Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 186: The 1st Fist Ring

"This guy……"

Ji Ya looked at Sha Ji, a strange color flashed across her face.

It wasn't until this moment that she really looked at the male giant in front of her.

Sha Ji's serious, fascinated and fanatical expression at this moment is exuding his unique personal charm.

Thinking back on his words again, there was a huge resonance in Zaiya's heart.

Yes, she, like Shaji, is a genius in people's eyes and the darling of fate.

However, bloodline concentration made them successful, but also limited them.

When they reached this point, they had reached the limit of their bloodline and hit the ceiling.

His cultivation, which had once made rapid progress, now seemed to have died on the spot, and his movement was like moving a mountain.



Unwilling to do so.

Mortal people will have all kinds of negative emotions when they look up to extraordinary beings.

It will also happen when a low-level transcendent looks up to a high-level person.

When high-level transcendental beings reach the limit of their lives and their path of cultivation suddenly comes to an end, they will also have this emotion.

Moreover, this emotion is even stronger because of their previous joy and scenery, and because of the contrast between before and after.

Zaiya devotes herself wholeheartedly to the field of alchemy to release these negative emotions.

Shaji, on the other hand, is ambitious and wants to fight the hurricane of the times.

The sound of people coming in from the window became loud.

The main city gate opened wide, and the welcoming procession played music.

This movement attracted the attention of Zuiya and Shaji.

The two of them looked into the distance and saw the legendary Lord of the Spitfire City leading the elegant Tucker into the Spitfire City.

On both sides of the street, in addition to the ceremonial team, there were elite guards, as well as onlookers and cheering citizens.

Looking at Tucker, who had a smile on his face and perfectly blended the demeanor of a noble and a mage, Sha Ji and Zu Ya couldn't help but frown.

Ziya complained for the Lord of Spitting Fire City.

The city lord is the person she respects and loves the most, and now he is actually welcoming a saint from afar as a legend. How can he be so virtuous?

Therefore, she has a natural dislike for Tucker.

Sand bun means caution and vigilance.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

This sentence is not only spread among the human race, but also among dragons, giants, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., there are also proverbs with similar meanings.

The human race is the most powerful ethnic group and the biggest threat to other races.

Emperor Shengming's powerful combat power and illustrious achievements shocked people's hearts.

At this moment, Zaiya rarely felt her own insignificance and weakness from the bottom of her heart.

She was discovered from a very young age. She was taken along and trained by the Lord of Spitfire City. He taught her countless times through words and deeds, leading her to the door of the alchemy field.

Ziya didn't have a deep impression of the Red Earth Plateau, but she had a deep attachment to Spitfire Island and a strong feeling for her homeland.

Because she was protected by the legendary strong man and had always received the trust and support of the ethnic group, Ziya's growth environment was very safe and even comfortable. The process has been smooth sailing.

Since she was a child, she has practiced magic and meditated hard.

After being exposed to alchemy, every day is a regular schedule of racing against time, trying to absorb every piece of knowledge.

Practice, practice again.

Learn, keep learning.

Perhaps the stagnation in her cultivation after arriving in the Holy Realm was the biggest setback she had suffered in her life.

In order to relieve those negative emotions, she devoted herself more wholeheartedly to exploring the field of alchemy.

What girl is not pregnant?

As a giant, Ziya is also a girl. In her free time, she reads a lot and has expectations and yearning for her love.

"Why can't it always be peaceful?"

"Why is there a war? Does the empire want to go on an expedition?"

"Why can't we live in peace like this?"

"Why do you interfere with our lives? We live in the Spitfire Island and never bully the weak or do evil things."

With messy thoughts floating in his heart, Li Ya looked at the tall city gate, the noisy citizens, and Tucker, whose body shape and vitality were obviously weaker than the fire-breathing city lord, but at this moment he was communicating as an equal. .

Ji Ya also felt a general trend.

Shaji saw the hurricane overwhelming the sky and about to sweep across the sky.

Ziya smelled the terrifying moisture, and a raging tsunami was coming.

