Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 181: The situation is urgent

Zidi stood by the window lattice, looking at the dock from a distance.

After everyone saluted the Lord of Spitfire City, welcome music sounded on the pier, and the atmosphere quickly became warm.

Zidi narrowed her eyes slightly, and she keenly observed that many passers-by were surprised by the appearance of the Spitfire City Lord.

But there is a small group of people who are not surprised at all.

"It seems that greeting Tucker in person is known to the top management of Spitfire City." Zidi was slightly happy. This discovery greatly improved the safety of Cang Xu and San Dao.

Just as surprised as Zidi was Tucker.

When his subordinates came to report urgently, Tucker was in the restaurant having breakfast with the leader of the Baizhen clan.

After hearing the news, Tucker was stunned for a moment, and then immediately issued an order for relevant personnel to be dispatched.

Later, he expressed his apology to the leader of the Baizhen clan that he could not continue the meal.

Chief Baizhen quickly expressed his understanding and flattered Tucker very naturally. Afterwards, he asked to go with Tucker to meet the Lord of the Spitfire City.

Tucker readily agreed.

When the two of them walked out of the cabin together and came to the bow deck.

A ceremonial team has assembled on the front deck of the Iron Giant.

The ceremonial team had just played music and was about to proceed according to the normal noble social ceremony when they heard the voice of the Lord of Spitfire City: "Hahaha, Earl Tucker, welcome to Spitfire Island."

The voice of the Spitfire City Lord was extremely loud, like thunder.

The assistant on the side quickly raised his hand and stopped the ceremonial band with his eyes.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Tucker bowed and replied: "I'm sorry to thank you for your great service. I feel honored to be able to visit the Spitfire Island today and meet the distinguished Lord of the Spitfire City!"

The leader of the Baizhen clan on the side looked at Tucker beside him and couldn't help but show a hint of admiration.

Tucker is not only an outstanding and talented alchemist master, but he is also an excellent nobleman.

Although the unexpected appearance caught him off guard, he maintained his aristocratic demeanor from beginning to end.

Tucker and the Spitfire City Lord exchanged two or three more words, and the Iron Giant actually docked at the dock.

Tucker, Chief Baizhen, and the others stepped off the boat and came to the Lord of Spitfire City. Tucker then introduced the leader of the Hundred Needles clan to the Lord of Spitfire City.

But the Lord of Spitfire City was obviously more interested in Tucker. Even if he knew the identity of the Baizhen Clan Leader, he just nodded slightly to him and didn't care.

However, at this moment, someone else was casting a surprised look at the leader of the Baizhen clan.

"Chief Baizhen, why is he here?"

At this moment, Zidi's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

As if aware of her gaze, Chief Baizhen frowned slightly and glanced at the window sill here.

Zidi quickly hid behind the wall.

Immediately, she felt her heart beating faster and the pressure in her heart doubled.

"what happened?"

"Why did Chief Baizhen come with Tucker?"

"Did the Hundred Needles family convince Tucker to help him deal with the pirates who kidnapped his son?"

"How likely is that?"

"What price did the Baizhen family pay?"

For a moment, Zidi's thoughts became extremely fast and messy.

Although the Baizhen family is now in dire straits, Zidi never dares to underestimate it. Because of its former scenery, there may be some legacy left behind.


"If Chief Bai Zhen and Tucker join forces, we will have to deal with a saint-level mage."

"And this mage is also a master of alchemy. The Lord of Spitfire City values ​​him extremely and is more likely to help him."

Thinking about Sha Ji and Tucker, Zidi couldn't help but have a headache.

Cyanobacteria was also shocked by this situation.

The two discussed it, and Zidi set off first, leaving quietly and conveying both messages back as soon as possible.

Blue Algae continued to investigate the situation at the dock.

The Lord of Spitfire City welcomed Tucker, so naturally he would not stay at the dock chatting. Tucker was soon invited aboard the carriage.

The leader of the Baizhen clan bid farewell to Tucker at the right time.

Tucker didn't know the true intention of the Hundred Needles clan leader and thought he was going to other islands. Before leaving, he solemnly invited the Baizhen clan leader to visit his territory when he had free time.

