Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 275: Absorbing experience and dragon corpse

The night is like a gauze, shrouding the pier of Snowbird Harbor. The waves are like a mother's gentle hands, gently lapping at the hull, as if soothing a baby to sleep.

On the Love Triangle, the flagship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, the Dragon Man boy was alone in the training room, fiddling with his Grand Arena medal.

Different from the previous situation, the Grand Arena Medal now emits a slight white light, giving people a feeling of fullness.

The dragon boy speculated: "This should be due to the battle during the day, and the medal absorbed a lot of combat experience."

He held the Grand Arena Medal, mobilized his spirit, and absorbed the large amount of combat experience contained in it.

This step was not new to him.

When I was trying to figure out how to use the Grand Arena Medal, I tried it many times.

The difference is that this time the medal instilled in him more experience than ever before.

It took a full 5 minutes for him to absorb all the experience.

Then he rested for another 3 minutes before he recovered.

This is other people's combat experience, not the dragon boy's own.

Therefore, when he absorbs external experience, it will have a certain impact on himself.

Use the Grand Arena Medal with caution and not abuse it.

This is not a shortcoming of the Grand Arena Medal, because most things in this world require relaxation. Excessive use can cause harm, even to money.

The absorption mechanism of the Grand Arena Medal prevents the user from using it at every opportunity during battles.

This was also the reason why the dragon boy did not use the Grand Arena Medal for on-the-spot improvement during the battle with Spring Boxer.

The dragon boy sat cross-legged on the floor, slowly closed his eyes, and carefully comprehended the experience he had just absorbed.

There is very little combat experience from Banlangen. In the battle with the dragon boy, his support time was too short and he didn't really display his defensive fighting skills. The dragon boy successfully attacked and KO'd him with one punch.

Almost all combat experience comes from Springfist.

Which probably shifted the experience.

The other part is related to the fighting skills he displayed. Projectile punch, spiral fist style, random bullet punch, rebound kick, etc.

The last little part is his experience of using the alchemical springs on his body. This part of the content is of relatively low value to the dragon boy.

The dragon boy recalled this part of his experience as if he had been transformed by alchemy, with his elbows and knees replaced by alchemical springs.

This obviously conflicts with his past memories and self-perception.

Fortunately, this memory had little impact on him, and it did not confuse him with others, experience with reality.

"Let's try mobile dash first."

The dragon boy stood up and began to move around in the practice room.

This training room is the largest cabin on the Love Triangle.

It was used inadvertently by the former leader of the Applause Pirate Group.

An alchemy puppet is placed in the training room. This alchemy puppet has thick skin and thick flesh. It can absorb the mana in the mana pool and increase its own defense. Not only that, it also has certain self-healing capabilities. It was used by Kuli as a punching target.

The dragon boy did not use this alchemy puppet, but attacked everywhere in the surrounding space.

Bang bang bang.

The dragon boy's body was majestic and heavy, and every time his feet stepped on the floor, they made a dull sound like a drum.

But this sound cannot be transmitted out. The practice room itself will have internal and external sound insulation.

The simple movement and thrust felt different to the dragon boy from before.

He constantly reflects on the experiences he has absorbed.

The content from Spring Boxer's experience is like the images in an old yellowed photo, gradually becoming brighter, clearer and more vivid.

The dragon boy kept adjusting and made rapid progress.

Both Spring Boxer and Dragon Boy have worked hard on sudden movement. It has a solid foundation in itself. It is very convenient for Dragon Boy to absorb experience in this area, and the conversion rate is also very high.

After more than ten minutes, the dragon boy stopped.

He made full use of this part of his experience.

The improvement brought to him is also visible to the naked eye.

If he was just familiar with it before, now he can be regarded as practice makes perfect.

In the past, he felt that he had no energy left to do this kind of conflict. Now I can move with ease, I can pause calmly, and I can turn and change directions more easily and freely.

The dragon boy began to display riot fighting skills.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the noise made by the dragon boy was more than ten times louder than before.

However, the standards of this training room are quite high, and the overall materials used are silver-grade. They not only absorb sound, but can also eliminate strong vibrations without transmitting them to the outside world.

