Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 267: Heroic Duel

The glow on the horizon gradually dissipated, and night gradually covered Snowbird Harbor.

At the dock, on the Love Triangle, the new flagship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, the survivors gathered in secret to discuss the next plans and arrangements.

"That's probably what happened." Zidi recounted the conflict between them and the Ice Owl in detail.

Everyone fell into silence.

Zong Ge looked at the information in his hand.

This information was purchased from the Thieves Branch and cost a lot of money.

The intelligence contained details of the Bayonet Gang.

Among them, the old elf Bing Xiao was born in the regular army.

He was once a gold-level warrior, but after being injured on the battlefield, his strength dropped to silver-level warriors.

After being discharged from the army, he returned to his hometown, Snowbird Harbor.

A year later, he joined the Bayonet Gang.

In the subsequent gang life, he successfully trained a gold-level giant slave.

With this, he eventually became the leader of the Bayonet Gang.

Three years ago, another veteran returned to Snowbird and volunteered to join the Bayonet Gang.

After he was promoted to the backbone, he launched a heroic duel against Ice Owl.

This veteran is the current bayonet gang leader-Fuji Futuro.

The result of this heroic duel is self-evident, Fujituro wins.

Ice Owl was defeated and lost his position as gang leader.

He simply lived a retired life with his lovers.

Ice Owl's gold-level giant slave is called Iron Head Bucket. Because he participated in too many gang fights and suffered injuries, his combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

However, Ice Owl has been cultivating new giant slaves in recent years.

Today, some results have been achieved.

When he purchased the giant-sized intelligence potion, he was probably working hard to cultivate new giants.

In addition to Ice Owl, the information on the Bayonet Gang has also been basically found out.

The number of people in this gang is close to one thousand, and the current gang leader Fujituro is a genuine gold-level fighter with rich combat experience.

There are more than twenty silver-level subordinates, and most of them are snow elves.

Compared with humans and orcs, the elves have significantly higher extraordinary talents.

However, the population of the elves has always been sparse, and their reproductive capabilities are far inferior to those of the humans, let alone the orcs.

The orcs have the strongest reproductive capacity, but among the three races, their extraordinary talents are the lowest.

The human race is in the middle of the three. Neither reproductive ability nor extraordinary talent is the strongest, but when the two are combined, the human race's overall strength becomes the strongest.

The Shengming Empire is the superpower on the main plane today, and the mainstream race is the human race. The empire has the most and strongest extraordinary beings in the main plane.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is a small force, and none of the survivors are gold-level.

And whether you have gold level is a hard standard for judging the size of your power.

There is no gold level, even if there are more silver levels, they are only small forces.

Zong Ge's growth potential is visible to the naked eye, and his fighting spirit has already glowed with golden luster. However, as long as he does not truly grow into a gold level, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will still be a small force.

Obviously, the Bayonet Gang is a genuine medium-sized force.

Zong Ge took the intelligence in his hand and analyzed: "The Bayonet Gang is much stronger than us, but we also have advantages that they don't have."

"For example, in naval warfare, we have a clear advantage in naval warfare. They don't have many decent ships."

"We may also have certain advantages in large-scale road battles. Gang members are better at fighting in the streets, fighting in groups or alone."

"What needs to be considered is: the previous and current leaders of the Bayonet Gang are all from the military. Whether they have brought things from the regular army into the gang."

If they carry out strict military management and training on the Bayonet Gang like Zonge did with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, then the overall strength of the Bayonet Gang will be even higher.

The dragon boy thought for a moment: "The intelligence did not mention any military training."

"If the Bayonet Gang were to implement military management, the officials of Snowbird Port would be sleepless at night, right?"

Zonge nodded: "That's true."

"However, it is impossible for us to launch a naval war or a large-scale land war."

"This is the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, Snowbird Port, one of the eight major ports. Everyone has seen the artillery groups and mage towers along the coast."

"The Mage Tower monitors the entire port around the clock. Once we gather on a large scale, one or two large spells from the Mage Tower can cause us heavy losses or even destroy the organization without the need for artillery groups."

The meaning expressed by Zong Ge is very clear, and force will definitely not work.

After Zong Ge finished speaking, San Dao, who was sitting next to him, also spoke: "On the surface, the Bayonet Gang is very powerful. However, the power they can really use is not as much as it appears on paper."

San Dao was once the leader of the mercenary group. He has dealt with various industries such as chambers of commerce and gangs, so he knows these gangs quite well.

"For example." San Dao continued to analyze, "The Bayonet Gang has more than 20 silver-level members. But most of the silver-level members cannot be directly dispatched by the gang. Many of them just have a name in the gang."

"The real capable person depends on his specific status and position in the gang."

"In my opinion, the only real backbone is the block boss."

"What's interesting is that there are only two snow elves. The others are humans, bears, tree people, and even a hybrid of demon and human. The racial composition is very complex."

This aspect is quite similar to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Gangs are like this, a mixture of dragons and snakes, and as long as they have strength, they can often rise to the top.

Diversity of the main ethnic groups is actually a common scenario in gangs.

