Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 187: Bold Confession

Zaiya and Shaji walked out of the tavern one after another.

Watching the two of them leave, Cang Xu and Sandao looked at each other in silence in a hotel room about a kilometer away.

Since the ghost sneaked in, they have been able to find out the contents of Shaji and Zaiya's conversation.

Sandao was speechless: "Giant Shaji... this guy is really powerful!"

This is his heartfelt admiration.

As a former mercenary captain, San Dao compared with Sha Ji and immediately realized that his vision and structure were completely different from those of his opponent.

"This is a Machiavellian guy."

"Ambitious and politically savvy."

Cang Xu was once the steward of a nobleman. In his opinion, Sha Ji's mediation and negotiation skills displayed in this dialogue were quite sophisticated.

"Just looking at Ji Ya's performance before and after, we can tell that Sha Ji is very fruitful."

"In fact, he took advantage of a lot of it."

"For example, the relationship between Ziya and the Lord of Spitfire City, the former's love and respect for the latter, and the love and attachment of these giants for their homeland of Spitfire Island."

"He also attaches great importance to the collection of intelligence. When he was stationed in the city, he investigated a lot of things."

"It can be seen from this that some of the characteristics of the giant Shaji are that he is good at taking advantage of others after making decisions."

Cang Xu and Sandao discussed it and decided to go back and report on the situation here.

Because the treasure chests are all under the noses of Sha Ji and others, it is extremely difficult to get hold of them.

Judging from Sha Ji's performance, he probably hasn't noticed the loss of the Sanctuary Puppet yet.

Cang Xu and Sandao returned to the agreed place, and Zi Di and Lan Zao also just returned.

Hearing the personal accounts of the two groups of people, the young captain and others were filled with emotion.

"Unexpectedly, we were saved once by the giant's customs and bought some time."

"But will the giants check the treasure chest after returning to their station?"

"Should we steal those red and blue elemental essences before they find out? After all, once they are discovered, their defense will be even tighter."

"If they check the treasure chest, we won't be able to do it in time."

"The alchemy circle in the hotel has not been dismantled yet, which is very risky. Once discovered, there will be many traces of us there. But if it is stolen again, it will definitely be used."

"Also, now that Baizhen Clan Leader is here, what should we do?"

Everyone was talking and expressing their opinions.

The situation becomes complicated.

At this moment, a message came from the Deep Sea Monster Fish that Zong Ge's situation was taking a turn for the worse and was in danger!

"Don't you always use green liquid to stay alive?" Sandao suddenly became anxious.

Messages continued to arrive, indicating that there was a problem with the magic circle that produced the green liquid. According to the monitoring records of the tower spirit: there was a sudden huge shock in the sapphire gold coffin, which caused the magic circle in the core area to be damaged, so the alchemy magic circle failed.

Sapphire and gold coffin? !

Everyone was shocked and confused.

This artifact contains the main body of Charming Blue God and the main soul of Quetzalcoatl.

Cang Xu's face was as dark as water: "It seems that the confrontation between these two gods has become unstable. We must go back to repair the magic circle quickly."

Until now, other treatment methods have been unable to stabilize Zongge's body.

Can only rely on green liquid.

However, the therapeutic effect of this green liquid was gradually weakening on Zong Ge's body.

A more complete alchemy array must be built, in which of course red and blue crystal clusters must be used, in order to make the green liquid more effective and heal Zong Ge.

Returning to the Deep Sea Monster Fish, everyone was shocked to find that the sapphire gold coffin was empty.

"Where's the goddess?!" Everyone looked at each other, as if they were falling into the abyss.

They quickly checked the monitoring records of the tower spirit and found that since the sapphire gold coffin shook and destroyed the alchemy circle, the goddess body in the sapphire gold coffin slowly disappeared.

"The goddess left?!" Lan Zao glared.

"Why didn't He take revenge on us?" Zi Di frowned.

"Perhaps his condition is too weak?" San Dao guessed.

Cang Xu shook his head slightly: "If the goddess wakes up, what will happen to her own injuries?"

