Infinite Bloodcore

Section 37: Imperial Mission

The knight boy is silver, the mange is the pinnacle of silver, and he is both gray and flute.

There are four silvers in three ships, if you include the black iron level three swordsmen, Cangxu, Xiaotiao and others. The number of strong men in the Justice Pirates is indeed unusually high.

"Oh, by the way. Not long ago, Golden Chin came back for a supply trip. He left behind some belongings, which belong to you, the captain of the dragon suit." The receptionist added.

At first, the knight boy defeated and captured Golden Chin and Sea Snake, then joined the empire and signed an alliance with them.

The covenant stipulates that Golden Chin and Sea Snake retain the right to move freely, but they must accept unconditional recruitment by the Knight Boy twice a year. At the same time, one-third of their harvest in the next three years must be handed over to the Knight Boy and others.

In order to avoid being taken advantage of, a lower limit was set on the value of the property that was handed over.

At the same time, in order to motivate Golden Chin and Sea Snake Girl, there is an upper limit for the property turned over. If this limit is exceeded, the surrender will automatically end and the three-year contract will be automatically terminated.

Counting the property handed over by Golden Chin, the chips in the hands of the young knight suddenly increased and became more considerable.

The dragon boy couldn't help but be moved by the receptionist's suggestion.

But he clearly remembered the cost of upgrading his authority, and he couldn't help showing doubts: "To upgrade to silver authority, my gold coins are enough. But the empire's contribution..."

The receptionist smiled and said: "The contribution to the empire is sufficient. Captain Dragon Service, you have won two battles on this voyage and have a good record. We have calculated your contribution this time."

When the dragon boy saw the specific contribution estimate, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

This result was much more than he originally imagined.

The receptionist continued: "Your victory this time consumes very little, even in the consumption of food and fresh water. The damage to the ships is very small, especially the Justice. In fact, these configurations such as bronze cannons can also be used for a period of time. of."

The dragon boy had always been dissatisfied with the equipment on the Justice.

He wanted better equipment.

Such as artillery.

But in fact, these bronze cannons are already competitive enough to compete at sea. This conclusion can be reached by comparing the Jetstream and the Birdie.

As for powerful gold-level enemies, such as meat and potatoes, even silver-level artillery is of no avail.

However, in the end, the dragon boy shook his head and suppressed the urge to increase his authority.

If he increases his authority, he will have very little capital left this time and will not be able to redeem enough resources to improve his own strength.

From the perspective of an outsider like the receptionist, escalating authority is indeed a wise move.

But in fact, the dragon boy and others are in a difficult situation. They need to hurry up and take their time.

They use pearl foam to temporarily hide themselves. I hope to give up some of my interests to gain the empire's understanding.

At this stage, they face difficult challenges.

They want to search for the Temple of Charming Blue God to see if they can replenish the mermaid's fairy tale with divine power, so as to delay their discovery.

According to the current intelligence, their enemy has a silver-level necromancer, and he is also a blasphemous priest. At the same time, there are also the cultists of the Charming Blue God. The defensive power of the Charming Blue Temple itself cannot be estimated. Who knows what is inside.

Therefore, it is the wisest choice to improve one's own strength as much as possible to cope with the next challenges.

The receptionist was a little disappointed with the dragon boy's decision.

The act of elevating their authority also shows the Justice Pirates' loyalty and trust to the Empire.

The receptionist had no power to stop the dragon man's actions. He could only give some suggestions.

He handed the boy a scroll.

This is the Imperial Inventory, using the alchemical techniques of Endless Paper.

"This is the current exchange price." The receptionist said.

The dragon boy browsed carefully and found that although the prices fluctuated slightly, they were generally stable. It is worth noting that there are more than a dozen additions and deletions compared to the previous content.

"We need artillery. We estimate 4 silver-level alchemical artillery pieces."

"The Justice needs a Serenity prow statue."

"Warcraft meat...this, this, and this."

"By the way, the cabin of the Justice needs to be renovated. There are too few combat training rooms. We need three training combat rooms."

"We need three boxes of underwater breathing potions, one box of healing potions, and thirty pills each of magic replenishing potions and mental stabilizers."

"In terms of spell scrolls, including wind blowing, windless field, fresh water production, air production, etc., they all need to be purchased."

"By the way, there are also contract scrolls that can be temporarily added or modified."

The dragon boy blurted out.

The first time he looked at the imperial inventory, he was slow. This time, he blurted out the words vigorously and resolutely.

In fact, on the way back to Hong Kong, he, Zong Ge, Cang Xu and others had discussed it many times and had already considered it.

They also had an imperial inventory on hand.

Whenever they have free time, Knight Boy, Zong Ge, Cang Xu and others are studying the contents on the list.

