Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 48: Survive alone

The scorching sunshine is like thousands of sharp arrows, shooting down from the sky and covering the entire desert.

When Zhenjin walked in the sun, she felt like a fish on a heated iron plate. In order to avoid being cooked, he could only walk as far as possible in the back of the sand dunes. Even so, after walking for a while, he felt a strong consumption of physical strength.

At the same time, a feeling of hunger was faintly conveyed to him.

Zhen Jin licked his lips. His lips were so dry that it was difficult to swallow.

Dry mouth.

Zhen Jin was as silent as iron. He actively lowered his speed and walked forward while counting the time.

Because he was unconscious, he didn't know how much time had passed.

"But for at least one night and half of the day, I didn't eat or drink anything. It's perfectly normal to feel hungry and thirsty."

Under normal circumstances, if a person does not eat for such a long period of time, he will definitely be hungry and thirsty. What's more, Zhenjin experienced a terrifying sandstorm. Going through this ordeal made him consume a lot of physical strength and energy. The struggle between life and death also severely impacted his spirit.

"The only food I have now is this snake." Zhen Jin glanced at the snake corpse on his shoulder and silently thought about his situation.

The island is dangerous and the situation is very serious to survive in the wild.

Acupuncture has been in danger several times in the rainforest and forest before. Now in the desert, the resources here are very poor. In comparison, the rainforest with rich products is simply a paradise.

"Fortunately, during this period, whenever I have time, I will ask Cang Xu for advice and know many ways to survive in the desert."

Because he didn't understand the mechanism of teleportation, Zhenjin had long considered that he might be sent to the desert in the future.

For this, he had already made some preparations.

"It would be best to find an oasis where I can immediately replenish a lot of water and food."

“It’s also good to meet a cactus.”

"But you need a specific type of cactus. According to what Cang Xu said, many cacti are not edible and contain toxins. And digging cacti will consume a lot of energy and water in the body. If you do it blindly, the gain will outweigh the gain."

The exploration team had also been teleported before and fell into the desert. They mainly rely on the food and water they carry.

In this regard, Zhenjin is not unprepared.

He carries a certain amount of food and water with him every day. Even when he sleeps in the tent at night, he keeps important survival resources such as food, water and weapons beside him.

For the exploration team headed by Zhenjin, the teleportation is silent and cannot be violated.

Related life forms or objects surrounding the teleported life form will also be teleported.

Therefore, the entire exploration team was sent into the desert together before, and their clothes, equipment, etc. were not left behind.

This time, the entire camp ordered by Zhenjin was teleported.

But no one expected that after teleporting to the desert, they would be enveloped by violent wind and sand.

After Zhen Jin woke up, he was thinking about saving people, but he just grabbed a knife and ran out of the camp.

Therefore, the food, water, etc. in the camp were swept away and buried by the wind and sand.

Zhenjin didn't even have time to wear through his original leather armor, and the only weapon made of spider blades and spider legs was the one in his hand.

"Thankfully, even though I was unconscious, I still held on to the weapon and did not let go. This at least did not put me in a defenseless situation again."

"But I have basically no food and water. I need to replenish these reserves. I can't survive without them."

An invisible pressure silently accumulated in the young man's heart.

And soon, the pressure became more and more intense, as if there was a huge boulder on my heart, and it became heavier and heavier.

Zhen Jin's breathing became shorter and shorter.

This is definitely not just because of the scorching hot air in the desert, nor is it just because of his declining physical strength.

"Surviving alone is completely different from before." The young man felt deeply in his heart.

He couldn't help but slowly stop and pause in the darkness of a sand dune. He put his hands on his knees and gave himself a chance to breathe.

How long has it been?

Surviving alone made him feel his whole body slowly and involuntarily becoming nervous.

A strong sense of loneliness enveloped him.

No one can be relied on, no one can be expected, but one can only rely on himself.

It seemed like he was the only one left in the world, as if the entire human race was dead.

He must face all difficulties and dangers alone.

"Perhaps I will die here, with my flesh and blood being eaten by predators, leaving only my white bones. I will be exposed to the sun during the day and the cold at night in the desolate desert, and will eventually be worn into pieces by the wind and sand, and disappear completely in the desert. In this vast and indifferent world.”

Such similar thoughts kept popping up in Zhen Jin's mind.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop it.

A trace of panic spread in his heart and expanded rapidly.

Zhen Jin gritted his teeth and showed a bitter smile.

Cang Xu once warned him: According to his research, human beings are actually social animals, and they need the company of other people from the deepest part of their bodies.

Once people survive alone, especially when faced with the huge pressure of survival in the wild, it is easy to become nervous and panic. Negative emotions can be deadly if left unchecked. Even if there is sufficient food and water, and the surrounding environment is safe enough, people will lose control of their emotions, have mental breakdowns, hallucinate, and become crazy.

Now that the young man had experienced it himself, when he recalled Cang Xu's theory, he suddenly had a very profound understanding.

