Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 133: The Terror of God-Level Bloodline

As soon as he entered the underwater whirlpool, the fish-man boy became unstable. The strong current washed over him, making him feel like he was at the bottom of a waterfall. The huge impact force almost pushed the young man out.

When he was close to the edge of the whirlpool, the boy finally adjusted, paddled his limbs and tail, followed the push of the water flow, and rushed sideways into the whirlpool with all his strength, so that he was not thrown out by the whirlpool on the bottom of the sea.

The shark-green bloodline reached the god level, and the fish-man boy quickly adapted to the current.

He also discovered the pattern: although the direction of the water flow in the submarine vortex changes a lot, it generally revolves around the center of the vortex.

After a while, the fishman boy swam in the whirlpool. His smooth body shape, strong limbs and flexible long tail made him feel like a fish in water.

In this state, the fish-man boy began to practice Qingyang Boming Douqi Art.

It was his first time to practice this brand new fighting spirit technique, but he got started very quickly. A few seconds later, he felt a brand new fighting spirit emanating from everywhere on his body.

Although the fighting spirit was still white and silver, the young man instantly felt the huge difference between the new fighting spirit and the old fighting spirit.

"Okay, so awesome..." The next moment, the young man's eyes were slightly blank, and his heart was filled with shock.

Countless new fighting energies burst out from all parts of his body.

At this moment, he had an illusion. He felt that his entire body was submerged by the new fighting spirit, and he was surrounded by a sea of ​​silver-white light. The endless new fighting spirit penetrated and instilled into his body from outside the body.

"Is this...god-level bloodline!" The fish-man boy was speechless.

Bloodline is the cornerstone of extraordinary people's practice and the most important factor in their practice.

Ordinary people practice Dou Qi, just like Bai Ya. They practice with all their strength and work extremely hard, but the Dou Qi produced is just a wisp.

Those with bronze-level bloodline, such as Xuma, generate fighting energy like mist during cultivation.

Black iron-level cyanobacteria produce fighting energy like water droplets.

Silver level, fighting spirit is like a stream. When you reach the gold level bloodline, your fighting spirit pours out like a waterfall.

At the level of the Holy Domain, when practicing Dou Qi, it is like being connected to a long river, rolling endlessly.

At the legendary level, the generation of fighting spirit is like a vast ocean, surging.

With the bloodline of the gods, the fighter's cultivation seems to be in the light of the sky, with endless radiance both inside and outside!

The speed at which a new fighting spirit is formed is simply astonishing. The old fighting spirit in the fish-man boy's body was completely helpless and was quickly transformed.

The Explosive Fighting Qi Technique that the young man originally practiced was far inferior to the Qingyang Baoming Technique. Ten pieces of old fighting spirit can only be converted into two pieces of new fighting spirit at most.

In half an hour, the boy's old fighting spirit completely disappeared, and his body was completely filled with new fighting spirit.

The young man is still practicing.

His body is like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing and storing new fighting energy.

"Although my previous dragon-man bloodline was up to the legendary level, it was incomplete. Now it is 100% god-level bloodline, a complete shark-murloc, so the capacity for fighting spirit has also increased countless times!"

"Speaking of which, I am still a little burdened by the Qing Yang Bo Ming Jue. This Dou Qi Jue is only at the Holy Domain level. My current god-level bloodline and body are most suitable for the God-level Dou Qi Jue."

"If there was such a fighting spirit technique, my cultivation efficiency would be much improved, to the point where I could bathe in the sky's light endlessly!"

The fish-man boy was so immersed in his practice that he almost forgot about time.

A slight tingling sensation spread throughout his body, waking him up.

He suddenly realized: "My body can still hold Qingyang Dou Qi, but with this training, my body is approaching its limit."

He quickly escaped from the whirlpool on the seabed and swam alone, away from Daoshan Island, and finally swam up to a group of rocks for a short rest.

Touching his fish scales, he found that the scales had become much thinner, and they broke into pieces when he folded them lightly.

The skin under the scales, although thick and tough, was still oozing with blood.

"This is the shortcoming of the new fighting spirit technique. Can we use blood core to make up for it?" The young man began to try.

The attempt failed.

After the red light flashed, the fish scales did not change.

"I understand!" The young man suddenly realized. In order to verify his conjecture, he stretched out his left arm and restored his left arm to a human arm.

After there was no change, his bare human arm suddenly became chapped, covered in bruises and bleeding.

At the same time, he felt that his arm was very swollen, and Qingyang Douqi almost burst his arm!

The fishman boy quickly mutated his arm again.

Human blood covered the fragile fish scales and dripped down.

The fish scales must be thin and brittle, which is probably due to the boy's injuries, so they cannot be instantly changed by the magic energy in the blood core.

"My human body has been transformed by war mongers and mixed with the legendary blood of the Golden Needle Queen, but it is not complete and is in worse condition than a dragon."

"The fish-man divine body can still hold more Qingyang Dou Qi, but the human body cannot bear it."

"If the fighting energy reserve of the shark and blue fish human-god body reaches its limit, we cannot rashly transform into other life forms. If I transform back into the human race, I am afraid that the fighting energy in my body will explode in the next second!"

