Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 223: List of Treasures

The Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Fat Tongue walks in the metal passage.

The passage is brightly lit.

"Have all the treasures been piled here?" Fat Tongue was secretly surprised.

The originally spacious passage could now barely allow him to pass alone.

Because both sides of the passage are filled with all kinds of treasures!

It was deserted.

Apart from Fat Tongue's footsteps, the only sound in the passage was his breathing.

When they first came out of the Mysterious Island, the survivors were all in this mana ship. It was still popular and even noisy at that time.

Now, most of the survivors are at sea, and only Zidi and Fat Tongue are on the ship secretly.

"Hui, President. I'm coming." The door of the alchemy cabin opened, and Fat Tongue saluted Zidi.

The alchemy circle continued to glow, and a large pot of brown-black potion was boiling in the magic agate medicine bath in the center of the circle.

The black potion was boiling and emitting a strange smell.

Seeing Zidi refining the magic potion, Fat Tongue quickly lowered his voice and did not dare to disturb.

Zidi withdrew her attention from the medicinal bathtub and turned to look at Fat Tongue: "Elder, don't be nervous."

"This alchemy circle is mainly hosted by the tower spirit."

"I'm just observing."

"Alas, we only have one yellow crab alchemist now. If the previous one is not damaged, our refining speed will be increased by at least 45%!"

The medicine Zidi is making now is for Cang Xu.

The latter is about to attend a gathering of the dead.

Cangxu himself needs various potions as a means, and at the same time, he can also use these potions to trade at the gathering.

What is more regrettable is that Cang Xu is a living dead.

Many medicines are not very effective for him, and may even have the opposite effect.

Zidi said to Fat Tongue again: "I am so short of time. It would be okay if Cang Xu is in the boat, but he has more important things to do now."

"So I summoned you here to ask you to count our trophies."

"We just seized a lot of treasure from the bottom of the sea."

"When I moved it into the cabin, I roughly divided it and roughly classified it."

"But it's not enough."

"We now need you to divide them carefully and calculate their values."

"Some of these antique calligraphy and paintings and other artworks also need to be valued by the market."

"This is a rough list, take a look."

Zidi handed Fat Tongue a list.

The list was very thin, only three sheets of paper.

Fat Tongue took it and took a look. When he saw the preliminary estimate, he couldn't help but stare: "630,000 gold?"

Fat Tongue knows: The annual net income of a viscounty in the Shengming Empire is about 15,000 gold. The average annual salary of an imperial silver-level transcendent (without territory) is 100 gold, and that of a gold-level transcendent is 300 gold.

Therefore, the survivors spent 50,000 gold coins to show off their power at the auction and surpass everyone.

At an auction on Double Eye Island, it seemed that Huantong made a lot of money, but in fact it was not the case.

The scale of previous auctions was unprecedented.

Huantong also has a lot of cost investment.

Zidi said: "I took a quick look and found that many antiques are of high value."

"Although Duanhuang Island fell into Hutong's hands only for more than ten years, he did have great business talent and the residents were very wealthy."

"This group of people are almost all Wealth Cultists."

"At the same time, pirates sell their stolen goods, often bringing high-value goods."

"I suspect that the city lord of Hutong has a large number of these items in his treasury. Good things that are usually not easy to get rid of."

"If you do some statistics, maybe the total price can exceed 700,000 gold."

"7,700,000 gold..." Fat Tongue breathed a long sigh of relief, with a look of emotion on his face, "It's not like I've never seen the money on the books, but this is the first time I've seen so much treasure. Right in front of you.”

"In this way, there is no need to worry about the consumption of the anti-reconnaissance prophecy array in the near future."

Currently, every time the survivors collectively use the anti-reconnaissance prophecy array, the cost exceeds 100 gold, which is very high.

The power of this spell is depleted over time and must be replenished at regular intervals.

The longer the time goes on and the stronger the survivors become, the higher the price will be.

The team's finances were once stretched and on the verge of bankruptcy.

