Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 240: Big Purchase

The first round of trading in the Rally of the Dead has ended.

Cang Xu also saw it: the transactions were not equal to each other. To put it simply, the ship ghost was playing alone with others.

Ship Ghost has unique resources at its disposal. Whether it is soul crystals or memory crystals, they are things that necromancers are flocking to and must be in demand.

The ship ghost can be regarded as monopolizing such resources, so he naturally occupies a dominant position.

According to the power and resources he has at his disposal, he can completely lower the price and obtain other people's ordinary resources at a low price.

But Jiangui didn't do this. His transactions were based on market prices, and some were even cheaper than the market prices.

"No wonder these people respect ship ghosts very much." Cang Xu suddenly understood.

This respect is justified. Every undead has been taken care of by the ship ghost. The ship ghost itself is gold-level, the strongest, and has monopoly resources.

Crying Wind: "The second round of trading begins, please follow the order just now."

This time, Cang Xu immediately made a request to trade soul crystals.

Both he and Zidi are in urgent need of this resource.

Ship Ghost is willing to provide it at the same price as before.

Cang Xu obtained more than two hundred soul crystals.

The ship ghost laughed: "Oh ho ho ho, I didn't expect there to be a big customer. I only brought so much goods this time, and there will be no more."

It's not that Aang Xu doesn't want to buy more, but there are only so many ship ghosts.

Everyone looked at him sideways.

"Newcomer, I'm impressed by you. You are so rich!" the little prince said bluntly. He had worked hard to save for a year in order to buy dozens of soul crystals.

Fin Spirit's eyes were dim and he still remained silent.

Qing Xin began to think thoughtfully.

Crying Wind clicked his tongue and guessed: "It seems that during the melee on Double Eye Island, you fished a lot of treasures from the bottom of the sea?"

Cang Xu nodded slightly and admitted frankly: "That's indeed the case."

Qing Xin's eyes flashed, his heart was shaken, and he was surprised by Cang Xu's capture. Because this is the wealth of the entire island, I don’t know how much Cang Xu has made.

Cang Xu's admission this time was still intentional.

The survivors took Hutong's reaction into consideration, and it was very likely that the latter would investigate and pursue him. Therefore, Cang Xu took the initiative to admit it and left clues.

Because after this undead gathering is over, there will be a sea battle on Wailing Song Island. The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will win, the Iron Pimple will join the latter's fleet, and the Necromancer Cang Xu will also "die in battle". In fact, he will use " As "Old Zhong", he returned to everyone.

In this way, the survivors can be cleared according to the salvaged treasure.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group obtained unimaginable loot, and according to the rules, Huantong could not forcefully take action.

The survivors can even dispose of the antiques and other items to Huantong, if Huantong bids appropriately.

The second round of trading continues.

The little prince shouted: "Master Shipgui, have you made the goods I ordered last time?"

The ship ghost nodded: "You are lucky. More than a month ago, I killed a water mage without eyes and made a memory crystal for water spells."

The little prince almost jumped with joy: "This is great! In this way, my 'general' will become much stronger."

He wanted the memory crystal for his mount, the undead three-headed sea serpent.

After the three-headed sea snake transformed into an undead, its memory was almost completely dissipated, and it could not even use its own water spells. During combat, it can only serve as a human shield and mount.

The ship ghost said with concern: "Please take a good look at the contents of the memory crystal. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, I can make some adjustments to you on the spot. But it won't be much, and I can only make minor changes."

After listening to this conversation, Cang Xu's heart moved: "It seems that the ship ghost has a memory crystal manufacturing device and also has some means of memory transformation."

The survivors also have a memory crystal production device in their inventory.

"It would be wonderful if we could trade these things." Cang Xu was just daydreaming and had no plans to take action.

Transaction requirements cannot be mentioned casually, because a lot of things will be exposed accordingly.

When Cang Xu makes such a request, everyone will probably guess: Does he also have a memory-making device in his hand?

The second round of transactions was completed quickly.

Cang Xu obtained many soul crystals.

The little prince got the memory crystal.

Fin Ling traded with Crying Wind and obtained the specialty wood on Crying Pine Island. These are all good materials for making sea boats.

While Crying Wind wanted to purchase weapons, Shipgui said he didn't have any. ???

The little prince chuckled and proudly announced: "This time I have it!"

Cang Xu could easily guess that Crying Wind should have made such a transaction request in the last meeting.

Therefore, the little prince specially made a bone scimitar, the quality of which reached silver level.

This made Cang Xu secretly look at the little prince with admiration: "He was the one who made the tragic tombstone before, and now there is such a silver-level work. Could it be said that he is still an alchemist?"

Necromancers are also mages, which does not hinder their alchemy.

Finally, it was Jiangui's turn. His previous deal was not concluded, so he simply gave up.

