Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 199: Contract fulfillment!

In order to recover Hai Ping's body, the fishmen set up a detailed plan.

These include: how to safely transport the body back after finding the target.

After many discussions, the senior management rejected the plan of using storage equipment.

The advantage of this solution is that it is convenient and fast, while taking into account privacy.

But there are many disadvantages.

There are two main disadvantages.

First, not all storage equipment can carry Hai Ping's body.

Haiping is a holy realm level. If we regard it as a ball of holy realm alchemy materials, it must be at least a gold level storage equipment to be able to hold it.

Second, it is not safe enough.

If storage equipment is destroyed by an attack, the space will undergo drastic changes, causing space fragmentation and causing the destruction of stored items.

Haiping's corpse is just a pile of materials, unable to resist the power of this space shattering.

If a space hole is formed, Haiping's corpse may be sucked into the hole and exiled to other places. If it were in the main world, it would be better, but if it was exiled to other planes, it would be even harder to find.

After long discussions among the top management of the fishmen, they decided to use pearl foam.

In their opinion, this is the safest measure!

Their gods are very powerful and reliable when it comes to deception and disguise.

They have used this method many times, and even at the legendary level, it is difficult to see through the disguise of pearl foam.

The disadvantage of this solution is that it is too expensive.

The artifact of the mermaid's fairy tale is lost, resulting in one less pearl foam.

But considering the high stakes of this operation, the sect's top leaders could only endure their heartache and put it to use.

Neither they nor the purple-scaled murlocs ever thought that the power of pearl foam would suddenly disappear!

Although this has happened.

But in the records, it was in the face of powerful gods.

In this situation, there were not even saint-level enemies, but the power of the pearl foam suddenly failed, catching the purple-scaled murloc immediately unbelievably.

As soon as she was exposed, the Golden Shining immediately reacted.


The beam of light shot out, fell from the sky, and locked onto the purple-scaled murloc.

The previous optical network bombardment was large-scale.

This time the beam of light was fired by the main turret of Ningguang alone.

This is truly a gold level power.

Qi You was seriously injured after being hit by this trick before.

The exposure of Hai Ping's body caused the Golden Shining to unleash its full strength.

The moment the purple-scaled murloc was bombarded, its mind went crazy. But the deadly breath of death was so oppressive that she could hardly move!

She wanted to escape, but it was too late!

The speed of the light beam is too fast.

Although the purple-scaled murloc was very strong, it was only at the silver level and was completely annihilated in the beam.

The beam of light remained unabated and hit the bottom of the sea again.

The Deep Sea Monster Fish disguised itself as a reef, and was hit by the beam just below the purple-scaled murloc.

The alchemical magic ship shook violently, a harsh alarm sounded, and red light flashed crazily in the cabin.

Zidi gritted her teeth and persisted in the control cabin.

It was quite wise for her not to activate the Deep Sea Monster Fish to avoid the attack.

No matter how fast the Deep Sea Monster Fish is, it can't match the speed of beam shooting.

Even if you try to hide, you can't escape.

Once one's identity is actively exposed, the subsequent impact will be too great. No matter which force suddenly discovers that another gold-level magic ship has been watching the show, they will explode.

By then, the Deep Sea Monster Fish will most likely be targeted by everyone.

"Patience for now!"

Zi Di is very resilient.

The Deep Sea Monster fish resisted the attack and still disguised itself as a reef.

But from an outsider's perspective, less than half of the reef was reduced to nothing.

Most of the remaining parts are still there, but they are darkened by the wounds and the temperature is very high, which stimulates the surrounding seawater to constantly churning and generates a large number of bubbles.

This is the magic of deception and disguise.

It is not set in stone.

If it remains unchanged, if an ordinary reef can withstand a gold-level beam cannon, anyone who sees it will be doubtful.

Under the deception and camouflage technique, the Deep Sea Monster Fish will make corresponding changes according to changes in the outside world.

Of course, this has flaws.

The part of the reef hit by the beam has been completely annihilated.

But in fact, this part of the hull still exists.

Therefore, if a living body touches this part of the "blank", it will be hindered and stagnant.

Of course, touch is also an external awareness ability of a living body.

This is also affected by the deception spell.

Life forms will not see through this flaw.

But if you use alchemy puppets for reconnaissance, that won't work.

"Is that a silver-level fish-man mage?"

"Her camouflage spell suddenly failed, which led to the bombardment from the turret."

"Who is this fish-man corpse? It's actually the Holy Domain level!"

Zidi's heart was full of doubts.

The beam of light immediately dissipated, leaving a deep crater on the bottom of the sea.

Haiping's corpse slowly sank, just like the previous treasures, gradually falling to the bottom of the pit.

At the edge of the pit is the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Without the camouflage of pearly foam's power, several of the Abyssal's reconnaissance abilities come into play immediately.

Zidi also discovered the remarkable thing about this corpse.

"Why did a fish-man mage never show up on the frontal battlefield, but instead fled with a corpse from the sanctuary?"

