Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 153: I became a war monger

The Deep Sea Monster Fish.

In a cabin, a patient was praying devoutly to the statue: "Great Charming God, I praise you for your kindness and thank you for curing my illness. How high is the sky above the earth? What do you say to the believers who fear you?" How great is the mercy shown; as far as the east is from the west, so far have you removed my transgressions from us..."

In another cabin, the roar of a monster came from the darkness. Many people tremblingly gathered around the candlelight, close to each other, and kept praying: "My Lord, the God of Charming Blue, you are a God full of grace and love. Please save your believers and grant us blessings." Perfect camouflage, so that the ferocious monsters cannot detect our presence..."

In the third cabin, most of the water was submerged. Several believers lay on the wooden cabinets and watched the water slowly rise. They were nervous and under great pressure, and they prayed in unison: "My Lord Charming God, you are so great that the sea will shake when you are angry. I look up to your power and am convinced of your salvation. Please give me the power to drive you. The power of the sea water, so that your loyal followers can escape from this shipwreck."

In the central cabin of these three cabins, Cang Xu peered at these believers expressionlessly.

He constantly manipulated the simple magic circle arranged, controlled the scene in the cabin, and then watched the believers gain divine power one by one after praying, and instilled the divine power into the statues.

The statue is fixed, and its bottom is directly connected to the magical blue artifact in the cabin on the next floor - the fairy tale of the mermaid.

The divine power of the believers was eventually infused into the big shell.

Today's prayer time was over, and Cang Xu once again hypnotized the believers in the three cabins, and then ordered the cabins to be cleaned and fed with medicines instead of food and water.

Long-term use of this medicine, of course, cannot completely replace the functions of water and food. It will make believers weak and weak.

But this is exactly what Cang Xu wants.

After the believers are weak, even if they find a flaw and want to break through the cage, they will be unable to do so.

Furthermore, Cang Xu discovered that the weaker the believers were, the more sincere they were in praying, and the divine power they received would be slightly improved.

Seeing the cabin being cleaned in an orderly manner, Cang Xu looked at the record of this prayer again.

The three cabins were carefully arranged by him, and the contents of the three prayers and the memories of the three groups of believers were all designed differently.

The experiment was successful, and Cang Xu explored more of the gods' secrets.

"Although gods are said to be omnipotent, in fact gods are better at one or more fields. The amount of divine power they exert is also related to their own priesthood and divine authority."

"In Cabin No. 1, the believers praying are suffering from illness and seeking help from Charming Blue God."

"In cabin No. 2, the believers are here to disguise themselves and deceive the hunting monsters."

"In cabin No. 3, the believers want to control the sea water to facilitate their own escape."

"Excluding the factor of quantity, in the second cabin, the believers obtain the most divine power and are most efficient. In the third cabin, secondly, although the Charming Blue God does not have the main marine priesthood, before he became a god, he was a mermaid magician and used water spells. He must be very good at it. Cabin No. 1 has the least amount of divine power. Charming Blue God himself is not good at healing."

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the cabin door.

It was the fishman boy who came to inspect.

Cang Xu welcomed him in.

After learning about the latest results, the fish-man boy let out a breath: "Cangxu, you succeeded! We have new pearl foam."

After this prayer, a pearl bubble finally appeared in the mermaid's fairy tale.

Cang Xu nodded: "Since we obtained the memory hiding technique, we have been able to mass-produce blasphemous priests. To be more precise, believers. Priests are far from being considered."

Cang Xu went on to explain in detail: "Before I can obtain this technology, I must clear all the test subjects' memories. But this will cause a lot of trauma to the soul. After using the memory hiding technique, the test subjects will also not remember anything. , and fake memories can be implanted, but the soul is very stable and prayers will go smoothly.”

"Very good." The fish-man boy said in admiration, "If we can escape capture this time, Cang Xu, you are the most crucial person! Your contribution and merit are the greatest. Now, we need to do our best to expand the scale of believers , let the divine power produce more!"

But Cang Xu shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid this won't work, my captain."

"Uh, why?"

Cang Xu explained: "First of all, the number of cabins on the Deep Sea Monster Fish is limited and the space inside is small."

"Secondly, these believers need me to use the memory hiding technique. Not all captives can become believers. Many will be eliminated during the screening process."

"Carefully calculate the cost here, not only my mana consumption, but also the loss of personnel and the practical use of various materials. After each prayer, I have to use a memory hiding spell, and there are also a large number of potions."

"The cost is too high. I have reached my limit by myself. Unless there is another necromancer to assist me, and the level of this mage is at least the black iron level."

The fish-man boy fell into deep thought: "Since we can't expand the scale, how about improving the quality of the believers themselves? You have said before that these believers do not have deep beliefs. At most, they are only devout believers, and most of them are pan-believers and ordinary believers. If we deepen their faith, we can also gain more divine power."

Cang Xu still shook his head: "It is difficult to deepen the degree of faith. Faith is a spontaneous transformation of the soul, and the soul itself cannot be deceived. I have made a series of attempts to make believers recognize themselves as mad in forged memories. Believers, devout believers, the result is ineffective, and the divine power obtained does not increase at all."

