Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 257: Cang Xu’s despair

Petal Snake Pirates.

Flagship - Huashelou ship number.

"Reload!" the gunner shouted.

The six auxiliary sailors used all their strength to lift a huge cannonball.

The cannonball is generally a cylinder, with the front end made into a hemisphere, and the whole body exudes a pale golden brilliance.

The long cylindrical shell is the Bird Boy Cloud Mushroom shell.

This cannonball exudes a gold-level aura, and it is obviously made from unusual materials.

The cannonballs were stuffed into the breech by the sailors.

This peculiar artillery is called a winding anti-aircraft gun. It is tens of meters long and has a complete barrel. It circles the central ship building several times and finally places the muzzle on the roof of the ship.

This winding anti-aircraft gun has undergone a certain degree of alchemical transformation, and its appearance is consistent with the Huashelou ship. The muzzle is a wide-open snake mouth, the gun body is a slender and thick python, and the rear of the loaded gun is also made into the tail of a python.

Thousands of shields were added to the entire surface of the snake-shaped cannon, layered on top of each other, completely covering the cannon body and playing a good defensive role.

"Close the breech and start the labyrinth anti-aircraft gun." The main gunner is in the central building of the ship, operating the alchemy device, which is a gun cabin specially configured for the labyrinth anti-aircraft gun.

A large amount of mana was deployed from the mana pool of the Huashelou Ship and filled into the winding anti-aircraft gun.

The barrel of the anti-aircraft gun began to tremble slightly, and at the same time it made a snake-like hissing sound.

The two auxiliary gunners placed their hands on the snake's tail respectively, deploying their own fighting spirit to control the Bird Boy's cloud mushroom bullets.

This gold-level cannonball started slowly, starting from the snake's tail and gradually accelerating along the tight spiral rifling in the barrel.

When it followed the snake-shaped gun body and circled the ship, the main gunner heard the monotonous sound of the alchemy device: "First-level acceleration completed."

When the cannonball circled for the second time, the alchemy device sounded again: "Second-level acceleration completed."


"Level 3 acceleration completed."

The main gunner roared: "Fire!"

After three levels of acceleration, the golden cannonball's rate of fire increased to an astonishing level. It turned into a black shadow and shot out from the muzzle. In two seconds, it quickly rose to a high altitude, directly exceeding the height of the sea surface. 1000 meters.

After Bird Boy's cloud mushroom bomb reached its highest point, it began to fall.

At this time, steel wings popped up on both sides of its gun body.

A pair of steel wings vibrated in the air, making a bird-like noise.


As the cannonballs were aimed at the ghost ship and swooped down, the chirping of birds was also elongated, making people's hearts tense and their hair numb.

On the deck of the ghost ship, everyone changed their colors.

Crying Wind whispered: "It's not good, we must intercept it!"

Ship Ghost's ghost ship is silver-level, while Sea Snake's warp anti-aircraft cannon and Bird Boy's Cloud Mushroom are both gold-level.

If we really hit the ghost ship, the consequences will be disastrous!

Before Crying Wind reminded them, the three mages had already taken action.

Qingxin sent out a huge wind blade.

The little prince pulled out his left index finger and threw it violently.

The index finger turned into a bone spear in the air.

Cang Xu took out a incomplete magic book.

This is the water magic book he and Zidi bought at the Double Eye Island auction.

There are only three pages left in the magic book, but they are all gold-level water spells.

Cang Xu's soul is burdened heavily, and his spell casting speed and success rate are very low. In an emergency, he can only use this trump card.

The page in the magic book immediately fell apart and turned into a puddle of fine dust, blowing away in the wind.

A water arrow was generated out of thin air and aimed at Bird Boy's Cloud Mushroom.

Qingxin's huge wind blade was the fastest. It collided with the golden cannonball first. As a result, the former smashed into dots of green light, which only slightly slowed down the dive speed of the cannonball.

The little prince's bone spear is of extraordinary quality, and is a proper silver grade. It is not a spell, but a magic prop that is usually shrunk and disguised as a finger.

But the bone spear did not hit Bird Boy's cloud mushroom bomb.

At the critical moment, Bird Boy Yungu Bomb actually raised his body slightly and took the initiative to avoid the bone spear!

Gold-level artillery shells are of course not only powerful, they also have excellent design.

Since the Bird Boy Cloud Mushroom shell is designed as an anti-aircraft shell, its trajectory presents a huge parabola, giving the enemy more time to intercept.

Taking this into account, when the alchemist made this kind of cannonball, he also gave it some detailed internal settings to give it a certain avoidance ability.

"Can you still avoid it?" The little prince was shocked and quickly used his mind to control the bone spear to turn back.

But how can the speed of bone spears be compared to golden cannonballs?

The little prince could only watch helplessly as the cannonball quickly shook off the bone spear.

Cang Xu used the magic book. According to common sense, his water arrow technique should be the first to take shape.

But his mental state was really bad, and in actual combat, he fell directly to the last place.

"It's up to me." Cang Xu saw that neither Qing Xin nor the little prince had made any achievements. He was so nervous that he held his breath and mobilized his mental power with all his strength.

Under his control, the water arrow collided with the golden cannonball.

Bird Boy's cloud mushroom bullet's steel wings turned up slightly, and he wanted to repeat his old trick to dodge the water arrow technique.

