Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 139: Maintenance Puppet - Great!

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In the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

The golden flame was burning brightly, floating in the air, and the heart of the flame was molten gold.

Firelight illuminated the surrounding area.

Reflected on Zidi's face, the girl's beautiful face at this moment showed a serious and nervous look.

She went all out and concentrated on controlling the alchemy circle.

This alchemy circle is depicted on the floor tiles of the cabin and extends to the surrounding metal walls.

The main body of the array is a six-pointed star, and the star is wrapped by the outermost double-line circle. Between the stars and the rings, there are densely packed magic runes.

And in the center of the magic circle is a magic device.

The lower end of this magic device, together with the mana pool of the Deep Sea Monster Fish, consumes the reserves in the mana pool so that Zidi can activate this temporary alchemy circle.

If she relied solely on her black iron level magic power, it would have to be increased at least a hundred times to barely reach the minimum standard for activating this alchemy circle.

The magic array diagram comes from the memory bank of the tower spirit and from the war dealer, so it is naturally very exquisite. The flame it creates has a terrifying temperature, but it is confined to the center of the flame. It doesn't matter even if the palm of your hand touches the outer flame. Because there is no heat at all.

Seeing that the piece of fine gold in Yan's heart quickly melted into liquid, Zidi quickly gathered her spiritual power to pull it.

The fine gold liquid was drawn into a thin thread, quickly flowed out of the flame core, and penetrated into the hemisphere next to it.

The main material of this blue hemisphere is aquamarine. Zidi purchased three tons of sea blue ore from the black market auction.

Aquamarine is the standard material for making maintainer puppets. It is worth noting that the spherical shape of this hemispherical aquamarine is specially hollowed out, like a small bowl.

Zidi first pulled the fine gold liquid into the spherical groove in the small bowl, and quickly coated the groove in the center of the ball with a layer of fine gold.

Then, the fine gold spread straight along the inner surface of the hemisphere in eight directions at the same time.

It spreads all the way to the round edge of the sphere, and then the eight golden threads stop, and then penetrates into the inside of the hemisphere from the end and middle end of each golden thread.

Wherever the fine gold went, it forcibly melted the aquamarine.

Under the control of Zi Di's spirit, the fine gold threads gradually became densely packed, forming an exquisite and gorgeous prototype of the magic circle.

After completing this step, there is still a small amount of fine gold liquid left.

While pulling out the fine gold liquid, Zidi took out a tube of medicine and drank it.

Although her mental power has surpassed the black iron level and reached the silver level, the carving and painting of the alchemy circle just now consumed a huge amount of mental power and required immediate recovery.

Mental power quickly recovered, and the fine gold liquid was temporarily stored in another place. Zi Di continued to process the mithril ingots.

The mithril ingot was quickly melted and turned into a liquid.

Zi Di's spirit continued to pull, and the mithril liquid also merged into the hemisphere just now.

Mithril threads shuttled through the hemisphere, some forming their own routes, but most of them revolved around the prototype of the magic circle that had just been poured out of fine gold, and were continuously processed on its basis.

According to the three-dimensional array diagram in my mind, some mithril lines intersect with the fine gold lines, some wrap around the main line like a smoke snake, and some merge and merge into nodes.

Suddenly, a node burned and a plume of black smoke quickly rose.

Zidi's body swayed, and her expression suddenly turned extremely ugly.

"Alchemy failed!"

She immediately found the reason. The amount of mithril liquid she had just put into the node was a bit too much. At the same time, her mental power was not maintained well, which caused the magic power at the node to be unbalanced.

Constructing the magic circle nodes has always been difficult.

Now, the node is burned very seriously. Not only are several connected adamantine normal lines and mithril normal lines implicated, but at the same time, the aquamarine stone at the node is also severely damaged, almost burning out a hole the size of a fingernail!

Zi Di couldn't help but feel depressed.

With this slight mistake, the main body became incomplete, with a pit the size of a fingernail. This means that Zidi needs to use the aquamarine elsewhere to make up for it.

But no matter how to make up for it, it has lost its original integrity.

Just this little pit means saying goodbye to the final product of perfect quality.

Zidi quickly overcame her depression.

