Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 217: Where is my treasure? !

Huntong came to the dining table.

There are gold plates on the dining table, containing toast, milk, salmon, eggs, bacon, spiral noodles and so on.

On Huntong's left hand side, there is a small cup containing gold-grade sea salt. The market price of each grain of sea salt is twice the weight of gold.

Huntong sighed: "The war has just ended, so we can only keep things simple."

He sat down and began to enjoy his breakfast.

Soon, a noisy sound came from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

It's those businessmen.

Under the leadership of the five major chambers of commerce, they once again gathered at the gate of the city lord's mansion to ask for an explanation from Huantong.

Huntong turned a deaf ear and ate slowly.

His valet was anxious: "Sir, can I report to you about the salvage of treasures from the seabed?"

Huntong shook his head, took a sip of milk, and smiled: "No need, my loyal servant. Forget this order, don't worry, you have to learn to experience the moment patiently. Whether it is bitterness or happiness, in fact, everything is life. good."

"So, don't tell me how much you dug out, just let me look forward to it, okay?" At this point, Huntong couldn't help laughing.

In fact, he had already made a prediction in his mind.

This is definitely a huge fortune, far exceeding what I have accumulated in my life!

The main contributor is Fortune Church.

During the days when Double Eye Island was operating, the church was also a huge gold-swallowing beast. When Hutong earns gold coins, he must also contribute part to the church from time to time.

Because the Wealth Sect has a monopoly on Eye Island.

Priests who are asked to perform magical spells need to pay money.

Every time the Wealth Sect hosts large-scale prayers, priests or funerals, it will charge a large amount of fees.

People have been giving blood to the church.

The magic that the Wealth Sect is best at is contract magic. This magic can bind both parties to the cooperation and establish a foundation of trust.

Therefore, various large and small chambers of commerce are also sources of funds for the Wealth Sect.

"The Church of Fortune was almost completely looted by the Electrocution Pirates."

"That's a good grab."

"Without them, how could this wealth fall into my hands?"

"In addition, all the shops, big and small, have been looted, and there is also a lot of money at the two mercenary regiments."

"There are many wealthy residents in the territory. Although it is not enough to take them out individually, the pirates robbed the entire island. When the small amount is added up, the total amount must be very considerable."

Huantong couldn't help but fall into a wonderful reverie, ignoring the increasingly difficult-to-conceal anxiety of the valet.

After breakfast, Hutong walked briskly towards the warehouse.

Pushing open the door, he came into the empty room.

"Huh?" Huntong was stunned for a moment.

In his imagination, this warehouse should be filled with gold, silver and jewelry. But the scene before him was completely different from what he expected.

Huntong couldn't help but blinked.

"Did I go wrong?"

He took a few steps back, came to the door, and looked at the house number.

"That's right, it's No. 3."

Huntong blinked again, then glanced at the manservant behind him: "I should have given the order."

"Yes, Master. Last night, you ordered that all the treasures recovered from the seabed be sent to Warehouse No. 3."

"Moreover, you also specifically informed your subordinates that if warehouse No. 3 cannot hold it, it can be placed in warehouse No. 5 next door."

Huantong frowned and asked, "So, where is the money?"

"Where are the treasures under the sea?"

"Where are my treasures?!"

The valet's face turned pale and he was sweating. He swallowed his saliva and said in a harsh voice: "Lord, my master, this is exactly what I have always wanted to report to you! I don't know why, why, the alchemy puppet searched I tried it several times, but I only found, um, a few copper coins from the bottom of the sea."

"Those copper coins are placed in the corner of this warehouse."


He was shocked by the news.

His eyes widened.

He felt unbelievable!

"How is this possible?" He turned his head suddenly and looked at the corner of the room.

Sure enough, there were three copper coins placed quietly there.

Copper coins are the kind that are normally circulated in the market.

The deep-sea salvagers still weren't perfect, and three more were left behind.

Huntong stared at these three copper coins, stared at them!

There was dead silence in Warehouse No. 3.

The valet dared not breathe, lest the wrath of the thunder should fall upon him.

The dim eyes are filled with cold light.

These three copper coins are so dazzling.

As if laughing at him, telling him: Your dream is broken!

It would be better to have nothing!

"Impossible!" Hutong suddenly yelled, almost fainting from fright.

Hutong raised his arms and shouted, like an enraged lion, he quickly circled the empty warehouse No. 3, close to the wall twice.

"This is impossible!!" He yelled again, his voice filled with murderous intent.

He strode towards the valet.

The male servant fell to his knees on the spot and begged: "Master..."

But the next moment, Huntong passed him directly and walked out of the warehouse quickly.

He soared into the sky, without stopping for a moment, he rushed out of the city lord's palace, out of the new island, and towards the sky.

Hutong possesses flying fighting skills.

He was like a ray of light that plunged directly into the clouds and entered the Golden Shining.

"It's Huantong."

"He flew away!"