However, the water arrow technique is controlled by Cang Xu's mind. Cang Xu had already been mentally prepared and immediately mobilized the water arrow technique to change the flight direction.

boom. jújíá?y.??m

The water arrow successfully collided with the golden cannonball.

The speed of the golden cannonball dropped sharply, and the hemispherical warhead at the front was destroyed by the water arrow and fell vertically to the sea below.

It eventually fell into the sea.


With a loud bang, the shell finally exploded in the sea.

The violent explosion set off a monstrous water column. After the huge water column, which was more than ten meters high, fell, the white waves swept out in all directions.

Ghost ships sink and float on the waves.

On the deck, the Necromancer and others were in shock and terrified.

The little prince patted his chest: "What a close call. Fortunately, we intercepted it."

The bone spear he had thrown earlier flew back and was caught by the little prince.

The little prince shouted again: "Help, help, Lord Ship Ghost!"

It was exactly the same as the cry for help he made when he was in danger on the River Styx.

Cang Xu couldn't help but look sideways, thinking: Why is the little prince's gesture of calling for help so skillful?

The next moment, the weak voice of the ship ghost came: "A golden water ghost was brought back by us, and I am working hard to suppress it."

"In a short period of time, we can no longer travel to the underworld."

"The reserves of the mana pool have reached the warning level."

"Next, I'm going to use the Ghost Mist Technique. You all hide in the cabin and try to buy some time."

If the ship ghost uses the spell to walk in the underworld again, the ghost ship will return to the River Styx.

Facing the gold-level water ghost group again will definitely be a disaster.

Even if you have to gamble on the possibility that the water ghosts will disperse, the ghost ship cannot return to the underworld.

Because the mana consumption of cross-dimensional teleportation is very terrifying, traveling on the River Styx also consumes a lot of mana.

The ghost ship's mana is seriously insufficient.

If you go to the underworld again, you won't have enough mana to return to the main world.

Their ending will be in the River Styx, barely able to travel a certain distance, with their mana completely exhausted. The ghost ship will be fully eroded by negative energy, and will eventually be assimilated into the ecology of the River Styx.

Huashelou ship number.

The sea snake girl witnessed the entire process of the first shell being intercepted. Her expression remained unchanged and she ordered: "Continue firing."

The opponent cast a gold-level spell, so it was reasonable for Bird Boy's Cloud Mushroom Bomb to be intercepted.

The advantage of the strong is also reflected in this.

If you were a gold-level mage, you would have a high chance of success by using spells to intercept such shells. What the mage pays is only the consumption of mana and spiritual power.

After a while, it will recover on its own.

The cost is too low!

On the other hand, a shell fired by the Sea Snake Girl would cost hundreds of gold coins, including the purchase price of the shell, the cost of maintaining the anti-aircraft gun, and the mana consumption.

But the sea snake girl was unmoved and still ordered to fire.

Just because the first interception was successful, it does not mean that the second and third interceptions will be successful.

Even if she could succeed every time, she would be happy.

This is equivalent to using her money to waste the opponent's mana.

The recovery of mana takes time, or recovery potions are used, which consumes the enemy's war potential.

Soon, the second Bird Boy Cloud Mushroom bomb was successfully loaded.

But just when the warp anti-aircraft guns were about to be activated, thick fog rose around the ghost ship.

The thick fog expanded rapidly, completely covering the ghost ship.

The main gunner quickly reported: "Commander, we have lost the target."

The sea snake girl snorted coldly: "This is the ghost mist technique. The advantages of the undead school still exist, and conventional investigation methods will fail. Forget it, stop launching."

After the sea snake girl finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

She looked back at the tail shadow.

The golden fighter crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. The captain's cabin was brightly lit, but there were thick shadows surrounding him.

The sea snake girl said to him: "It seems we are lucky. The ghost ship was obviously forced out. The danger of the Styx is immeasurable."

"Now they're clearly trying to stall for time and seize this opportunity so we can get this done."

"Then what are you waiting for?" As soon as Weiying finished speaking, his body quickly disappeared along with the surrounding shadows.

Cang Xu hid in the cabin.

But this cabin couldn't bring him any sense of security.

He sensed that the ghost ship was sailing away from its previous location.

But this is not enough.

After all, the range of the Ghost Mist Technique is limited, and the opponent has a large number of people.

Over time, they will be found.

What Cang Xu fears the most is the mysterious fighter in black, followed by the sea snake girl's gold-level magic pet.

If anyone comes to their door, the necromancers will be in trouble.

"Once the war starts, I will be the most dangerous." Cang Xu's real level is only the Black Iron level.

"Combat power, I need combat power!" Cang Xu's mouth was dry and his heart was filled with a strong desire to improve his combat power.

With every increase in combat power, his chances of survival are greater.

But how to improve?

Faced with this problem, Cang Xu fell into rapid thinking.

Although he has obtained a lot of undead inheritance, these brand-new spells require time to become familiar with and practice before he can successfully cast them.

If you cast a spell rashly, you are likely to fail and suffer horrific backlash.


"Don't take too many risks. It's almost suicide."

Cang Xu thought for a moment, but was unable to do anything, and a trace of despair emerged in his heart.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.


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