Infinite Bloodcore

Section 33: Mastering the Secret Skill Again

The night is quiet.

It was dark inside the tent, cutting off the chill outside.

Zhenjin lay on a mat made of dead leaves and hay, covered with a thin quilt.

He and Zidi had been living in the open air before, but now the conditions were very comfortable and warm.

Waves of weakness were still lingering in his body.

This is the aftereffect of drinking the potion.

The comfortable sleeping environment and the fatigue and weakness of the body did not make Zhen Jin fall asleep.

The young man kept his eyes wide open and his brows furrowed, recalling the emptiness he felt when he drank the potion and then spit out ice cubes of blood.

"That's right, it's almost the same feeling!" Zhen Jin was very sure at this moment.

When he first dealt with the blade spider, he lacked his only dagger and could not cut the spider silk, so he was in a very dangerous situation. But at the critical moment of life and death, his hands suddenly turned into sharp claws and penetrated directly into the spider's body.

Zhenjin therefore fought back, killed the Blade Spider, and turned the danger around.

After that, his hands returned to their original shape, and a deep, indescribable feeling of emptiness emerged from his body.

The two feelings are indistinguishable.

"The principle of the healing potion is to condense all the frost magic in my body into a ball and induce vomiting."

"So, this feeling of emptiness should be the sudden huge consumption of magic power in my body."

Zhenjin attaches great importance to this discovery.

Because this mutated ability contains great value.

Under the current situation, if Zhen Jinruo is still unable to activate his fighting spirit, then it will be difficult for him to display his true strength.

If he faced a desperate situation again and could transform his hands into claws again, he would undoubtedly have a powerful trump card.

After all, in front of this trump card, even the silver-level Blade Spider could be fatal with one blow.

"According to my current thinking, when Zidi treated me, she actually accidentally created a transformation potion?"

"I also mastered the monkey-tailed brown bear's transformation?"

The transformation potion is a magical potion made by a powerful potion master that can even temporarily transform a person into a dragon.

In the past hundred years, transformation potions have become popular among the upper classes of the human race.

The key figure is Duke Amy.

This duchess is not only powerful and powerful, but also very fond of beauty.

She has developed hundreds of transformation potions herself.

Different from the previous way of making transformation potions by potion masters, most of the potions made by Duke Amy are very basic.

The effect of the medicine is very mild.

After people drink it, they often change their skin color and hair color, or make the bridge of their nose taller and straighter, their eyes bigger, etc.

Now in the market of the Shengming Empire, Amy's Transformation Potion has become a household name and is a best-seller all year round. This business has also become the biggest source of profit for Aimee Ling.

Zhen Jin recalled carefully.

He charged to the death and killed the monkey-tailed brown bear. He was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and fell into coma several times. During his periods of coma, he also had blurred vision.

He also remembered one scene relatively clearly - Zi Di directly instilled bear blood into his body.

According to Zidi's later explanation, she was also in a state of desperation and had to make a risky attempt. Fortunately, her adventure was successful!

"The bear's blood contains a lot of magic power, just like when I eat goat meat. These magic powers are latent in my body. After the transformation, this part of the magic power is consumed, causing me to have a strong feeling of emptiness."

"Of course, besides this, there is another possibility - fighting spirit."

"This situation is quite complicated."

"At that critical moment of life and death, perhaps I was inspired to unleash my potential, and in an instant, I relied on instinct to activate my fighting spirit."

"This island prohibits the activation of low-level magic fighting spirit, but the true upper limit of the prohibition has not yet been accurately calculated. Perhaps, I have a gold-level cultivation. At the critical moment, I temporarily broke through the blockade and displayed a gold-level Fighting spirit."

"Gold level fighting spirit is not the key yet."

"The key is that at that extremely dangerous moment, my bloodline awakened!"

Once the bloodline is awakened, a person's appearance will change.

For example, a knight with dragon blood will grow dragon scales on the surface of his body.

Another example is that for a warlock who contains Hydra, after his bloodline awakens, his human round pupils will turn into vertical snake pupils.

Marquis Jin Mangke of the Shengming Empire is a powerful man at the sanctuary level. He has been very active on the battlefield in recent years and has a very good reputation. Whenever he fights bloody battles, fighting energy fills his body, stimulating the awakening of his blood, causing his body to be filled with golden lightning. At the same time, all his originally black hair turns into gold, and the hair strands swell and form into lumps. , like congested muscles.

Awakening of bloodline is not common, even among the strong, only some people have it.

Because only when the blood in the body reaches a very high concentration can this kind of awakening be possible.

"If I have a gold cultivation level, according to my current age, I must be extremely talented. And this kind of talent means that I have a very strong bloodline! It is not surprising that the bloodline awakening happened to me."

"It's just that my bloodline, tracing back to its origin, should be the golden queen bee. After the bloodline is awakened, it has the characteristics of the queen bee. How can it be a pair of sharp claws?"

"Perhaps there are other bloodlines in my body?"

It’s impossible to tell.

