Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 142: Be honest with each other

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The young man smiled at Zidi: "If I'm sorry, didn't I already say it in the central tower?"

"There are still some things." Zidi said with a heavy expression, "Not long after I took over the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, I was assassinated. In order to protect myself, I had to join forces with war traffickers. I was too weak and had no qualifications to negotiate. I was forced to Married to the Baizhen family. But the war dealer secretly wiped out the Baizhen family's team, intending to exchange the fake for the real, to support you as the Lord of Baisha City, and become his most loyal chess piece."

"In fact, the shipwreck was also caused by me. Because the contract disappeared, I sensed the death of the war trafficker. At that time, the captain of the Pig Kiss was malicious, so I poisoned him. But he counterattacked temporarily, causing the Pig Kiss to die. Sunk."

This secret was discovered by Zhusha on the fourth floor of the central tower. However, at that time, the boy and others were still on the third floor and did not hear this conversation.

But neither the young man nor Cang Xu showed any signs of surprise.

The boy's smile remained unchanged.

"You all know?" Zidi was confused, but she immediately realized, "It's needle gold!"

She guessed correctly.

Although she was unconscious afterwards, Zhen Jin was a prisoner and was bound to be tortured.

Regarding what happened on the fourth level, Zhen Jin spoke out without reservation. Especially after seeing the memory crystal manufacturing device again.

Zidi let out a breath. Even though they all knew it, her taking the initiative to speak out was like tearing apart a paper cocoon wrapping her heart. The whole person has a feeling of getting rid of the burden and taking on a new look.

The experiences of life and death on the mysterious island, as well as dangerous adventures when she was in a coma, made Zidi become more determined and brave.

"There is one more thing, which is good news." Zidi added, "The Baizhen family has responded to the letter. According to what we discussed before, the leader of the Baizhen clan and I agreed to meet secretly on Spitfire Island to negotiate and hand over the hostages. .”

Zidi did not reveal the truth about the mysterious island. Now the leader of the Hundred Needles tribe still thinks that the Pig Kiss has been hijacked by the Justice Pirates. The heir of his family, the president of the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce and some valuable people on the same ship have all Became a hostage to pirates, awaiting ransom.

Although a magical device is used to transmit the message, and a code book is required to decipher it, the truth cannot be revealed at will. This is to take into account the situation in case there is a major change in the Hundred Needles family.

I believe that when the time comes for real negotiations, the Baizhen clan leader will have a wonderful expression when he sees Zidi defecting to the pirates and abandoning the alliance.

All three are confident about negotiations.

Zhen Jin is the only heir to the Bai Zhen family. This bargaining chip is too big!

Now the three of them just hope that the leader of the Baizhen clan is really capable and can secretly communicate with the high-level officials of the empire. With such connections, he can help everyone get away with the crime.

Even if they don't have the ability, it would be good to let the Baizhen family secretly help them escape and secretly provide supplies.

"Miss Zidi, if you have a showdown with the Baizhen clan leader and tell the truth, what will your Ziteng Chamber of Commerce do? Your Chamber of Commerce is also in a very bad situation. It originally stayed together with the Baizhen family for warmth. If the contract is broken, , I'm afraid the Chamber of Commerce will have a great negative impact." Cang Xu asked.

Zidi smiled bitterly and looked at the boy.

As expected, the young man was also looking at her, with concern and nervousness in his eyes.

Zidi smiled again, this time showing a little sweetness.

Then, she said in a firm tone: "Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is my father's lifelong effort and pride. I took over it because I didn't want my father's efforts to be ruined. More importantly, I wanted to use this foundation to help me get revenge. "

"The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is already like this. I, the president, exist in name only. Except for the fat-tongued veteran, no one else is convinced by me. Therefore, even if the contract is broken, the damage will not be much worse."

"The worst-case scenario is that the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is completely destroyed. But this does not mean that I can't avenge my father. As long as I don't die, it is completely feasible to rebuild the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce in the future."

"Of course, none of the above are the main and most important reasons."

Having said this, Zidi suddenly stretched out her hand and took the initiative to hold the young man's hand.

She continued: "The main and most important reason is that I don't want to be Zhenjin's fiancée, not even in name. My heart... already belongs to someone else."

She stared affectionately and boldly at the fish-man boy in front of her.

