Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 227: Zonge Military Training

The ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was speeding on the sea.

On the flagship White Bandage, Menshi stood at the bow of the ship, looking ahead.

His face was full of worry, and he really hoped to see the Iron Pimple in the next moment, even though he knew that this was unrealistic.

On the second medium-sized ship after the White Bandage, a pair of mercenaries were practicing with weapons.

Of course, these weapons are wrapped with thick cloth to prevent casualties caused by mistakes in sparring.

Bai Ya is among them.

He was holding a scimitar and was fighting an old mercenary.

The veteran mercenary has sophisticated moves and rich combat experience. Bai Ya couldn't attack for a long time, so he felt a little restless.

But the old mercenary's physical strength was not enough, so he could only risk selling a flaw to lure Bai Ya to attack.

Bai Ya was indeed fooled. The old mercenary tilted his scimitar, took the opportunity to turn around, and struck at Bai Ya's weak side.

But the next moment, Bai Ya was stimulated and twisted her waist forcibly, blocking the old mercenary's weapon at the critical moment.

The old mercenary was stunned, but Bai Ya took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

The swords collided with each other, making a muffled sound.

After several tough fights, the old mercenary's weapon was knocked off his hands, and he had no choice but to admit defeat: "Old man, I can't compare to you young people."

Bai Ya was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

His physical strength declined sharply, and he was so tired that he collapsed on the deck on the spot.

But he still managed to persevere, always holding the scimitar in his hand, and did not forget to comfort his opponent: "Uncle, you are not old. I still have a lot to ask you for advice."

The old mercenary laughed and cursed: "Ask me for advice, good wine and good meat are indispensable, you brat!"

Zong Ge was in charge of the situation. Seeing that everyone had decided the winner, he asked Bai Ya and others to withdraw and replaced them with the next wave of mercenaries to start sparring.

Bai Ya came to Suma's side.

Xuma regards Bai Ya as his little brother and takes good care of him.

He patted Bai Ya on the shoulder and encouraged: "You played well, but there is still room for improvement."

"You fell into the trap. You were the loser originally. But your opponent suffered a disadvantage because of his age, so you narrowly won."

Bai Ya was also reflecting on his performance in the battle just now. He quickly asked for advice: "Boss, how should I identify the opponent's feints?"

Xuma smiled, and immediately taught Bai Ya how to identify it, and taught him his combat experience.

Bai Ya listened attentively and experienced many battlefields. He deeply understood that perhaps one experience could determine the outcome and save his life at a critical moment.

Xuma talked for a while and finally concluded: "Actually, it's useless to talk too much. You have to let your body remember it. Just remember it in your brain, and you often can't react in actual combat."

Bai Ya immediately understood: "So, I need a lot of actual combat practice!"

With bright eyes, he stared at the group of mercenaries who were sparring, watching attentively.

He also made gestures with his hands from time to time, never missing an opportunity to gain practical experience.

Xuma looked on, and when he saw Bai Ya like this, he sighed in his heart and felt sorry for him: "This boy works very hard, but it's a pity that he has no bloodline and cannot become a transcendent. He can only be an ordinary person throughout his life."

Zong Ge secretly admired the performance of the mercenary group, but remained calm on the surface.

"Snake Island has experienced naval battles, and Eye Island has defended against beast tides and melee battles."

"After these few battles, the remaining mercenaries have undergone considerable transformation."

The spirit of the mercenary group has improved greatly compared to the time when it was first formed, and you can faintly see a hint of elite soldiers. Junqu Pavilion

"Sir." Sandao came to Zongge's side and spoke in a low voice, ""The captain came to me just now and collected my blood. The reason was to make potions and protect his will. But... my subordinate is a little worried.

Zong Ge was still staring at the mercenaries and said calmly: "What are you worried about?"

Sandao took a breath and said, "The situation is changing quietly, sir."

"The Kuai Dao team performed very well on the battlefield."

"Now, you start training the water pig people again. They will become a team in the future."

"Chi Lai and Kuan Shi have both joined the group, and together with Qing Xin, they have added three silver-level players."

"And the most important thing is, sir, you have taken the healing potion and your injuries have healed. It's just around the corner for you to become gold-level."

Zong Ge shook his head slightly: "I can feel that I am still some distance away from the gold level."

"Don't make random suspicions. Our leader... is definitely not a villain."

Sandao said quickly: "Of course my subordinates are not worried about the leader. But Lao Zhong (Cang Xu) and Hong Teng (Zidi) have extraordinary identities (Necromancer)."

"Even if they don't have any evil intentions now, what will happen in the future?"

"What if they are affected by divine magic again and change their will?"

"The devil's gold coin happened just two days ago, sir."

"Especially regarding their rebellion, the regiment leader has never given us an explanation."

Zong Ge frowned slightly, finally withdrew his gaze and stared at San Dao. He did not hide his dissatisfaction: "What do you want to explain? They were just under the spell. If it were you, or any one of us, they would have rebelled." .”

"This is not their subjective intention. They are just more unlucky than you and me. Throughout the entire battle, they have been giving full play to their abilities and fighting bravely. They do not need to give any explanation at all."

