Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 232: Blood Test with Magic Potion (Part 2)

Zidi's test once again achieved phased results.

An extraordinary bloodline possessed by Cyanobacteria was tested.

So far, it has been determined to be of fish-human bloodline.

But what exactly it is remains to be tested.

Zidi continued to dig deeper in this direction.

"It's time to re-refine a more targeted potion for testing fish-human species."

She prepared a portion of fish-man blood from the warehouse.

The blood is well preserved and has a silver-level aura.

This is the blood from the knife marks.

Dao Wen was a silver-level swordsman, a strong man among the two-eyed island murlocs. Crying Wind fought against him in a better state, but still lost.

His knife skills are very unique, which greatly broadened Crying Wind's horizons.

His personal strength is also very powerful among the silver level. When the thin belt tasted the dragon boy's power, he thought of the knife mark.

However, the melee on Eye Island ended, Dao Hen fought with all his strength, and eventually became a human prisoner.

He is currently being imprisoned by Hutong.

The survivors were able to obtain his blood because of the deal they made before leaving the island. In this kind of trade, the biggest gain for survivors is water pig slaves.

In the list, they also requested more alchemical materials, the more the better.

During the transaction, Huantong naturally tried every means to make more profits, so he thought of the fish-man prisoner Dao Hen, and immediately ordered him to be bled.

I also asked the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group if they wanted the bones, flesh, skin and scales from the knife marks, which can also be cut up and sold.

But Dao Hen himself cannot sell it.

Because Huantong still wanted to keep him as an exhibit for future imperial investigations.

Even if there is no investigation, he can still use him as a record to claim credit from the Domu family and the empire.

In other words, the knife mark has become a relatively important political bargaining chip for Hutong.

It is worth mentioning that in this transaction, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group also obtained the flesh and blood of the old fish-man patriarch.

The old murloc leader fell short in the melee and was killed by Hutong in a sneak attack.

Any part of his body can be regarded as gold-level material.

Zi Di uses Dao Hen's bloodline to refine medicine.

The production process of the potion went very smoothly, and soon after, she received a copy of the knife-fin bloodline detection potion.

In order to ensure the success rate, Zidi deliberately lowered the level of the magic medicine to only the black iron level.

The blood of the knife mark is silver grade, and it is entirely possible to refine silver grade magic potion.

However, with Zidi and the series of production tools such as the magic agate medicine bathtub, the success of refining bronze-grade and black-iron-grade potions is guaranteed. For refining silver and above, you can't say for sure.

Zidi put this magic potion into the alchemy circle.

The platinum light mist turned silver-white, but the cyanobacteria blood cluster hovering in it showed no reaction.

On the contrary, another part of the blood reacted. Although the volume and color of the blood did not change, the blood group trembled and actually made a sonorous sound.

"Zong Ge's blood...has not changed in color or volume. He is not of the Dao Heng bloodline, but he has a distant connection with it."

"The grade of Zong Ge's bloodline is indeed very high. The silver-white light mist was forced back by the trembling sound of blood, and 80% of the light mist in the alchemy circle was emptied."

Zidi was both surprised and not surprised.

Regarding Zong Ge's origin, survivors have already speculated based on various signs that Zong Ge was of extraordinary origin.

Since he is extraordinary, it is very possible that Zong Ge's bloodline level will go up.

"Since the grade is higher than the Daohen bloodline, it is tentatively inferred that it has nothing to do with the fish-human bloodline, then..." Zidi checked the map.

Starting from the knife-fin bloodline, we extended from the category of fish-men, and then used the previous detection results of attributeless tendency to reduce the scope.

Zi Di did a rough count and found that there were at least a hundred more blood lines.

Every route may have Zonge's bloodline.

The discovery of Zong Ge's bloodline was just a side benefit, and Zidi turned back to continue testing Cyanobacteria's blood.

This time, Zidi took out the blood of the old fish-man patriarch and refined the magic potion.

The old murloc leader has the most obvious characteristics of the green-gill bloodline, so this potion should be the green-gill murloc bloodline detection potion.

After putting this potion into the alchemy circle, there was only one case of blood reaction.

But it's not the blood of Cyanobacteria, but the blood of Muban.

"This kind of reaction proves that Muban's bloodline has nothing to do with the fish race."

"The reason for the change is that both the green-gilled murloc bloodline and the wooden murloc bloodline have wood nature. This is the resonance of the same attribute."

