Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 144: Navy dispatched

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After reporting the situation to Admiral Yan Tan, Wei Sheng immediately rushed to the war room.

Halfway through the walk, the intelligence officer ran up to him again, with a look of joy on his face: "Sir, we have discovered the location of the Justice Pirates."

"Good job!" Wei Sheng was slightly surprised and quickly took the military report.

After taking a few glances, he suddenly showed a strange look.

The Justice Pirates are so bold. After such a thing happened, they actually dared to contact the Empire's secret spies and enter the Empire's secret military port for supplies!

But immediately, Wei Sheng's eyes flashed, and he realized what was behind the military report.

"No, these guys are very cunning. They are playing time with us."

"The transmission of information takes time."

"It's still very risky for them to do this. It seems that although they retreated successfully, their condition is very bad and their need for supplies is very urgent!"

With this suspicion in mind, Wei Sheng strode into the war room.

A huge military map, exuding a sanctuary-level aura, was posted on the wall.

This is a magical map in which emblems symbolizing specific naval fleets move in real time.

Wei Sheng reached out and touched the surface of the map.

The fighting spirit is fleeting, and his spirit is infused into the map through fighting spirit.

He controls the map to change.

The map immediately expanded, revealing a sea area. The markings of the sea area were much more detailed before, and the center of the sea area was Daoshan Island.

Wei Sheng saw the patterns of the two fleets stationed on Daoshan Island at a glance.

A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes again: "Oh? Tan Mo and Zao Qiao are both on Daoshan Island. What good luck!"

He immediately recalled: Zao Qiao's fleet needed emergency supplies, while Tan Mo went to Daoshan Island to investigate a corruption case.

This was originally a small matter, inconspicuous among other heavy military affairs, but now it immediately became extremely clear.

Facing the map, Wei Sheng's thoughts flashed through his mind: "According to the intelligence, the state of the Justice Pirates is extremely bad. Although there is the Charming Blue Goddess's body, the goddess has been sleeping. Even during the Battle of Tianzhu, she did not really wake up. Come, but continue to gather false incarnations of gods to deal with the powerful barbarians."

"The captain of the Justice Pirates, Dragon Clothes, is actually the Son of God of the Charming Blue Sect, but he has not grown up, and his true cultivation level is only at the silver level."

"Under the dragon suit is the Orc Lion Flag. This guy's cultivation level is a little more powerful, reaching the peak of Silver. It seems that he was seriously injured in the Battle of Tianzhu."

"Besides that, it's Dilu. A silver-level bard, he's good at... well, urine songs..."

"The last person who is still a bit threatening is Lao Zhong. He usually disguises himself very well, but he is actually a necromancer, but only at the black iron level."

"There is also a silver-level necromancer who is also a member of the Justice Pirates. However, he did not hesitate to self-destruct in order to delay the barbarian attack during the Battle of Tianzhu. He is suspected of being a Charm Blue cultist and is very loyal."

"The most threatening of the conventional combat forces is actually the gold-level alchemy and magic ship. It has a fish-shaped appearance and must be very good at underwater combat."

In just a few seconds, Wei Sheng made an accurate assessment of the combat capabilities of the Justice Pirates.

"Issue a special military order!" Wei Sheng looked at the map with gleaming eyes. After thinking about it, he gave the order decisively, "Zhaqiao fleet and Tanmo fleet will fight with all their strength to capture or kill all members of the Justice Pirates!"

"Yes!" The subordinate immediately responded loudly.

"Another order." Wei Sheng continued, "The city lords of Dull Knife City must coordinate their operations and do not delay or procrastinate. Victory in this battle will be rewarded based on merit, and the merit will be calculated ten times the usual standard."


Wei Sheng zoomed out the magic map and quickly checked other naval fleets in the waters around Daoshan Island.

He gave the order again, instructing these fleets to quickly move closer to Daoshan Island, and to provide special security along the way to form an interception formation to prevent the possible escape of the Justice Pirates.

Finally, he thought for a moment: "There is no need to wait for the marshal. We will set off immediately and go straight to Daoshan Island!"

In the military port, countless personnel moved quickly and violently.

Wei Sheng boarded his Double Swords, led almost all the navy warships, and sailed out of the port in a mighty manner. Only a small part of the navy was left behind, which could be called an all-hands-on-deck effort.

He stood on the bow of the ship, and the sea breeze blew, blowing his cloak.

His eyebrows and spike-like hair tips did not move at all in the strong wind.

"The gods cannot fathom!"

