Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 244: Matsukaze Sea Battle III

Dian Wan fell headlong into the sea, his head and feet were wet, his mind was sometimes confused and sometimes awake, and his whole body was cold.

He was so impatient and furious that he opened his mouth and shouted: "Ahhhh...Gulugulu...Ahhh...Gulugulu..."


There was an explosion, and blue electric light exploded, stirring up a huge water column.

The water column dissipated, Dian Wan's muscles trembled, lightning shone, and he stood on the sea again.

He summoned up the fighting spirit all over his body and did not hesitate to expend it violently to force the silver-level ghost out of his body.

The silver-level ghost became more transparent because of this, and was about to continue to pounce, but Denwan suffered a loss. Knowing how powerful it was, he ran first and was away from the distance in an instant.

The ghost chases after Denmaru.

While Cang Xu was controlling the ghost, he felt a trace of regret in his heart.

"If I had known there would be such a battle, I might as well have just sold a silver-level ghost at the undead gathering just now."

He is now under a heavy burden, and it is not satisfactory to command the ghost. It is difficult for him to fully utilize the ghost's combat power.

Cang Xu's original plan was indeed to sell a silver-level ghost in the gathering of the dead.

But the plan could not keep up with the changes, and Cang Xu successfully obtained the burden-reducing and karma-reducing techniques.

With these two spells, he immediately changed his plan and retained the silver-level ghost.

Who would have expected that pirates would attack just after leaving the island?

Dengan made a quick move and rushed towards the Iron Pimple. The speed of the Electric Pirates behind him also gradually increased. Because they were freed from the rain of skeleton arrows, they also began to pursue.

"Follow the captain!"

"He rushed out alone again."

"Hurry up, he needs our support!!"

The pirates shouted, their morale high.

But the next moment, a large number of ghosts emerged from the bottom of the sea, penetrated directly through the bottom and hull of the ship, and entered the interior of the pirate ship.

The pirates were ambushed and suddenly fell into chaos.

"Ghost, ghost!"

"Damn it, the knife can't cut them."


For a while, frightened shouts could be heard.

It was the ghost mage Fin Ling who took action.

She controls an army of water ghosts.

Not only that, she herself hid under the sea and began to cast spells.

Necromantic Spell - Intermediate Soul Resurrection.

A silver-level ghost quietly penetrated into the body of a helmsman.

Even the helmsman, who was a Black Iron-level man, was immediately eroded. His eyes widened and his face was full of horror, but he couldn't speak. He could only watch his body being controlled by the ghost.

Fin Spirit smiled coldly at the bottom of the sea.

The next moment, under her remote control, the helmsman suddenly turned the rudder to the left.

The pirate ship on the other side immediately heard shouts and warnings, and at the same time began an emergency evasion.

But it's no use.

The distance between the two sides is quite large, and there are ghosts on every pirate ship who are causing trouble and massacring the pirates.

It is difficult for a pirate ship to correct its course in time.


Two pirate ships collide.

For a moment, sawdust flew, and many pirates on the deck and mast were blown away.

The result of the collision between the two ships was very tragic. A large hole was opened in the hull, and a large amount of seawater poured in. The sinking was a foregone conclusion!

Zidi was sitting on the Deep Sea Monster Fish, and she observed the entire process of the collision between the two ships.

"Awesome!" Zidi couldn't help but praise secretly in her heart.

Zidi also masters the art of sending souls.

She had planned before to use the soul-residing technique to help the big man complete his first Dou Qi cycle.

But Zidi's soul-sending technique is only a basic soul-sending technique. The effect of the spell is to make the caster's soul parasitize other lives or objects. The stronger the soul, even if it is placed on a corpse or a white skeleton, the zombies and skeletons formed will also have extraordinary intelligence.

Fin Spirit's Soul Empathy Technique is at a higher level.

She can let the ghosts under her command carry souls. By controlling the ghosts, the ghosts control the target, forming a control chain.

There are so many benefits to doing this.

The danger factor for the caster's own soul to sneak into the target is very high. After a layer of separation, even if the soul in the body is eliminated, the necromancer himself is still safe. Compared with his own safety, the loss of a ghost is not worth mentioning.

Another point is that there are many ghosts under the control of the caster, and it is possible to go further and control multiple targets at the same time, thereby controlling the battlefield.

The mage Fin Ling just created a control chain and caused the two pirate ships of the Electric Pirate Group to be scrapped. The pirates on the ship jumped into the water to escape crying, which shows the power of this spell.

This is also the power of the mage.

This group can leverage stronger combat power and has rich means.

Therefore, in any war tutorial, the elimination of enemy mages is the first priority.

Fin Spirit took action, and the attack of the Water Ghost army plunged the Electric Pirates into chaos.

Fortunately, the first mate is still in command.

Their chain of command has not been paralyzed and is still functioning.

The Iron Pimple sailed like an old cow, humming and humming.

This is its top speed.

Suffering from the solid defense and heavy hull dismantling, the speed of the Iron Pimple was within the expectations of both the enemy and ourselves.

Cang Xu stood at the stern of the Iron Pimple and saw the miserable situation of the Electric Pirates. He couldn't help but yearn for it: "This is the true strength of the Necromancer!"

Hundreds of water ghosts, among which at least two silver-level ghosts appeared.

The necromancer Finling was originally summoned by the ship ghost, and served as his experimental assistant for many years. After being released to freedom, he still maintained close contact with the ship ghost.

Cang Xu was able to obtain advanced soul inheritance from the ship ghost when he met him for the first time. It can be inferred that the fin spirit was obtained at an earlier time.

"The art of reducing burdens and reducing karma is so important. "

"With these two auxiliary spells, the Necromancer can form an army by himself."

Cangxu secretly praised it.

Qingxin on the other side was casting spells.

Wind spell - wind communication.

Qingxin shouted to Denwan: "Denwan, all your subordinates have been killed. Aren't you going to save them?"

Denmaru didn't know the miserable situation of his pirate group. Hearing Qingxin's words, he couldn't help but look back.

But the next moment, he gritted his teeth and continued to pursue the Iron Pimple!

Denwan's choice made Qingxin's face become more solemn.

Cang Xu calmly ordered: "Start the sails."

Qing Xin's expression suddenly brightened.

"I caught up with you! I want you to repay us tenfold for the losses you caused us!" Denmaru screamed in his heart.

The distance between the two sides has been reduced to the extreme, Dengan leaps with all his might!

Buzz buzz...

A large amount of mana was mobilized from the mana pool and poured into the feathered serpent sail.

The mana made a loud buzzing sound as it passed through the temporary connection channel.

This made Qingxin look worriedly, very worried that the temporary channel would not be able to withstand it and collapse at the critical moment.

Fortunately, the materials Cang Xu used were solid and excellent, and Qing Xin's worries have not been realized for the time being.

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