Sandao and Cang Xu quickly received the news, and also got Zidi's guess.

"Did Chief Baizhen really invite Tucker?"

"If that's the case, he should try his best to conceal this relationship and let the robbers and pirates despise him. Instead of openly walking with Tucker." Cang Xu analyzed.

The Necromancer felt very heavy.

Shaji's troubles are still there, Tucker is here again.

Any one of them alone can crush the entire Justice Pirates into powder.

In the Spitfire City, the Justice Pirates are like walking on a tightrope, and are in danger of falling into the abyss at any time.

"We're just guessing here, why not go to the city first!" San Dao urged impatiently.

Excluding the unexpected situation of the Baizhen Clan Leader, the information that the Spitfire City Lord has prepared for Tucker for a long time is good news for Sandao and Cangxu.

According to the plan, San Dao entered the city first, followed by Cang Xu.

Of course, the city gate they chose was not the main city gate, which had been blocked.

However, it is precisely because of this that the flow of people entering and exiting the other three city gates has increased significantly.

Sandao and Cangxu were secretly nervous and passed the city gate calmly.

No one checked on them.

They quickly and smoothly approached the caravan station.

But unlike the last time, they did not dare to go too deep this time, but kept a certain distance.

Another hotel.

After choosing the room, Cang Xu immediately set up the alchemy circle, while Sandao was responsible for looking out and guarding.

After the magic circle was activated, Cang Xu began to cast necromancy spells and released the ghosts.

The three ghosts waited for a while before they separated into three groups and sneaked into the caravan station one after another.

The defense of the caravan station was obviously much sparser than before.

This made Cang Xu even more vigilant.

Finally, a ghost successfully sneaked into the previous tent, but found that there were significantly fewer treasure chests in the tent.

"what happened?"

"There are fewer treasure chests and fewer guards."

"Something must have happened!"

Cang Xu began to take risks and used ghosts to inspect the caravan station.

"The sand bun is gone too!" After a while, Cang Xu turned pale and said to San Dao.

"In order to determine the situation, next, I plan to use necromancy to pry open the mouth of a giant servant in the caravan."

But San Dao shook his head.

"Wait a minute."

"It's too troublesome for you to do this, and it will take a long time. We will be closer to the caravan station than last time, and we even have to sneak in."

"I will go directly to the streets to inquire about it. Trust me, Cang Xu. I used to be a mercenary captain. The current situation gives me a feeling: the sand bun, the treasure chest and the guards have all disappeared, not necessarily in secret Track us down!”

Cang Xu hesitated: "In this way, you will directly expose yourself..."

But San Dao ignored him and turned around and left.

He used skillful formulaic skills to directly ask the city residents living nearby.

Cang Xu has been secretly coordinating.

San Dao came back with a solemn expression: "One piece of good news, one piece of bad news."

"The good news is that the caravan's Shaji and those gold-level giant guards did not pursue us. They don't seem to have discovered that the alchemy puppet was stolen."

"The bad news is that they went to meet with Zi Ya. At that time, they walked out of the caravan station with great fanfare and high profile, which attracted many people's attention."

When Cang Xu heard this situation, his heart suddenly sank.

"Zi Ya is the marriage partner with Sha Ji."

"They took away part of the treasure chest, probably as a greeting gift."

"This can greatly demonstrate the financial resources of the Shahuang clan and the sincerity of Shaji and others for this marriage."

"If Shaji discovers that the alchemy puppet has been stolen on the spot, he will definitely let Ziya know. By then, the space for us to negotiate with them will be greatly shortened."

Sandao nodded and agreed: "And it may also cause Li Ya to take the initiative to help."

"At that time, we will have to deal with Shaji and the entire Spitfire City!"

"Alas." Cang Xu sighed helplessly, "Maybe we need to add another Tucker."

Sandao gritted his teeth: "I know the location. Shaji and his group walked into a tavern in a high-profile manner. We should rush there to see if there is any chance."

Zhuya is also a sacred place.

And the two of them are just black iron.

This is the base camp of Zhuya again.

Is there any chance?

Cang Xu and San Dao both had bitter expressions on their faces.

They also know that there is little hope, but they have no choice but to bite the bullet and try their luck first.

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