Under the crushing force of the general situation, the small fire-breathing island is in danger.

Today's conversation with Sha Ji was like a key, opening the window to her soul.

It's not that she didn't feel the signs before, it's just that she never really looked at them.

"It turns out that I...have been escaping."

"It's like I exiled myself to the realm of alchemy to escape the pain and despair of my stagnant cultivation."

"From this point of view, Shaji is much stronger than me."

Regarding Shaji, Ziya also had mixed feelings in her heart.

She is a giant girl, with a pure and beautiful yearning for love like a swan, but now she is like a toad, which makes her disappointed and disgusted at the first sight.

But at this moment, Zaiya, whose mentality has changed, is no longer blindly refusing.

She opened her mouth, but finally looked at Shaji with a hesitant look: "You are indeed different."

"I wonder how you feel about fighting?"

"Whenever, come to the arena."

Shaji was stunned for a moment.

According to his understanding, this is the custom of the giant tribe on the Red Earth Plateau.

Between male and female giants, if they want to gain recognition and achieve a breakthrough in their relationship, they must first compete in person.

If the pursuer loses, he will naturally have no face or chance to get closer.

"This is my honor! I will definitely try my best to fight Miss Zaiya!" Shaji did not conceal his inner joy and couldn't help but stand up and salute.

"Humph, that's it." Zaiya stood up and wanted to leave.

"Please wait a moment." Shaji suddenly spoke, took something out of his arms and offered it with both hands, "This is my gift, a personal gift."

A ring.

A wrench to be more precise.

But Ziya had a unique vision and immediately recognized it: "This is the first fist ring."

"It is the first of the Five Fist Rings."

"Collect the five major fist rings, and you can combine them into the legendary fist glove Zuo Tu."

"Of course, one can be used alone, but the grade of the transformed gloves is reduced to the holy realm level."

The First Ring - One of the components of the legendary gauntlet.

Ji Ya did not choose the holy realm level alchemy puppet, but Shaji finally gave him another treasure!

As a Dou Qi practitioner, Shaji can use this boxing ring by himself. And it is one of the components of the legendary weapon, which is very valuable. Now it is given to Li Ya as a gift, which shows his full sincerity.

"As far as I know, the current owner of the first fist ring is Vice Admiral Gongdu of the Navy." Zhu Ya looked at Sha Ji with deep meaning.

Shaji smiled: "The workers are already dead, I killed them."

Ji Ya couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Shaji spread his hands and said again: "He intercepted our fleet. He was not satisfied with the fee we paid and wanted to search the ship."

"If he finds those treasure chests, he will never give up."

"So, I took action first."

Ji Ya was silent.

Lieutenant General Gongdu was very powerful, but Shaji killed him. The most important thing is that the news was concealed.

The Shahuang clan has been stationed on the Spitfire Island for so many days, and there has been no sign of the Imperial Navy coming to visit them. This shows that Shajiu has quite a few tricks up his sleeve.

"So, your caravan robbed the empire's navy first?" Zaiya said after a while of silence.

Sha Ji laughed: "How should I put it? Don't all caravans do this kind of thing? They usually do business, and when they encounter someone who can attack them, they turn into robbers."

"To be honest, I don't think becoming a bandit is a shameful thing."

"There is a story widely circulated among the human race. The general content is that a young man accidentally obtained the secret of spiritual practice and became a rogue knight. He repeatedly robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Finally, he was forced to go to the mountains and formed a gang, which made the nobles of the kingdom miserable and frightened. .”

"After that, the kingdom was invaded by foreign enemies, and the nobles surrendered to the enemy and rebelled. The boy led the gang to save the royal capital. In an accident, he was found to have the blood of a branch of the royal family, and was finally recognized by the king. He believed that the boy's virtues had benefited the whole kingdom like the sun. The light of the sun. The boy was granted a territory and became a Sun Knight."

Having said this, Shaji raised his thumb and pointed at himself: "I am not a human race, but a giant. I also want to be the sun of my race."

Zaiya nodded and put away the first ring with a complicated expression: "Lend it to me for a few days to study it first."

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