Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 205: Optimal shelling record

The Ningguang main turret launches!


Thick beams of light shine directly onto the pier.

In the dock battlefield, Songshou and Ershazi, a pair of gold-level players, were fighting.

The beam of light was extremely fast, and even though the two of them were prepared for it, they still couldn't react.

Ershuzi had already put up his defensive skills, and by the time he realized that the beam was coming, it was already too late.

He could only grit his teeth and try to hold on.

But the incandescent light beam passed him by and hit Song Shou.

Song Shou couldn't react in time, but he had already mastered defensive fighting skills, and he also had a special moving fighting skill.

Fighting skills - grass move!

When the wind blows, the grass moves.

The fighter who created this fighting skill was very clever.

The principle of fighting skills is that when a huge attack comes, the user will take advantage of the situation and move directly to avoid it. If he cannot avoid it and the attack hits the fighter, it will have a certain effect of releasing his energy.

This avoidance action is not subject to the subjective control of the fighter, but is like grass blowing in the wind. It is a direct response stimulated by external pressure.

The attack erupted from the Ningguang main turret was extremely powerful.

For Song Shou, a strong wind arose at the moment of the bombardment.

The beam was aimed at him, and his brain couldn't react, but Cao Dong's fighting skills made his body take the first step, sending him flying out.

The next moment, where he had just stood, a deep pit had been blasted out by the beam cannon.

"The incandescent beam actually missed the target!" Hutong and the old fish-man patriarch were shocked.

The first two times, the Ningguang main turret hit the target steadily, but the third time, it failed.

"What's going on?" Erzhuzi was frightened by the cannon, his heart was trembling, and he was confused and confused, "Did it miss the target?"

He thought he was going to be shot and severely injured.

It turned out that the beam cannon hit Song Shou's side.

But Song Shou was not tricked.

Ershazi looked at Songshou again, obviously fearful.

"The beam hit him."

"But from such a short distance, he didn't hit the target."

"Song Shou's reaction is too fast!"

"He was able to escape?!"

Ershazi couldn't help but squint his eyes. At this moment, he suddenly realized a truth.

That is: although he had the upper hand and suppressed Song Shou, Song Shou did not use his full strength.

"This guy actually has something hidden!"

Song Shou has always preserved his strength.

With ten points of strength, he used eight or nine points, always retaining one or two points.

After all, this is not his territory.

However, his thin face was very gloomy.

"It seemed that the shot just now was aimed at me?"

"what happened?!"

"What does Huantong want to do? What happened to him?"

In the main turret of Ningguang.

Huntong sighed: "I didn't hit Songshou!"

"Before, I was able to hit Qi You, except for the suddenness of the Golden Sparkle's attack for the first time. Also, I diverted Qi You's main attention."

"If there are gold-level ones to cooperate with us in firing, the hit rate will be greatly improved."

The old patriarch's heart was also full of regret: "His fighting skills are very extraordinary, and it seems that he is not actively controlled."

"At such a close distance, at least I can't dodge."

On the other side, Yan Ding and Naga Priest also noticed this strange scene.

"How could this flying magic ship bombard their people?" The Naga priest felt strange.

"Did it miss the target because the hull was unstable? Or was it hit earlier and the gun tower was damaged?" Yan Ding also showed doubts.

"Next, which one should I shoot? Continue to lose weight, or turn to smoke?" The old fish-man patriarch suppressed his disappointment, but became more and more nervous.

Because he knows that such an opportunity is too rare!

He thought quickly.

"Qi You suffered heavy losses and hid in his flagship, never to be seen again. He is a pirate and is not the primary target."

"Song Shou was frightened. His fighting skills seemed to allow him to avoid the beam cannon. If you shoot him again, the hit rate will be even lower than before."

"Yan Ding...he has not shown explosive mobile fighting skills so far. But he has also used defensive fighting skills, and the most important thing is that he can fly!"

"He poses a greater threat to the Golden Shining."

"He should be the 'Shadow', the leader of the secret spy agency. If he is shot and killed, the negative impact will not only be the loss of a gold-level person."

"Then let him have a taste of it."

"Even if he is not killed, just a bombardment will make the priest understand what happened on the Golden Shining. She should be able to think that the devil's gold coins have already taken effect on Huntong!"

Thinking of this, the old murloc leader said directly to Huntong: "Shoot the smoke ding!"

Huntong nodded, but shook his head: "It will still take some time before the Ningguang turret can launch again."

"The alchemy components inside need to be cooled down and cannot be fired continuously."

The old fish-man patriarch was stunned.

He thought about it.

Indeed, there is a time interval between every attack on the Ningguang main turret.

Never fired continuously.

Huntong said: "We can conduct optical network bombardment now."

"The muzzles of the light net bombardment are actually the light-concentrating turrets on the side of the ship. Their alchemy components have been cooled down." Hutong asked the old murloc leader for instructions.

