Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 279: Competing Equipment

"Dragon suit! I don't believe I can't get rid of one of your dragon scales. Come over here and let me chop it!" Xiong Saw roared, with a ruthless look on his face, launching an even more wild and violent attack.

The dragon boy chose to avoid its sharp edge, took the initiative to retreat, and used every opportunity to counterattack in the gaps between dodges.

He quickly adapted to Bear Saw's new offensive, and the number of times he was attacked immediately dropped.

On the one hand, everyone watching the battle was shocked by Bear Saw's offensive, and on the other hand, they were also surprised by the dragon boy's skillful evasive movements.

"He's like jumping on the blade." The bearded dwarf admired.

Spring Boxer sighed deeply: "I didn't expect that when Master Longfu fought with me, even when we moved and turned, we didn't use all our strength."

He didn't know that this was actually his contribution.

Even though he deeply hated the dragon boy's colorful roots, he had to admit the former's excellence at this moment: "The riot fighting skills used by the dragon suit actually gave me a feeling of lightness. Under such an arrogant offensive by Xiong Saw, it is difficult for anyone to do as well as He's so at ease."

The Grand Arena Medal is really very practical. Who would have thought that the dragon boy couldn't do it to this extent before yesterday?

Relying on the combat experience from Spring Boxer, the dragon boy sharpened his gun in battle one night and made a qualitative breakthrough in dodging and maneuvering.

The female elf adjusted her black-rimmed glasses and said calmly: "Although Bear Saw has the upper hand now, if this situation continues, it will be more beneficial to the dragon server."

"That's right." The human father on the side agreed. "Although Bear Saw's offensive is fierce and shocking, it is completely useless if it cannot hit the opponent. In terms of consumption, Bear Saw has much more power than Dragon Server."

The number of times the bear saw struck the dragon boy was getting less and less, which made him irritated.

"Dragon suit, you have the guts to challenge me head-on. Are you timid? You can only hide around, what's the use of you!?"

The dragon boy responded calmly: "Xiong Saw, I am just carefully observing your fighting methods. This is out of respect for you. If you misunderstand, then I will officially fight back."

Xiong Saw was overjoyed when he heard this, but the next moment, he saw the dragon boy retreating further and holding an alchemy crossbow in each hand.

The dragon boy skillfully attached the arrow.

The next moment, alchemy arrows flew out.

Bear Saw quickly dodged, but his sensitivity was not high.

The dragon boy's archery skills are also very superb, and his arrows almost never miss.

After being shot more than a dozen times, Xiong Saw finally recognized the reality.

He used the Golden Flower Hacksaw as a shield, blocking it in front of him, and then used the fighting skill [Savage Crash] again to rush towards the dragon boy.

His tactical intention was very obvious, which was to close the distance between him and the dragon boy.

Seeing Bear Saw attacking him, the dragon boy was very calm. He retreated while shooting alchemy arrows.

The arrow hit Xiong Saw's body, and elemental sparks of different colors exploded.

The speed of the bear saw was not disturbed much.

But at this moment, the dragon boy suddenly shot a silver-level slow arrow.

The arrow hit Bear Saw, and Bear Saw's speed immediately dropped by 30%.

The distance that he finally shortened began to be lengthened by the dragon boy.

Xiongzao roared anxiously.

As if in response to his roar, the dragon boy shot another silver-level alchemy arrow.

This time it's a hemp arrow.

After the bear was hit by the arrow, electric current was flowing all over his body, and all the muscles in his body were numbed by the electricity.

At this moment, he lost his mobility and stagnated in place, trembling slightly.

The dragon boy took the opportunity to completely distance the two sides.

Xiong Saw's tactics failed, which also made him realize completely: he must block the alchemy arrows of the dragon boy, otherwise he would have no chance to get close to the opponent.

The dragon boy shot the third arrow.

This time it's Baiyin Bureau's poisonous arrow.

After the bear saw the arrow, his vision suddenly dimmed, and purple bubbles popped out of the corners of his mouth every time he took a breath.

Bear Saw had just recovered from the paralysis caused by the electric current, and became groggy due to the poisoning.

The audience were all shocked when they saw this.

"I didn't expect Long Fu to be an expert with arrows."

Spring Boxer felt ashamed: "Master Longfu's archery skills are so strong. I misunderstood him before and thought that his ability to fight at a distance was weak, so I deliberately provoked and dragged me into close combat."

In fact, the dragon boy rarely showed his archery skills since the Mysterious Island.

This is because his superb archery skills essentially come from his bloodline.

The Golden Needle Queen is a legendary monster. The dragon boy's human form contains 18% of the legendary blood of the Golden Needle Queen. This bloodline gives him the talent for precision.

The dragon boy has been in dragon form since he left the Mysterious Island.

In this state, the bloodline of the Flame Dragon King banned the bloodline of the Golden Needle Queen, causing his archery talent to disappear. ???

That's why he rarely shoots arrows.

The reason why he is using it now is because he secretly used the blood core.

His current state is the superposition of two bloodlines.

