Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 253: Matsukaze Sea Battle 12

"Tsk, it's just a little bit close." The person who was revealed was short and thin, wearing night clothes, and his face was covered with a layer of black cloth.

The ship ghost felt a chill in his heart when he saw him.

The mysterious enemy he forced out used some unknown means to sneak to such a distance without him noticing it!

Or he had a strong premonition and just to be on the safe side, he used indiscriminate attack spells to make the opponent show his signs.

The opponent's gold-level fighter aura also made the ship ghost feel very afraid.

Without any hesitation, the ship ghost crashed directly into the cave roof. Bayi Chinese website

Necromantic Spell—Soul Flying Spell!

Under the influence of the spell, the ship ghost and its entire body of equipment turned into ghosts and crawled directly out of the hole.

Coming out of the hole, the ship ghost flew directly into the sky without stopping at all.

There is nothing wrong with this choice.

Although gold-level fighters have the possibility of flying, flying fighting skills are relatively rare. Not every golden fighter has the ability to fly and fight.

And the one who can threaten the airship ghosts on the battlefield is the sea snake girl.

However, this female mage is only at the silver level, so the threat level is not very high.

The ship ghost quickly rose into the air and soon reached more than 9 meters above the ground.

The mysterious man in black who was forced out by him was still missing.

"What's going on?" The ship ghost became more and more alert.

The next moment, the space behind the ship ghost fluctuated violently, and the figure of the man in black appeared instantly!

The man in black held a dagger and stabbed the ship ghost hard in the back.

The ship ghost was caught off guard, and his ghostly body was smashed by the dagger.

He didn't turn around, let alone look back. Instead, he threw his hand back and tore out a scroll of necromancy.

A gray soul wave, in the shape of an inverted cone, swept over instantly.

The mysterious man in black disappeared again.

The ship ghost quickly flew away from its place, healing its wounds while casting defensive spells.

The man in black appeared again, this time behind him. The dagger in his hand reached the gold level and directly tore apart the ship ghost's defensive spell, causing trauma again.

The ship ghost was attacked twice in a row and was completely at a disadvantage. For a moment, it was completely unable to fight back!

"It's the shadow plane!" Zidi was sitting on the Deep Sea Monster Fish and witnessed the confrontation between the two gold-level players.

There is a special component in the Deep Sea Monster Fish, which is the space lock (basic).

Once upon a time, the survivors spent huge sums of money to build the teleportation array in the underground caves of Snake Island in order to find it.

With the help of it, Zidi could see clearly.

Every time the mysterious man in black appears, it will cause spatial fluctuations. The moment his figure appeared, the spatial fluctuations revealed a vague image and breath of the shadow plane.

Zidi immediately contacted Cang Xu: "The ship ghost is fighting a gold-level fighter and is in danger."

"I can clearly see that this gold-level fighter can travel through the shadow plane and achieve the effect of teleportation."

"It's up to you what to do."

When Cang Xu got the news, the water ghost troops besieging him and Qing Xin were slowly retreating.

"Why did Finling retreat on his own initiative?" Qingxin was surprised.

Soon, Cang and Qing were in a safe situation again.

Cang Xu sighed: "Fin Ling has no murderous intention. She took action against us and proactively admitted her identity as a traitor. This can actually be seen as a warning."

"Actually, as long as she continues to wait for a little while, we and the little prince will have arrived at the second tombstone. By then, we will probably lose our lives facing the bird-child cloud mushroom bomb."

"The pirates are threatening her with her people, and the ghost mage clearly knows who the real enemy is."

Qingxin frowned deeply: "Even if the Fin Spirit doesn't deal with us, our situation will be very bad."

"The pirates have arrived on the island, and their target is us."

"We can't count on the ship ghost, what should we do?"

Cang Xu took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He tried to identify his current location and found that he was not far away from the ship ghost.

Cang Xu thought about it in his mind and decided to support the ship ghost.

What he wants is for both sides to suffer losses, which is the most beneficial to the survivors.

But now, the ship ghost is at an absolute disadvantage. If it continues, it is likely to be maimed and killed by the black-clothed fighter.

This is not what the survivors want.

Of course, when facing Qingxin, Aang Xu said something else: "The key figure in this battle is the ship ghost. We must try our best to help him. Only with his power can we repel the pirates. Otherwise, we alone will There is no escape from here.”

"Follow me!" Cang Xu led Qing Xin, and after a while of flight, he landed on the top of the tallest pine tree.

Standing here, he could see the ship ghost in mid-air with his naked eyes.

The ship ghost is flying erratically, and the figure of the fighter in black flashes around the ship ghost from time to time.

Almost every time it appears, it can cause damage to the ship ghost.

The ship ghost was transformed into a ghost, had no fatal wounds, and had abundant reserves, so he could heal his wounds in time, so he persisted.

"Are we really going to support?" Qingxin shook his head, his face pale, "This is too risky."

