Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 42: Son, come on!

"We found a survivor ahead!"

Soon after, everyone came to the survivors.

The survivors had passed out.

He is a scrawny old man with deep wrinkles all over his face, sunken eye sockets and high cheekbones. The hair is sparse and gray, like a candle in the wind.

A man dressed in gray cautiously stepped forward to take a look: "He is an ordinary person. He has no injuries on his body, but his condition is very poor. I'm afraid he fainted from hunger."

If they are not extraordinary people, everyone will be a little relaxed.

Cang Xu, on the other hand, remained skeptical: "There is no seaport or fishing village near the Magnetic Islands. How do ordinary people get here? This place is not safe."

"Continue to search nearby. Next, let us revive this old man." The dragon boy ordered.

Everyone carried healing potions with them.

Xiaoniao stepped forward, opened the corner of the old man's mouth, and poured a can of small light red healing potion.

The old man closed his eyes tightly and did not wake up.

"I heard that some monks in the east of the empire practice special fighting spirit and can control the fighting spirit extremely finely. If there is such fighting spirit, it can help the old man absorb the nutrients of the medicine quickly and wake up quickly." Xiaoniao said regretfully. .

The pirates present could only wait.

The grey-colored fighting spirit combined with his rat-human blood will cause harm if it is transported into the human body.

The dragon boy's explosive fighting spirit is full of explosive properties, and its subtlety is the weakest point of this fighting spirit technique. In fact, even his previous Baihe Dou Qi could not operate at such a fine level.

As for Di Lu, he is a spell caster. Like Cang Xu, they must maintain their own state to cope with emergencies. Spells are much more flexible than Dou Qi, and their applications are much broader.

"Sir, we found a boat! It should be the survivor's boat."

Everyone rushed over and saw a broken and damaged lifeboat. Most of the hull has disappeared, leaving only the bow.

"This old man is so lucky that he was able to persist to the Magnetic Islands. He may be a survivor of the shipwreck."

"I think he was unlucky. He finally escaped and landed on land, but it turned out to be the Magnetic Islands!"

When night fell completely and everyone's temporary camp had just been built, a pirate reported to the dragon boy that the old man had woken up.

"I was originally a fisherman in White Wing Port. The exorbitant taxes imposed by the noble lord were too heavy and I couldn't survive, so I boarded a pirate ship to beg for food. As a result, I met a bigger pirate and defeated our fleet. I Right next to the lifeboat, he climbed on board before the ship sank."

"Oh, how could we bring food and water to escape? After another storm, there were not many sailors left in the boat. Then we encountered sharks..."

"I don't remember how I got ashore. I just remember that I passed out from hunger on the boat."

"Thank you for saving my life, but I..." the old man spread his hands with a look of sorrow on his face, "I'm afraid I can't give you anything in return."

"I don't expect anything in return from saving you." The dragon boy shook his head.

"Haha, old man, you are lucky to meet our righteous pirate group." Xiaoniao laughed.

"Justice...pirate group?" The old man was puzzled. How could these two words that are so different from each other go together?

"What's the name of the pirate group you joined? Who attacked you?" Cang Xu asked.

The old man's answer surprised everyone.

The pirate group he joined was not worth mentioning, but the pirate group that attacked him turned out to be Silver Hook's group!

"Why are Silver Hook and his gang here?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

A map of the Eidolon Sea appeared in everyone's minds.

The latest news they got was that Silver Hook and his gang had attacked the Empire's supply ship. Although the specific location of the robbery is not known, the closest point on that route is a long way from the Magnetic Islands.

"Aren't these guys too audacious? They robbed the empire's military supply ship, and they still dare to wander around outside!"

"We didn't look for them, but they took the initiative to come over. What should we do?"

"Could it be that their goal is also the Magnet Islands?"

The senior officials were a little surprised.

Silver Hook and his gang are stronger than the Justice Pirates, so it would be unwise to get into trouble with them.

The dragon boy frowned.

His real purpose of coming here was, of course, not to search for treasures in the Magnetic Islands, but to check whether the temple of Charming Blue God was hidden here.

The original body of the Charming Blue God is a mermaid, so his temples are rarely built on land, and most of them are in the sea.

Currently, the alien sea god is in a very bad condition, and there are not many temples left in various places. But His main temple has always been hidden, and there has been no news of it being discovered or destroyed.

His main temple is almost certainly under the sea somewhere. The chart obtained by the dragon boy from the secret room on the sea floor also proved this guess.

A blasphemous priest with ulterior motives also targeted Meilan God. He studied for a long time and marked several major suspect locations on the activity map. And he himself has infiltrated among the Meilan believers, and may have reached the Meilan Temple at this moment.

In order to replenish the magical power of the mermaid's fairy tale, the dragon boy group must find the Charming Blue Temple as soon as possible. They couldn't hitch a ride on the pagans, so they could only be tempted one by one.

After everyone's research, the Magnetic Islands are the most worthy of exploration among several suspected locations.