The Charming Blue Goddess was seriously injured and could only stay alive by deceiving herself and falling into deep sleep.

If he wakes up, it will herald his end.

The young captain suddenly said: "He should still be inside, but our sight was deceived. Do you remember the Tianzhu Sea Eye? There is no demiplane there at all. The truth is that the goddess is sleeping and emanating from the divine realm."

The young man's guess made sense.

There is precedent for this situation.

But who can be sure?

"Let me prove it." At the critical moment, the young man mustered up the courage and walked to the sapphire and gold coffin.

In full view of everyone, he prepared to reach into the coffin.

With a movement, a red light emerged from the boy's body, and he immediately transformed into the son of the fish-man god.

Only then did he reach in and fumble around.

Immediately, the young man said in surprise: "I touched Him."

"However, this touch is slowly disappearing."

Everyone let out a breath: "It's good that the goddess is still here."

"But if this continues, it's not an option."

"That's right. The Charming Blue Divine Realm will continue to expand, at least to the huge scale Tianzhu Haiyan sees."

"We simply can't afford it."

"At that time, we will all fall into the divine realm and be deceived."

"The Deep Sea Monster Fish will also fall because of this."

"Damn it, at the critical moment, there was a fire behind us."

Everyone was troubled.

Someone was holding his head, with a look of despair on his face.

It seemed that Fire Island was about to become a tomb, a giant tomb where everyone was buried.

Cang Xu's voice was still calm: "If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising."

"The Charming Blue God's state is different from that of Quetzalcoatl."

"The Charming Blue God has many believers. Even if the Charming Blue God's religion is destroyed, there will still be a large number of followers left."

"Quetzalcoatl is different. There is almost no spread of belief."

"The two gods were in a confrontation before, but the Charming Blue God gradually recovered. Given time, she will definitely surpass the Quetzalcoatl God's soul."

San Dao looked ferocious: "What's the use of analyzing this now? What else should we do? Master Zong Ge can't hold on for long!"

Cang Xu sighed bitterly: "We can try to rebuild the alchemy circle. The condition of Meilan God is stable now."

Zidi suddenly said: "Perhaps it is precisely because we used the sapphire gold coffin to further weaken the power of the Quetzalcoatl soul that the Charming Blue God began to gain the upper hand."

Sandao's body trembled and he stared at Zidi.

Zidi also looked back and said to San Dao: "I am just stating the facts, not giving up Zong Ge."

"However, even if we set up the magic circle again while the sapphire gold coffin is stable, we still don't have the red and blue crystal clusters."

"The magic circle that was built is no different from before, and it doesn't have much effect on Zong Ge."

Everyone was silent.

"Then what are you waiting for? I will steal or negotiate now!" San Dao immediately shouted.

"Stealing now? It's daytime! In front of the giants?"

"If you want to steal it, you have to use the silver gargoyle puppet."

"I always feel that negotiation is not a good option. From what you said, Shaji is no ordinary saint. He is very cunning!"

Every word from the crowd made Sandao's face darken.

He could hear the underlying meaning behind the words.

"Zong Ge's condition is very bad." The young captain finished the inspection and stood up beside Zong Ge.

Zong Ge has already moved to the core cabin.

After all, the core of the green liquid array is the sapphire gold coffin.

"First re-build the original magic circle." The young captain ordered directly, "In this case, Zong Ge can at least persist until the night after tomorrow."

"Tonight we take action again to steal. Try to steal the red and blue crystal clusters!"

"Understood, sir." Cang Xu bowed and saluted, "In fact, we only need to repair it. After all, at least the core of the original magic circle is damaged."

Sandao glanced at the young man gratefully and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, while Cang Xu was repairing the magic circle, the Justice Pirates once again found out a piece of earth-shattering information.

"What? The Imperial Navy headquarters was destroyed by pirates?"

"The one who took action was the Firebeard Pirates?!"