The third round of trading begins.

Cangxu mainly looked at Crying Wind and made a request to purchase the corpse vein undead inheritance.

"Although I have received the advanced inheritance of soul veins, I have the results of my own research and transformation, and I don't intend to give up just yet."

Cang Xu briefly explained to everyone.

But Crying Wind said: "I am not a necromancer, but a fighter. Although I was awakened by the good doctor who shredded the corpse, I did not have the undead inheritance from his corpse veins."

"However, I can research it for you. But the fee you pay must satisfy me, and the impact of the research cannot interfere with my pursuit of the way of the sword."

Crying Wind said something that surprised Cang Xu.

However, the others showed no signs of discoloration.

Seeing Cang Xu's puzzled expression, Cai Feng shrugged and said, "Don't be surprised, I have studied it for Lord Ship Ghost."

The ship ghost laughed: "Oh, the thirst for knowledge is one of the excellent qualities of a mage. I have the basic inheritance of corpse veins here, which I can sell to you."

Although Cang Xu was very interested in Crying Wind's body, he knew that he did not have such a chance.

Crying Wind couldn't be brought back to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and research would take a lot of time, and he didn't have the spare time.

So Cang Xu faced Kangui, remained silent for a moment, and said boldly: "Lord Kangui, I am willing to buy any of the Necromancer inheritance that you can sell. Please give me a price."

As a result, Cang Xu received the basic inheritance of corpse veins and bone veins.

Cang Xu keenly noticed that the ship ghost did not sell the results of his research on Crying Wind's body.

Even so, he gained a lot.

After just browsing for a while, he got a lot of help from the undead inheritance of corpse veins and could continue to transform his body.

The third round of trading ends and the fourth round begins.

Cang Xu took a deep breath and boldly made a trade request to Kangui: "Lord Kangui, please forgive me for being presumptuous, but I wonder if you are willing to sell the method of making soul crystals?"

The ship ghosts were stunned for a moment.

The little prince shouted: "What? Newcomer, you are thinking about shit."

Cang Xu bowed deeply and said, "As for money, everything can be discussed."

Qingxin looked at Cang Xu with hidden worry.

As the saying goes, wealth is never revealed in vain.

With Cangxu showing off his wealth like this, wouldn't he be worried about being attacked and robbed by several necromancers?

This kind of trading meeting is not as formal as the Double Eye Island auction venue, and gangsters can easily happen.

Cang Xu also admitted his boldness.

However, he did not take risks randomly.

First, he has his own judgment. Although it was only his first time to come into contact with Ship Ghost and others, he could judge the nature of these people based on his life experience and communication skills.

Secondly, Cang Xu thought that his "boldness" would be beneficial to him. This is called bluffing.

Sure enough, except for the little prince's scolding, everyone else remained silent.

Fin Ling looked at Cang Xu with a faint look.

As long as you have a basic IQ, you can guess: "This newcomer is so bold, he must be relying on something, so be wary of this!"

Originally, the life level shown by Cang Xu was silver level.

Even if the silver-level ones can't defeat the gold-level ship ghosts, they can still escape.

Next to Cang Xu is Qing Xin, a mage of the same level.

They didn't know that Cang Xu's real support was not himself or Qingxin, but the Dragon and Lion mercenary group in the distance.

In the end, Cang Xu decided that the risk was worth it.

If the ship ghost agrees to this deal, wouldn't it be a bloody profit?

Even if you pay a high price for it, it is worth it.

Between an egg and an egg-laying hen, the value of the latter is naturally higher and lasts longer.

"Oh ho ho ho." Ship Ghost smiled and shook his head, "I'm sorry, but the method of making soul crystal cannot be sold directly."

"Although I am also short of money."

"You all can understand, right? All mages are short of money!"

The ship ghost was slightly humorous, and then his tone turned solemn: "The method of making soul crystals is a treasure and the most valuable part of the inheritance of soul veins and undead."

"This is not something that can be taught to outsiders casually."

Cang Xu's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, become one of your own." Ship Ghost Surong said, "You need to pass the review and complete some tasks to be eligible to obtain the relevant inheritance."

"This is also the rule set by Patriarch You Shen!"

Cang Xu bowed again, expressed his apology, and then asked how the review was conducted and what kind of tasks were to be completed.

"I became a necromancer to gain more power."

"Since I am wanted and cannot be tolerated by the world, there is only one way for me, right?"

"Oh ho ho ho, you are very enlightened." Ship Ghost praised, then changed the subject, "But it's a pity that you can't pass the review."

"I can see that your potential is limited and your talent limit is not high."

"The first step in the review is to examine this."

"terribly sorry."

Cang Xu froze on the spot.

For a moment, he was in a daze.

It's like going back to the time when he was sentenced to "death" by the authority for his cultivation qualifications.

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