Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 242: Matsukaze Battle 1

The captain's cabin of the Iron Pimple.

The first thing Cang Xu did after boarding the Iron Pimple was to contact the Dragon Man boy to change the previous battle plan.

In this gathering of the undead, Cang Xu benefited greatly.

He didn't want to carry out his previous plan.

The previously planned battlefield was near Wailing Song Island.

"If a war breaks out here and the gathering of the undead changes its location and time, or even excludes my participation, the losses will be huge."

"In the short term, the value brought by such a gathering is irreplaceable!"

With this thought in mind, Cang Xu just started the alchemy communication device.

As a result, the voice of the dragon boy came from the communication device: "Cangxu, you are finally out!"

"The situation has changed. We discovered a large group of pirates. They are rushing towards Wailing Song Island. Try to delay as much time as possible. We are now rushing to support at full speed!"

Cang Xu, who was holding the communication device, was stunned for a while.

The sudden appearance of a group of pirates disrupted his original plan and prevented him from changing his new plan.

Cang Xu thought of what Cai Feng said - "If nothing else happens, one year later, it will still be the same time and place."

"If nothing happens, accidents will happen all the time." Cang Xu smiled bitterly.

The dragon boy continued to provide him with information: "These pirates are all our old acquaintances."

"They are all pirate groups that have participated in the melee on Eye-Eyed Island, namely the Stinky Pirates, Applause, and Electric Pirates."

"All their ships were covered with camouflage spells, and the Deep Sea Monster's detection was concealed for some time."

"With your reconnaissance, it should be impossible to detect the pirate ship."

"Perhaps this can be exploited."

"Anyway, please try your best to delay until we respond."

"Zong Ge gave a suggestion: You can abandon the ship and land on the island, and buy time by swimming in the pine forest."

Cang Xu's face became solemn, and he took a deep breath: "These three pirate groups are all silver-level, but I don't want to give up the Iron Pimple before the war begins!"

The dragon boy was silent for a moment: "Everything is up to you, Cang Xu, I believe you."

"I understand, Captain." Cang Xu cut off the communication device.

The young dragon man trusted Cang Xu and gave him full authority to deal with it.

Similarly, the Necromancer also trusts the dragon boy very much. He has no doubt that the dragon boy will give him full support!

According to common sense, it is safer to retreat to the island.

But because of this trust, Cang Xu decided to take a risk.

"It would be inappropriate to be cowardly and hand over the Iron Pimple before fighting."

"With such a large number of people entering the pine forest, it is actually difficult to hide their whereabouts. I am not good at this type of magic, and the same is true for Qingxin."

"If these dwarves are abandoned and the dwarves are massacred by pirates or necromancers, how will Stone's reaction be?"

"If you give up those human races, what will Qingxin think in the future?"

"Calm down, stay calm, and then you can think of the most correct strategy."

Cang Xu couldn't help but become nervous.

The enemy is too strong.

But we are too weak.

Cangxu is actually only a black iron-level person. With the fire magic ring, he can act as a silver-level person in a short period of time.

But deception and camouflage techniques, etc., cannot increase his combat power.

This was clearly revealed during the melee on Double Eye Island, when he fought against the summoner Yama.

Qingxin is the real strong point on the Iron Pimple.

But she was seriously lacking equipment, although the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had tried their best to replenish it before that.

What worries Cang Xu the most is that they only have one ship.

It is true that the Iron Pimple is a bronze-level magic ship, but its sea combat capability is very low.

Because they did not have suitable sailors, the Iron Pimple experienced the melee on Eye Island and left the island on the spot, without the opportunity to repair the artillery and so on.

The Iron Pimple is basically a cruise ship.

"In a head-to-head confrontation, the Iron Pimple will be completely defeated!"

"The sword pavilion guards on the ship can be trusted, but for them to be effective, it is already a battle."

"If such a battle occurs, the humans and dwarves on the ship will definitely suffer heavy casualties."

And this is a situation that Cang Xu really wants to avoid.

Cang Xu frowned and wondered: "Why did these pirates unite and attack Songfeng Island?"

"This island is covered with pine forests but lacks conventional resources."

"There must be major benefits for pirates to join forces with each other. What could it be?"

"It would be normal for the empire to send troops to suppress the gathering of the undead. Why are they pirates?"

The information Cang Xu obtained was limited.

After some thinking, I thought: "The pirates probably followed me."

"My identity was exposed on the Eye Island, and outsiders knew that I bought a lot of good things at the auction."

"Although the Iron Pimple was captured, for these pirate groups, their naval combat capabilities are very weak and not worth mentioning."

"So, they probably don't know that a gathering of the undead is being held here!"