Zidi was not sure who the purple-scaled murloc was that had just died.

The latter did not betray the breath of life.

After the pearl foam was absorbed by the artifact, she was killed by the beam before she could cast a spell.

"Could it be that the true purpose of the murlocs is the corpse of this sanctuary-level murloc?"

"What is his identity?"

"Even if they die, can these fish-men be allowed to ignore sacrifice like this?"

Zi Di became suspicious.

At the same time, her heart was pounding.

No matter what identity this fish had in life, his value was extremely high.

No matter how bad it is, it can still be regarded as a pile of holy-level alchemy materials!

"Perhaps it is precisely because of its high value that it was bombarded by the Ningguang main turret."

"The scene just now confirmed my previous suspicion."

"This flying mana ship first distinguishes between ourselves and the enemy, and then uses its beam to name them one by one based on their value."

"Such a style...should it be said that it is Huantong's flagship?"

Zidi looked at Hai Ping's corpse in the magic image, feeling itchy, but she never made a move.

She had already guessed the pattern of the Golden Shining's bombardment, and knew that if she rashly snatched the fish-man's holy corpse, she would be bombarded by light cannons.

The purple-scaled murloc is the best lesson to learn from the past.

"Waiting for opportunity."

"There should be a chance."

Zidi cast more expectant eyes on the old fish-man patriarch, Naga priest and others.

The Naga priest's face was ashen.

She presides over this action plan and is the top person in charge.

She didn't pay much attention to the matter of the green coral murloc tribe regaining their homeland.

It is just a mutually beneficial partnership between the two parties.

Naga priests have always had only one purpose.

That is - bring back Hai Ping's body as completely as possible!

Now, the purple-scaled murloc was killed, and Haiping's body was exposed.

The whole operation only needs the last step to succeed!

However, she was blocked by Dutong's clone and Yan Ding, and there was no way she could break through.

"No, even if I break through, I still have to face the bombardment of the gold-level magic ship!"

"it's time."

The Naga priest sighed deeply, showing helplessness and determination.

Hutong has a trump card, and of course she does too.

This trump card is the devil's gold coin!

The Naga priest released a phantom, temporarily attracting enemy firepower, while the main body began to pray.

"The Devil Lord, one of the masters of the abyss, the god of sincerity and the god of trust."

"My lord's ally!"

"The priests of the Charming Blue God pray to you."

"Please send down your mighty power, let the contract be fulfilled, and let integrity be demonstrated."

"Bend the enemy's insincere will and make the life of the appointment more noble!"

The priest's prayer to God is similar to that of the paladin, neither of which is 100% successful.

Because God cannot focus on every believer every moment.

But this time, the Naga priest was confident.

Because the Charming God and the God of Integrity have a long-standing alliance, and because they have collected a large number of devil's gold coins.

The source of these gold coins is the God of Integrity.

This is a sacred instrument belonging to the God of Integrity!

After the Naga priest prayed, he immediately looked at Yan Ding.

But the result made her very disappointed.

Yan Ding's offensive continued without any impact.

According to the priest's inference, Yan Ding should be the leader of the imperial spy sent to the Eye Island - Shadow.

At first, the Imperial Secret Agent planted spies in the Jealousy Pirate Group.

When the spy is discovered, the Naga priest uses his trick and asks the jealous pirate group to send a thin belt to the island, pretending to cooperate, but the real purpose is to deliver the devil's gold coins.

The devil's gold coin is a sacred instrument of the god of sincerity and credit, and is the most powerful contract.

The content of the contract is to "help the Jealousy Pirate Group to attack Double Eye Island."

Once the contract comes into effect, the owner of the gold coin will be influenced by divine power and fulfill the contract content wholeheartedly.

This is a trump card deliberately ambushed by the Naga priest.

According to her understanding of the empire's secret espionage agency, these gold coins are likely to fall into the pockets of the local bosses.

Once the contract takes effect, you can turn your enemies into friends, allowing the strong ones in the race to turn against you in the face of war!

In this way, the enemy is caught off guard and is likely to suffer heavy losses. The two sides are competing against each other, and the balance of victory and defeat will be seriously tilted.

However, there was no change in the cigarette butt.

"what happened?"

"The human race has seen through my plan and has disposed of those gold coins?"

"Perhaps Yan Ding is not a secret agent of the empire?"

"Or is it that the devil has not answered my prayer?"

The Naga priest's lips were dry and he was constantly suspicious.

According to her idea, if the contract comes into effect, Yan Ding will not only let him go, but will also help her defend herself.

In this way, her chances of bringing back Hai Ping's body would be too high.

but none.

The smoke was not affected.

The Naga priest's heart was full of bitterness: "What should I do?"

The Naga Priest's guesses about Yanding's identity were right or wrong, but the latter was indeed a member of the Imperial Secret Service.

However, the devil's gold coin did not fall into the hands of the imperial spy.

At first, Xiaozi confirmed with Shadow that the latter was just pretending to get the gold coins out of face.

In fact, these gold coins fell into the hands of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

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