Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 138: A letter from my son!

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Before the light of dawn completely illuminated the sea surface on the horizon, Zidi and his party had already boarded the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

They did not return to Sharp Knife Town, but directly unloaded the supplies halfway, loaded up the small boat, and left the coast.

The fur seal lay in a secret spot on the hillside, helplessly watching the boat leave.

With the help of the small boat and the space storage equipment of the toad safe, they sent a large amount of supplies underwater to the Deep Sea Monster Fish that came to respond.

The toad safe is obtained from the secret chamber under the sea and is a high-end alchemy item.

It originally belonged to the necromancer and blasphemous priest ship ghost, but was successfully opened after the Justice Pirates and others deceived it with pearl foam. Not only were all the original treasures inside empty, but the Justice Pirates also changed the owner setting of the toad safe afterwards, making it truly their own use.

The toad safe is very heavy, shaped like a toad, and is about half a person tall, making it inconvenient to carry.

In terms of cargo transportation, it can play some role.

Zidi is very cautious.

Although they repelled the local forces, they were inevitably being followed.

All the way to delivering supplies at sea, we relied on the powerful detection methods of the Deep Sea Monster Fish to avoid surveillance as much as possible.

Returning to the cabin assigned to her, Zidi couldn't help but yawn.

She was a little depressed.

After all, in the previous battle in the middle of the night, she cast more than a dozen magic spells in a row, which made the ambush team dizzy and unable to maintain the offensive.

After repelling the enemy, Zidi did not relax at all. She kept tense and alert at all times.

Now back in the cabin, as soon as she relaxed her mind, she suddenly felt intense fatigue and sleepiness.

But she did not fall asleep and continued to meditate to recover her magic power.

She knows how to work hard and is very self-disciplined.

This was a good habit she developed when she was living on her own after she had a falling out with her father - no matter how exhausted she was, she tried to keep her combat power at a certain level.

The meditation lasted for a while, and Cang Xu's voice sounded outside the cabin door: "Miss Zidi, I have something important to ask you for advice."

Zidi opened the hatch and saw the old scholar.

The old scholar didn't rest all night and conducted more than a dozen experiments in a row. However, thanks to the fact that his body had been transformed by necromancy, he was still full of energy.

"I have encountered some troubles in the training of blasphemous priests. I hope to ask you for advice on your experience and knowledge in this area." Cang Xu got straight to the point.

Zidi herself is just a rookie apprentice who mastered the soul-eating technique, but she devoured the soul of the ship ghost.

The person Cang Xu asked for advice should be, to be more precise, a ship ghost.

Zidi's face suddenly became solemn, cultivating blasphemous priests, and striving for divine power is one of the keys to solving the current predicament and cannot be lost.

"I will try my best to help you, but even though I have swallowed the soul of the ship ghost, I may not have what you want."

"The soul-eating technique has many drawbacks. Even if the soul-eating technique is successful, there is no way to obtain all the memories of the target soul."

"In addition, the ship ghost was in extremely poor condition at the time, and his memory is completely damaged."

"I will sort out his memory as soon as possible, and I also need your help for this."

"Oh?" Cang Xu was slightly surprised, "Please feel free to give me your orders, Miss Zidi."

"I need you to refine a soul gem." Zidi said slowly.

"One of the drawbacks of the soul-eating technique is that swallowing external souls will bloat your own soul and produce impurities."

"I want to remove these impurities. These are the fragments of the ship ghost's soul, which my soul cannot digest and absorb."

"There will also be some memories in these fragments. If we don't transfer the soul fragments to the soul gems and delete them directly, we won't be able to obtain these memories."

Cang Xu frowned: "I have heard of this kind of alchemy item for a long time. It does require necromancy to refine it. However, I don't know how to refine the soul gem."

Zidi smiled slightly: "Do you still remember the ship ghost's badge? That badge hides the refining method of the soul gem. You can use the undead mana to instill it and use your spirit to probe, and you will know it all."

"As for the specific alchemy materials, we all have them."

"I see." Cang Xu didn't expect that he would have an unexpected gain, so he left immediately and immediately started preparing for refining.

Zidi watched Cang Xu leave and was about to close the door when Fat Tongue ran over with the dinner plate in hand: "Hui, President, I have prepared breakfast for you."

Zidi smelled the aroma of breakfast and suddenly felt hungry.

She welcomed Fat Tongue into the cabin and tasted the breakfast.

"It tastes good. Did you cook this?" Zidi was a little surprised.

Fat Tongue chuckled and said, "Mr. Chairman, while you were sleeping, I, I was the chef of the Justice Pirates."

"Thank you for your hard work." Zidi nodded.

"Mr. President, since you have woken up, then the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce..." Fat Tongue spoke hesitantly.

Zidi shook her head: "Now is not the time. If I reveal my identity now, it will implicate the Chamber of Commerce. I have not been in charge of the Chamber of Commerce for a long time. Without me, the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce can still operate. In a short time, there will be no major problems."