"Calm down, calm down, don't panic."

Zhenjin forced herself to calm down, but to no avail.

"O God, my great emperor, you have the name of a saint. Your believers pray to you here, please give me the strength of my humble heart, so that I will no longer be weak and panic. Let me practice bravely. The way you lead shows your name."

He prayed to his gods again, but the result did not surprise him at all - there was no response from the gods.

He simply sat down on the sand.

He looked at the endless desert, watching the monotonous and boring yellow spread, eventually getting confused with the blue of the sky.

The scorching sunlight made the air twist crazily.

The young man suddenly felt that the entire desert was like a madman who looked calm but was actually hopeless. Here, sooner or later, he will be melted and driven crazy!

"Zhen Jin, Zhen Jin, how did you end up in this situation?"

"How could you sink to this point?"

"You are the sole heir of the Baizhen family, and you are Miss Zidi's fiancé. Are you here now?"

The boy asked himself angrily.

The situation was so bad that he couldn't even protect himself.

But what can be done?

Faced with these self-blames, he could only remain silent.

a long time.

The silent young man exhaled a breath and said to himself: "Indeed, nothing can be worse than now, right?"

Then, he smiled bitterly.

He actually found it strange that he could actually laugh under such circumstances.

With this laughter, the anger and panic in his heart dissipated a little, and a new feeling of sadness, helplessness and self-deprecation came in.

Then, miraculously, the young man, who was full of complicated emotions, slowly calmed down.

After calming down, Zhen Jin looked around and immediately realized that he had made a huge mistake before.

He was too focused on food and water before. He chose a random direction and left. In the desert, he was simply asking for death!

Perhaps he was so nervous at the time that this emotion filled his mind, causing his body to be forced into action without much thought.

"I should find the right direction and keep it going."

"Without direction, my journey would probably wind up in a huge circle in the desert, which would be worse than spinning in circles."

It is midday in the day, and there are no stars or moon to guide the way.

But Zhen Jin mastered another method, which was the method of identifying the direction that he once asked Cang Xu for advice.

First insert a stick into the ground and make a mark at the top of the shadow the stick makes on the ground. After about ten minutes, make another mark on the offset stick shadow.

After the two marks are connected into a line, the center perpendicular of the line will point north and south.

As for which endpoint of the bottom line is south or north, it depends on the position of the sun.

Where the sun is, the endpoint of the mid-perpendicular is south and the other end is north.

Zhenjin didn't know the topographic map of the island, but he clearly remembered that when the exploration team was teleported to the desert before, the direction Cang Xu chose was due south.

Therefore, without any other basis for judgment, he had no choice but to take a gamble this time and choose the due south direction.

Setting off again, Zhenjin tried his best to avoid the sun and walked on the back of the sand dunes.

His speed dropped again and again, trying his best to save energy.

Many times, he took the initiative to stop and rest.

"I have to conserve energy."

"Walking in the desert during the day will consume a lot of physical energy. What's more important is that after the body sweats, it will consume a lot of water."

"The more you sweat, the closer you are to death."

This is all valuable knowledge gained from Zhenjin and Cangxu's previous exchanges.

While Zhenjin remained calm, loneliness and the pressure of survival were also stimulating him, making him more alert and clear-headed.

He recalled what the other party said when he communicated with Huang Zao before.

"At that time, I just got on the ship and was still a novice. It was very difficult at the beginning. I worked on the deck all day long and the workload was very heavy. I soon got sunburned. At the beginning, it was just a skin burn. It was itchy. I couldn't help scratching it with my nails. Later, the skin and flesh became stinging, forming blisters close together. I started to have a low fever, and my mind was dizzy all day long. I could only lie in the hammock feebly every day. Then the low fever turned into a high fever, and I started to stink, and other sailors were afraid to come near me. Some even suggested to the captain that I should be thrown away, thinking that I had a disease that would be transmitted to other people."

"Fortunately, my brother got herbal medicine from the local indigenous people on the island when the ship docked. This herbal medicine is said to be made from sea mud and local leaves. After applying it, you will feel a refreshing feeling. ,Fantastic."

"In the end, I survived. From then on, I no longer dare to underestimate the most ordinary sunshine. I also maintain the purest respect for these ancient potions!"

Thinking of this, Zhen Jin took off the outermost layer of clothes and tried to wrap it around his head.

He was thankful that his underwear was long sleeves and long pants, which left him with very little skin exposed to the sun.

"Although I have strength and physical fitness that far exceeds that of Yellow Algae, this is not the Phoenix Desert, and the possibility of sunburn is very low. But by doing this, I can maintain as much moisture in my body as possible."

ps: I recommend a good book - "I Am an Emotional Killer". Excellent writing style!

I am the pigeon killer;

I don’t have feelings;

Also, how to get money.

I am Yi Haizhou whose surname is unknown;

The man who mastered half of the four great inventions;

I didn't want to talk to you and threw a BENG at you...

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