Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 64: Treasure Island Melee

Infinite Blood Core Beast Knight Chapter "Damn."

"They took our stuff."

"Treasure Island is our prize!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go in quickly."

The pirates of the Justice Pirates were clamoring and impatient.

After a hard battle, they destroyed the Silver Hook Pirates and killed Golden Hook. In their view, Treasure Island should be taken over by them. Now seeing these pirates massacre and plunder on the island, I immediately feel that my property is being violated.

"It shouldn't be." Di Liu frowned, "We destroyed the Silver Hook Pirates, and we are keeping this secret these days. Bishop Haofu also promised us not to reveal our record for the time being. Why would these pirates know? Is Treasure Island empty?”

Zong Ge suggested: "This is actually not bad. Let these pirates destroy the island's defenses, and we attack their ships first. No matter what the outcome of the war on the island is, as long as we destroy their ships, this island will be destroyed." Surrounded, they are our trap."

Zong Ge is an excellent general. This proposal made many people's eyes light up and they all agreed.

But the dragon boy looked doubtful: "Publish the semaphore and circle the island. Let's see which pirate groups are robbing us."

The Justice Pirates immediately sailed to the island.

On the east side of the island, they saw eight or nine moored pirate ships.

More than half of them are magic ships.

Among them, the main ship is wide and tall, the hull is painted a large area of ​​pink, the stern and bow are raised high, and the sails are white. There is always a white cloud floating above the top of the ship, and the cloud body is still glowing slightly.

Di Liu's expression changed: "This is the Cradle!"

The name of the Cradle is spread across the seven seas, and its captain is a golden man named Nai Le.

He was once an extremely powerful angel, but he suffered a strange curse that limited his age and IQ to the stage of a toddler.

Even as a young angel, his life level is as high as gold.

"There is no gold-level aura on the ship." Zong Ge snorted coldly, "You can try to attack."

"No." Di Luo quickly stopped, "Have you seen the clouds? These are actually two elemental bodies, one is wind element, the other is water element, both have silver-level strength."

"And that mermaid lady on the deck."

"She is the first mate of the Cradle, a very powerful bard. If I fight her, I won't be able to fight back."

Everyone looked over and saw the mermaid floating in mid-air, with dreamy pink fluffy long hair. She smiled and waved to everyone on the Justice, saying hello in a very calm manner.

"What a beauty."

"it's beautiful."

Many pirates were admiring.

"Let's take another look." The dragon boy ordered with an indifferent expression.

As a result, the five ships of the Justice Pirates continued to sail around the island.

To the north of Treasure Island, they found another group of pirates.

These pirates did not have ships, but used sea toads as navigation tools.

The sea toads are very huge. The largest one is three times larger than the Justice Pirates. It should be the main ship of this pirate group.

Some sea toads lie down on the beach to rest, and some play in the shallows, so leisurely.

Di Le's expression changed again: "This should be the Poison Toad Pirate Group. They are all frogmen and are very difficult to deal with. Because they are very good at swimming and can breathe in sea water. Their ships are all sea toads, which can Sneak to the bottom of the sea and directly attack the bottom of our ship.”

"The leader of this pirate group is named Bandu, and he is a gold-level frogman shooter."

Zong Ge's face looked a little solemn. As an enemy, the Poison Toad Pirate Group would undoubtedly be quite difficult.

Because the Justice Pirates don't have much experience in dealing with enemies in the sea, and more importantly, their weapons and ships are difficult to deal with bottom-up attacks.

The appearance of the Justice Pirates attracted the attention of the Poison Toad Pirates.

Some cane toads squatted on the shore, very alert. There were also several sea toads that directly swallowed the frogman pirates on the shore and dived into the bottom of the sea.

"Continue sailing." The dragon boy ordered.

The Justice Pirates quickly moved away from this section of coast. The sea toad that had just dived to the bottom of the sea surfaced again, opened its mouth, and spit out many frogman pirates.

These frogman pirates bared their teeth and claws on the beach and made strange noises. The Justice Pirates retreated on their own initiative, and they became even more provocative.