Especially for ports like Snowbird Port, which has a large number of people coming and going and complex ethnic groups, it is even more necessary to establish some strong men of specific races as leaders.

Such a leader. Only in this way can the people of the corresponding race be more convinced, increase the understanding between the upper and lower levels, and greatly reduce management costs.

San Dao stopped his analysis and looked at the dragon boy: "Well, actually we don't need to conflict with the ice owl. The giant intelligence potion is indeed suitable for big men, but there is no need to rush it."

"If we order the potion, we can get it half a month later."

Obviously, Sandao did not agree with the decision of the dragon boy and Zidi to share time in the Secret Medicine Chamber of Commerce.

In his opinion, this is irrational.

Zidi was silent, while the dragon boy looked calm.

Regarding the results of the blood test, only Zi Di, Longren Boy, and Cang Xu knew about it.

If Sandao knew the truth about the big man's bloodline, he would never think as he does now.

But the dragon boy would definitely not tell the truth about the blood test easily.

The dragon boy looked at the three swords and asked: "In your opinion, what should we do to better deal with the current situation?"

Sandao shook his head slightly: "Although our strength is relatively strong, it is easy to suffer losses when facing gangs."

"The reason is simple. We lack elite stalkers. Or thieves and assassins."

"Large-scale combat is impossible in Snowbird Harbor."

"It is impossible for the Bayonet Gang to do this. Their most likely action is to send stalkers to spy on us, steal, etc."

"It is also possible to kidnap and extort our lone members who are out."

"Starting tonight, we will be on full alert to prevent enemies from sneaking in to steal or destroy."

"In the next few days, we will try our best to restrain the members and keep them on the ship. But this can only be temporary."

"In the long run, the crew will have restlessness and other negative emotions. Sooner or later we will have to release these people."

"Only by releasing them can we take on the most mercenary missions and allow the entire Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to develop and grow."

In a city, apart from the thieves' guild, gangs have the largest number of thieves and assassins.

There is indeed a lack of such talent among the survivors.

Currently the closest positioning is San Dao. But none of his fighting skills allow him to remain invisible. His fighting style is to use agile movements and fast movement to fight head-on in a small and small area, seize loopholes, and disrupt the enemy's formation.

To sum up, San Dao's fighting style makes him quite competent in regular battles between mercenaries.

If the scope is expanded to include dragon and lion mercenary teams, and as far as stalkers are concerned, the most outstanding one is Xuma.

Xuma practiced the Dark Spider Walking Technique and practiced the matching fighting skills. He could sneak and eavesdrop, and he had certain combat capabilities. But Suma's bloodline is not outstanding. He is now at the Black Iron level, which is already the upper limit of his qualifications.

San Dao continued: "If we are lucky and can recruit one or two outstanding silver-level stalkers, we can alleviate the current situation."

"Actually, we have always needed such talents for investigation work. Although we have many alchemy puppets, there are still many scenarios where alchemy puppets cannot replace people, such as gathering intelligence."

Sandao's words made sense, and the dragon boy nodded repeatedly.

At the same time, the dragon boy's thinking developed and he looked at the participating Que Fan without any trace.

He thought of Que Fan's bloodline.

Que Fan has the blood of dark elves (drow), and dark elves can be said to be the most prolific race of stalkers in the main plane.

"But it takes too long to cultivate the bird fan. Now the distant water cannot quench the near thirst." The dragon boy thought to himself.

Zidi said at this time: "We don't have to fight. Maybe we can apologize? Since the Bayonet Gang is a local gangster in Snowbird Port, having a good relationship with them will also help us gain a foothold here and be more responsible for our future. The business activity coming down has helped.”

From Zidi's point of view, now that the giant intelligence potion has been obtained, it is used on the big man.

Then, there is nothing wrong with temporarily bowing to the Bayonet Gang.

Even if some compensation is paid, this is completely a drop in the bucket for the dragon and lion mercenary group.

If the two sides reach a settlement, with the protection and connections of the Bayonet Gang, Zidi's business here will be very smooth.

If you take a long-term view, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is equivalent to investing a sum of money, and you can earn more in the future!

However, everyone present fell silent in response to her suggestion.

Even the dragon boy was unconvinced.

The dragon boy looked at the others: "Tell me what you think?"

Lan Zao was the first to answer: "Sir, you are our leader, and your decision is the direction of our action!"

Blue Algae is a strong supporter of the Dragon Boy. Ever since he followed the Dragon Boy, his position has never wavered.

Fat Tongue said: "On the Mysterious and Monster Islands, if it hadn't been for the big man protecting our ship, everyone would have died under the tide of beasts. Before he died, the old shipwright entrusted the big man to I gave it to the group leader. The big man regards the group leader as his new father. It is completely reasonable and natural for a father to buy a potion for his son."

What Fat Tongue said was much more tactful and pleasant than what Lan Zao said.

He also clearly expressed his agreement with the dragon boy.

Muban frowned: "I'm more worried about other aspects."

"Since the Bayonet Gang has been here for many years, there must be many secret connections between them and the local Sheriff and City Guards of Snowbird Port."

