Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 197: Yellow Nest Bee (Repair)

The old fish-man patriarch handed over the crutch to others, the meaning is self-evident.

"Lord Patriarch!" the fishman cronies beside him shouted.

The old clan leader smiled bitterly at the clansmen around him and apologized in a vicissitudes of tone: "I'm sorry, everyone, I am really an incompetent clan leader."

"Our home was lost at my hands."

"I knew that my daughter was kidnapped by the enemy and tortured, but I couldn't take action immediately."

"In order to save her, I did not hesitate to deceive friendly forces and violate my beliefs and principles."

"It's an extraordinary blessing for me to have the opportunity to fight to the death to atone for my sins."

"I made my will before the war."

"Just do everything as stated in the will."

"Lord Patriarch...wuwuwu." The tribesmen around him choked and cried.

The old patriarch looked at the Naga priest with hopeful eyes: "Master Priest, I will leave my tribe and daughter to you as much as possible!"

The Naga priest had a solemn look on his face. Although the other party had deceived her in a small way, he was willing to sacrifice himself at this moment to achieve great righteousness. The merits definitely outweighed the faults.

The Naga priest nodded slightly: "With this ship here, I can only do my best."

"Don't worry. This ship, at least in the future, will have a hard time taking care of you." The old patriarch said, stamping his feet hard and shouting the frozen land whale's nickname.

This frozen land whale is a magical beast specially raised by the tribe.

From the year he was expelled, the tribe began to support him, and he did not hesitate to live austerely in order to regain his homeland.

However, Hutong's business talent was extraordinary, and he saved enough money to build a gold-level magic ship, far behind the frozen land whale he had raised.

But the frozen land whale has already been trained to have an extraordinary tacit understanding. The old patriarch didn't say anything, he just stamped his feet and it knew what to do.

Spell - rising spring!

Sea water and air flow spurted out from between the breathing openings, carrying the old patriarch straight into the sky.

The old murloc leader was so fast that he was like a bolt of lightning, rising all the way up.

The old patriarch had been suppressing this method. He originally planned to find an opportunity to suddenly rise into the air and give Yan Ding or Hutong's clone a hard blow.

But no opportunity has been found.

Now that the military situation is urgent, we can only use it.

The old patriarch's move was indeed beyond Huntong's expectations.

He hurriedly controlled, and three of the five light-concentrating turrets fired at the same time.

The beam hit the old patriarch, but the latter withstood the bombardment and rose to the height of the Golden Shining. Finally, with wounds and blood, he landed on the deck of the Golden Shining.

"There is still 75% reserve in the mana pool, which is completely sufficient."

"But then, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to control it myself."

Dim pupils shrank slightly.

There was no way he would let the old murloc leader wreak havoc on his flagship.

The defensive performance of the Golden Shining is not outstanding.

In particular, the old fish-man clan leader is obviously here to fight for his life. Hutong will never underestimate a gold-level man who wants to fight for his life!

Hutong flipped the magic runes and gave the Golden Shining the order to continue the bombardment. He immediately flew downstairs to fight the old murloc leader.

The old fish-man patriarch used his bare hands and his long green hair like seaweed on his temples to dance around wildly as the golden fighting spirit spurted out.

"Come on, let's fight to the death!" The old patriarch was full of determination to fight to the death.

The dim pupils shrank again.

The enemy in front of us is the most troublesome.

Even though they are both gold-level, they don't care about their lives.

The key is that this is his golden number.

If anything is broken, he will not be able to repair it for the time being!

He couldn't repair those underground searchers, let alone the Golden Shining.

Previously, the main force of the fishmen was targeted by Yan Ding, which made the old patriarch tired of defending.

Now, it was Huantong's turn to suffer this injustice.

Bang bang bang.

A fierce battle unfolded on the deck of the Golden Shining.

The two old enemies once again competed.

This time, there is both victory and defeat, as well as life and death!

"Shoot them for me!"

Pirates and murlocs roared.

For a moment, various arrows and bullets were shot into the air. There were even artillery pieces, roaring constantly.

Spell - Water Arrow!

The thin straps barely cast the spell.

He was in bad shape, but the mana pool of the Vinegar was still in reserve.

Fighting skills - scales.

Suddenly he stepped on the musical scale, leaped in mid-air, and slapped the spinning disc with his palm.

These discs are the key. Through them, the attack of the concentrated turret can be divided into thousands of ways.

Compact discs are subject to various attacks, but are rarely broken.

They are all gold level components.

Unexpectedly, they are able to withstand the huge beams of light emitted from the turrets, and scatter and refract them. Their defensive performance is very impressive.

Various attacks were ineffective, but neither the pirates nor the murlocs gave up.

Instead, their attacks became more and more violent.

Because they know very well: If they don't defeat these spinning discs, they will die!

Although it would be better to attack the Golden Shining, they can't reach it.

The only attack targets that can be hit are these spinning discs.

Only by smashing these discs can they survive.

But the disc seems to be thin, and it is still rarely shot down.

The main building of Ningguang spewed light flow again, setting off another round of light net bombardment.