The Justice Pirates sailed to the west of Treasure Island.

This time, they only saw one pirate ship.

But this pirate ship is very large, and the three Justices combined can barely compete with it.

The sails on the pirate ship are very strange. They are actually made of wool.

And the pirates moving on the deck are all very large, and they are all giants!

"Wool number!" Di Luo covered his forehead.

"Oh, here comes a bunch of little devils." A loud voice came from the deck of the Maoshan.

The person who made this sound was an old woman sitting in a huge rocking chair.

The old woman's muscles were flabby, her face was wrinkled, and her eyes were dim.

She was equally massive, clearly a giant.

No one dares to despise her.

Because her body exudes a strong golden aura.

This is none other than the captain of the Woolen Number - Granny Shaggy!

The rough mother-in-law is knitting a brown sweater with a long straight needle in her hand.

"Retreat first." The dragon boy ordered.

This rough old woman is not a fighter, but a witch from the giant race. She has the same physical fitness as the Golden Fighter, but her methods are richer and weirder.

The Justice Pirates continue their voyage.

Finally, south of Treasure Island, they discovered seven pirate ships.

The pirate flag is a white skull with a bright red slash across it.

Di Lu sighed, his voice full of bitterness: "The Red Slash Pirates! Their captain Xieba is also at the gold level. Members of this pirate group will have a red slash on their faces."

"This is not just a decoration, but a totem that can give them a temporary substitute for power."

"The more they kill, the greater this power they get from the totem."

"The Red Slash Pirates are very militant and crazy, and their bloodthirsty reputation spreads across the seven seas. Sometimes, even the Sanctuary-level forces don't want to provoke them."

Sparing a circle of Treasure Island, the Justice Pirates fell into silence.

At present, there are four pirate gangs that have invaded Treasure Island, all of which are gold-level.

Every pirate leader is a well-known and powerful person.

Not to mention that only half of the ships of the Justice Pirates are here now. Even if they all come, they may not be the opponent of one of the four pirate groups.

Although Jin Gouzi died at the hands of the dragon boy, everyone knew that they took advantage of Jin Gouzi's injuries.

If they really want to deal with a gold-level strongman, their strength is still not enough.

Of course, it’s not right to say that you can’t fight.

The Justice Pirates have the possibility and hope of winning against any of these four pirate groups.

But the price paid will be very heavy.

At this moment, there is no second Bishop Haofu who can perform the great resurrection spell for the pirates.

"Captain Dragon Service, what should we do next?" someone asked with a sad face.

The dragon boy was silent, but he recalled the scene of saying goodbye to Bishop Haofu.

Bishop Haofu asked the dragon boy why he left in a hurry, and the dragon boy informed him of his plan to attack the Great Treasure Island.

Of course, Bishop Howe took a deep look at the young man: "Although Treasure Island is not far away, the wind and waves on the sea are sometimes very fast. Even on a calm sea, there are still whirlpools where undercurrents meet."

Looking back now, the dragon boy suddenly realized that there was a profound meaning in Bishop Haofu's words.


A beam of light suddenly erupted on Treasure Island.

The beam of light broke through the night and went straight into the sky. The golden light was brilliant and extremely dazzling.

Emitting a pillar of light is a huge heart.

"Mineral core!"

"Such a huge beam of light, this is a sacred-level ore mother!"

"No wonder Treasure Island has such rich gold and silver ore, it turns out to be the reason."

"With it, there will be an endless supply of gold and silver mines."

The Justice Pirates became restless.

They screamed and roared. In the eyes of many people, this thing should be theirs.

With the emergence of the gold and silver ore mother, waves of fierce battles between strong men also erupted in the center of the island.

The three gold-level experts fought hard to compete for the mine core.

Not long after, Mother-in-Law also laughed strangely, levitated into the air, flew into the center of the island, and joined the battle group.

"They started fighting!"

"We still have a chance."

"We let them defeat everyone first, and then take away the core."

"By the way, there's also the Golden Hook!"

The pirates' eyes were shining with excitement.

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