Human nobles often have corrupt private lives and mixed bloodlines. What's more, some bloodlines will remain dormant for life if they are not stimulated.

"Under the stimulation of death, I activated the golden fighting spirit, and a certain mysterious bloodline in my body awakened, and my hands transformed into sharp claws. But why are they the same sharp claws as those of the monkey-tailed brown bear? Is it really a coincidence?"

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration of Zhenjin, I still feel that the first transformation potion is the most likely.

It is possible that the latter bloodline will awaken, but the probability is relatively small.

Well, this brings up a whole new problem.

"Do I still have the magic power of the monkey-tailed brown bear in my body?"

"Is this magic power still eroding me?"

The consequences of magic erosion are serious.

Different bloodlines basically cannot coexist peacefully.

If there are two bloodlines in the body of a human noble, they are basically one high and one low, one strong and one weak. In the subsequent practice process, the higher bloodlines will become stronger and stronger, and eventually the lower and weaker bloodlines will be driven away.

If both bloodlines are high-level and neither is willing to give up, it will be more troublesome. One must practice specific Dou Qi techniques and focus on the balance of these two bloodlines. Balance can be based on one bloodline as the main one and other bloodlines as the supplement. It can also be that the two bloodlines maintain the same strength. Once the balance is broken, there will be a fierce conflict between the bloodlines, and the fate of the extraordinary will be dire, either injured or dead. Bloodline determines qualifications, and qualifications are the key to mastering power in the future.

The human race's pursuit of blood is always persistent and crazy.

Nobles will try their best to intermarry with strong men of high bloodline. Nobles will marry each other. Nobles' private lives are chaotic. In addition to personal lust, they are just to create family descendants with excellent qualifications.

Among all races, humans are good at reproduction, much better than elves and dwarves in this regard. But among the descendants born to nobles, those with outstanding qualifications are always only a minority.

Moreover, the more powerful an individual is at the life level, the harder it is to reproduce. Childbearing is also costly.

In addition to procreation, humans also use other crooked methods.

For example, they can use magic, make potions, create a living environment, make deals with demons, etc. to forcibly plant higher blood in the body.

It's not impossible to forcibly mix high-level bloodline. There are even many ways to temporarily succeed.

But the results are often disastrous.

First, the human body mutates, producing horrific and infiltrating distortions. This deformity is not just physical, but also mental. There are many examples of symptoms such as madness, gibbering, confusion, dementia, etc.

Secondly, the original stability of life is completely broken, life span is extremely reduced, and survival time is not long.

Finally, there is the death of the soul.

Acupuncture has never heard of the use of external force to obtain blood and complete success.

Bloodline is so rare and crucial.

High bloodline brings excellent qualifications. Excellent qualifications develop over time and become a powerful force.

And force means power.

The reason why human nobles are nobles and can be superior to the vast majority of their kind is precisely because of such a solid foundation.

Bloodline is the cornerstone and pride of aristocratic existence!

"Zidi treated me and accidentally made a transformation potion. This transformation potion can mutate my hands and turn them into the claws of wild beasts. This means that external forces have been mixed into my body. The bloodline of the monkey-tailed brown bear.”

"This low-level bloodline has a bad influence on my own noble bloodline."

"If the degree of this influence is relatively high, my cultivation qualifications will also be reduced."

Transformation potions cannot be abused.

The consequences of abuse are serious and costly.

"No matter whether I am at the silver level or gold level now, I am still very young and there is still a long way to go. These are just starting points, not the end."

"If my future is bleak because of this transformation potion, it's not worth the gain."

Bronze, black iron, silver, gold.

On top of this, there are legends and sanctuaries.

Above the sanctuary, there is something even stronger!

Who doesn’t want to become a legend, become a sanctuary, and become stronger?

Zhen Jin did not want to see that his own growth was hindered because of the monkey-tailed brown bear's blood, his potential and hopes were reduced, and his originally bright future became dim.

"I feel a sense of emptiness, which is due to the huge consumption of magic power in my body. So, is the magic power of the monkey-tailed brown bear considered exhausted?"

"My hands mutated once before. Can I consume all the corresponding magic power? Now, is there any residue left in my body?"

"After that time, no matter how hard I tried, my hands could not change. Does this prove that the relevant magic power has been exhausted in my body?"

"Excluding this time, I drank the potion, and the alien magic power in my body was gathered into a ball and vomited out."

"Is the potion made by Zi Di effective against the magic power of frost, but also the magic power of the Monkey Tail Brown Bear?"

"Perhaps I should reveal everything and ask Zidi to help me design a targeted emetic potion for me?"

Zhen Jin's thoughts were complicated and he was weak after all. Soon after, he fell asleep in the tent.

"Where is this? Am I dreaming?"

He didn't know how long it took before he found himself in a wide place.

In front of him was a long wooden table with bows and arrows placed on it. A hundred meters apart, three archery targets were erected.

The wooden table is crudely made and has a rough style. The archery target is a human figure made of straw, with a round white cloth hanging on the head. There are multiple layers of concentric circles drawn on the white cloth, and the centermost circle is specially filled with red fuel.