She secretly told herself that she was not good at puppet refining. When she was studying in the magic academy, she focused on the field of potions. But this time, it was enough to successfully refine the maintainer puppet. There is no need to demand quality, and now is not the time to pursue quality.

Zidi had to pause, first fill the stone pit, and then repair the normal lines for a few days.

The second time she refined the node, she held her breath and concentrated her efforts.

After a few seconds, she exhaled a breath and relaxed a little, finally overcoming this difficulty.

Half an hour later, she arranged all the nodes, but failed again midway.

She then began carving magical runes.

After the runes were carved, micro-gems began to be inlaid to strengthen the magic circle.

After the reinforcement was completed, she got a semi-finished repairer alchemy puppet, which was only one-third of its components.

After drinking the second tube of potion, Zidi panted while summing up her experience.

"Although puppet alchemy and potion alchemy have something in common, they also have many differences."

"The carving of a magic circle requires a lot of concentration and requires a lot of subtle manipulation of the mind. Therefore, the nodes of the magic circle are often difficult points."

"Fortunately, I have the alchemy circle conceived by the war dealer, which greatly reduces the difficulty of alchemy for me."

After a short rest, Zidi immediately began to refine the second component.

Another failure occurred at the node, and the second component completed successfully.

"Although I have paid great attention to it, the subtle control of the mind cannot be improved immediately by just paying more attention."

"It's an ability that most people are born with."

"So, not all magicians can become alchemists."

"Phew, the next step is the key."

Zidi rested longer this time and waited until she felt in good condition before she started taking action.

The two hemispheres begin to merge.

This is the most difficult step in the entire alchemical process.

Zidi's mental power needs to control more than a dozen places at the same time, and while firing the hemispherical stone, connect the normal lines inside with each other.

After fifteen minutes, Zi Di completed this step.

She felt uneasy. Because it seems successful, it actually needs to be verified.

She mobilized her spirit and activated the blue sphere.


With a muffled sound, the stone sphere suddenly shattered.

Zidi suffered backlash, her face turned pale, blood overflowed from her nose, and her heart sank to the bottom.

She failed!

The two prototypes of the magic circle were indeed connected to each other, but when the magic power was infused, the nodes collapsed and the normal lines burned, causing magic chaos in an instant, eventually leading to an explosion.

The power of this explosion itself is not small, but it is greatly limited because of the magic circle.

Zidi was not physically damaged due to the explosion, but her spirit was severely damaged due to the backlash due to the constant maintenance.

Zidi quickly drank the mental healing potion.

Looking at the pile of rubble, the girl sighed regretfully and shook her head helplessly.

The refining failed, and the previously invested materials were basically wasted. The damage caused by the magic power left them unrecognizable, and there was no way to recycle them.

The loss of resources is only one aspect, and Zidi doesn't particularly value it.

Because she had already estimated the failure situation and purchased multiple alchemical resources.

What worried her was the time she wasted.

At this juncture, time is the most precious!

"I still have energy left!"

"You can't stop, you have to hurry up."

Zidi supported her body, adjusted her condition, and started the second refining.

Three hours later, she looked with joy at the floating Repairer alchemy puppet in the center of the circle.

"It finally worked!"

This maintenance puppet looks like a blue stone ball, with only a propeller turning above its head.

The brilliance of the alchemy circle was faintly transmitted from inside the stone ball to the outside.

"In terms of quality, it's just a defective product. But it's still usable!"

“Next comes the other ancillary components.”

The difficulty of refining these auxiliary components is completely inferior to that of the main body.

Soon, Zidi completed a set.

Combining these components, the repairman has multiple arms. Some of the arms have fingers, some have needles, and some have pens at the front.

In addition, a portable tool ball box hangs under the main body, like a fat white belly.

Zidi held on to her strength and gave the maintenance puppet the task of repairing the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

After observing for a while and confirming that the repairman was operating normally, she could no longer hold on, returned to the cabin, and fell asleep.

Very deep sleep.

By the time she woke up, it was already evening.

The second batch of supplies was delivered in the afternoon.

Part of it was the materials exchanged by the empire and sent to the dock. The other part is the low-end materials purchased in Dull Knife City, such as elemental crystals, hard copper, etc., ordered by the person in charge of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce.

Because it was delivered during the day and the value was not high, the local forces in Dull Knife City did not make things difficult.