"The Justice Pirates are not scary, the real scary thing is the Mei Lan God himself."

"No one knows whether she can still wake up or how much combat power she has left!"

"Let Zai Qiao, Tan Mo and Dudu Dao City Lord test it out. Even if they all die, as long as we can find out the remaining combat power of Meilan God, it will be very worthwhile."

Wei Sheng looked at the place where the sea and the sky meet in the distance, his eyes sharp and cold.

The military information was conveyed to Daoshan Island as quickly as possible.

"What? A special military order! Let me dispatch all my troops to hunt down the Justice Pirates? Do we also have the Tanmo Fleet and the Lord of Dull Knife City to coordinate the operation?" Major General Qiao Qiao was shocked when he received this military order.

The first mate had a solemn look on his face: "This is an order directly issued by the Navy Headquarters. What on earth did the Justice Pirates commit that allowed three Golden Fighters and two naval fleets to join forces to deal with it?"

"Hmph! I have long felt that something is wrong with this pirate group." Major General Qiao Qiao gritted his teeth, "How can any pirate claim to be just? Historically, only the most vicious and insane criminals have felt that they are just. The world is wrong!! Gather everyone, we attack their pirate ship."

The first officer immediately stopped him: "Major General, is it inappropriate to attack blindly?"

"The military order clearly requires that we join forces with the Tanmo Fleet and the Lord of Dull Knife City to hunt down all members of the Justice Pirates."

"Our strength is too strong. How can the Navy Headquarters, which has always been shrewd and calculating, be so extravagant and waste the fleet's precious combat power?"

"Obviously, this pirate group has hidden huge combat power, which makes the Navy Headquarters believe that we must join forces among the three parties to hunt them down."

"I suggest contacting the other two parties immediately to discuss a joint action plan!"

Major General Qiao fell into thinking.

Although he is reckless, he is not stupid.

The first mate often disagreed with him. He hated this first mate, but he also knew very well: the first mate was a good soldier who fulfilled his duties and thought about the entire fleet in his own way.

After thinking for a while, Major General Qiao shook his head: "If the Justice Pirates hide their strength, there will be a clear explanation in the military orders of the Navy Headquarters."

"Since I didn't go into details, either the strength of the Justice Pirates is the same as it appears on the surface, or it is a hidden combat power. The Navy Headquarters has not received exact information."

"But the Justice Pirates must have committed a major crime. It is possible that some of the things they looted are very important and must be recaptured immediately. That's why they are so powerful and must deal with a small pirate group. "

"It is necessary to contact the other two parties."

"But we also need to act in advance. Don't forget that their ships are docked in the port. Now is the best time to attack. If they are allowed to escape to the sea, it will be even more troublesome."

"Even if the Justice Pirates hide their strength, our attack can still reveal a lot of important information and provide great help to friendly forces."

Qiao Qiao's words and demeanor revealed his firm will.

The first mate sighed softly. He was very familiar with Qiao Qiao's temperament and admired his selfless spiritual quality: "Then please give the order, Major General!"

Just when Major General Qiao Qiao was gathering his troops to attack the ships of the Justice Pirates, the Lords of Tan Mo and Dudu Dao City also received this military order.

"Sir, this is actually a special military order!" The first mate was very nervous. "We have to take action immediately. We cannot be paralyzed or delayed. We might end up in a military court."

Tanmo looked unhappy.

He was picking and choosing from the treasure house, testing the psychological bottom line of the Dull Knife City Lord, and something like this happened.

Looking at the military order in his hand, Tan Mo felt that the thin paper was extremely hot to the touch.


"This military order is too weird."

"A special military order, and he mobilized a large number of troops to assemble three golden warriors to deal with an unknown pirate group?"

"The water is very deep here!"

Major General Tanmo is not familiar with the Justice Pirates.

Although the Justice Pirates destroyed the Gold and Silver Hook Brothers, they can only be regarded as having a small reputation. In fact, the bishop of the Life Sect later issued an order to suppress the spread of this record.

The Vice Admiral was so arrogant that he not only took Treasure Island, but also designed and ambushed several pirate gangs. He's the one who steals the show.

Major General Tanmo is also a person who likes to cheat and cheat, so it is normal for him not to know the Justice Pirates. If there was someone with gold-level combat power in the Justice Pirates, he would take it seriously.

"Special military orders cannot be violated, we must take action immediately!" Major General Tan Mo winked at the first mate, "Even if our warships collide with each other in the port and almost run aground because they are too anxious to set sail, we must go all out and rush to Jiandao Port , hunting down the Justice Pirates."

