Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 277: Dragon Server vs Bear Saw One

Not long after the dragon boy walked out of the dock, Banlangen, one of the six leaders of the Bayonet Gang, appeared in front of him.

The latter came here specifically to deliver the news. He informed the dragon boy that Xiong Saw was already waiting for him in the duel field.

The Duel Arena is a very common building in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

The Ice Sculpture Kingdom is very martial, and both the top and the bottom are accustomed to using the duel field to resolve daily disputes, huge conflicts, and bloody feuds.

There are more than a dozen dueling grounds in Snowbird Port alone, large and small.

The duel site selected by the Bayonet Gang is called "Snowbird Dueling Ground", and it is the largest dueling site in Snowbird Port.

The dragon boy hasn't arrived yet, but the Snowbird Duel Arena is already filled with people.

All six leaders of the Bayonet Gang were present, and Springfist, the dwarf leader, and the human leader were all seated.

The leaders or representatives of the large and small forces in Snowbird Port also found the top seats.

In addition, there are a large number of passers-by and busybodies, who are filing in from the four gates of the duel field.

The duel arena never charges tickets, and there are even magical images outside the duel arena that are constantly playing to promote the battle between Bear Saw and Dragon Clothes.

This attracted more people to watch the duel.

"This time the Bayonet Gang directly used the Snowbird Dueling Ground. What a generous move!"

"I said when we were drinking last night, the Bayonet Gang will never sit still and wait for death."

"The betting market outside has been set up. I bet on the leader of the dragon server to win."

"I put 10 gold coins on Xiong Saw's body."

People were interacting with each other and the atmosphere was lively.

The residents of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom are very familiar with duels and are keen to participate.

It is precisely with such a mass base that heroic duels have always been the best shortcut to expand one's influence and make a name for oneself.

The Snowbird Duel Arena is an oval in shape, with more than a dozen steps, and a large sandy area in the middle of the venue.

Various vendors wander between the steps, selling their food and drinks.

"Chicken kebabs cost 1 copper coin for 5 skewers, and a handful of snowflake candy costs 1 copper coin."

"Give me 10 rock candies."

"Want a drink? Orange juice from Magic Kitchen Iron. A medium cup only costs 1 copper coin, a large cup costs 2 copper coins, and an extra large cup costs 2.5 copper coins."

"Bring me a small glass of orange juice."

"Sorry sir, we only have medium, large and extra large cups here."

"This is the smallest cup I'm talking about."

"Sorry sir, this is a medium cup."

"I don't care how you classify it, I just want this small cup, do you understand?"

"Sorry sir, this is a medium cup!"

Bang bang bang!

The customer was angered, stood up suddenly, raised his palms and shouted.

After the beverage vendor was slapped several times, he reacted, yelled, and started fighting with the customers.

The two men beat each other, which attracted cheers and cheers from the people around them.

"Yes, hit him in the face!"

"Kick his ass!"

"Oh oh oh! Bite him, bite him below!!"

No one tried to stop it.

Most people regarded the pair of fighting men as appetizers before a big meal.

The martial spirit of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is evident.

Suddenly someone cheered, and the movement attracted more people to look at it, and then more and more people roared with excitement. ???

Thousands of eyes were focused on the entrance to the duel arena.

There, the dragon boy, Lan Zao, Chi Lai, and Men Shi were slowly coming.

Seeing that the protagonist of the duel finally arrived, the customers and vendors who were beating each other immediately stopped fighting.

The vendor's face was beaten until his face was as swollen as a pig's head, and the customers clearly had the upper hand.

The vendor covered his face and gasped: "You win, you have the final say, do you still want a drink?"

The customer nodded and took out a copper coin: "Bring me a small glass of orange juice."

The vendor took out the orange juice, took the money, and turned around to continue his business.

The workers at the duel field met the dragon boy and his group.

Later, Lan Zao, Meng Shi and Chi Lai were introduced to the relatives and friends table.

The dragon boy walked alone into the center of the field, where Bear Saw was already waiting.

The two sides are getting closer and closer.

The distance shortened to about 5 meters, and the dragon boy stopped.

Neither party spoke first.

Each other's images are reflected in their pupils.

The dragon boy looked at Xiong Saw.

He is a bear-man, with the head of a bear and the body of a man, and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

There is a huge cross scar on the bear's face, which is covered with black fur.

Bear Saw's physique is particularly burly, slightly taller than the dragon boy.

This is not to say that the bear man is taller than the dragon man, but that the young dragon man is much younger than the bear saw.

The dragon boy is not yet a young man, but Bear Saw is already a complete adult.

In contrast to Xiong Zao's huge body, the dragon boy's physique appeared thin for the first time.

The dragon boy observed Xiong Saw, his eyes resting on the weapons and equipment carried by the latter.

Bear Saw wears an epaulette on his right arm.

A one-handed hammer hung from his belt.

On his back was a huge hacksaw. If the sharp teeth on both sides of the hacksaw were removed, it would be almost like a two-handed sword.

Bear Saw wore a leather armor.

With his physique and huge strength, he can wear iron armor.

But Xiong Saw is a member of the Bayonet Gang. In his daily life, he almost always lives in the streets.

Wearing an armor all day will consume a lot of energy, and it is also very inconvenient to move around in a small space.

The leather armor is just right.

Take into account both defense and agility.

Generally speaking, gang members are basically leather armor.

Compared with Bear Saw's full armor, the dragon boy was almost empty-handed.

But the red dragon scales on his body are very eye-catching and set off his tough and calm temperament, making people dare not look down upon him.

The dragon boy still brought some equipment.

On his lower back were two alchemy crossbows.

On his back was a large quiver filled with alchemy arrows.

The two alchemical crossbows are both silver-grade and come from the arsenal of war criminals.

Of course, he also had the Grand Arena Medal and the gold chain mail, but these were all concealed and disguised so that no one else could detect them.

When the dragon boy was looking at Xiong Saw, Xiong Saw was also observing him.

Xiong Saw, who was usually rough and bold, now looked serious and serious.

Xiong Saw was very cautious when dealing with the dragon boy in front of him.

Because he is very aware of the responsibilities and burdens he shoulders!

Although he is the third bayonet gang leader to challenge, but for the bayonet gang, it is best for him to be the last one.

Because the other bosses, such as the human bosses, dwarf bosses and demon hybrids, are not as powerful as Bear Saw.

Bear Saw has everyone's support, he is fully armed and in peak condition, but if he loses to the dragon boy in this battle, then the other three bosses will basically be unable to defeat their opponents.

They don't have this strength.

"I must win this battle. Only by defeating him in public can I regain the reputation of my Bayonet Gang!"

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