Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 119: The third blood core!

The fishman boy felt an urge to recognize Cang Xu and the others, but when he glanced at the Charming Blue Goddess in his arms, he suddenly sobered up again.

In addition to the powerful barbarians, his biggest danger was actually the Charming Blue God in his arms.

He was in extremely poor condition and fell into a deep sleep. If the boy exposes his identity, it is likely to anger the Charming Blue God. Once he wakes up, he can completely erase the boy with a snap of his fingers.

"In this case, then..."

The fishman boy gritted his teeth, and while holding the Charming Blue God in his arms, he suddenly changed direction and rushed towards the Justice Pirates.

"They are coming!" Cang Xu's expression suddenly changed.

The ship ghost snorted coldly, raised his silver staff slightly, and stood ready.

The fishman boy suddenly roared and shouted in Common Language: "If you don't want to die, get out!"

The members of the Justice Pirates did not retreat.

The fishman boy shouted again: "Then take my move - Whirling Scaled Blue Beard!!"

After he finished speaking, silver fighting energy surged from his body.

But immediately, his fighting spirit collapsed and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Okay, he failed in his fighting skills!"

"Don't be afraid, this fish-man god is just a seriously injured silver fighter."

The morale of the Justice Pirates was greatly boosted.

Chest Star was extremely concerned: "Son of the Fishman God, please be careful!"

This female sea giant took the initiative to swim over, stood in front of the fish-man boy, and protected him with all her strength.

Cang Xu's pupils suddenly shrank, and the light flashed away.

He heard his name.

The name Cang Xu is known only to the survivors on the Mysterious Island.

"Could it be that this fish-man god's son is..." Cangxu became confused.

At this moment, the mutation reappeared.

The Cold Sky Ripper Claw repels the incarnation of the god, looks at the fish-man boy and the Charming Blue God from a distance, and once again displays a fighting skill.

In an instant, countless cold currents rushed towards the fish-man boy like violent snow-colored pythons.

The sea giant, who was at the end of the team and was in charge of the rear, tried his best to defend.

But it was of absolutely no use.

The extremely cold python flow passed through the body of the sea giant, freezing him to death on the spot.

"Brother!" Chest Star exclaimed.

"Quickly retreat!" Quanba was shocked. At the critical moment, he still chose to protect his own life. He grabbed his sister's breast star and used his fighting skills to swim out quickly, abandoning the fish-man boy and the charming blue god.

The fishman boy looked back, seeing that he was about to be hit by the python current, and felt extremely helpless.

Relying on his own strength alone, he has no hope of successful defense.

"No!!" Feng Yao was trapped, but could see the battlefield clearly, and wailed in extreme pain when he saw this.

"My Lord!!" The high priest in the Seashell Seat was also panicked.

In desperation, the fishman boy simply turned around, facing the cold current, and at the same time knelt down half-kneeling, holding the goddess in his arms high.

"My Lord, please use your divine power!"


The next moment, a cold wave swept in, quickly covering the young man and the Charming Blue God.

At the critical moment, the seven-colored divine light on Charming Blue God's body formed a halo, covering the boy and himself, resisting the cold wave with difficulty.

High Priest:…

Feng Yao:......

The fishman boy exhaled a breath of turbid air, a little shocked.

Once again, he was right in his bet. Meilan God was a god after all, with profound knowledge. Even so, he can still maintain his position in the face of legendary fighting skills.

Click, click...

"What's the sound?" The fish-man boy looked for his voice, and his heart that had just been relieved suddenly rose again.

He saw cracks appearing on the thin layer of colorful halo. These cracks expanded rapidly and spread everywhere, forming like a spider web in an instant.

"Once the divine light is broken, the body of Charming Blue God may be able to resist for a while, but I will definitely be frozen to death!"

"I can only take a gamble!"

A cruel look flashed in the young man's eyes, he opened his mouth and spat out a pearl foam.

After spitting out this one, only the last pearl foam was left in the young man's mouth.

Cang Xu’s eyes are shining!

He saw it, it was pearl foam! !

Then, the identity of the fish-man god son in front of us can basically be determined - the dragon suit captain!

"It's amazing..." Cang Xu knew something about the secret of the young man's "human beast", and he was amazed at this moment, "It's not enough to change the life form, but he was actually able to become the Son of God, and was transformed by a bunch of followers of Charming Blue God. Protect……"

The pearl foam fell onto Charming Blue God Bai Huahua's chest, and quickly disappeared, turning from a solid body into a bubble, and then disappeared into nothing with a pop.

After absorbing the power of the pearl foam, the colorful halo around Meilan God's body suddenly became solid. The original spider web-like cracks quickly disappeared, and the boy even felt that the halo was a bit tougher than it was at the beginning.

The fish-man boy's heart was beating wildly as he stared closely at Meilan God's peerless face.

When he saw that Charming Blue God's brows relaxed slightly, but there was still no sign of waking up, he felt relieved.

It is very dangerous to throw pearl foam into Meilan God's body.

The fish-man boy had no way of judging whether this move would revive the Charming Blue God.

He is also determined to deceive false incarnations of gods, but he will never expect to deceive the true gods.

Fortunately, Meilan Shen did not wake up.

