continued: "The production of pearl foam is decreasing, and it is difficult to keep going. Based on the current situation, we only have about a month. By then, the pearl foam will be exhausted."

Everyone looked solemn.

They already knew this situation.

"Didn't we discover the temple of Meilan God?" Someone said.

The young knight nodded and said: "For this, we have to thank Mr. Cangxu. Because of him, we found clues to the Temple of Charming Blue God. Perhaps in this temple, we can find someone who can replenish the magical power of Charming Blue for the fairy tale of the artifact mermaid. Method."

"So, our next goal is Charming Blue Temple!"

"Of course, before that, we have to digest all the funds, do our best to arm ourselves, and enhance our combat effectiveness."

"Do you have any other opinions?"

Everyone approved.

Fat Tongue added: "We still need to rescue the president of my clan as soon as possible. Only in this way can we contact the leader of the Baizhen clan."

The young knight nodded to him: "Believe me, I have never forgotten this, and I will do my best to save Zidi. We can escape from the Mysterious Island, but at the last moment, we can't do it without Zidi's help."

The fat tongue was comforted and stopped talking.

Others were silent.

Everyone has mixed feelings about Zidi.

On the one hand, the shipwreck was caused by Zidi. On the other hand, they were rescued by Zi Di on the Mysterious Island. Another key point is that Zidi has a close relationship with the leading boy...

"The third thing is a good thing. Cangxu, let you say it." The young knight smiled.

Cang Xu looked indifferent and calmly told the good news that he could use the alchemy circle to help his people digest soul crystals.

The crowd got excited.

"What exactly is a soul crystal? How can it help us?" Bai Ya asked the blue algae beside him.

Blue Algae shook his head: "I don't know exactly. It seems to be a good thing that can enhance our mental power."

Cang Xu then talked about the soul crystal transaction.

Soul crystals are very precious, and it is a complete waste for ordinary people to use them to improve their spiritual power.

It is better to leave it to extraordinary people to use it, which can better help the team improve its overall strength.

Ordinary people can trade with extraordinary people and use their soul crystal usage rights in exchange for what they want.

This proposal was supported by almost everyone.

Only Bai Ya felt a sense of resentment in her heart.

Warcraft meat is like this, and soul crystal is like this. As an ordinary person, he feels discrimination.

But immediately, he became happy again and said to Lan Zhao: "Can I sell the soul crystal to you in exchange for Warcraft meat?"

Lan Zao glanced at him, hesitated and said, "Okay. But Warcraft have to eat it in moderation, and you can't eat too much. Your foundation is a bit weak, and eating too much will be harmful."

"Sir, if I keep eating Warcraft meat, can I break through to the bronze level?" Bai Ya asked nervously.

Lan Zao was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Bai Ya already knew the cruel truth about his qualifications.

He didn't want to deceive Bai Ya, but he didn't want to hit him.

Seeing Lan Zhao's silence for a moment, Bai Ya's expression quickly dimmed.

"Am I really hopeless?"

"Yes." Lan Zhao patted his shoulder and forced a smile, "Do you know about bloodline mutations? The descendants of nobles have always had weak bloodlines. The descendants of these weak bloodlines may have a sudden mutation in their bloodlines and suddenly have strong bloodlines. .”

"But I'm just an ordinary hunter."

"Who knows. There are many illegitimate children of nobles. Maybe even your parents and grandparents don't know about it. This situation is very common among those with blood mutations."

"Bloodline mutation..." Bai Ya murmured, remembering this word deep in his heart.

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