"This group of people first set out from the Pirate Holy City and arrived at Tianzhu Sea Eye, then divided their forces to confuse the enemy, and finally raided the Grand Military Port. Firebeard almost burned down the Grand Military Port on his own. Bitong was seriously injured and retreated, and the Charming Blue Seat was on the spot. Fly away..."

"The second master Duo Jia, the third master Feng Yao, and the newly promoted Hong Turban all participated in this battle."

"Not just Feng Yao, it is said that Yi Yi was also rescued from Tianzhu Haiyan by Fire Beard."

Everyone in the Justice Pirates was shocked.

This is the Grand Military Port, the headquarters of the Imperial Navy!

It was actually taken away.

Or by a pirate gang.

This really... makes the empire lose face.

In thousands of years, the empire has never seen such a big loss.

Fire Beard…

For a time, this name was deeply engraved in everyone's hearts.

After several days of dissemination, the information about the military port finally spread to the world!

Spitfire Island is just one of the stops.

On the holy monument in the pirate holy city, Firebeard's name is clearly listed at the top.

This is the first time that the three legendary pirate groups have taken action since the battle for the Pirate Throne.

Unexpectedly, this time the attack was so shocking that it seemed to poke a hole in the sky.

"How should the empire react now?"

"Firebeard must be counterattacked by the Grand Duke of the Empire!"

"Is the battle between legends and gods about to begin?"

"Not only that, Firebeard is now approaching the Pirate Throne, what will the other two legendary pirate groups do?"

"They're definitely going to be bad for Firebeard."

"In an instant, the Firebeard Pirates have made enemies on all sides and are in a very dangerous situation!"

"No, he should still have allies. Think about it, the orcs will probably keep Firebeard and show favor to him. Firebeard is already half on the threshold of becoming the pirate king in his current state."

Everyone was talking about it.

The young captain felt very heavy: "The situation is very bad, guys."

"I told you, right?"

"Feng Yao was cursed by the God of Love, and he can sense the location of the Charming Blue God. Even the Charming Blue God's Domain cannot stop this ability!"

"Our pearl foam is also difficult to conceal."

"That is to say, Firebeard knows the location of Charming Blue God and knows that we are hiding on the Spitting Fire Island."

With these words, the discussion stopped abruptly, and everyone fell into a deathly silence.

"So, our enemies... and the Firebeard Pirates?!" After a long time, a voice broke the silence.

"At present, it seems like this." Cang Xu sighed heavily, "If you rob the Charming Blue God, you will definitely get the unimaginable pirate divinity. By then, Fire Beard will definitely sit on the throne and become a new generation. The Pirate King!"

"There are other pirates." Zidi's voice became hoarse. "Firebeard is so brave that he even dares to hold a large military port. He won't be too afraid of Spitfire Island."

"He got information from Feng Yao. Once he attacks, it will definitely attract the attention of many people."

"The other two legendary pirate groups will never sit back and watch Firebeard's success, and will definitely take action to stop it. They will probably take action against us too!!"

Everyone turned pale.

Imperial Navy...

Three legendary pirate groups...

Fire-breathing city lord, Zaiya, Shaji...

And the dying Zong Ge...

The Meilan God's true form has gradually gotten rid of the confrontation and slowly gained the upper hand...

"Oh my god, what are we going to do?"

"How did it become like this?"

"If I had known this, we might as well have died on the Mysterious Island!"

"In this case, even if we revive Zong Ge, what will happen? He will still die."

Everyone couldn't think of a way, and finally all focused on the young captain.

The young man shook his head slowly, what could he do?

He walked out of the cabin with a frown on his face.

Zidi glanced at everyone, and soon left with the young man.

The sky today is very clear, the sun is shining brightly, the sea and sky are the same color, and the breeze is gentle.

The young man dived all the way out of the Deep Sea Monster Fish and came to a deserted beach, looking at the scenery in front of him. His heavy mood was in sharp contrast to the natural beauty in front of him.

Zidi came over.

The footprints she left on the beach disappeared as the tide rose.

The young man sat on the beach, and Zidi sat next to him.