But this time, the total number of fallen fisherman and pirates was much less than before.

The surviving enemies were surprised and delighted, and reacted one after another.

"Even if we can't break these disks, we can still cause interference to them!"

"That's right, keep fighting, don't stop."

As long as the spinning disc is tilted at an angle, the refracted light beam will be greatly skewed when it hits the target.

The disc spins to resist these interferences.

The degree of interference is actually not that big.

In fact, many of the beams missed their targets.

However, because the beam is very precise and its power is concentrated, it is too restrained. Therefore, even the enemies who had brushed aside survived.

"We can survive, we can survive!" some pirates shouted.

The fishmen were also barking.

There are also many people who are not afraid of death and are collecting treasures scattered around.

"What's mine, it's all mine!"

"Even if I die, I will die among a pile of gold coins."

The greed of the pirates is evident.

"Wait, what is that?"

Many pirates who dived to retrieve their treasure were horrified to find numerous figures deep under the sea.

These figures have human bodies and snake tails.

They are also collecting treasure!

"It's Naga!"

"It's not just the fish-men, there are Nagas deep under the sea."

"They are collecting the treasures we dropped. Damn it, these are all things we worked hard to grab!"

The pirates were angry, but they had no choice.

They have difficulty diving deep into the ocean floor.

Even if you dive down and your combat power drops, you still have to fight Naga?

These are certainly not real Nagas.

But a deep-sea salvager.

Zidi saw a large amount of treasure falling into the sea, so she sent these alchemy puppets to salvage it.

A large amount of treasure fell into the bottom of the sea, which pirates had snatched from major shops, houses, and churches.

Double Eye Island is a prosperous commercial island. It has developed to this day, and both the officials and the people have a huge amount of wealth.

This can be seen from their rich burial objects.

"I didn't expect that I could make a fortune under such circumstances!" Zi Di's lips curled up slightly.

The surprise was just a touch, and she was more worried.

The situation of Qingxin and Cangxu is quite bad.

Ya Ma and Yue Ban are both in peak condition, genuine silver level.

Cang Xu is just black iron disguised as silver.

Although Qingxin was a silver-level mage, he had been fighting a war of attrition with Kuli for a long time, and he himself was severely lacking in equipment and in poor condition.

Yama was surrounded by summons. The more she fought, the more confident she became: "I lost to you before, what a shame."

"Are you really Silver level?"

"Do you only know these fire spells?"

When Yama had friction with Cang Xu and Zidi before, she was suppressed by frequent fire spells before she could summon them. She had no chance to breathe, let alone a comeback.

As a last resort, I had to admit defeat.

Now that she has regained her place, she is in high spirits.

Qingxin could only fly into the air again and repeat the tactics he had used before and with Kuli, mainly moving to avoid.

Cang Xu also used the flying scroll, adopting tactics to avoid its sharp edges and try to delay as much time as possible.

He consciously moved closer to the dragon boy.

When the war first started, he took the initiative to stay away from the Iron Pimple.

For the dragon boy, how to help Cang Xu and Qing Xin is also a problem.

After all, at the auction house, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group constantly fought against Cang Xu and Zidi, winning the favor of the public, creating a hostile relationship, and clearing suspicion.

Now, if the dragon boy intervenes and helps Cang Xu, this behavior will be very inconsistent with before.

It will definitely arouse suspicion!

"Oh, if it really doesn't work, we have no choice but to take action." The dragon boy hurried on, sighing secretly.

Compared with external suspicions, Cang Xu's life is naturally more important!

"Where else do you want to escape to?" Yama laughed.

She was impatient with such chasing and cast the spell directly.

A magic circle appeared in the sky.

The disc-shaped magic array rotated once and turned into a circular light door.

A giant elephant-like wasp flew out of the circular light door.

The ants and bees are covered in tiger skin, black and yellow. The compound eyes are dark and have a dull luster on the surface, which looks cool.

The most special thing is its tail.

Its tail is very large and appears to be somewhat deformed.

The tail is a long five-sided column with a large number of holes at the end.

The body of the bee exudes a silver-level aura.

And there are a lot of other weird auras leaking out of the holes.

Yama summoned this silver-level monster, immediately pointed at its beard, and ordered: "Blow him up."

Buzz buzz...

The next moment, a large number of alchemical wasps flew out of the holes.

The wasp was like a dark cloud, covering Cang Xu.

Cang Xu suddenly felt his scalp numb, and secretly screamed that it was bad, and directly tore up a scroll.

The spell recorded in the scroll took effect, causing him to suddenly create more than a dozen phantoms, which flew in all directions.

The black cloud of wasps had to divide into more than a dozen groups to pursue every blue-bearded phantom.

Bang bang bang.

After chasing the target, these little hornets exploded one after another.

The phantom was instantly blown to pieces, and the surrounding houses and streets were blown into ruins, beyond recognition, with smoke and dust billowing out.

Cang Xu's true identity was soon discovered.

The remaining wasps buzzed and surrounded him.

"Not good!" Zidi immediately lost her temper when she saw this.

At this moment, a fatal crisis strikes Cang Xu!

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