Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 69: I am a fishman

Cangxu judged that Poseidon Temple was located in the eye of the sea. In this regard, the dragon boy expressed doubts: "According to the information you got, although these fish people have faith, they believe in the God of Jingbo, the God of Waves, the God of Water Flowers, the God of Fish, etc., and there is no Mei Lan. God."

Cang Xu smiled slightly: "Captain, you may not know much about this situation. Gods often not only have one identity, but also have other identities. Meilan God is likely to have other names, such as Jingbo God, Fish God, etc. .”

"There are two main reasons why gods have multiple names."

"The first reason is that gods need a way out. For example, in the case of Charming Blue God, he fell into a deep sleep and was very weak. To replenish his divine power, he had to rely on believers, but his sect was almost destroyed. What should we do? At this time , if He has another identity, such as the Fish God, then the followers of the Fish God will bring great help to His recovery. And if His enemies don’t know the inside story, they will have no way to attack Him.”

"The second reason is to win the war between gods. If a god defeats a god and kills it, it can take away the other party's priesthood, divine name, divine power, and divine domain. Looking at history, you can see that many sects suddenly merged , this is one of the subsequent effects of the God War. Although some gods won and won new names, priesthoods, etc., they deliberately put it aside and operated as a second identity, without integrating it into their own godhood. "

Cang Xu continued: "In recent years, here at regular intervals, divine messengers descend from the sky to deliver sermons. Although the God of Charming Blue is not among the names of gods promoted, it does not mean that He is not the beneficiary behind the scenes. "

"These divine envoys appear very frequently, and the timing of their appearance is always when the Eye of the Sea erupts with spring water like a pillar of heaven. This is very strange."

"Although the divine messengers descended from the sky, I think the temple must not be in the sky."

"If it were high in the sky, with a clear view of the sky, it would have been discovered by other entities or forces long ago."

"I think there is a demiplane here. Normally, the demiplane is covered by the huge whirlpool and raging tides of the Eye of the Sea. Whenever the Eye of the Sea fountains, the demiplane will reveal a clue, making it easier to communicate with the outside world. Communication. Maybe there will be a natural channel. These divine messengers should come out of the channel."

"They need evangelism, and the more believers they develop, the better it will be for the restoration of God."

The dragon boy nodded and shook his head: "What you said is very logical, but after all it is just your guess without evidence."

"Actually, I do." Cang Xu smiled silently, "I saw the fish-man village chief drinking medicine, and I happen to recognize his medicine bottle."

"The medicine bottle is a kind of light yellow glass, with a narrow mouth and a long neck."

"This kind of potion bottle is more common along the coast of the empire? Crescent Town is exactly within this range."

"The owner of the secret chamber under the sea probably followed the followers of the evil god in Crescent Town to this sea eye."

"Because of the same belief? The evil god believers helped these fish-men and left behind the potion."

The dragon boy's eyes flashed with brilliance.

If this is really the case? Then Cang Xu's guess is likely to be the truth.

The medicine bottle seems to be a little thin as evidence, but in fact, the probability of seeing such a medicine bottle at a specific time and place in the vast ocean is very slim.

"I didn't expect you to also study potion bottles." The dragon boy said.

Cangxu shook his head: "This is the news I got from Fat Tongue when I was chatting with him. Although Fat Tongue is just an ordinary person, he is one of the elders of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. He is very sensitive to business-related things and has extensive knowledge. Wen Guangzhi.”

After the old scholar left, the dragon boy fell into deep thought.

"Next? What should we do?"

After this conversation, the dragon boy was also inclined to Cang Xu's speculation.

So what should you do next? Think carefully.

Because the enemy he faced this time was unprecedentedly powerful. Not to mention anything else? The only thing he knew was the owner of the secret chamber under the sea - a silver-level magician.

He is not only a magician, but also a necromancer.

Besides him? There are also evil cultists.

These believers all possess more or less magical powers!

Whether it's the Shasha on the Mysterious Island or Haofu, the Justice Pirates have experienced the omnipotence and power of divine magic.

And here is the main temple.

The scale of evil believers must be very large. At the same time, the bishop level must exist. There’s even an archbishop!

If you put aside these, the massive murlocs in the depths of the sea eye are enough to become a natural barrier for young dragon people.

The Justice Pirates' attack on these fishmen is bound to fail. Even attacking is impossible.

The Justice Pirates have eleven pirate ships, all of which are magic ships, but they can only float on the sea and cannot dive for combat.

This time, the only thing the dragon boy can really rely on is the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

"But even with the Deep Sea Monster Fish, it would be extremely unwise to attack by force."

"It's best to be able to sneak in. The Deep Sea Monster Fish cannot be easily exposed, and can be arranged to receive support from outside!"

The actions of the necromancer, the owner of the secret chamber under the sea, set a good example for the young dragon man.

What gave the boy more confidence was the pearl foam.

It's a good idea to use Charming Blue God's artifact to deal with his followers. The bully is the sleeping god.

"I need more information before I really take action!"

It is no longer appropriate to leave the matter of gathering intelligence to Cang Xu.

After all, he is only at the Black Iron level. If he goes deep into the Eye of the Sea, he will be easily exposed and also very dangerous.

This time, the dragon boy decided to go out in person!

He quietly left the Justice and continued to dive into the depths of the sea.

The sea water was dark, but Long Pu could still barely see something.

The tough dragon scales protected the boy and completely withstood the increasing water pressure.

The dragon boy can still breathe in water.

Some dragons cannot do this, but the bloodline Gundam Legend possessed by the boy. Rumor has it that the Flame Dragon King can even swim in magma and breathe freely.

Soon after, the dragon boy successfully arrived outside the fish-man village that Cang Xu was exploring.

Because of Cang Xu's previous actions, the murloc village became very lively. A large number of murlocs gathered together, defeated the shark group, and even hunted many sharks.

Seeing that these murlocs were too crowded to attack, the dragon boy immediately changed his target.

He swam for a while and came to another village.

After waiting for a while, he found a patrol team of fishmen.

There are three fishmen in the team.

The dragon boy rushed out of the coral bush and took out the heart of a fish man with one claw.

The remaining two fishmen were frightened and angry, and stabbed the boy with a harpoon.

The two harpoons broke at the same time after hitting the dragon scales.

When the fishmen saw this scene, they were filled with panic. They threw away their broken harpoons, turned around and ran away. At the same time, they kept shouting: "glraaa,, mgwal!"

The dragon boy did not pursue him, but just waved his hand casually.

Fighting Skill - Dragon Claw Strike.

Four claw marks quickly hit the two fishmen, cutting them into several pieces. The water flow fluctuated violently, the sea sand was stirred up, and a large amount of blood mixed with internal organs spread rapidly in the sea water.

Of course the dragon boy would not let it go. If the blood is allowed to spread, it will definitely attract many fishmen with keen senses of smell and taste.

Blood core!

The young dragon man's spirit stirred, and the next moment, blood appeared, suddenly spread in a circle, and then suddenly shrank back.

Several pieces of the fishman's corpse, internal organ fragments, and spreading blood completely disappeared, transformed into blood essence, and merged into the depths of the blood core.

The dragon boy closed his eyes and took a few breaths, and then he began to transform.

The next moment, the fish-man boy appears!

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