This is one of the uses of the blood core that the dragon boy discovered on the Mysterious Island - compound mutation!

The mutation is powerful, but it also has a huge drawback, that is, the blood core magic energy consumed will be very intense.

Under the storm of arrows from the dragon boy, Bear Saw was completely at a disadvantage.

All the spectators were filled with emotion.

"Who could have imagined that this would be a situation like this. In just a short time, Xiong Zao, who has always been favored by most people, has fallen into a state of being beaten."

"I heard that there is an arms smuggler behind the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Let's not talk about anything else. Just look at the actual combat effect of his alchemy arrows. They are indeed powerful. If you have the opportunity, you can purchase them in large quantities."

Many spectators could see that the alchemy arrows he used played a large role in creating such a battle situation.

"It's a pity that Long Fu is not a real archer yet. Many of the arrows he shot interfered with each other and did not exert their maximum power."

Archers are fighters who specialize in using long-range weapons. They practice unique and corresponding fighting skills, so that under continuous shooting, the power of arrows will not cancel each other out, but can cooperate with each other to achieve an increase of 1+1\u003e2. .

From a certain perspective, this is similar to releasing a spell.

In a VIP room, the human leader of the Bayonet Gang finally couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help shouting: "Idiot, why don't you use the wandering full-body armor I gave you!!"

The leader of the human race used fighting skills directly, and the sound was like a loud bell.

There are no rules strictly prohibiting reminders in the duel arena, so this move by the leader of the human race is not considered a violation.

The requirement for the reminder is that his voice can cover the noise in the audience and accurately reach the ears of the duelists.

Xiong Saw heard the roar of the human leader, and he suddenly reacted with excitement.

The anxious fire in his heart weakened a little, and he immediately used the wandering body armor.

The Wandering Armor looks like an epaulette and hangs from his shoulders. But after being infused with fighting spirit, Wandering's full body armor suddenly spurted out a large stream of light blue water.

The water flow was like silk, quickly covering Bear Saw's whole body, but exposing his eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth.

When the alchemist designed this protective gear, he fully considered the actual situation of the fighter during combat.

Many fighters need to fully mobilize their senses when fighting.

In addition to the vision provided by the eyes, the nostrils provide the sense of smell and the ears provide hearing.

Many times, fighters need to open their mouths wide and display unique fighting skills.

Xiong Saw's whole body was wrapped in water.

When the dragon boy's alchemy arrows hit him again, they were blocked by this layer of light blue water armor.

The alchemical arrows produced various elemental explosions, and waves arose on the surface of the water armor.

The water flow was rapidly depleted, and the surface of Bear Saw's body was temporarily exposed in many places.

But the next moment, water flowed out continuously from the epaulettes of Wandering's full body armor, quickly filling the previous holes.

This is a unique piece of armor that can quickly repair itself at any time!

Seeing this, the dragon boy immediately changed the type of alchemy arrow.

He no longer uses elemental arrows, but chooses armor-piercing arrows and heavy-hitting arrows.

But after these arrows hit the water armor, the surface of the water armor immediately flowed, completely deflecting the arrows one by one.

The defensive effect of Wandering Armor is extraordinary.

It has a good restraint effect on both types of alchemical arrows.

The dragon boy's arrows could no longer bring the threat they had before to Xiong Saw.

However, the dragon boy did not choose to stop shooting at all. Instead, he shot more and more frequently.

The human leader has used this epaulette many times.

Wandering's full-body armor helped him survive many critical moments.

Such important information has been learned by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group a long time ago.

The dragon boy's choice at this time was undoubtedly a wise one.

Although the Bearsaw defense is excellent, it is not without consumption.

Although the wandering full-body armor is convenient, it will consume a lot of Bear Saw's fighting spirit when it sprays water and constantly repairs the armor.

On the other hand, the dragon boy, every time he used an alchemy arrow, he only used a little bit of fighting spirit to successfully trigger the arrow.

This exchange is obviously beneficial to the dragon boy.

Of course, it's not without its drawbacks.

The cost of each alchemy arrow is high, especially the silver-level arrows are even higher.

In comparison, the cost of the bear saw is very low. It only takes one day for his fighting spirit to be fully restored.

From another perspective, the dragon boy used money to attack and deliberately lowered Xiong Saw's fighting spirit reserves.

"Dragon suit, you damn guy! Give me a hammer!!" After Xiong Saw used the wandering full-body armor, his head became brighter.

He directly took out the one-handed hammer hanging from his belt and threw it directly.

Regarding this hammer, the dragon boy did not know the detailed information.

Because this piece of equipment was secretly refined by the dwarf leader and has not yet been completely completed.

This time, I lent the bear saw to participate in the duel, which was considered the hammer's first public appearance.

The little thunder god's flying hammer whizzed and whirled, hitting the dragon boy.

The dragon boy dodged easily.

But the next moment, the hammer was controlled by Xiong Saw's mind, flew out of the circle, and hit the dragon boy on the back of the head.

The dragon boy had no choice but to dodge again.

After dodging this time, he used a riot punch and slammed the hammer to the ground.

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