The target of Silver Hook and his gang is not necessarily the Magnetic Islands. Even if they are, they may not get into trouble with us. After all, the terrain of the Magnetic Islands is highly variable and complex.

Taking a step back, the dragon boy imagined the worst case scenario - they had a fight with the Silver Hook Pirates.

"Even if you can't defeat it, you can still escape."

So, after pondering for a moment, the dragon captain issued an order: inform Zonge of this important information and ask him to be more vigilant. The exploration team continues to explore the island, and in order to save time, an elite team will be organized to explore overnight.

"In one night, we should be able to determine whether there is the main temple of the Charming Blue God hidden here." The dragon boy did not have confidence in himself, but in the Deep Sea Monster Fish and the fairy tale of the mermaid.

Although the Deep Sea Monster Fish is an alchemy ship, it was built by a great master of alchemy. The alchemy technology is very high and it can freely explore the seabed of the Magnet Islands.

With the fairy tale of the mermaid as the core, a detection array has been deployed in the Monster Fish. As long as you get close to the Charming Blue God Temple, the magic circle will react.

That night, the dragon boy, Cangxu, Big Man and others continued to explore. Xiaoniao and Diluo stayed at the temporary camp, while Gray returned to the pirate ship to help Zongge prevent the threat of Silver Hook.

Cangxu took out the Finger of Greed.

The divine finger trembled and turned under the hanging rope.

Following this direction, the elite team gradually moved away from the temporary camp.

Soon after, they found a gathering place of earth elements.

This is the limitation of Greedy God's Finger.

The finger bones contain the divine nature of greed, but like a mermaid fairy tale, everyone can only use it roughly.

Divine Bones are too greedy and will point to anything of value.

The earth element, which contains the essence of earth element or magnet, is naturally within its pointing range.

However, it can still bring great help to the exploration team.

At least, everyone can save a lot of time and energy and directly find the earth element community.

"Don't rush to destroy them. Is there any way to attract one? Let our little giant practice his skills." The dragon boy said.

Surrounded by his own people, he has a lot less worries.

Everyone around him also knows the true purpose of this trip. If he can rely on the Greedy Bones to find the treasure, that would be the best. It's normal not to find it.

It is difficult to tell whether the news about these treasures is true or false. Even if they are true, they have not been discovered for so long, which shows the difficulty.

Although everyone has the Greedy Divine Bone in their hands, and the receptionist once praised it as a "semi-artifact", in essence it is just a divine material.

The fourth generation pirate king was assassinated and his divine skeletons were scattered all over the world in the long history that followed.

A mere finger of divine bones is nothing.

It is very likely that, a long time ago, someone used other parts of the Greedy Divine Bones to come to the Magnetic Islands to search for them.

"Let me do it." Cang Xu used magic himself and successfully attracted an earth elemental.

The earth elemental broke away from the settlement and immediately launched an attack upon seeing the crowd.

"Come on, remember the dodge moves I taught you. This is a very rare opportunity for actual combat." The dragon boy encouraged the big man.

The big man stepped forward nervously. Although he was bigger, his momentum was obviously weaker than that of the earth element.

The earth element is in human form. Although its defense is excellent, its offensive ability is not strong.

And it moves slowly.

The big man fought with him and received a few punches at first, but he gradually adapted to it soon after, and not only became more and more agile in dodging, but he was also able to parry occasionally.

"Speaking of which, there is almost no chance for a big man to fight alone on the Mysterious Island. "

"He has a good physique. Although he is an ordinary person, his physical fitness is comparable to that of a Silver Fighter. Training him well will be very helpful to us."

"Don't forget he's crazy."

"Haha, isn't there our captain?"

These words reminded people of the years on the Mysterious Island, and a smile appeared on everyone's face.

At that time, the knight boy specially guarded the shipyard. Whenever the big man got sick, the boy would take action in time and knock him unconscious.

In the end, the young man became more and more proficient, and often the big man would be knocked unconscious at the slightest sign, without the ability to resist at all. As a result, many people sympathized with the big man in the end.

Actual combat has allowed the big man to improve rapidly, and the earth element is really a very suitable opponent for him.

With constant encouragement from his father, the big man became more courageous as he fought.

Realizing that something was wrong, the earth element finally gave up fighting alone and roared, alarming the entire community.

A large number of earth elements rushed over.

The dragon boy was about to take action, but Cang Xu took the initiative to challenge: "Let me do it."

Necromancy--the art of necromancy!

After the spell was brewed, it was successfully cast.

Translucent gray ripples spread to the front.

When the earth elements were hit by this spell, their momentum suddenly stopped and their bodies swayed randomly.

In about ten breaths, their bodies collapsed and scattered into piles of rocks and soil.

Everyone was shocked.

The killing efficiency of undead magic is so high!

"Necromantic spells are aimed at living bodies, because all living things have souls. The earth element is no exception." Cang Xu explained simply.

The enemy was stronger than imagined, and the earth elements who were lucky enough to survive retreated one after another.

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