No matter how you go about bombarding, there are risks, and Huantong can't decide which option is more beneficial.

The old fish-man patriarch's heart was beating fast.

Facing this problem, he was much more nervous than when he had just fought against Hutong.

In the dark, he had a strong premonition.

This shelling may very well determine the outcome of this war!

"If you shoot at a gold level, you're likely to miss."

"You may not be able to kill him if you hit him!"

"And it can't be launched right now."

"Optical network bombardment can cover a large area, but it poses less of a threat to the gold level."

"No matter what the choice is, after this bombardment, everyone will understand what happened on the Golden Shining."

"When the human race counterattacks, the gold level will be the most threatening to us."

The old fish-man patriarch's head felt hot thinking about it.

The more I think about it, the more confused I become.

All kinds of thoughts are entangled with each other, becoming more and more complicated.

Overall, shooting gold requires waiting time and has a low hit rate. However, once you can severely damage an enemy gold-level enemy, you will have a great advantage.

There is no need to wait for light net bombardment, and the hit rate is high, but even if it hits the gold level, it will be difficult to severely damage them.

"Quickly, decide quickly!"

"The longer it goes on, the less opportunity there is."

The old fish-man patriarch understood that the situation was urgent and he needed to race against time.

When it's difficult to make a decision, a person's temperament will have a huge impact.

The old murloc leader finally shouted: "Attack with the light net, Hun Tong."

According to his character, he did not take a gamble after all, but chose the safest method of bombardment.

The disc hovers in mid-air.


The Ningguang main building trembled slightly, emitting a huge stream of light.

The light flow dispersed to the remaining four turrets. There were originally five, but one of them had collapsed due to the bombardment of the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Four beams of light shot out and hit the nearest spinning disc, immediately scattering, scattering, and then scattering.

Soon, a network of light was formed in the sky.

At the end of the optical network are thousands of light beams.

The beam shot at the human warriors, killing countless people!

Huntong did not forget to "take care of" Song Shou and Yan Ding.

The two gold-level people kept avoiding each other, looking very embarrassed.

But Huantong's bombardment this time focused on the silver level.

The bandage leader was caught off guard, received two blows at the same time, and died on the spot!

"Captain, the commander has been killed!" The members of the bandage regiment wailed, and their morale was immediately on the verge of collapse.

Bandage Leader never expected that the beam would be aimed at him.

He was careless.


There was also a wailing sound on the flagship of the Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce representatives were left dead and injured.

Preliminary estimates suggest that at least three Silver-level Chamber of Commerce representatives were killed!

In the battlefield on the island, the pharmacist was hit in the thigh by a beam. His right thigh disappeared directly under the beam, and the remaining right calf was still standing on the ground.

The pharmacist fell to the ground, covering his thighs, and let out a shrill wail.

Human soldiers generally suffered, and the patrol fleet was in chaos.

This bombardment by the Golden Shining was really deceptive.

The human side couldn't talk about it, and their trump card suddenly became the enemy's firepower!

Many people saw the disc flying above their heads and didn't pay much attention.

As a result, they became fixed targets.

The results of Huntong's shelling this time were extremely astonishing!

An unprecedented achievement.

From a bird's eye view of the battlefield, you can see that there are hundreds of empty spaces in the human line before and after the bombardment.

Ironically, Huantong's best artillery record was not created on the enemy, but on the lives of his own soldiers.

This backstab is really cruel!

"Why?" Many people looked pale.

"No, this is not true!" Others held their heads, unable to accept this fact.

"What's going on? Is the lord being controlled by someone?" The strong men frowned and looked up after being frightened.

They noticed something was most wrong -

The fight between the old patriarch and Hutong has long been silent.

The Golden Shining was hit before and fell to the sea, attracting everyone's attention, but no one thought of it.

The Naga Priest's eyes shone brightly, and she immediately guessed the truth: "I'm afraid they are the devil's gold coins. Unexpectedly, the largest sum of money actually fell into the hands of Hutong."

"This... is really great!"

This is the biggest surprise for the fishmen since the war started.

The situation changed dramatically.

The balance of victory tilted sharply towards the fishmen!

Song Shou took the initiative to retreat and quickly retreated to the edge of the dock battlefield.

Yanding also abandoned his old rival, Naga Priest.

The thick black mist lifted him up and flew him towards the Golden Shining, very eagerly.

The old murloc leader's judgment before the cannon was correct.

The Naga priests were freed.

She did not immediately fly onto the Golden Shining to help the old fish-man patriarch defend himself.

She wanted to pounce in the direction of the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

This time she was shouldering a heavy responsibility in conquering Eye Island.

From beginning to end, she never forgot what her biggest purpose was.

The bombardment of the Golden Shining also stunned Zidi.

She thought she would suffer a counterattack from the Golden Sparkle.

She was already prepared for this.

But no.

"So, I can continue to bombard it?"

"But why would it help the murlocs?"

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