The various experiences on the mysterious island, life and death, and companionship day and night, the brilliance and spirit of the young man have been deeply engraved in the deepest part of Zidi's heart.

No matter how ferocious the boy looks on the outside, no matter what strange appearance he turns into, the girl's heart is always with him.

The young man's heart was beating fast. At this moment, he also squeezed the girl's hand with a little force.

"Zidi..." He called softly in a low voice.

Although Zidi once deceived him, after knowing the truth, the young man had more understanding and love for Zidi.

Zidi has her own bottom line and kindness, but is forced by various situations and becomes a pawn. She has too much powerlessness and helplessness.

The most important thing is that the boy trusts his instincts.

During the time he spent with Zidi, he never felt any malice toward him from Zidi!

There is no malice, only love.

"How honored I am to have your favor." The young man said affectionately.

"Me too, it must be fate to meet you." The girl's cheeks turned red and her eyes were as tender as water.

The two of them got closer and closer, focusing more and more on each other.

"Ahem." Cang Xu's coughing sound woke up the young girl.

After reacting, both of them were a little embarrassed.

"Bless you two, it's wonderful to be young." Although Cang Xu is a necromancer, his humanity has not been wiped out. The beauty in front of him also made the corners of his mouth tilt up slightly, and he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

The boy and the girl separated slightly, but the boy still held the girl's hand.

He took a deep breath, looked at the girl with candid eyes, and then turned to Cang Xu: "I also have something that I need to explain to you two."

"The secret about my lycanthropy is actually the blood core."

Cang Xu's smile remains unchanged.

The girl looked at her lover quietly, squeezed the boy's hand slightly, and secretly encouraged him.

"Aren't you surprised?" The young man was stunned for a moment.

"To be honest, I have already made a guess." Cang Xu nodded, "After all, the blood core in the central tower was taken away by you on your own initiative. You took it with you to negotiate with the Flame Dragon King alone. From now on Otherwise, I never saw it again.”

"After leaving the Mysterious Island, sir, you have a brand new dragon form."

"We enter the Tianzhu Sea Eye. Sir, you can still turn into a fishman."

"Since the blood core was carefully placed on the third floor by the war dealer, in the war dealer's opinion, it is even more precious than the sapphire gold coffin and the mermaid's fairy tale."

"Based on your performance, sir, I speculate that this blood core should have the ability to absorb external blood and promote its own mutation."

The fish-man boy sighed: "Your guess is correct."

He looked at the girl.

Zidi smiled and said: "Don't forget, during the battle in the central tower, I almost occupied all the authority. Naturally, I saw a lot of information about blood cores. It also included the use of blood cores by war traffickers to cooperate with sapphire gold coffins to produce large-scale Methods to create artificial monsters and lycanthropes.”

Zi Di knew better than Cang Xu, but she didn't reveal anything. It was obvious that she was hiding something from her lover.

"You only know part of it," the fish-man boy said, "In fact, there are three blood cores in total."

"Three?!" Zi Di and Cang Xu whispered in unison.

"That's right." The boy continued, "The first one is inside my body."

"Do you still remember when we were in danger in the spider forest?" The fish-man boy looked at Zidi, "At that time, my hands mutated into bear claws and killed the silver blade spider."

"I know." Zi Di smiled lightly. Looking back now, her heart is filled with sweetness.

"I had a lot of doubts about my ability to transform into a beast. Later, I gradually discovered that the blood core in my body was the source of the mutation in the beast transformation."

"It was because I used the first blood core that I repeatedly escaped danger and defeated all kinds of man-made monsters along the way."

"Later, I saw the second blood core, which was the one on the third floor of the central tower. At that time, I had a strong desire to devour it."

"Although no one taught me, I relied on instinct to swallow the second blood core."

"The two blood nuclei are fused together."

"I used this blood core to destroy the Flame Dragon King."

"Wha, what?!" Zidi opened her mouth in surprise.

"The Flame Dragon King is dead?!" Cang Xu also showed shock. He thought that this legendary dragon was exiled to outer space in the big explosion.

The young man nodded: "I have no choice. The negotiation with the Flame Dragon King failed at that time, and we are not sure that the self-destruction of the Mysterious Island can kill it. Once it cannot be killed, it can easily find us, kill us, and take back the artifact. and military exploits.”