Sensing Zong Ge's dissatisfaction, San Dao immediately half-knelt on the ground and whispered earnestly: "Sir, you can't be unprepared. Just like they put all the water pigs in the White Bandage, didn't they? "

Zonge's face was expressionless: "That's because the White Bandage is a mana ship. The giant bandages can not only heal wounds, but also wrap around enemies and control them. It is safest for water pigs to be placed in the ship."

But Sandao spoke again: "Sir, isn't this behavior intentional to show the ownership of these water pigs? We have worked hard to train them and have achieved results. What will happen if the backwater team falls into their hands?"

Zonge fell into silence.

He was a general of the empire and a man who loved soldiers.

Zong Ge will naturally feel very regretful if his successfully trained soldiers fall into the hands of others.

Zong Ge pondered for a moment and did not respond to San Dao's question. Instead, he ordered: "When it's time for training, go and bring all the water pig people over."

San Dao took the order and retreated.

After a while, the flagship White Bandage at the front of the fleet slowly slowed down and began to keep pace with Zong Ge's medium-sized sea-going ship.

Sandao climbed up the mast nimbly, then jumped onto the White Bandage.

Soon, he appeared at the side of the ship with a group of water pig slaves.

Under the command of San Dao, the water pigs threw out rope hooks with flying claws and grabbed the side of the White Bandage.

Then, a dozen long planks were put up to temporarily build a dozen small bridges between the two ships.

"Charge over!" San Dao gave the order, and the Water Pigs all stepped onto the plank and ran to the deck of the White Bandage.

Most of the water pigs performed poorly, and some even almost fell over. If the three swords had not been taken in time, they would have fallen into the sea.

San Dao held the battle at the end, stepped on the pedal, trotted and then jumped, returned to Zong Ge, and said back: "Sir, I have brought all the water pigs."

Zong Ge nodded and commented: "I am still not very proficient in tactical movements such as hooking ropes and pedals. These training contents will be left to you after today's sparring."

"Yes, sir." San Dao replied immediately.

All eyes were cast on the Water Pig Man.

These water pig slaves were bought at a discount from Hutong by the survivors after the melee.

They were originally villagers in a village, but they were all captured by the human slave-catching team and turned into slaves.

The slave traders have trained them well, and now they can obey no matter what orders the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group gives.

But in Zongge's eyes, it's not enough.

His next focus is to train these water pigs and train them into a team.

The backwater team!

Last night, Zong Ge ordered San Dao to teach the water fighting technique to these water pigs.

The results obtained made Zonge happy.

A total of 16 water pigs have been discovered who are eligible to become team members.

This number is a little more than the number of people in the Kuai Dao team he created before.

Soon, under the command of Zong Ge, the water pig slaves became the last batch of candidates for sparring.

Halfway through the sparring session, Zong Ge already knew what was going on.

He investigated the targets worth cultivating and initially exercised some of the Water Pig people's courage. But it's still far from getting them on the battlefield.

Many of them don't even know how to use basic weapons.

Therefore, during the sparring, the Water Pig behaved quite funny, with clumsy movements, often hitting themselves or failing to seize the opportunity to fight, which made the onlookers of the human mercenaries point their fingers and laugh at the Water Pig for being stupid.

Zong Ge heard these jeers, and after the sparring ended, he suddenly announced that he would practice alone.

The rules for solo training are that Zonge picks people at will, ordinary versus ordinary, bronze versus bronze, black iron versus black iron, and fight one on one.

"You, and you." Zong Ge seemed to pick Bai Ya at random, and then picked a water pig man.

Bai Ya had a premonition in her heart when she saw Zong Ge's eyes cast towards him.

Sure enough, I asked him to practice alone.

"This is the advantage of being 'one of our own'." Bai Ya felt excited. He wanted to have more such practical experience, the better.

Soon, a large circular space was cleared on the deck, and the water pigs and mercenaries formed a circle.

Someone yelled something, and then the crowd started making noises.

The human mercenaries naturally stood on Bai Ya's side, and the water pigs naturally supported their companions.

In an instant, the antagonistic atmosphere was established.

Bai Ya flipped his wrist and slowly approached his opponent sideways.

He does not approach in a straight line, but moves sideways.

The water pig man also holds a scimitar and keeps turning around so that he is always facing the white bud.

When Bai Ya watched the battle before, he also thought that the Water Pig Man was pretty stupid, but it was only when he actually fought alone that he felt the pressure the other party put on him.

Adult Water Pig people are generally 2 meters tall, and they can be described as having big shoulders and round waists.

The physical difference between Bai Ya and Water Pig is very obvious.

"Hurry up, you are whining."

"Hit his legs."

"Don't be afraid of being cowardly, just do it!"

Bai Ya was young after all, and was gradually becoming agitated by the cheers of the besieging crowd.

He gradually lost his patience and launched tentative attacks.

His opponent was already prepared and blocking with his scimitar.

The two scimitars collided, and the white bud immediately changed color.

He almost lost his scimitar and exclaimed in his heart: "What's going on with this strange power?!"

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