Looking up again, the young man saw Cang Xu looking at him blankly.

His heart suddenly cheered up: "Very good, Cang Xu, it seems you have finally determined my identity!"

So the next moment, the fish-man boy held Meilan God in his arms and rushed towards Cang Xu.

He did not rush directly towards Cang Xu, but chose an open space not far from Cang Xu as a breakthrough choice.

"Quick, senior brother, let's intercept him!" Cang Xu shouted, and rushed towards the opening, making an obvious interception action.

"Don't be impulsive..." The ship ghost's expression changed slightly. Compared with the barbarians and the Charming Blue Sect, their strength was low. This was obviously not a good time.

But Cang Xu's movements were faster. When the ship ghost saw him rushing towards him, he could only sigh in his heart and follow immediately.

Without the help of the sea giant, the clawed flesh and blood ice sculpture once again caught up with the fish-man boy.

"Senior brother, you stop the ice sculpture, and I will snatch the goddess!" Cang Xu shouted again.

Claw stared, shocked.

He originally thought that Cang Xu just wanted to cooperate with the barbarians, but he didn't expect that his real appetite was so big!

"Junior brother, don't be blinded by greed. This is not something we can covet." Ship Ghost flatly refused.

But the next moment, the staff in his hand shook slightly, and a bone spear shot out, stabbing the flesh and ice sculpture.

Ship Ghost:? ? ! !

The flesh-and-blood ice sculpture had limited sanity and immediately regarded the ship ghost as an enemy.

The ship ghost quickly retreated, but failed.

The robe he wore restricted his movement.

"Junior brother?!" The ship ghost was shocked and angry, but there was no way to settle the score with Cang Xu, because the flesh and blood ice sculpture had already pounced on him.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as the confrontation between the two sides began, it entered a fierce stage.

The ship ghost fought for his life and used all his strength to resist.

But after a few breaths, his chest was pierced by the arm of the flesh and ice sculpture.

When he was dying, the ship ghost suddenly hugged the flesh and blood ice sculpture that was very close at hand.


The next moment, his whole body exploded, and the silver scepter and silver robe collapsed, adding several times the power of the explosion.

During the explosion, the flesh-and-blood ice sculpture jumped out again, only to suffer a minor injury.

He rushed towards the fish-man boy again.

Cang Xu took out the book of necromancy, quickly tore the pages of the book regardless of the damage, and unleashed waves of necromancy spells.

But the spell bombarded the flesh and blood ice sculpture, but it didn't stop him at all.

Just as the flesh and blood ice sculpture was about to catch up, suddenly a strong golden current, like a dragon or a python, shot out from the roaring chaotic water waves, hitting the flesh and blood ice sculpture in the middle.

Only then was the momentum of the flesh and blood ice sculpture restrained.

The next moment, a strange fish and sea beast rushed out of the torrent.

It's the Deep Sea Monster Fish!

"Holy beast!" the followers of Meilan Sect exclaimed.

The deep-sea monster fish opened its mouth, swallowed the fish-man boy and the Charming Blue Goddess together, then turned around and left.

"Can't run away!" Seeing this scene, the clawed crow was anxious and angry.

He roared, and with the help of the incarnation of the god and the high priest, he used his strongest method.

Fighting Skill—Yakong Hanying!

In an instant, the entire battlefield was encompassed.

The Deep Sea Monster Fish was only a dozen meters away, and it was still shrouded in fighting skills.

The incarnations of gods and high priests were also affected.

In an instant, the water waves disappeared and there was nothing around.

Everyone is isolated and trapped in a separate subspace.

People looked at each other and could only see blurry, deformed figures.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Claw vomited more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood, his breath plummeted, and his face turned pale.

The cost of performing this move is extremely high. Even he cannot bear it if it is used too many times.

No matter how strong the clawed crow is, it has its limits.

Similar to Ya Kong Hanying, it is a forbidden skill in fighting skills. The number of times he can use it in his life is very limited.

The clawed crow panted for a long time and finally stopped coughing, but he was unable to move for a short time and could only sit cross-legged in the void.

Fortunately, all the enemies were trapped by him.

"Charming Blue God..." He sneered, and his figure was transmitted into the subspace where the Deep Sea Monster Fish was located, and immediately turned into a cold shadow.

The cold shadow is twelve meters high, like a giant, exuding billowing cold air, attacking the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Bang bang bang!

The Cold Shadow Giant kept punching, and it was difficult for the Deep Sea Monster Fish to dodge. It was beaten into bumps and tremors.

In the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the fish-man boy lost his footing and almost dropped Charming Blue God to the ground.

He half-knelt on the ground and finally stabilized his body, but the ship's hull vibrated violently again.

The fish-man boy was caught off guard and fell headlong into Meilan God's chest.

"What's going on?" In addition to being soft and smooth, the fish-man boy also felt a hard object.

Immediately, his eyes widened with shock on his face.

At this moment, he thought he was dreaming, or had fallen into the realm of deception.

Because he actually saw a blood-red crystal slip out from between Meilan God's plump breasts——

Blood core!

"What exactly is going on?"

"There is actually a third blood core hidden in Charming Blue God's body?!"

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