"If they use the city guards to deal with us, it will be even more troublesome. If we don't handle it well, we will confront the officials of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, which is extremely detrimental to us."

Que Fan said: "If it really doesn't work, the worst we can do is leave Snowbird Port. This port is only one of the eight major ports in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. The Ice Sculpture Kingdom is vast and there is no need for us to get entangled in one place. We are free, we The situation is very tense. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

Everyone talked for a while, and only Bai Ya was left.

The dragon boy looked at Bai Ya: "What do you think? Bai Ya."

Bai Ya was a little nervous: "I, do I have to say it? Actually, I don't have any good ideas."

The dragon boy smiled and encouraged him: "Speak boldly, it doesn't matter if you are wrong, we are all our own people."

Bai Ya pondered for a while, but changed the subject: "Everyone knows that I am a hunter."

"When I could shoot arrows and kill rabbits, my father led me into the mountains and forests to hunt."

"One winter, the first snow had just fallen, and my father and I were getting ready to hunt."

"As soon as we entered the mountain forest, we found in a messy forest land the blood stains left by wild beasts and the marks left by their sharp claws on tree trunks and snow." jújíá?y.??m

"My father immediately stopped the hunt."

"I was confused and asked my father why he did this."

"My father told me that there is only one tiger in this mountain forest. Traces at the scene show that two tigers fought here."

"Obviously, one of the tigers is an outsider. It broke in and had a conflict with the owner here. We have to wait for this fight to end and wait until they decide the winner."

"Wait until this mountain forest calms down again and stabilizes before hunting again."

"My father warned me: We are all mortals. Even if we are fully armed, we cannot fight against the monsters. Let alone take advantage of the situation and take advantage. The injured and hungry monsters are more terrifying than usual! There is a difference between extraordinary and extraordinary. , we will never be its opponent.”

"We just make a living in this mountain forest, hunting some prey that we can eat."

"Don't take risks. Hunting itself is already very risky. What's the difference between taking more risks and begging for death? As men, once we die, what will happen to the family behind us?"

When Bai Ya said this, he changed the subject and expressed his own opinion: "I think our Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is a foreign beast. It will take a real battle before the beasts in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom will recognize us. We Only then are you qualified to truly establish yourself here.”

"Snowbird Harbor really isn't our only option."

"But it's the same everywhere."

"Are there no gangs in other ports? They are like mountains and forests, where there are always monsters entrenched in them, dividing their respective territories."

"This time, we provoked the Bayonet Gang. In fact, if we didn't provoke them, wouldn't they come to provoke us?"

"Even if there is no such contradiction, there will always be other people and other forces who will make things difficult for us and exclude us."

After Bai Ya finished speaking, everyone around him looked at him with admiration.

The dragon boy immediately clapped his hands and encouraged loudly: "What you said is very good, what you said is so right, Bai Ya!"

Bai Ya scratched his head, his face turned red at the praise.

The dragon boy looked around and raised his voice: "Just like Bai Ya said just now, our situation is like this."

"The Ice Sculpture Kingdom is very different from the Snake and Rat Island and Double-Eye Island we encountered before. It has been developed for too long, and the social class is stable. People of all kinds fill all walks of life. This is not an empty land. And we need to get enough living space. , we must compete with the indigenous people here."

"The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group needs an opponent to show others how powerful we are."

"The Bayonet Gang is strong, but it is not invincible."

"If we defeat them, we will reap the fruits of victory, which will be more abundant than defeating a weak enemy!"

"Besides, this is not the Battle of Double Eye Island, the Battle of Songfeng Island, or surviving on the Mysterious Island. The conflict between us and the Bayonet Gang is just a gold-level potion."

"This battle does not necessarily involve life and death, but it must determine the outcome."

"As long as we show our true strength, the Bayonet Gang will definitely be afraid of us. In this way, we can gain a foothold on our own."

Zong Ge looked thoughtfully at the dragon boy: "So, what is your specific plan?"

The dragon boy smiled slightly: "Early tomorrow morning, I will take action and challenge the leader of the Bayonet Gang to a heroic duel in public!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly had different expressions.

Zidi suddenly couldn't sit still: "Captain, you want to fight Fujituro? He is a senior gold level."

The dragon boy smiled even more, showing a strong fighting spirit: "Gold level... fighting against such an opponent is enough."

The dragon boy had fought against Ershazi before during the naval battle on Eye-Eye Island.

But the fight was rushed and not enjoyable at all.

This time there was an opportunity, and the dragon boy was very interested.

San Dao agreed: "This method is quite good. Even if you lose the battle, Captain, it doesn't matter. You are only a Silver-level one after all. But as long as you show your prestige, it will be enough to impress people and show the true qualities of our Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group." His strength is something that no one dares to underestimate from now on.”

Zong Ge once again focused on the information in his hand: "This battle can be fought."

"Fuji Toro is not a dim-eyed fighter. He was born in the military. His moves are concise and clear. His fighting style should be positional fighting and frontal fighting. And this is exactly the most suitable opponent for you, commander."

The dragon boy nodded: "Yes, I think so too."

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched the Grand Arena medal he was wearing.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.


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