The first mate was stunned and understood the intention of his immediate superior, but he still couldn't help but said worriedly: "Sir, this is a special military order, not ordinary times."

"Execute the order!" Tan Mo glared at the first mate.

The first mate trembled all over and immediately took the order to retreat.

On the side, the Dudu Dao City Lord who witnessed the entire conversation was stunned, and in his heart, he had a new understanding of the energy of the high-level connections behind Major General Tan Mo.

The city lord was forced to turn in the ship spirit to repair the scroll, and was blackmailed out of his capital by Major General Tan Mo. Of course, he was unwilling to accept the military order.

He was not directly affiliated with the Navy, but was recruited by the Empire. This kind of recruitment is only a nominal surrender to the empire. The entire Dull Knife City actually belongs to an autonomous separatist force.

Moreover, this military order was very strange, leaving the city lord confused and unwilling to take risks from the bottom of his heart.

The Lord of Dull Knife City stared closely at Major General Tanmo, and suddenly said: "The Justice Pirates are so vicious that they actually set up an ambush in the city! More than a dozen pirates ambush me specifically to snipe me, using insidious and vicious methods. They secretly infiltrated everywhere in Dull Knife City. Alchemy bomb planted."

"In order to carry out military orders and protect the lives of the city's citizens, the city lord tried his best to fight to the death and fight back the pirates. Although he was unfortunately injured, he still worked non-stop and dismantled alchemy bombs everywhere, but this delayed the attack time. It’s so helpless!”

After hearing these words, Major General Tanmo's eyes lit up, he put his hands on his hands and laughed: "Yes, the Justice Pirates are so powerful that they actually hide a gold-level powerhouse. I am investigating the leakage of the Ship Spirit Scroll with the Lord of Dull Knife City. At the time of the attack, he joined forces with the Dull Knife City Lord to fight. Although he was not injured, his equipment was severely damaged and his fighting spirit was nearly exhausted. Finally, he won with great difficulty!"

The Dull Knife City Lord smiled immediately when he heard that Tan Mo agreed with him. When he heard the last sentence, Tan Mo's equipment was seriously damaged, and his heart suddenly trembled. He knew that he had to bleed a lot to pass the test.

Major General Qiao Qiao is holding a long-handled sword, proudly showing his fighting prowess.

The first mate followed closely behind him.

Captain Sea Dog led other capable marines to closely surround the ships of the Justice Pirates.

The person in charge of the military port rushed over.

"Why are there so many missing ships?" Major General Zao Qiao frowned, feeling bad.

The person in charge wiped the cold sweat from his head and immediately replied: "Early this morning, the Justice Pirates made a request for a trial voyage. I saw that they had repaired the magic ship to a certain extent, so I allowed them."

"So, they left all the ordinary ships in the harbor?" The first mate frowned.

At this moment, on ordinary ships, a large number of pirates gathered on the side of the ship, holding various weapons and looking very nervous.

These people were all prisoners of the Knife Pirates who had been defeated before. Facing gold-level powerhouses and an extremely elite navy, these pirates had extremely low morale, their legs were trembling, and they were looking for the top brass of the pirate group.

"All members of the Justice Pirates, listen, surrender now and spare your life!!" Major General Qiao Qiao shouted angrily.

The military port is closed and ships cannot leave.

Their senior officials were nowhere to be seen. These pirates all realized that they might have been abandoned. They dropped their weapons and knelt on the deck.

"We surrender!"

"We have all surrendered, don't kill us!!"

The navy successfully boarded the ship's side and took control of the situation.

"Search for me!" Major General Qiao Qiao ordered again.

The navy entered the cabin one by one and searched everywhere.

"not found."

"There's no one in the cabin!"

"We don't have one here either."

As bad news came one after another, Major General Qiao's face became more and more ugly.

"Wait, what is this?!" Captain Sea Dog suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" A trace of expectation immediately flashed across Major General Qiao's face.

But the next moment, he heard Captain Sea Dog's sharp tone: "Bomb! It's an alchemy bomb, get out quickly!!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The pirate ships exploded violently together. The explosion's air wave set off thick smoke and water waves, and countless hull fragments and the corpses of the navy were thrown around.

On the contrary, the pirates kneeling on the deck were less injured, and most of them fell into the sea. There were also unlucky ones who were blown to death, or were blown high into the sky and fell to the ground.

"Damn, this is a trap!" The first mate gritted his teeth.

Major General Qiao Qiao's face was ashen, and after being silent for a while, he suddenly roared: "Chase!!!"

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