Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 55: Scorpions chase

The sun fiercely bakes the tawny desert.

Under the abuse of the sun, the sand dunes could only collapse.

The air was distorted by the scorching heat. A man stepped on the hot sand step by step and moved forward slowly.

The man was thin, with bags under his eyes and a dull gaze. He was breathing heavily when walking, like a mechanical puppet.

He wasn't just a man, there was an unconscious man on his back.

The man being carried had his eyes closed. Even though he fell into a coma, his brows were still tightly knitted into a knot.

This was because he had an injury on his back, and the pain had been tormenting him.

In comparison, the comatose man is stronger and the walking man is thinner. Although they are physically different, their faces are very similar, showing their close blood relationship.

It is the brothers yellow algae and cyanobacteria.

Since they saw Zidi, Cangxu and others being trapped on the sand dunes by a group of lizards, the two brothers secretly escaped from the green-skinned lizard's nest at the insistence of Huang Zao.

But on the way, they still encountered stray lizards. In order to save Yellow Algae's life, Blue Algae risked his own life to block the spray of acid for his brother. As a result, Cyanobacteria was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The desert stretches as far as the eye can see, seemingly endless.

The yellow algae has been traveling for a long time carrying the cyanobacteria on its back.

He was thirsty and hungry, and his stomach had been growling for a while. What tortured him even more was the feeling of thirst.

His throat was almost smoking now, and his tightly closed lips were dry and cracked. Every time he breathed through his nose, the hot air was like lava pouring back into his throat.


The low and weak call of blue algae came to my ears.

Lan Zhao was still unconscious, and this call came entirely from his survival instinct.

The call broke Huang Zao's dazed state. He blinked, stopped and stood there.

Then, he held his brother firmly with one hand, and his other hand was free to touch Lan Zao's forehead.

The blue algae's forehead is hotter than the sand and gravel beneath its feet.

Huang Zao's heart also sank.

A blue-green algae coma and a high fever are definitely not a good sign.

Normally, when a patient's illness is too serious, he or she must seek magical treatment. The priests from the Temple of Life in the Shengming Empire are all very good at healing.

But now, the brothers are on this dangerous and unpredictable island, in the middle of the desert, without any trace of human beings. Where can they find the priests of the Temple of Life?

"Perhaps, I should have worked hard with my brother to save Miss Zidi. She has potions, and even if she doesn't, she can prepare them." Huang Zao thought of this, and felt a trace of regret in his heart.

But immediately, he shook his head secretly: "No, Miss Zidi, and Cangxu are dead. They are definitely dead now. They were eaten by the lizards, eaten into their stomachs, and then pulled out. No matter how beautiful they are People, no matter how noble they are, no matter how knowledgeable they are, no matter how young they are, are just a puddle of shit."

"I don't want to be a puddle of shit."

"Brother, you have to hold on." Huang Zao said silently in his heart.

He took steps and set off again.

"Water...water..." The blue algae still called from time to time, and the call became weaker and weaker.

Huang Zao wanted to smile bitterly, but he didn't have the strength to move the muscles on his face to make a bitter smile.

"I want water too, even if I have to exchange everything I have for it!" Huang Zao shouted in his heart.

"But isn't all our water used to clean your wounds? My brother."

"I swear, if I find water now, even if it is a lake, I dare to drink it dry!"

Huang Zao, who was secretly feeling cruel, was stunned on the spot the next moment.

Turning around the sand dunes in front of him, his field of vision suddenly widened, and an oasis actually appeared.

Huang Zao was stunned, and soon he reacted. His eyes widened and his mouth opened, showing a look of ecstasy.

he shouted.

"Oasis, it's an oasis!"

"Brother, we have water, we have water!!"

"Just like last time, we were teleported here and discovered the oasis. Now we encounter the oasis again."

"Hahaha. We are saved! Brother, we are saved."

The yellow algae carried the blue algae on its back and took steps towards the oasis at an unprecedented speed.

The ecstasy seemed to give him endless physical energy, and the originally heavy blue algae was as light as straw at this moment.

However, no matter how fast he ran, the distance between him and the oasis never shortened at all.

Suddenly, Huang Zao's legs softened and he fell onto the sand. The blue algae he was carrying also fell to the ground and rolled several times, but he was still unconscious.

Huang Zao raised his head, sand touched his face, but the oasis in his field of vision suddenly disappeared.

Huang Zao was stunned.

Because of the violent running just now, his chest kept rising and falling, and he was panting heavily.

"No, no!" Huang Zao knelt on the ground, holding his head in his hands and grabbing his hair, hoping that the despair that followed would make him even more miserable.

"This is not true, this is not true." He stretched out his hand, fingers spread out, and stretched in the direction where the oasis phantom once was, but he couldn't catch it.

"It's fake, it's fake..." Huang Zao ran out of energy.

The previous running had drained him of his last bit of energy, but because of his excitement, he ignored his true state.