Cangxu said: "We will not move forward any further. We will just attack the ship ghosts here. If the sea serpents or fin spirits appear, we can stop them."

"In addition..." Cang Xu said this, using the communication device to contact the ship ghost, "Master ship ghost! The other party is able to appear and disappear with the help of the shadow plane. I wonder if you have the spell scroll of the dimensional anchor?"

"So that's it!" After being reminded, the ship ghost's eyes lit up.

However, he does not have the spell scroll of the dimensional anchor and cannot seal the surrounding space.

"It doesn't matter, I have another method!" The ship ghost flew to the seaside.

The mysterious man in black stalked them all the way. Although he didn't know why the ship ghost acted like this, he still tried his best to stop it.

When the ship ghost flew to the sea, his injuries were at least twice as serious.

He pointed at the water below and whispered: "Come out, my ship!"

The next moment, the sea surface became turbulent, and the water waves were turbulent, forming a whirlpool.

In just ten seconds, the vortex expanded to a radius of hundreds of meters.

From the whirlpool, a dilapidated ship emerged.

This ship exudes strong negative energy, its patina-green hull is in decay, and its sails are in tatters.

A large number of undead beings wandered the ship.

It’s a silver-level ghost ship!

The ship ghost landed on the ghost ship, and the mysterious man in black followed closely behind.

The next moment, the ship ghost merged into the ghost ship and disappeared completely.

The mysterious man in black was stunned. In his perception, the ship ghost had become the ghost ship under his feet!

Necromancy - traveling through the underworld.

The next moment, a large amount of strange fog appeared around the ghost ship.

The man in black's expression changed again. From the mist, he felt the breath of the underworld!

The fog soon became so thick that I couldn't see my fingers.

The ghost ship seemed to gradually merge into the mist at the feet of the man in black, turning from reality to emptiness and disappearing on the spot.

"Cangxu, thank you for the reminder." The ship ghost's voice suddenly came.

But this time, he wasn't relying on a communication device.

Cang Xu and Qing Xin quickly looked back and looked at the source of the sound, and saw thick fog appearing out of thin air, and the ghost ship sailing quietly on the river.

The voice of the ghost ship continued to be heard from the ghost ship: "Don't resist, I'll pull you on board. The other side is coming prepared, you can't stay here."

After saying that, Cang Xu and Qing Xin felt a powerful force sucking into them.

Cang Xu hesitated for a moment, did not resist, and allowed the ship ghost to absorb him onto the deck of the ghost ship.

Qingxin immediately made the same choice.

After the two got on the ship, the ship ghost went to fetch the little prince and Crying Wind.

The ship ghost had obviously informed them in advance, and they were more prepared than Cang Qing and the others.

The little prince was once again sitting on the back of the "general".

Most of the skeletons were also recovered by him.

After picking them up, the ship ghost didn't stop anymore and directly controlled the ghost ship to completely leave Matsufu Island.

A naval battle in Songfeng involving the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, the pirate coalition, and the Necromancers came to an end. It ended with the ship ghost voluntarily retreating.

"Master Weiying, where is the target?" The sea snake girl used the communication device to contact the mysterious man in black.

The silhouette of the man in black said calmly: "There is no way, the other party used the underworld travel spell to escape with the help of the underworld. If I use the shadow plane to break through to the underworld, I will fall into the trap of the ship ghost."

"The ghost ship can float on the River Styx, but I am a living person. If I enter it, the River Styx will be my death!"

The sea snake girl looked very embarrassed: "But in this way, we have lost our goal, and this operation has failed!"

Wei Ying slowly shook his head: "It was indeed a failure to let them run away. But it is not a complete failure. My fighting skills can last at least another week. I don't believe that the ship ghost can maintain the underworld travel spell forever, as long as he docks in the main world , he will leave clues and be traced by us."

On the other side, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

"What? You lost contact with Cang Xu?" The dragon boy was stunned.

Zidi's helpless voice came: "He was rescued by a ship ghost. The entire ghost ship entered the underworld and was completely missing."

The dragon boy was filled with worry.

Zidi added: "Cang Xu left some things on the Tie Liao Da. Sir, have you received them, right?"

The dragon boy nodded: "He stored part of the harvest from the gathering of the undead in the cabin. In addition, there are also his secret messages."

"I've read the letter."

"In the letter, Cang Xu listed several possible situations. The current situation is one of them."

"According to the content of the letter, if a lose-lose outcome is not created and Cang Xu is rescued by the ship ghost again, then he will lurk next to the ship ghost for a period of time, trying to gain his trust and obtain more information."

"After that, he will look for opportunities to act alone, break away from the ship ghost, and return to us again."

Cangxu is indeed the person that the dragon boy values ​​​​and has already arranged many things in advance.

After all, there were many plans that he could not tell others through the communication device in front of Qingxin.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.


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