"But San Dao's bloodline also contains wood nature, but there is no movement, which shows that San Dao's bloodline is very far away from the green-gilled fishman's bloodline."

This time the test was also fruitful.

The relationship between cyanobacteria bloodline and greengill bloodline is weak to almost non-existent.

Muban's bloodline is on the map, not far from Greengill's bloodline.

But Zidi didn’t need to look at it to know that the scope was still very large! There are too many possible answers.

"Alas." Zidi couldn't help but sigh.

Gold-level materials were used, but the harvest was not great.

Zi Di felt faintly distressed.

But testing must continue.

Zidi took out a book.

Vampire's recipe.

The author of this recipe is a vampire duke.

He is a warrior and enjoying good food is his greatest hobby.

The recipe records in detail the taste of blood of each species, when to drink it, what drinking method is the best, etc.

In order to help popularize science for his descendants, he sealed blood samples from many species in this alchemical book.

This recipe used to be of a very high grade, but now it has dropped to the Silver level. Although there are still more than half of the blood samples in it, it is only Silver level at best.

However, although there are many types of blood, the amount of each portion is not large.

After using it, it will be difficult to make a second detection potion.

Zidi did not hesitate.

Even the blood of the old gold-level murloc leader was used. Of course, this blood must be used.

In fact, when they bought the recipe at auction, they planned to use it here.

The process of blood testing for potions is the same as before.

Red-eyed murloc bloodline... no.

Butter-scale murloc

The blood of the Wandering Murloc and Blue Algae finally responded after being silent for many rounds.

Based on this result, the scope of the map was further narrowed.

"There is no need to test these bloodlines." Zidi ruled out some murloc bloodlines and saved a lot of blood samples.

Continue testing.

The fanged murloc bloodline... had no response.

Hot-blooded murloc

The big floating bloodline reacted again.

"Insufficient blood samples."

When Zidi had to stop, Cyanobacteria's fish-man bloodline was still not determined.

But the scope of the bloodline in the map has been greatly reduced.

"His bloodline is in these three bloodline lines...but there is currently a lack of samples and the corresponding test medicine cannot be produced, so it cannot be determined."

"Of course, there is a possibility. These three blood lines are all wrong answers. If so, it will be troublesome."

When this happens, it often means that the previous magic potion detection inference is wrong at key nodes.

the reason is simple.

The raw material used by Zidi is various kinds of fish-man blood.

Is the bloodline contained in the blood of these fishmen really just a single bloodline?

This is difficult to determine.

For example, Zidi used the golden blood of the old murloc leader to create a green-gilled murloc bloodline detection potion.

If the old fish-man patriarch has other extraordinary bloodlines that affect the blood reaction, then the test results of this magic potion may be wrong.

Also, is there really only one extraordinary bloodline in Cyanobacteria's blood?

It is also possible if there is a second, or even multiple, type of mixed blood that ultimately affects the actual results of the potion test.

The shortcomings of blood testing with potions were clearly revealed at this moment.

The test object is likely to contain multiple bloodlines and cannot be purified.

The raw materials used to make testing chemicals cannot be purified.

For example, Zidi is using a ruler with varying scales, which is not quite standard, to measure the size of a physical object. Moreover, she did not know whether there was any moisture in the displayed size.

But these are not the most troublesome.

What Zidi is most worried about is, what if Cyanobacteria's blood is a brand new bloodline and is not within the marked range of the map?

Theoretically, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

After working for most of the night, the materials Zidi invested, the manpower, time, etc. were conservatively estimated to be worth at least 300 gold.

Although there have been many results, the bloodline of the first test subject has not yet been fully determined.

This is still based on the bloodline map provided by the war dealer.

have no choice.

The survivors have the best chance of success at present, which is to use medicine to test their bloodlines.

The blood test regarding cyanobacteria has come to an end for now.

In the future, only by collecting more materials and refining the corresponding magic potion can the scope be further reduced until the real answer is determined.

In the deepest part of the Deep Sea Monster Fish's inventory, there is actually a fish-man corpse.

The Holy Corpse of Haiping.

However, the survivors still don’t know the specific bloodline of Haiping Holy Corpse.

They just learned that the main purpose of the fishmen's attack on Eye Island was to retrieve the sacred body.

Putting down the cyanobacteria blood for the time being, Zidi continued to immerse herself in testing.

The testing strategy she adopts is easy first and then difficult.

After the cyanobacteria is Zidi's own blood.