Of course, the main reason is that they have already suffered a loss.

The one who can suppress the Justice Pirates in Dull Knife City is the city lord. But how could a gold-level fighter with a high position lower his body to attack a few carriages?

"Recovering well."

"A little hungry."

Zidi checked herself and found that she was in good condition.

But the first thing she did was not to replenish food, but to check the working condition of the maintenance puppet.

When she saw the repairman again, the latter was repairing the defensive circle.

On the small arm of the maintainer puppet, two knives, three gun barrels, and two pens operate almost simultaneously, and the movements are extremely skillful.

"The alchemy array made of air has been repaired by it."

"Most of the defensive array has also been repaired."

"Although it is of incomplete quality, this efficiency far exceeds the combined efforts of Cang Xu and I."

"He's almost half an alchemist."

Zidi was extremely pleased.

Alchemy apprentice, alchemist, alchemist, alchemist master, alchemist master, and alchemy grand master are the professional title evaluations in the field of alchemy.

At present, Cang Xu can only be regarded as an alchemist apprentice, and Zidi is only qualified to obtain the title of alchemist in terms of potions.

Neither of them is good at alchemy.

The reason why Zidi invested energy and time in medicine was just because she thought she could make money at the time, and she was not really interested in this area. However, she does have some talent in potions, but after all, her bloodline is too low-level.

"This is already the second day after entering Sharp Knife Port."

Time was running out, Zidi had a heavy dinner, then went into the cabin to prepare the second repairer puppet.

But at this time, Cang Xu came to the door: "This is the soul crystal that I refined."

Zidi inspected it carefully.

The soul crystal is about half the size of a palm, completely transparent, like glass. It is prismatic in shape and very light, only slightly heavier than a feather.

"Not bad." Zidi commented.

Cang Xu shook his head: "I have no talent for alchemy. Thanks to the refining method in the badge, it is very easy to understand and master."

Now that he had the soul crystal, he immediately changed his original plan and temporarily gave up refining new Order puppets.

She said goodbye to Cang Xu, returned to her cabin, held the soul crystal in her hand, and began to meditate.

She sank into the spiritual space and began to use undead methods to remove the impurities in her soul.

Soon, wisps of soul fragments, like smoke and mist, were peeled off and pulled out of her soul.

These soul fragments left the spiritual space and were stored in the soul crystal in Zidi's hand.

When Zi Di was finished and opened her eyes again, she felt a burst of relief from the depths of her soul.

Her soul seemed to have not changed at all, and even the upper limit of her mental power had been lowered, but Zidi knew that she had benefited a lot.

The mental power is far more durable than before, and the hidden dangers deep in the soul have disappeared.

Look at the soul gem in your hand.

It originally looked like transparent glass, but now it is full of gray and black color, and there is a faint silver halo at the edge. This sign of halo shows that the soul stored in the gem is at the silver level.

Zidi used her spirit to penetrate into the soul gem, just like reading a messy broken book and journal, watching scenes of the ship ghost's memories.

Coupled with the memories she gained by absorbing the souls of ship ghosts, Zidi spent two hours transcribing and organizing the valuable contents of these memories.

This record contains the ship ghost's experience in practicing necromancy, the techniques for making soul crystals, and the means to become a blasphemous priest.

Of course, it's still incomplete. After all, when Zidi devoured the soul of the ship ghost, the latter had already suffered heavy losses and was on the verge of disintegration.

Of course the record must be handed over to Cang Xu.

Aosu's early progress in blaspheming the priests is very crucial to the Justice Pirates.

As for the soul gem...

Zidi put it away, she had other uses for it.

Just that night.

Grand military port.

Wei Sheng was awakened from his sleep.

This young man has short blond hair and eyebrows. His eyebrows are long and thick, connected at the center of the eyebrows, and then extend diagonally upward to the tip of the eyebrows and then to the corner of the forehead. Overall, his golden eyebrows looked like a big V.

Although he was disturbed from his sweet dream, Wei Sheng did not get angry. Instead, he looked at the person who woke him up with a hint of solemnity: "What happened?"

He is the Earl of the Empire and currently represents the Admiral Yan Tan in all matters. This strict Imperial soldier knew very well that he would not be disturbed at night unless there was something important.

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