"Sir, you just have an idea in your mind." Fat Tongue said with a happy smile.

These days, he is very happy.

Zidi's awakening was beyond his expectation and a complete surprise.

As soon as Fat Tongue returned from Zidi's place, he saw the fish-man boy feasting in the restaurant.

He just came back. Practicing fighting spirit made him very hungry.

Unlike Zidi, all he eats is fresh live fish.

He didn't even scrape off the scales of the fish, but just used his shark-like sharp teeth to chew and tear it away.

He swallowed a whole fish in two mouthfuls, even the internal organs.

Humans cannot eat like this, but for fish people, it is perfect.

Next to the fish-man boy was the big man.

What was on the big man's plate was not any vegetables or fruits, but a large basin of black mud.

The big man scooped out the mud with a huge wooden spoon, put it in his mouth, and kept swallowing.

Sometimes after eating, he would look at the fish-man boy and show a silly smile.

The fishman boy's cheeks were bulging, filled with fish. He reached out and patted the big man's arm, and also smiled at the big man.

The father and son enjoyed the meal very happily.

At the same time, in the southern part of the empire, Needle City.

In the castle of Needle City.

The exquisite breakfast was placed on the desk, but the Baizhen clan leader had no appetite at all.

This middle-aged man, who had lost an arm, was thinner than before, his face was pale, and his eyes had heavy bags, showing a tired look.

The thought that his son's whereabouts were still unknown made the Baizhen clan leader unable to swallow anything.

As a former great noble in the south, the Baizhen family's glory has faded. They surrendered to Emperor Shengming and barely retained their bloodline inheritance.

But with the disappearance of Zhen Jin, the situation of the Bai Zhen family took a turn for the worse.

This is because Zhen Jin is the only heir to the Bai Zhen family designated by the emperor, and cannot be changed for any reason.

Once Zhen Jin falls, the Bai Zhen family will have no successors.

A nobleman without an heir has no future.

As a result, the Baizhen Family was severely attacked and squeezed out by various forces. These nobles or large forces were like hyenas smelling the smell of flesh and blood, and they all wanted to make a fortune from the gradually falling body of the Baizhen Family.

"Dong dong dong." A calm male voice came from outside the door, "Sir, please see me."

"Come in." Chief Baizhen said.

The door opened and a tall middle-aged man with strong arms walked in.

His name is Arm Wa, and he is the most trusted right-hand man of the Baizhen clan leader.

"Have you found out about Zhenjin?" asked the leader of the Baizhen clan.

Jiwa shook his head.

Ever since Zhen Jin disappeared, the Bai Zhen family had gone all out to search for him, almost depleting their family property. Unfortunately, no valuable clues were obtained.

Jian Wa is the leader of the Baizhen clan who personally accepts his fate and is the person in charge of searching for Zhenjin.

"Sir, I came here this time to hear the news. Do you want to sell the method of cultivating the Swift Bee mount to others?" Jian Wa said bluntly.

Chief Baizhen sighed and glanced at the wall of the study.

Not long ago, there were several famous paintings hanging on the walls.

But in order to raise funds, these famous paintings have been sold.

The Baizhen family was already in disrepair, and could no longer maintain even the last bit of dignity as a noble.

Seeing the look on Bai Zhen's clan leader's face, Jian Wa knew the answer.

He quickly advised: "Sir, the Swift Bee mount is one of the foundations of our Baizhen family. It must not be sold. If funds are needed, I am willing to contribute my manor and fields!"

Chief Baizhen smiled bitterly: "Armwa, my most loyal knight, I am very grateful for your kindness. But this matter is not that simple."

"I sell this method not only to raise funds so far, but also for another reason, that is, I have to sell it!"

"The Baizhen family no longer has the strength to keep such a precious thing. If we hold on to it any longer, I'm afraid it will lead to more brutal attacks or even robberies."

"How could that happen?" Jianwa was shocked.

Chief Baizhen shook his head and said nothing.

Within the Shengming Empire, there were many forces who disliked the Baizhen family. Before, when Zhenjin was still talking, he was a member of the Knights Templar.

This is the strong connection between the Baizhen family and Emperor Shengming.

But Zhenjin disappeared, and the relationship was severed.

The Baizhen family is in turmoil.

Jiwa was silent and clenched his fists.

In the study room, the atmosphere was very depressing.

At this moment, the housekeeper opened the door and shouted excitedly: "Sir, sir, there is news about the young master."


The housekeeper gasped: "Just now, we got a blackmail letter. The letter said that pirates captured Master Zhenjin and his fiancée Miss Zidi and asked us to pay a ransom."

"You can't be a liar, right?" Jian Wa remained unmoved.

During this period of time, because of the full search and rescue efforts of the Baizhen family, no one knew about this matter. As a result, many fraud and extortion incidents occurred.

"No, this time is different." The butler shook his head. "There are special marks on the letter, and the content of the letter is encrypted. We must use our code book to decipher it!"



The leader of the Baizhen clan stood up suddenly, and his chair fell to the floor tiles.

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