This is a shooting range used for archery practice.

There were only two people on the range.

One is a needle gold man, and the other is a middle-aged man with a straight body, two slender beards, and a slightly raised face that always carries a touch of aristocratic pride.

Zhen Jin recognized this middle-aged man.

This is his father and the patriarch of the contemporary Baizhen family.

Due to his incomplete memory, Zhenjin lacked feelings for the middle-aged man in front of him, but the memories of the previous scenes emerged, allowing him to learn about the close relationship between the two of them.

"Father, I am following your call." Zhen Jin found himself speaking.

The leader of the Baizhen clan nodded slightly: "It's been a few days since you came back from the imperial capital. I'm here to test whether you have slacked off in your training in the imperial capital. This time, we will compete in archery. If you can beat me, I will give you the swift bee."

When Zhen Jin heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The Swift Bee is a flying mount. Although it can only fly about three meters above the ground, it is extremely valuable and rarely circulates in the market.

In the empire, there are only a few nobles who master the technology of breeding swift bees. The Baizhen family is one of them.

But the next moment, Zhen Jin heard himself speak in a sad and hesitant tone: "But father, your arm..."

Zhen Jin immediately understood: this scene should have happened not long after the battle between Bai Zhen Clan Chief and Qing Kui.

Zhen Jin had more memories than the relevant ones. He knew that his father, the leader of the Bai Zhen clan, was very powerful, but during the fight with Qing Kui, he had one of his arms cut off because of his carelessness.

Indeed, how can the Baizhen clan leader hold a bow and shoot arrows with only one arm left?

The leader of the Baizhen clan didn't care: "It doesn't matter, you shoot first."

Zhen Jin picked up the long bow, skillfully nocked an arrow, and hit the head of the target with a whoosh.

It may be that Pinjin was in a low mood at the time, so he didn't hit the right mark.

Zhen Jin placed the long bow on the long table.

It's the turn of the Baizhen clan leader.

The leader of the Baizhen clan smiled slightly. He reached out and unbuttoned his clothes, revealing a hidden pocket on the inside of his clothes.

There is meticulous needlework on the hidden pocket, with ten long needles densely arranged.

These needles are of the same length, each about the same length as an adult's index finger. They seem to be made of crystal, and they have a faint cloud-white color, and are not completely transparent.

"Watch it, my son." The leader of the Baizhen clan used his index and middle fingers to pick out one of the long white crystal needles.

The next moment, the golden fighting spirit was activated by him and instilled into the white crystal needle.

The long white crystal needle flashed a bright golden luster in an instant.

The leader of the Baizhen clan faced the target and flicked his finger lightly.

call out!

A sharp scream that penetrated the air suddenly sounded in Zhenjin's ears.

At the same time, he saw a long golden needle streaking through the air, leaving a bright light.

The light extended straight and hit the target. Then there was a loud bang, and the entire target was completely blown to pieces!

"This is?!" Zhen Jin opened his mouth slightly, his face full of shock.

The leader of the Baizhen clan smiled and explained: "There are many kinds of fighting skills, and some of the secrets cannot be easily revealed to others. They are called secret skills by the world. What you see now is the secret skill passed down from generation to generation in our Baizhen family - the roar of sharp needles. Do you want to Want to learn?"

"Think! Please give me some advice, Father." Zhen Jin shouted, his spirit obviously lifted, and the previous decadence and gloom was swept away.

The leader of the Baizhen clan immediately taught it and handed a long white crystal needle into Zhenjin's hands.

Zhen Jin took this opportunity to observe it carefully and couldn't help but secretly thought: "This white crystal flying needle is unusual, at least it is gold-level equipment!"

After that, Zhen Jin found that he had tried many times without success.

"You have mastered the key, and there were no mistakes in the process of performing it. It is not surprising that you did not succeed." The middle-aged nobleman explained, "The reason for your failure is that your fighting spirit reserves are too small. The use of sharp skills The secret skill of needle roar consumes a lot of fighting energy. Even a gold-level cultivation can only trigger ten needles in a row."

"According to your current total amount of fighting spirit, if you instill it all, you should be able to barely give out one shot." Baizhen Clan Leader immediately estimated again.

Zhenjin smiled bitterly: "Father, wouldn't it be a bit dangerous for me to use this secret skill?"

It took all the fighting spirit to force out a single shot.

If the needle fails to hit the target when facing the enemy, then without the support of fighting spirit, the needle gold will be in a very difficult situation.

The smile on Baizhen Clan Leader's face gradually faded, and his expression turned serious.

He stared at Zhenjin and said with deep meaning: "My son, reality is always cruel. Whether it is fighting or other aspects, you will always be at risk."

"A lot of times, you'll find that taking a full shot is just the smartest choice."

"It is very uncomfortable to feel such emptiness and pain when all the fighting energy in the body is temporarily consumed. But sometimes, we have to do this."

“Don’t be afraid of risks, and don’t be afraid of sacrifices!”

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