While performing riot fighting skills, the dragon boy absorbed combat experience and made adjustments at the same time.

His progress is visible to the naked eye.

If anyone witnesses this process at this time, it will be obvious that the dragon boy's sudden progress has been made.

Before, he used the power of the explosion to charge forward and hit hard, and his burly and heavy dragon body was like a heavy cannonball.

But now, his movements are a little more light and jumping than before.

Although his speed has not increased, his flexibility and control over himself have improved a lot.

The dragon boy kept practicing and gradually became addicted to it.

It wasn't until half an hour later that he felt that his progress was no longer so obvious, and he stopped regretfully.

He absorbed this part of the experience completely.

The dragon boy fell into reflection.

"Next, what I need to practice more is how to control the power of explosions when performing riot fighting skills."

"Before, it was an average development with the same level. Now my physical skills have improved a lot, and this part has become a shortcoming."

"As long as this part improves, my sudden transfer will be greatly improved again."

"Who is practicing riot fighting skills?"

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. The young dragon man realized the great convenience brought by the Grand Arena Medal. The first thing he thought of was to find an opponent suitable for him to fight and directly gain the opponent's experience.

"The next step is the Spring Boxer's fighting skills."

The dragon boy began to try to practice the four fighting skills of Spring Boxer.

These fighting skills are widely circulated and are detailed in the database of war criminals.

Spring Boxer is a soldier and has no family roots.

These fighting skills come from extraordinary beings with rubber bloodline.

In the process of training, they gradually created and improved fighting skills such as projectile punch, random bullet punch, rebound kick and so on.

Springfist only chose these practices because they matched him.

Although it was the first time for the dragon boy to practice these fighting skills, he soon achieved results.

The difficulty of getting started is very low. From the beginning to the end, the dragon boy never failed. It was as if he had practiced it a long time ago, only delayed it for a while, and now started to practice it again.

The hardest part is just getting started, and the next step is to keep practicing so that your body remembers it.

The dragon boy did not continue to have in-depth contact, he only tried briefly.

The dragon boy's body structure is very different from that of Spring Boxer, and he does not have rubber blood.

"The fighting technique that is most suitable for my dragon form is Randanquan."

"Even so, this fighting skill is more suitable for spring boxers and is less compatible with me."

What the dragon boy plans to practice is another fighting skill - machine gun boxing!

The actual combat effects of the two are very similar, both improve the attack effect by increasing the frequency of punches.

The inner methods of exerting force and the operation of fighting skills are also very similar.

This is because the Machine Gun Bullet Dog is an improved version of the Ran Bullet Fist.

An extraordinary strong man with rubber blood who likes to wear red vests improved the machine gun bullet fist on the basis of random bullet boxing.

And it was the machine gun that inspired him.

This is an innovative weapon that has only emerged in the arms market in recent years.

Compared with the random bullet punch, the machine gun bullet punch is more suitable for the dragon boy, while the situation of the spring boxer is the opposite.

The dragon boy began to focus on practicing machine gun bullet boxing.

He quickly got the hang of it, and after performing it many times in a row, he became very proficient, as if he had practiced hard for three to five years.

At this point, he had digested most of this battle experience.

The rest, being of less value to him, he traded wisely.

"If you have the opportunity in the future, you can also compete with Spring Boxer again."

The Grand Arena Medal has brought too much improvement to the dragon boy. The time and energy saved by the dragon boy are very considerable.

After finishing his training, the dragon boy opened the hatch of the training room and secretly came to the bottom cabin.

Zidi is already waiting there.

Today, the dragon boy spent the day in battle.

Zidi visited the major markets in Snowbird Port and purchased a large amount of alchemy materials.

The naval battle on Eye Island brought a lot of cash to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Snowbird Port is one of the eight major ports in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. As early as yesterday's market survey, Zidi discovered that the materials here are very complete, and both quality and quantity far exceed those of Double Eye Island.

"Master Captain, these are the three dragon corpses I purchased today."

"Their positions in the bloodline map are all located downstream of the Flame Dragon King's bloodline."

"This is the Red Tamer Dragon, this is the Hammer Dragon, and this is the abdominal part of the Sea Oil Dragon."