The two of them stayed together but were speechless.

After a long silence, the boy whispered: "I feel very guilty."

"I led everyone from the Mysterious Island, but now we have reached a desperate situation."

"How did it get to this point?"

"We obviously just want to escape guilt, find connections, contact the upper echelons of the empire, and gain understanding and redemption."


The boy lowered his head and looked at the gravel between his feet: "I am not a good leader."

"I'm not strong, and I'm not good at maneuvering."

"If I were like Shaji, maybe the situation would be much better, maybe we would have been able to get away with it."

"No, that's not the case." Zidi put her hand on the boy's arm, "If you were Shaji, then we would have fallen apart long ago."

"Shaji is an ambitious person, but if he doesn't give in, he will take risks risking his own life, even risking the entire tribe."

"The probability of his success is very low. In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, he uses the entire ethnic group as a tool."

"You are different, believe me, you are better than Sha Ji!"

"In our group, who can truly trust each other? Orcs, goblins, or necromancers?"

Zidi smiled: "Only you can lead us. Because you are fair and just, and have never given up on any of your companions. The virtue of a knight exists and is demonstrated in you. Everyone trusts and believes in you."

"Without you, we would have been in civil strife."

"You are the leader of all of us. Without you, this group would not be where it is today."

The young man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Am I a knight?"

"Aren't you?" Zidi raised her eyebrows, "What you practice is fighting spirit, Baihe fighting spirit. According to the clues we collected, you should be a knight of the empire, but you are not famous. A relatively ordinary silver knight, even if If something goes wrong, it won't make a big fuss. There is a reason why the war dealer chose you to be the substitute for Zhenjin."

The young man nodded: "That's what I guessed too."

"Unfortunately, my own true memory has never surfaced."

"You know what? I have plans."

"I want to find my original identity and be myself after being acquitted."

"Because that's who I am, the real me."

"But now, I'm just an idiot with no idea of ​​who I am, a beast, a monster."

"Sometimes I am also very scared. When I become a dragon or a fish, I worry that I will give up my former self and live for power." The young man looked at his hands and said.

"About this." Zidi suddenly held the boy's hand, "You and I have different views."

"I like that about you."

The young man's body trembled and he looked at Zidi.

Zidi did not dodge, and stared at the boy quietly with a pair of amethyst-like eyes.

The two of them were sitting next to each other on the beach, looking at each other.

Zidi said sincerely: "In this world, no one will always be willing to accept their fate. At a certain moment, people will always feel resentment, hatred, irritation and even despair."

"Everyone...including the geniuses."

"And for us who are relatively ordinary, there are more."

"God said, man has sinned."

"So, atone for your sins."

"I admit."

"When I was in embarrassment in life, I had bad thoughts and thought about murder and robbery."

"Everyone has dark thoughts or a past that is difficult to look back on."

"But here with you, around you, all of this can be tolerated, understood, and accepted by each other."

"Because you are a beast knight."

"We all see ourselves in you. And the justice and morality you always adhere to make us believe in the beauty of human nature and that we can be saved."

"Yes, don't doubt it. You are so special and outstanding that I am... deeply infatuated with you."

"Zidi." The young man called out, feeling excited, and grabbed Zidi's hand.

Zidi never pulls her hand away.

She boldly made the confession.

She didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the Mysterious Island.

She wanted to seize the opportunity.

It is very likely that tomorrow, the Justice Pirates will be completely destroyed.

She didn't want to regret it anymore!

The boy stared at Zidi, and Zidi stared at the boy.

Their faces were getting closer and closer.

Under the sunlight, the shadows of the two finally stuck together.

After a long time, the lips parted.

The beauty of love made Zidi's cheeks blush, and her amethyst-like eyes became even more dazzling and alluring.

The young man drew endless courage and motivation from it.

He stood up immediately: "I have decided!"

"What?" Zidi was stunned.

The next moment, she saw the young man's resolute face and burning eyes.

"I'm going to have a head-on negotiation with the Charming Blue Goddess."

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