Her bloodline contains the nature of wood and fire.

The most crucial clue is the pattern.

Thanks again to the war dealer, Zidi ordered the tower spirit to search for various magic plant information in the vast database and compare it with the previous patterns.

Ta Ling helped Zidi find hundreds of similar magic plants.

"My bloodline is probably related to magic plants, not intelligent species."

Zidi made a bold guess because of the pattern clues.

She directly gave up the detection potion for intelligent life species and delved into the bloodline range of demonic plants.

There are not many relevant alchemical materials in the hands of the survivors.

The most magical plant type is coral.

"This is wrong."

"There's no response to this either..."

It wasn't until the potion was made with fire core coral as the main ingredient that Zi Di's blood changed, turning into a spherical shape and emitting a bright red light.

Zidi was happy in her heart.

Such results seemed to prove that her conjecture was correct and narrowed the range to the previous 67%.

After trying all the ingredients in her hand, Zidi began to look for vampire recipes.

She had to lament her luck.

I actually bought this book by accident.

The recipe contains not only the blood of intelligent life, but also the blood of many magical beasts and magical plants.

The breakthrough came an hour and a half later.

There were only four answers left in front of Zidi.

They are: Kukou Bloodline, Mixed Bloodline, Gunpowder Flower Bloodline, and Sunflower Sunflower Bloodline.

It's already the limit.

It is difficult for Zidi to continue because of the lack of corresponding materials.

“As far as the current results are concerned, it’s pretty good.”

"The gunpowder flower bloodline is gold level."

"The mixed bloodline and the Sunking Sunflower bloodline are both at the Holy Domain level."

"Only Kukou bloodline black iron level."

Of course Zidi hopes that the higher the level of her extraordinary bloodline, the better.

The blood purification array can only improve the blood existing in the target's body.

The blood test on her was temporarily stopped, Zidi took a break and continued to work hard.

According to the difficulty, she began to test the bloodline of San Dao.

The attribute tendencies contained in San Dao's bloodline are the most common among survivors. They are wood, fire and ice.

This clue looks good, but in fact the range on the bloodline map has not narrowed much.

the reason is simple.

It is possible that San Dao's extraordinary bloodline is not just one, but multiple.

It is the mixture of multiple bloodlines that causes him to be close to multiple attributes.

Moreover, the background investigation on the three swords did not bring Zidi any more useful clues.

"First try all the potions planted by intelligent life." Without enough clues, Zidi could only proceed step by step.

The murloc's magic potion did not respond to the blood of the three swords.

Elf species, no response.

Elemental species, no response.

The human race still didn't respond.

Goblin species, there is a reaction, but it is normal. The three swords are goblins.

"Huh?" Zidi showed surprise.

When trying the orc potion, Sandao's blood actually emitted three layers of radiance, and the change was quite dramatic.

"There is actually orc blood in San Dao's body?"

"Is this one of the potential reasons why he and Zong Ge are so close?"

The secret of bloodline is revealed step by step, and Zidi's understanding of the people around her also increases.

"Wait a minute!"

"Orc bloodline, three attributes, this reminds me of a famous orc ranger, Guo Jin."

"What he has is - the three-color Pandaren bloodline!"

Thinking of this, Zidi hurriedly searched for the vampire cookbook, and found the blood sample of the three-color panda in the upper part of one of the pages.

"I have a feeling... give it a try first!"

Zidi made the corresponding potion and successfully put it into the alchemy circle.

The blood of San Dao changed drastically again in the light mist, and the light mist penetrated into the blood, making it continue to grow.

At the same time, the three-color radiance emitted by the blood became more intense and solidified.

Other data detected in the alchemy array changed dramatically accordingly.

"This phenomenon is basically confirmed."

"The extraordinary bloodline of Sandao is the bloodline of the three-color pandaren!"

Now that it was detected, I didn't expect that it was San Dao's bloodline that got the result.

Zidi exhaled a breath of turbid air, her expression complex.

"The three-color Pandaren bloodline is one of the most classic Demon Chef bloodlines."

"Back then, the ranger's pot was exhausted and his combat power was not very high. What he was really famous for was a magic dish he developed - the three-color ice brick."

"This guy San Dao is in the wrong profession."

"If he becomes a chef, he should have more future and potential than being a mercenary."

Inadvertently, the cruelty and paradox of fate unfolded in front of Zidi.

Who would have thought?

San Dao actually has the blood of a gold-level Demon Chef!

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