"The maintenance of faith is closely related to the believer's worldview and values. Once a believer suffers huge setbacks or mental trauma, and his or her own concepts are shaken, faith will collapse. I used to believe in the Lord of Darkness, but through the practice of Ship Ghost Experience, after realizing the secret of the gods, the level of belief immediately dropped, and now it is no longer even a pan-believer."

"It is difficult to cultivate believers, and fanatic believers are usually very rare. To deepen your faith, on the one hand, you need a simple environment and special external pressure. On the other hand, it takes time and life experience to continuously consolidate your worldview. , values.”

The fishman boy couldn't help but fall into silence.


What he lacks most now is time.

If given enough time, with the blood core in his heart, the body of Charming Blue God, two artifacts, two semi-artifacts, and the golden mana ship, he is confident that he can become one of the top in the world.

Time is so precious!

Cang Xu continued: "In fact, even I can't maintain my position as a believer for too long."

"There are limits to the memory hiding technique."

"Jiangui has tested this many times."

"I have modified the memories of these believers, and then created a special and single environment to force them to pray. Once the memory hiding technique is used too much and cannot be maintained, memory flashbacks will occur in their bodies. . They will doubt themselves and everything around them, and then discover the truth."

The fish-man boy was silent again.

This time, his mood also became heavy.

Because of the words Cang Xu described, he had the deepest experience. Because he is a substitute whose memory has been modified. When he wakes up, he is on an extremely dangerous and mysterious island.

“What’s the difference between what these people experienced and what happened to me?”

"I once believed in the Holy Emperor and prayed to Him many times. These people are also praying to the Charming Blue God."

"I don't know my identity. In fact, I haven't recovered the memories that really belong to me until now. The memories of these people have also been hidden."

"I had to struggle desperately in order to survive on the Mysterious Island. Isn't it the same for these people?"

"The only difference is..."

"This time, I'm no longer a victim, I'm a war trafficker."

"How did it become like this?"

Sensing the young man's expression of shame and self-blame, Cang Xu immediately comforted him: "Sir, you don't have to blame yourself so much. These prisoners are not good people, and besides, we can't help ourselves! If it were possible, we would definitely not We will do it. But there is no other way, we just want to survive, don’t we?”

"Alas..." The fish-man boy sighed deeply.

Cang Xu said again: "Sir, you are our leader. At this critical moment, everyone must rely on you. It was you who brought us out of the Mysterious Island alive. Everyone trusts you extremely!"

"However, according to the current efficiency, the pearl foam we can obtain is too little." The fish-man boy looked sad.

Suddenly, he thought of a way: "Wait a minute, what if you let me do it?"

"You hide my memory, put a magic ring on me, and let me pray to the goddess."

"The biggest difference between me and them is that I have the blood of a god-level fish-man, and I am the son of god among the fish-men! I believe that I will definitely get the attention of the goddess."

But Cang Xu shook his head: "This is too risky, my lord."

"With your strength, can you just ban the Demonic Forbidden Ring? Your blood core cannot be banned."

"At this critical moment, Zong Ge is in a coma. The most powerful among the Justice Pirates is you. If you lose your memory and the navy happens to catch up, we will be in trouble."

"And the most important thing is that the attitude of the goddess is unpredictable. After all, although we saved his body, we also put him in the sapphire gold coffin and let him confront the Quetzalcoatl soul."

"If it really attracts the attention of the goddess, I can't guarantee that something good will happen."

The fishman boy could only grit his teeth: "That's true."

Cang Xu paused: "Actually, there is another way."

"Is there any other way?"

Cang Xu nodded: "Sacrifice! Let's hold a sacrificial event to seek the reward of divine power from the goddess."

"Sacrifice? In our current situation?" The fish-man boy hesitated.

Cangxu explained: "Sir, sacrifices do not necessarily involve singing or celebrating in temples or temples. The specific content of sacrifices can be all kinds of strange and varied, mainly depending on the gods."

"For example, when believers offer sacrifices to the Grand Duke of France, they publicly announce what difficulties they have overcome, what research results they have obtained, or whether they have explored unknown areas and acquired new knowledge in two or three years. After the time is over, the results of the believers will be The more there are, the more successful the sacrificial event is."

"Another example is the Grand Duke of Maixiang. His sect will hold large-scale sacrificial activities during the harvest season. He will organize a large number of farmers to harvest mature wheat ears. The higher the harvest, the more successful the sacrificial ritual will be. I remember the clear record. Every time there is a good harvest, the Grand Duke of Maixiang will perform miracles to reveal his joy in the sacrifices."

The grand dukes of the Shengming Empire are all living gods. They not only own noble territories, but also have their own sects.

"In the history of the beast race, there once appeared a goddess of wisdom. After her death, her followers held sacrificial activities for her. They used the fragments of the goddess's sacred clothes as raw materials to make pieces of holy clothes. And offer the holy garments to God free of charge.”

"These are sacrifices."

When the fishman boy heard this, he immediately remembered the words of the High Priest of Charming Blue God.

The latter once told the young man: Disguising the divine realm around the goddess's body as a demi-plane and deceiving more and more people is a prayer or a sacrifice. This behavior itself is of great help to the goddess.

"Then, how should we offer sacrifices to the Charming Blue God?"

After the two discussed this, a military intelligence report came.

A large number of naval enemy ships were discovered ahead!

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