"The blood core can actually kill the legendary strong man?" Zi Di was stunned.

"That's not the case." The young man explained patiently, "My first blood core can't even be transformed into the python vine in the river. After absorbing the second one, it can swallow legendary life, but it must be done when the target is unable to do anything. When resisting, the Flame Dragon King at that time, as you know, happened to be sealed by the war dealer's alchemy circle and could not move."

"Before he died, the Flame Dragon King once relented and begged for mercy. But I can't believe it. I don't have a strong contract in my hand. We are too weak."

Cang Xu nodded with a look of approval: "Sir, your decision is absolutely correct."

"As for the third blood core, it was found from the Charming Blue Goddess." The fishman boy's words once again surprised the two of them.

Later, the fishman boy expressed his speculation - because of the cooperation between the war dealer and Charming Blue Goddess, the blood core should have been given to Charming Blue Goddess by the war dealer.

"The third blood core contains a large amount of murloc blood. There are three god-level murloc bloodlines, and my current state is one of them."

"The reward in the fish-men test - the baptism of the holy spring, is essentially the third blood core, which stimulates the thin blood in the fish-men's bodies, increasing their blood concentration and even awakening their blood."

"So that's how it is." Zidi murmured to herself.

Cang Xu was also deep in thought, and the look of surprise on his face became more and more intense.

He pondered: "The three blood cores known so far should be made by war traffickers."

"The first blood core was placed on your body by the war dealer."

"The second blood core is placed on the third floor of the central tower by Warmonger to research and create artificial monsters and lycanthropes."

"The third blood core was given to Charming Blue God by the war dealer to help Charming Blue God improve the qualifications of his followers."

Zidi wondered: "The value of the blood core is far greater than that of conventional artifacts. Why would the war dealer put such an important treasure in your body?"

The fishman boy said: "My idea is: this may be the way the war dealer makes the blood core. I think the war dealer has not mastered the fundamental secret of making the blood core. If not, he should refine it. More blood cores coming, aren’t there?”

"I guess that the war dealers can create an environment like the Mysterious Island and use the man-made monsters to fight each other to produce blood cores."

"Zidi, do you still remember the first monkey-tailed brown bear we encountered in the cave? At that time, I fought with it to the death and was saved by you. You once infused me with bear blood."

Zidi's eyes lit up: "Looking back now, I am still very scared. Sir, do you know? At that time, you died twice. Not long after each death, you came back to life."

"What?!" The fishman boy was shocked.

Zidi pondered: "Looking back now, maybe at that time, you were suspended in death. The blood core was being generated in your body! Therefore, it caused a strange state of repeated life and death."

Cang Xu interjected at this time: "This guess has some truth, but I am more inclined to believe that the first blood core was placed in your body by the war smuggler."


Cang Xu said: "Don't forget the identity of the war dealer. He is a legendary mage and a master of alchemy, but he is also one of the ten most wanted criminals."

"He is hostile to the empire, and so is Charming Blue God. The enemy of my enemy is a friend, and they have the basis to join forces."

"The war dealer will give the blood core to Charming Blue God, and Charming Blue God will provide the mermaid's fairy tale and replenish his divine power every time. This is the content of the cooperation between the two parties."

"The empire is invading the wilderness continent on a large scale, and the eyes of the whole world are focused on this collision. Of course, the war mongers also want to get involved."

"The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was annexed, but the alliance between Miss Zidi and the Baizhen family gave the war dealers some hope."

"He wants to kill Zhenjin secretly and ask you, sir, to replace him and take charge of Baisha City."

"In this way, my lord, you are not only the Lord of Baisha City, but also a Templar Knight."

"I have analyzed it before on the Mysterious Island: after the war between humans and beasts breaks out on a large scale, many god-favored knights will definitely emerge."

"The war peddler probably wants to support you, my lord, as a knight of the gods!"

The fish-man boy couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Cang Xu's words opened up a new way of thinking for him.

For a long time, the boy who lost his original memory thought that he was not very powerful (only at the silver level) and of average origin (at best, he was an imperial knight, unlike Needle Gold, whose family would do their best to rescue him if he went missing).

Therefore, he naturally guessed that the blood core came from him.