This time the treasure on the seabed was more than just a thirst quencher for the survivors, it was a gift of a freshwater lake.

Zidi said in a cold tone: "Although there are many treasures, they are all dead objects."

"We still lack a stable income point, and our finances are not healthy."

"A good opportunity like Double Eye Island is difficult to replicate."

"We still need to create stable profits."

"At the same time, it is difficult to get rid of some of these treasures at the right price."

"There was no response to the ransom letter, and my identity was exposed. The channels of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce carry high risks, which made me hesitate."

Fat Tongue nodded, a look of relief flashing in his eyes.

If Zidi didn't mention it, he would remind her tactfully.

Now it seems that the girl she once was has really grown up and become quite reliable.

"Given time, she can become a better chamber of commerce president than her father!" Fat Tongue was looking forward to it.

"This batch of treasures and treasures is a lot, enough for us to invest in the early stage to start and develop some businesses."

"However, I see that the group leader is not very interested."

"It would be bad if there is a rift between him and you, the president, because of this incident and relationship."

Fat Tongue reminds me of another thing.

Zidi's movements on her hands paused for a moment, and then she sighed quietly: "I already expected it."

"I know why he's not in the mood."

"On the one hand, he pities the weak freedmen and poor people who were robbed."

"On the other hand, he was very disappointed with Hutong. In the previous melee, Hutong behaved quite insidiously and despicably. He kept hiding the Golden Shining and held back until the pirates were about to leave the island, then he took action. He wanted to take them all. Everyone counts the wealth of his people.”

"Because according to the laws of the empire, anything snatched from the hands of pirates is considered as one's own spoils of war."

During the melee, all parties' attention was focused on the immediate situation.

Now that you have calmed down, no one is stupid. After a little review, you can learn the motives and strengths of many parties.

Zidi continued: "There is no doubt that it is right for us to salvage treasures from the seabed."

"If we don't make money, we will end up taking advantage of Huntong, a sinister and despicable lord."

"This was originally a multi-party game."

"We participated in the whole process, had a little more luck, reaped the greatest benefits, and became the invisible biggest winner. This is understandable."

"According to the laws of the empire, these are trophies, not ill-gotten gains."

"If possible, I will propose to the leader to privately donate some treasures to those people who have been robbed."

"This way, he can feel better."

"But no!"

"This is inconsistent with the position of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and arouses suspicion. It would be even worse if these treasures were recognized."

"In fact, Huantong will tell the truth. He will definitely save the people in his territory. With his business talent, it is impossible for him not to know that these people are his wealth!"

Fat Tongue nodded: "As far as I know, the teachings of the Justice Sect only advocate justice, not mercy."

"He is an excellent leader!"

"He has fulfilled his duties as a leader. We have received this treasure, which will be very helpful for the future."

"But he himself is trapped in guilt, self-blame, blame, and suffers the distance alone."

Zidi showed a gentle smile: "Sometimes, I think he is a bit silly."

"However, it is precisely because he pursues justice, is kind-hearted, and always reflects on himself that we all trust him."

"You know what? Sometimes I look back and feel lucky."

"We are too complex, with too many races and too many different beliefs."

"He's the only one who can convince everyone."

"You won't even believe it, there are half-orcs, half-giants, goblins, and even necromancers!"

"Even if Zong Ge is promoted to gold level, he will never be able to reach his level."

"He's special!"

Speaking of this, Zidi's eyes were filled with love.

Looking at Zidi like this, a silent smile bloomed on Fat Tongue's face.

He is the elder of the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce and has watched Zidi grow up.

He saw with his own eyes that Zidi had a falling out with the president, refused to get married, and ran away from home.

I also saw Zidi’s expression when she announced her marriage to the Baizhen family after becoming the president. At that time, Zidi’s eyes were full of perseverance, sacrifice, and no love at all.

Seeing Zidi's expression now, everyone could understand that the girl truly loved the boy.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.

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