The red dragon has a slender tail and is the smallest, only slightly larger than a normal carriage.

Hammersaurus has a short and fat body, and its skin is yellow-green. The most obvious feature is the spherical protrusion on its tail, which looks like a round hammer.

The Sea Oil Dragon is the largest of the three. Even if it is only the abdomen, it occupies much more space than the first two.

As can be seen from this abdomen, the dark blue dragon skin of the Sea Oil Dragon has no dragon scales and the surface is very smooth.

The dragon's skin is two feet thick.

There is rich fat under the dragon's skin. The fat is layered and spreads all the way, wrapping the internal organs and exuding oil.

It is said that in some giant tribes, the giants will tame the red dragon. The latter's position is equivalent to that of a hunting dog.

Hammer Dragon is a herbivorous sub-dragon species with a gentle temper. Only when it encounters a powerful enemy and faces life-threatening danger will it swing its tail and unleash a powerful attack.

The sea oil dragon usually breeds and lives in the deep sea and rarely moves in shallow seas. Therefore, it is very difficult to catch it. However, people still keep trying to catch it.

Because its economic value is very high.

The fat in the sea oil dragon's body can refine the unique fire oil, which is a very versatile energy source. It occupies a very important position in the energy structure of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

The Ice Sculpture Kingdom has been looking for ways to breed sea oil dragons on a large scale. Notices from major forces seeking large sums of money have been posted for more than five hundred years.

The dragon boy absorbed the three dragon corpses one by one.

The Red Dragon Tamer brought changes to his calves and feet.

The dragon boy can transform his feet and calves into the form of a red dragon tamer.

Compared to his previous thick feet, the Red Dragon Tamer's feet were slimmer. The toes spread out like petals, and the front part of the toes has hooks like eagle claws.

The dragon boy tried it out and found it was lackluster.

The dragon boy preferred his previous form, which could give full play to his power.

The Red Dragon Tamer's lower legs and feet have slender bones, which don't match the upper body of the dragon boy, and it looks weird.

However, there is one thing to say, the eagle claws on the front of the toes of the red dragon are very convenient for climbing and tearing.

An adult red dragon can use the hooks of its toes to grasp rock surfaces and climb freely on cliffs.

But this point of use is not currently needed by the dragon boy.

The corpse of the hammer dragon brought about the changes in the young dragon man Dragon Tail. He can now transform the end of his dragon tail into a round hammer form.

The dragon boy swung his tail and found that this change had great development potential, but it required practice and a lot of hard work before it could be applied in actual combat.

Before that, rash changes would drag him down.

The dragon corpse of Haiyoulong only adds fat to him. This point is too trivial to mention.

The dragon boy didn't have much expectations for this, so he couldn't be disappointed.

For him, the real value of these three dragon corpses is that they can improve the integrity of the Flame Dragon King's bloodline.

After three dragon corpses, the concentration of Flame Dragon King's blood in the dragon boy's body had officially increased to 34%.

"I also bought a lot of excellent alchemical medicines today. Tonight, I will refine some better medicines, which should be able to help you in the battle tomorrow."

The dragon boy nodded: "Although I won two games in a row today, the Bayonet Gang will definitely respond. Tomorrow will be a challenge!"

Zidi continued: "In addition, we have gained another piece of information about Fujituro."

"His bloodline is holly bloodline, and he has both ice and wood attributes. His fighting skills are more inclined to ice attributes."

"I suggest that the leader can absorb some of the white dragon's blood before challenging him."

There are some white dragon communities in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, as well as a large number of white dragon subspecies.

The most common white dragon species is the hoarfrost dragon.

If the dragon boy absorbs the blood of the white dragon, his cold resistance will be greatly improved, which will be very helpful against Fujituro.

"Finally, I also investigated some talents in Snowbird Port." Zidi handed the dragon boy a list. The list said that these names were listed. They were basically alchemists, and there was an outstanding one. Silver level thief.

The dragon boy carefully read the brief introduction of each character: "You can have further contact with them and increase the investigation intensity."

Zidi reminded: "If you, Captain, can show your strength and grace as much as possible in the subsequent battles, the difficulty of recruiting these talents will be reduced."

The dragon boy laughed: "I will try my best!"

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