But after Cang Xu analyzed it like this, the fish-man boy suddenly understood: In fact, he has great investment value.

The war dealer needs to deal with the empire. He needs a stable channel to help him sell arms and withdraw funds. He also needs a spy placed among the top officials of the empire to be his eyes and ears! One day in the future, the war dealer and the Charming Blue Goddess will join forces to deal with the gods of the empire. This eyes and ears will play many important roles.

From the war between the human race and the orc race, the war dealer saw this golden opportunity.

As long as the young man is raised into a divine knight, it is almost certain that the young man will become a high-ranking official in the empire!

In order to ensure the boy's loyalty, the war dealer used a memory crystal. In order to prevent the boy's identity from being discovered, the war dealer spent a lot of money to purchase the Jikou Hunting Group and obtained the blood of the Golden Needle Queen. In order to keep the young man safe and sound and continue to make meritorious deeds, he gave him a blood core!

"If that's the case, then the war monger is obviously very confident that he can hide it from the imperial gods' scrutiny of you, sir." Zidi suddenly clapped her hands with her fist, "That's right, a mermaid's fairy tale!"

"We have always thought that the war peddler's acquisition of the mermaid's fairy tale was unfair. He could only use part of the ability of the artifact."

"But in fact, the Charming Blue God and the war monger have reached a cooperation and are close allies. In this way, the mermaid's fairy tale can fully play its role."

"Through it, the war peddler is confident that he can hide you from the inspection of the imperial gods."

"So..." The fish-man boy looked at the girl, "If the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute hadn't raided the Mysterious Island, would you and I be in the same situation, both being pawns of war mongers?"

Zidi was stunned for a moment, then smiled like a flower.

The fishman boy looked slightly solemn: "You two, regarding the blood core, what I really want to say is the following."

"The power of the blood core is wonderful, targeting the bloodline."

"It can produce artificial monsters and lycanthropes in batches, and it can also help the murlocs trace their origins and strengthen their own murloc lineage."

"And the host who masters the blood core can easily transform into any form by consuming the magic energy stored in the blood core, and has the training qualifications corresponding to the bloodline!"

Cangxu and Zidi showed surprise again.

However, they were not shocked. After all, they had seen the boy's previous dragon-man form and his current fish-man form, and they were more or less aware of the progress of the boy's training.

In fact, they had already guessed this.

"Do you know what this means?" the fish-man boy asked.

Zidi smiled: "War dealers can create bleeding cores. We have the tower spirit, we have experienced the mysterious island, and we still have the finished blood core in our hands. Maybe we can also refine the bleeding core in the future. With the blood core, we can get rid of it The shackles of bloodline become the genius among geniuses.”

Cang Xu was full of emotions: "Bloodline has always been the cornerstone of the entire society, whether it is humans, beasts, elves, or dwarves. The war dealer is worthy of being the pinnacle alchemist in the world. From a certain perspective, the blood core This kind of treasure is more terrifying than all the gods combined! Because it can shake the foundation of the entire society and trigger endless war and chaos."

"Now that the war trafficker is dead, only we know the truth here. We must keep this secret."

"Even if you use a divine weapon to get away with it, you must try to hide the blood core!"

Zidi showed a worried look: "Perhaps it's not just us. The war dealer has a student called Jian Zuan. We were on the mysterious island, and he never showed up. After I gained full authority, his body was not found. Discover."

The expressions of the other two people changed.

The young man looked at Cang Xu: "Anyway, the most important thing is the pearl foam. With it, we can defend against prophecies and divination, and at the same time, we can deceive the tower spirit, just like we once deceived the toad safe. Once the tower spirit is fooled, By being deceived, we gain access to the entire memory bank and can access all records.”

"By doing this, we can get the war dealer's method of refining the blood core, as well as the whereabouts of the sharp drill, and verify our various speculations."

Cang Xu smiled bitterly: "I have tried my best, but the current trouble is that it is too inefficient to rely on me alone to replenish the divine power. I must train blasphemous priests in batches to increase the production of divine power."

"Fortunately, we have gained the training experience of ship ghosts, and our memory operations have been greatly improved. But I still need to test whether we can produce blasphemous priests in batches."

The young man took a deep breath and said, "Just do your best."

Cang Xu nodded heavily: "Understood!"

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