"Can I take advantage of this?"

Cangxu is not a dragon boy. He is not strong enough to defeat many with one person.

Cangxu is not Zong Ge. He has no ability to lead, and he is not a character who fights hard.

Cang Xu is himself.

He has the calmness of a mage and the vicissitudes and experience of an elderly person. He has served as a noble butler for a long time and has done a good job.

He has outstanding communication skills and political skills.

Everyone handles the same problem differently.

Zong Ge suggested abandoning the Iron Pimple and wandering around Songfeng Island, exchanging space for time, which was a military strategy.

Cang Xu adopted a political strategy.

He used his brain to imagine: "Can the group of people at the gathering of the dead be used by me?"

"How can I use them without making them resentful, so that I can continue to participate in this rally in the future?"

After thinking quickly for a while, Cang Xu took action immediately.

He first ordered the ship to sail and informed Qingxin that his ghost had detected an incoming pirate attack.

Then, he connected with other necromancers through the alchemy communication device.

Fortunately, this group of necromancers has not yet passed the Elegy Tombstone and teleported away from the island.

Cang Xu did not offer a high price and asked them for help directly.

Instead, tell them about this urgent military situation.

"These people probably came all the way along the Iron Patch."

"If this is the truth, I will seize the opportunity to compensate you in the future."

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"I have now sailed away from the island, looking forward to seeing you next time!"

Cang Xu did not ask for help, but immediately retreated after issuing a warning.

Things got messy on the Iron Pimple.

After Qingxin obtained Cang Xu's information, he immediately released the humans and dwarves who were imprisoned in the cabin and could not move freely.

Qingxin spoke frankly about the current situation and hoped that everyone would be in the same boat and tide over the difficulties together.

Neither the humans nor the dwarves want to fall into the hands of the pirates. Although they distrust the necromancers, their situation is cruel. They are grasshoppers on a rope.

Cang Xu came forward and promised in public: He and Qing Xin are friends, and although they are necromancers, they will never kill innocent lives. Overcoming the current difficulties will return freedom to everyone.

Although everyone was encouraged, unfortunately, there was almost no talent in this group to operate the ship.

The dwarves come from the same tribe and have always lived in the mountains.

The human race basically thrives inland, and there are very few opportunities to even take a boat.

However, the dwarves still have star iron hand axes in their hands, so they still have a certain fighting capacity in the event of a battle.

The Iron Pimple officially set off and left its docking position.

It heads west around Matsufujima Island.

The reason for taking this course is because the dragon boy has provided Cang Xu with information.

The three silver-level pirate groups did not rush over in a swarm.

The Applause Pirates group wanted to attack from the northeast, the Stinking Pirates group came from the east, and the last Electricity Pirates group came diagonally from the southeast.

With such a military deployment, it is obvious that the west side of Songfeng Island is blank.

Therefore, the best marching strategy for the Iron Puppet docked on the east coast of Songfeng Island is to skip the island and enter the west of the island, where it will be more likely to break out of the pirate siege.

The new leader of the applauding pirate group stood on the forecastle with a telescope and saw the latest movements of the Iron Pimple.

He immediately shouted: "No, the target is on the run."

"It seems that the opponent is not simple, at least he has directly seen through our disguise!"

"Damn it, can't you just be obedient and let me snatch it away."

The elephant scratched his back.

He knew this battle was crucial to him.

Because he had just come to power, he desperately needed a victory and generous spoils to consolidate his power.

He quickly shouted: "Sail at full speed, chase me!"

The newly appointed first officer quickly asked for instructions: "Captain, do you want to use the team?"

The back elephant hesitated for a moment, waved his hand and refused: "It's too early to use it now. Don't leave the fleet easily. The target is not a concern, but other pirates still need to be on guard."

Although the pirate group reached a temporary alliance, they were wary of each other.

At the same time, in the fleet of the Gekiden Pirates, Denmaru also discovered the strange movement of the Iron Pimple.

He raised his head and laughed, looking very confident: "At the speed of the Iron Pimple, how can you run? Hahaha."

In the stinking pirate group due east, Onion narrowed his eyes and was still worried: "It's best to fight quickly. If time is delayed, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group discovers it, let them disrupt the situation. Oh no!"

"Perhaps my worries are unnecessary. If the Dragon and Lion mercenaries are more sensible, they will not go against the coalition of three silver-level pirate groups."

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group discovered three groups of pirate fleets, and the pirates had already discovered them.

It's just that they have all participated in the melee on Eye Island. Although they have not personally fought against the dragon boy, they can all see that this mercenary group is very strong.

The pirates are seeking wealth and cannot afford to fight with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Therefore, they bypassed the deserted island where the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was stationed.

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