"In fact, even in the form of the algae fish-man and the Bolang fish-man, we must try to avoid changing."

The Sharqing bloodline is top-notch in fighting spirit, but in the fields of magic and divine arts, it is far inferior to the two major bloodlines of Xizao and Bolang. The reverse is also true.

It is also relatively difficult for the life forms of these two god-level bloodlines to carry the ultimate reserve of fighting energy of the shark and blue fish human form.

Although the blood core is useless, the fishman boy has other methods.

He took out healing potions, recovery scrolls, etc., and used each one on himself.

Fish scales become brittle and thin, which is essentially an injury. Since it is an injury, it can naturally be cured.

However, after using several treatment methods, the fish-man boy found that the results were not high.

He analyzed the reasons, and there were probably two reasons.

The first reason is that it is much more difficult to treat the green shark body than to treat the human body or dragon form. Although all three are silver-level life levels.

The second reason is that various treatment methods can only have some coverage effect on the damage to the scales, but cannot accurately target it. For example, the greatest effect of healing potions is to stop bleeding and restore wounds on the skin.

In fact, the fishman boy had never heard of a potion specially used to treat fish scales.

After pondering for a long time, the boy checked his body again and found that the fish scales had become thicker.

"This is the self-healing ability of the Shark Green Divine Body itself!"

Somewhat embarrassingly, this self-healing effect is better than the total of the consecutive treatments he just healed himself.

At the same time, the young man also found that his Qingyang fighting spirit had decreased a lot.

"Dou Qi permeates my whole body inside and outside, nourishing every part of my body. In addition, the body needs to heal itself, so there will naturally be a loss of Dou Qi."

The young man was happy. From this, it can be seen that the Qing Yang Bo Ming Jue and the Shaqing Divine Body are very compatible.

If it were the previous explosive fighting energy, it was more of a fire attribute and would be difficult to be absorbed by the shark-green divine body, and the effect of nourishing the body of the fish-man boy was also very poor.

After a short rest, the fish-man boy dived into the bottom of the sea again to practice the Dou Qi Art.

At the same time, Zidi also arrived at Daoshan City.

Due to terrain restrictions, there is mainly one city and one town on Daoshan Island. They are Dull Knife City and Sharp Knife Town.

Because of the special location of Daoshan Island and the large volume of trade, the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has also set up a contact point here.

The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has been divided and devoured by major forces. These overseas contact points are too small for the major forces to look down on, so they are still in the hands of the current Wisteria Chamber of Commerce.

During the day, the Justice Pirates entered the port and exchanged supplies with the receptionist. Shortly after nightfall, Zidi said goodbye to Cang Xu and the boy, quietly left the Deep Sea Monster Fish and rushed to Daoshan City.

In half an hour, she reached her destination.

She was not alone, she was accompanied by Sandao, Diluo and Qiu.

Arriving at the corner of the city wall, Zidi used magic to contact her subordinates.

Soon, the city gate opened a crack, and after the subordinates nodded and bowed to the city guards, they immediately ran out to greet Zidi.

Zidi threw a magic token to her subordinate, and the subordinate immediately confirmed it with the magic prop he carried.

After confirming that it was correct, he said with a smile on his face: "Elder, please come in quickly."

Zidi wears a mask, and her appearance under the mask has also changed dramatically.

Before leaving, she took the transformation potion.

So does everyone else.

Although she used her own power, Zidi still did not reveal her identity, but acted as an elder of the Chamber of Commerce.

Under the leadership of their subordinates, they successfully passed the city gate and officially entered Dull Knife City.

"My lord, please come this way." The subordinates prepared the carriage in the city.

The four of them got into two carriages respectively.

The subordinate accompanied Zidi: "Sir, the timing of your coming is such a coincidence. Today happens to be the black market auction."

Zidi nodded, first asked about the situation of the black market, and then inquired about the business status of the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce stores here.

The subordinates were soon sweating profusely from the questions, and they were deeply impressed by the shrewdness and difficulty of the elders of the Chamber of Commerce in front of them.

In a short period of time, Zidi had already caught many flaws in the answers given by her subordinates.

Obviously, the person in charge of Dull Knife City had embezzled a lot of the Chamber of Commerce's interests when the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was undergoing drastic changes.

But Zidi pretended not to know.

According to the records of the Chamber of Commerce, when the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce selected the person responsible for this place, it went through a lot of consideration.

The subordinate in front of him has a close blood connection with a big family in Dull Knife City.

Because of this, this subordinate could easily bribe the city guards to clear the way for Zidi and others at night.

Now is the time to employ people, and her own situation is also precarious. Zidi does not intend to delve into the responsibilities of her subordinates.

While Zidi and others were heading to the black market, an orc came to the city gate.

"Who is it? Stop!" the city guard warned.

The orc snorted coldly, opened his hood, exposed the dog's head, took out the token, and held it up high: "Open your eyes and give me a good look!"

"Ah, it's the Imperial Navy!"

The city guards exclaimed one after another, and at the same time they felt disgust and disdain in their hearts: "Just orcs..."

"Open the city gate and let me in." Captain Sea Dog, a subordinate of Major General Qiao, shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, sir."

Immediately, the city gate opened again.

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