Of course, this content is outdated, and as time goes by, the gap between the actual situation will widen.

This time when they return to Hong Kong for supplies, they will return the imperial list to the receptionist and exchange it for the latest one.

The knight boy then discussed with Cang Xu, Zong Ge and others and gave another form for exchanging supplies.

What the boy blurted out before was a final word. What is given now is the content that has been temporarily changed and adjusted after consultation due to changes in information.

There are sandbags inside for the knight boy to practice his fighting spirit. He has already broken all the sandbags he used before. The red bean sandbag he bought now is the most suitable for him and should last for a long time.

A book on naval warfare tactics requested by Zonge.

All kinds of alchemy materials Cang Xu needs.

The receptionist confirmed these contents and completed most transactions on the spot.

"This group of people in Longfu are really ambitious. They took out all the wealth they plundered without any hesitation. The key is that these capitals are all used to enhance their strength, and they are not greedy for pleasure at all."

The receptionist couldn't help but think of the group of pirates he had received before.

"Although Claw is a gold-level pirate, the stolen goods are sold into gold coins and stored. The salary given to his subordinates is also quite meager. With this kind of spirit, it cannot be compared with Dragon Suit."

"Given time, this group of people is likely to become pirates that surpass claws and become famous. As long as one of them is promoted to a gold-level fighter!"

The receptionist had no idea.

The knight boy and his gang are now thinking about disguise, getting out of crime, and getting redemption. Where is the time and mood to have fun?

Looking at the latest empire list, the boy couldn't help but sigh.

There are so many good things!

He had to force himself to endure these temptations.

For example, the fighting skill Dragon Claw Strike he discovered this time is a fighting skill that is extremely suitable for him.

Zong Ge just had a strong hope that he could exchange for some war slaves.

These slaves have high physical fitness and high tactical skills. They are slaves in positioning war.

With these war slaves as the core and good and bad pirates as assistants, Zonge can outline an iron army in reality.

But there is no money.

Gold coins are easy to talk about, but the key is the empire's contribution.

Especially good things, almost all require contributions from the empire.

This was originally the conspiracy of the Shengming Empire to set up a secret espionage mission, and it was clearly laid out there.

With limited capital, the Knight Boys and their team must think carefully and make the right choices in order to maximize their own improvement.

The receptionist observed his words and smiled inwardly when he saw the dragon boy rolling up the scroll reluctantly. He was already very familiar with this look.

The receptionist said: "Captain Dragon Service, there is a mission right now, which I highly recommend. Because if you can complete it, you will make a lot of contributions to the empire."

Imperial Secret Mission - Kill the pirate captain Silver Hook!

"Three days ago, this group of people boldly robbed a military supply ship near Stink Bay. There was a large amount of military rations on the ship, as well as more than a dozen boxes of munitions. One of the boxes contained 300 low-level fireball magic scrolls. "The receptionist introduced.

The rewards for this mission are indeed great.

The Empire's contribution alone is a large amount, far exceeding the total value of the Empire's contribution consumed by the Justice Pirates.

If there is this income, the Justice Pirates will not be short of gold coins. Not only can their authority be upgraded next time, but they will also have a lot of capital left on hand.

Seeing that the dragon boy was a little moved, the receptionist continued: "Currently, Silver Hook's group has 12 pirate ships, including 1 black iron-level ship and 3 bronze-level ships. There are 4 silver-level pirate ships, including 3 fighters. Silver Hook I am at the peak of Silver. There is also a Silver-level wind magician."

"It is worth noting that this group of thieves is very well-equipped. They are generally equipped with bronze-level artillery, with a total of more than 120. There are 4 silver-level artillery."

"There is a team of flying hook pirates under the banner, about 20 people, each member has at least a bronze level cultivation level. The small bosses are all black iron level fighters. The fighting spirit they practice is the same as the silver hook, and they are very good at using flying hook weapons. .”

"If the dragon suit captain accepts this mission, I suggest you contact Golden Chin and Sea Snake Girl to deal with it together and share the risks."

The dragon boy couldn't help but be surprised that the Silver Hook pirate group was very powerful.

Although the pirate leader is only at the silver level, the number and scale of ships, artillery, and elite pirates far exceed that of the Justice Pirates.

The Justice Pirates currently have four Silver Fighters, which is the biggest advantage of the Justice Pirates. But the Silver Hook Pirates were already on par, and even slightly won because one of them was a magician.

Just based on the comparison of strength on paper, the Justice Pirates are no match. As the receptionist said, you need to combine Golden Chin and Sea Snake. Anyway, the young Cavaliers hold the right to compulsorily recruit them.

This is probably also included in the receptionist's calculations.

After all, the knight boy did not hide the contents of the covenant from 006.

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