In the end, he fell to the ground, which was also caused by his body being unable to bear it and breaking away.

Without an oasis, it turns out to be just a mirage.

nothing at all.

The sun is still hot and intense, the desert is vast, and the yellow algae in it is like a small insect.

Insignificant, pitiful, ridiculous.

The brother he once thought he relied on was unconscious and lying motionless on the sand not far away.

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of helplessness enveloped Huang Zao's body and mind.

He finally felt the pressure of surviving alone with great clarity, and he could no longer resist it with his previous dazed state.



"Don't be afraid." Huang Zao told himself.


"I can't seem to breathe..." The next moment, Huang Zao grabbed the clothes on his chest.

Fear, helplessness, desolation, sadness and other emotions were so strong that they blocked his chest, throat, mouth and nose, almost suffocating him!

"I, I don't want to die..." Finally, Huang Zao cried loudly.

Whoop, whoop, whoop...

Zhen Jin's chest rose and fell violently, and he was breathing heavily.

His current condition is also very bad. The injury on his arm has not improved under Zidi's treatment. The wound has turned into pus, and his whole body is running a low fever.

Although water and food were provided to him first, it was not enough to eat and drink at all.

So he was still hungry.

Whether it was hunger, thirst or injury, his limbs felt weak.

But now these are all forgotten by Zhen Jin, and he focuses all his attention on the enemy in front of him.

The person confronting him was the silver-level monster, the leader of the Golden Spear Scorpion group.

After successfully breaking through and getting rid of the green-skinned lizard, Zhenjin's worries quickly turned into reality.

Led by their leader, the scorpion group killed the lizard group and then pursued Zhenjin and others.

The exploration team could not match the speed of these horse-sized giant scorpions, and was quickly overtaken.

Zhenjin had no choice but to step forward and confront the leader of the scorpion group.

This is not the fourth confrontation.

The two sides are still evenly matched.

The Silver War Scorpion hissed and backed away slowly. After some distance, it turned and left.

It has a few new scars on its body, all of which are made of needle gold.

But the scorpion shell was really too hard. Even if Zhen Jin slashed with all his strength, he still couldn't completely cut through the carapace.

"If I can activate the fighting spirit, whether it increases my own strength or attaches it to the weapon to add sharpness, I can kill this scorpion." Zhen Jin sighed inwardly.

Seeing the Spear Scorpion leader retreating, the others did not cheer, and all looked solemn.

At first, for the first time, they saw Zhenjin forcing back the leader of the scorpion group, and they cheered. But then they discovered that the silver monster did not really leave, but was followed by Zhen Jin surrounded by the scorpions.

Every once in a while, after the leader of the scorpion group seems to have regained his breath, he rushes forward again and starts a one-on-one fight with Zhen Jin.

The repeated fierce battles made Zhenjin very tired.

He had consumed too much physical strength and energy. After joining Zidi, Cang Xu and others, he never had a real rest.

But he didn't dare to show it at all, lest the scorpion crowd would see his weakness and swarm him.

Zhenjin can barely fight against the leader of the scorpion group, but once a full-scale war breaks out, he will be unable to protect himself, let alone protect others.

"Sir, please let me check your injuries. Find Shuyuan" Seeing the end of the battle, Zidi immediately came to Zhenjin and carefully inspected Zhenjin's wounds.

There were many new wounds on Zhen Jin's body, some were corroded by acid, but most were caused by the leader of the scorpion group.

She took out the potion and sprinkled it on Zhenjin's wound.

However, she was helpless about the injury on Zhen Jin's arm.

The girl frowned and shook her head: "Sir, the injury on your arm is getting worse. My medicine has no effect on it. Alas, if there are enough materials, maybe I can prepare a medicine to alleviate the injury."

Zhen Jin patted the back of the girl's hand with a gentle attitude and said with a smile: "Miss Zidi, you have done a good enough job. My strength allows me to have a body far beyond that of ordinary people. Once there is a trauma, efficient medicine is needed. It has a therapeutic effect. But the low-level potions here are completely useless."

"The effect of the herbs you created is amazing. You have tried your best."

The girl was silent for a while, and then analyzed with a serious face: "Actually, the golden gun of the scorpion has no poison. Although the wound on the adult's arm is large, it is enough to heal by relying on the adult's own recovery power. But now, we can't get rid of it. Scorpion swarm. Sir, you have to fight continuously with the leader of the scorpion swarm, constantly squeezing the energy and stamina in your body. Every fierce battle pulls the wound, there is no rest at all, and no time to recover."

"Yes, sir, if this continues, we may die in the hands of these scorpions." Someone interrupted.

The others were also worried.

Everyone can see that Zhen Jin's condition is getting worse and worse.

In the current situation, everyone relies on needle gold to survive. If Zhenjin falls, even if they resist with all their strength, they will only become the meal of the scorpions.

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