Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 39: Teach your son how to fight

The night breeze is gentle and the stars are dotted.

In the back mountain corner of Crescent Town, a dazzling red light suddenly erupted in the dense darkness.

The hot dragon flames burned blazingly, and the air temperature rose rapidly at a terrifying speed.

Innate spell - scorching dragon's breath!

The dragon boy opened his mouth and turned his neck with difficulty while maintaining the innate spells in the blood of the Flame Dragon King.

As he turned his head, the scorching dragon's breath swept out a line.

The young man stopped this spell and saw a large piece of burnt rock in front of him.

"It still needs improvement!"

"Although after limited practice, I can now slightly change direction when breathing dragon breath. But the rotation speed is too slow and has no practical value at all."

Knight Boy has been honing his craft.

Although the practice of Dragon Breath is less, the improvement is not small.

Before, the boy could not move his head when he breathed out the dragon's breath. Once transferred, the dragon's breath will become very unstable, rising and falling. Now he has overcome this difficulty. The dragon's breath is stable, but the head turning speed is too slow and needs to be improved.

"The next step is to increase the steering speed."

"After that, we have to try to move our feet while breathing out the dragon's breath."

At present, once he breathes out the dragon's breath, he can only stand motionless and become a living target.

The young man has a clear training plan in mind.

He knew he had to overcome these difficulties.

Fighting skills require diligent study and practice.

"Dad, you are so awesome!" The big man's admiration interrupted the dragon boy's thinking.

The dragon boy smiled slightly.

This time he did not practice alone, but brought a big man with him.

"How are you? Are you scared?" The dragon boy asked with concern.

Dragon Breath is the strongest attack method he currently has, and it is difficult for most Silver Fighters to resist. Even if you are at the gold level, you still have to sharpen your edge.

The big man shook his head: "Dad and I are the same, not afraid."

The dragon boy laughed.

He was able to relax completely with big men. Maybe it was because the big man lacked intelligence and sincerity, or maybe it was some other reason.

"How are you doing with the Dou Qi technique that I asked you to practice recently?"

"Here, let me check it out."

The dragon boy walked towards the big man.

The big man was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his hair still disheveled, and his mouth was full of yellow teeth when he smiled, which looked ugly. But unlike on the Mysterious Island, he was wearing a leather armor.

Although the leather armor was simple, it protected his heart, waist and other parts, giving the big man a sense of power.

As for the single horn on his head, it was a deliberate arrangement to hide the big man's true identity.

Hearing that his father wanted to check his cultivation, the big man couldn't help but become nervous.

He put away his smile, bent down, and brought his huge head close to the dragon boy. He has great trust in the dragon boy.

The young man patted his head and said, "Just hand me your arm."

So, the big man straightened up and held out his arm.

The dragon boy grabbed his wrist and slowly transported the fighting spirit into his body, while the spirit spread throughout the big man's body.

Soon, he noticed the rich fighting spirit hidden in the big man's body.

"Huh?" The dragon boy was surprised.

The scale of fighting spirit inside the big man was beyond his expectation.

"Have you practiced before?" The young man couldn't help but ask.

The big man shook his head: "Dad won't let me practice." The "dad" here obviously refers to the old shipwright.

The dragon boy couldn't help but look at the big man again.

He didn't expect that the big man's qualifications were so good!

After receiving the Dou Qi Jue, the big man learned how to exercise under the personal guidance of the young man. It had only been more than ten days, but his fighting spirit had already been accumulated to a very deep level, and he was just a hair away from the bronze level.

"If the old shipwright knew the big man's qualifications, would he give him the Dou Qi Technique for him to practice?"

The dragon boy couldn't help but think about it.

Immediately, he shook his head.

The old shipwright is just an ordinary person and cannot guide the big man in his cultivation. More importantly, he is very afraid of the big man getting into trouble, and he often teaches the big man to be patient. When he is bullied, he can only call him to come over and support the big man.

Even if the old shipwright wanted to practice as a big man, the others on the Pig's Kiss would not allow it. No matter how talented the big man is, his intelligence is not up to par, and he is also mad!

"Dad, I will practice seriously. Don't be angry!" The big man suddenly became frightened when he saw the boy shaking his head.

The dragon boy quickly comforted him: "You are practicing very well, and dad is very pleased. You are really great! You are very talented!"

"Really? Hehehe." The big man grinned and scratched his head with his hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

The young man suddenly thought of the big man's fighting spirit technique again.

The fighting spirit technique practiced by the big man is called Wuxin Sleeping Form. The boy picked it from the empire's list and specially exchanged it.

This Dou Qi Jue has a big flaw, as the speed of accumulation of Dou Qi is very slow. But the advantage is also very prominent, that is, the way to practice Dou Qi Jue is very simple and convenient.

Considering that the big man was stupid, the dragon boy deliberately chose the simplest fighting spirit technique.

Even so, it took him a lot of effort and three consecutive days to teach the big man.