"Does he want to escape? How long does he want to hide?"

The merchants outside the city lord's palace seemed to have exploded, and they all verbally attacked.

Hutong flew into the Golden Shining with the sole purpose of calling up the reconnaissance images from the battle.

His eyes were bloodshot and wide as he stared at the image.

He clearly used the beam cannon to beat up the pirate group and the murlocs, and knocked the treasures into the sea.

Why is it gone?

How could there be only three copper coins left?

"who is it?!"

"Who is it?!"

"I want to see who dared to take my money!"

But there are no valuable clues in the image.

The Golden Shining has strong reconnaissance capabilities, but it is not good at underwater reconnaissance, preferring range.

At most, it can observe a distance of two to three meters underwater.

However, it is an experimental mana ship of the Shengming Empire. Since it is planned to be mass-produced, it will definitely have various alchemical components and a standard hull to adapt to different battlefield environments.

It’s just that no suitable underwater reconnaissance component has been developed yet.

Of course Hutong also understood the shortcomings in this aspect, so he spent a lot of money to get the Golden Eye.

With this gold-level component, even if the Golden Shining cannot detect the specific underwater situation, it can still lock on high-value targets and guide the beam cannon for precise bombardment.

This is also the reason why Huantong has not noticed the active deep-sea salvagers on the seabed for a long time in the melee.

The fact that the Warmonger is able to equip the Deepsea Dracula with a Deepsea Salvager instead of similar puppets on other models illustrates the Deepsea Salvager's capabilities.

This kind of alchemy puppet is really powerful at salvaging resources from the sea.

During the melee, many of them were destroyed by beam cannons, but all the alchemical fragments were successfully recovered by Zidi.

And this is the clue left to Hutong.

After checking the images, he found nothing, so he checked the shelling records during the melee!

Suddenly, his eyes turned red.

He found the murderer!

"It seems you are thieves!!"

"Naga! A group of alchemy puppets in the shape of Naga!!"

"You took my treasure, it's hateful, hateful!"

Dim Tong roared.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down.

His face was twisted and ferocious, and his eyes were filled with a cold light: "Damn it, are these alchemy puppets brought by the Naga priests?"

He first suspected the Naga priest.

"No, that mysterious necromancer is also possible." Hutong recalled.

The Iron Pimple was captured by a mysterious army of alchemy puppets, and these alchemy puppets were obviously owned by the Necromancer.

Since he has a team of alchemy puppets, it is normal to have another team of alchemy puppets.

"But I didn't realize that these treasures were sent to the Iron Pimple?"

Huntong speculated for a long time, but couldn't determine the real culprit.

"Damn, damn!"

He clenched his fist and hit the rudder hard.

There was no way to identify the real culprit, how could he recover this huge treasure?

If there was a target, he would probably chase it out in the Golden Shining.

It’s so frustrating.

All his painstaking planning became the property of others.

Huntong was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

His plan is very good. In the melee, he once controlled the overall situation. According to the development at that time, he will become the biggest winner and take everything.

But the devil's gold coins, the sudden appearance of giant fishmen, etc., made his good situation come to nothing.

When the melee ended, Huntong didn't panic.

Because in his plan, the huge wealth under the sea will help him rise rapidly again, and his future achievements will be much higher than before the war!

This wealth is so important to him and to the entire Eye Island!

Very important!

But, no more.

All in vain.

Taken away by others.

Unfortunately, Huantong still doesn’t know who it is!

Huntong couldn't help but cover her heart and close her eyes tightly.


It broke our hearts.

As a devout believer in the Wealth Sect, the heartache of losing a wealthy man was a hundred times more intense than his physical injuries.

The losses were heavy, too heavy.

Huntong could hardly breathe for a while.

"What should I do now?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the magical image with a blank expression.

The image shows the entire new island.

The ruins that had been looted by pirates and attacked by the murloc army were simply too horrible to look at.

Huntong's heart dropped.

Originally, he planned to use a small part of the underwater wealth to rebuild the new island on a large scale.

But now it's gone.

The money is gone.

"What can I use to rebuild?"

"Can we just stick to our old laurels?"

He still has some capital, but it is a drop in the bucket.

"Damn it, how can I face the trouble from the Chamber of Commerce in this situation?"

He didn't think it was trouble before, but now he frowned deeply.

In the magical image, a group of businessmen gathered at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, pointing at the clouds where the Golden Sparkle was hidden, and making a lot of noise.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have paid the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group so much last night!"

Huntong felt deeply regretful.

Without the money, everything was different for him.


At this moment, Huntong saw a group of people getting off the ship, heading towards the city lord's mansion.

The leader is the dragon suit and the lion flag.

In addition, there are some people carrying boxes.

Huntong saw a familiar box.

Last night, he gave these boxes filled with silver coins to Lion Banner as a reward and took the opportunity to poach him.

"They came to me with a lot of money. What's the matter?"

"You think the reward is too high and you want to give me some back?"

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