A normal person can get started in one or two minutes.

"Wuxin Sleeping Fighting Qi Jue accumulates fighting qi very slowly, but the big man has achieved such results. So how good should his qualifications be?"

"No, maybe it's because his stupidity meets the requirements of Wu Xin Sleeping Fighting Qi Technique."

The Dragon Man boy remembered that Wu Xin Sleeping Xiang Dou Qi Jue repeatedly emphasized that the fighter who practices this Dou Qi Jue needs to keep his heart clear and free from any distracting thoughts.

It is difficult for normal people to do this. Therefore, during the Wu Xin Sleeping Phase, a vindictive practice, sleepiness will gradually occur and help the practitioner fall asleep.

While sleeping, the fighting energy in a practitioner's body will still continue to circulate for a period of time. Because he is asleep, he has no distracting thoughts and falls into a state of emptiness.

Therefore, since the big man boarded the ship, he has basically been sleeping soundly in the cabin on the forecastle floor. He snored so loudly that the pirates privately called him Sleeper.

"Practice hard, boy! Spend all your time practicing. When you become a bronze warrior, I will give you a gift!" The dragon boy patted the big man on the shoulder, very happy.

There is a huge gap in worth between ordinary people and extraordinary people. When the big man becomes a supernatural being, the boy has more reason to keep him on the Justice without arousing suspicion because the big man eats too much.

Even if the big man is no longer with the boy in the future, he has the strength to avoid being bullied.

The big man is the most loyal to the dragon boy. In this regard, neither Zi Di, Cang Xu, Zong Ge, nor even blue algae can compare with it.

"Dad, I can help you with things." The big man was a little dissatisfied.

In fact, the big man was terrified as soon as he boarded the Justice. Because he only eats, drinks, sleeps, and excretes all day long. This is really different from the coolie life he once had on the Pig's Kiss.

The big man was also taught by his adoptive father, the old shipwright, that he needs to make a contribution and have value before the collective will accept him.

In addition to being worried and frightened, the big man wanted to help the dragon boy.

His thoughts were completely sincere.

"After you become a Bronze Warrior, I will let you go out and do some activities. Remember, the stronger you are, the greater your help will be to me."

"Okay, now I'll teach you how to use fighting skills."

"Just having fighting spirit is not enough, you must also have fighting skills so that you can have actual combat capabilities."

The dragon boy carefully considered three fighting skills for the big man.

The first is called sweeping an army, using a wooden stick or an arm to sweep across an area.

The second fighting skill is called ground strike, which involves using hands, feet or weapons such as a mallet to hit the ground hard, causing violent shocks that may stun the enemy.

The third fighting skill is Bull Crash, which allows the fighter to sprint quickly and hit the target with his body.

These three fighting techniques all have one thing in common - the content is simple! Very simple!

The young man began to teach the big man step by step.

Fighting skills - sweep through thousands of armies!

The big man swung the wooden stick, and the wooden stick flew out. He also spun around and fell to the ground.

The fighting skill failed.

Fighting Skill - Earthquake Strike!

The big man slammed the tip of the stick onto the ground.


There was no crack on the ground, not even a shallow pit, but the big man himself spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell unconscious on the spot.

The flow of fighting energy went awry, causing him to be seriously injured.

The dragon boy was startled and quickly used healing potion to revive the big man.

After resting for a while, the big man regained his composure.

The treatment potion combined with the big man's strong recovery ability gave him the ability to move again.

Fighting Skill - Bull Rush.

The big man rushed out a few steps, and suddenly his fighting spirit was interrupted. He stumbled with his left foot and his right foot, and fell down. Then due to the huge inertia, a long mark was wiped out on the ground.

The dragon boy crossed his chest with his left arm and covered his head with his right paw.

The big man's IQ is worrying, and it is difficult to master such a simple fighting skill.

"For him, it takes three days to learn the Wu Xin Sleeping Phase Dou Qi Technique. These Dou Qi Techniques are much more complicated than Wu Xin Sleeping Phase."

"Can you master one in a month?" The dragon boy estimated the time and was not confident about this.

The big man is too big and lacks a practice space.

Although the Justice will be transformed into three combat training rooms, these cabins are not suitable for big men.

When the first ray of the morning sun appeared on the horizon, the big man still made no progress in his fighting skills.

His whole face was bruised and swollen, as if he had been violently abused.

The hills, which were originally a natural landscape, revealed an ugly and messy scene under the gradually brightening light.

The dragon boy's heart suddenly moved, and the mess in front of him made him realize: Even if the big man cannot master the fighting skills, he is still very powerful based on his own physique and natural strength.

The big man has the blood of a giant, and the physical fitness of a giant is far superior to that of a human.

And once he becomes a transcendent in the future and masters fighting skills, how will his combat power skyrocket? And based on current progress, his qualifications are obviously not limited to bronze and black iron...

Looking at the rising sun, the dragon boy's expectations became more and more.

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