Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 282: Huge advantage

In addition to the skyrocketing linear speed of the dragon boy, his direction change speed was even faster.

Because smoke-belching mounds can grow on his elbows, palms, back, legs, and even the soles of his feet.

This allows him to push himself in all directions.

In the past, he was far from being able to do this.

In the past, he could only use two smoke ring mounds behind his back at the same time. If he used more, he would not be able to control them.

After absorbing the experience from the battle with Spring Boxer, the dragon boy's ability to move and turn has been greatly improved.

This gave him enough power to control the third smoke ring.

Since the beginning of the war, Bear Saw has never been in such a predicament!

He was so ashamed and angry that he couldn't bear it.

After the dragon boy's speed increased dramatically, the battle rhythm also increased dramatically.

Bear Saw couldn't adapt to this rhythm. Under the constant raids of the dragon boy, it was difficult for him to use fighting skills.

This kind of battle gave him a feeling of complete depression.

Xiong Saw was so angry that he raised his head and roared, straightened his body violently, and wielded the golden hacksaw, sweeping across the surrounding area fiercely.

He wanted to use this to force the young dragon warrior and create space for him to regain his strength.

But it was obvious that he was overthinking it.

This kind of big move is definitely full of flaws in the eyes of the dragon boy.

In an instant, the dragon boy kicked the ground violently. His body was straight, almost clinging to the floor tiles, and he flew out.

Like a giant arrow shot from a bed crossbow.

The next moment, the dragon boy hit with all his strength and hit Xiong Saw's calf.

Xiong Saw was hit and his calves flew backwards. He suddenly lost his footing and was tripped by the dragon boy.

The young dragon man took the opportunity to use his fighting skill explosive punch, sending the bear saw flying away.

Xiong Saw's feet were two meters high off the ground.

His body was very heavy and he fell quickly.

But the next moment, the dragon boy appeared directly under Xiong Saw.

Xiong Saw realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't use his strength in mid-air and couldn't adjust his posture in time.

The dragon boy struck with both fists.

Fighting skill - blasting punch!

Although the power of the blasting fist was blocked by Wandering's full-body armor, the remaining strength still allowed Bear Saw to continue to soar into the air just after falling a little.

The dragon boy kicked the ground with all his strength, and rings appeared on the soles of his feet, spraying yellow fire.

A strong explosive force was immediately generated on the soles of his feet, and combined with the rising power of his thigh and calf muscles, his entire body was lifted into the air like a rocket.

Xiong Saw finally adjusted his posture in mid-air.

He looked down at the dragon boy who rushed up, held the golden hacksaw tightly in both hands, raised it above his head, and then slashed at the dragon boy fiercely.

This posture is extremely suitable for displaying fighting skills and splitting mountains.

The fighting rhythm of the dragon boy is too fast, and if Xiong Saw uses fighting skills forcefully, it will inevitably expose greater flaws.

However, even if it is an ordinary vertical slash, as a gold-level weapon, the Golden Flower Hacksaw still has good attack power.

Facing the golden hacksaw that was attacking, rings and mounds suddenly appeared on the dragon boy's left shoulder, left arm, left leg, etc.

A total of five rings, large and small, clicked together, generating huge kinetic energy and pushing the dragon boy out instantly.

The dragon boy easily avoided the attack of Golden Flower Hacksaw, and was so fast that he disappeared from Xiong Saw's sight again.

When Xiong Saw found the dragon boy, the latter had already rushed to his right side.

Xiong saw another hard blow from the dragon boy and fell to the ground.

Instead, the dragon boy jumped up and took advantage of the thrust from the ring hill to rise higher into the sky.

In the air, he flicked his dragon's tail and adjusted his posture easily and quickly to form a dive posture.

He put his hands behind his back, palms facing behind him.

The whole person dived straight towards the bear saw that was falling in mid-air.

In order to strive for maximum propulsion, the three large ring mounds on the dragon boy's back, the four ring mounds on his thighs and calves, and the ring mounds on his palms were all constantly spraying yellow fire.

As a result, the dragon boy's speed skyrocketed.

He shot down like a cannonball at such a speed that it stirred up the wind.

Xiong Saw heard the howling wind approaching him, and quickly waved his arms, trying to use the Golden Flower Hacksaw to come back.

But the next moment, the dragon boy hit hard.

Fighting skill - blasting punch!

The fist exploded and hit Bear Saw's abdomen.

Wandering's full-body armor was splashed with the biggest splash, almost cut into upper and lower halves with the bear's abdomen as the centerline, revealing the biggest defensive hole since the battle.

Fortunately, there is also a layer of silver leather armor.

But Xiong Zao's whole body was bent up due to the beating, and his lower back was severely bulging.

The dragon boy took a deep breath, and then used his fighting skill - machine gun fighting.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

For a moment, the shadows of fists were flying, and dragon fists were like rain!

Xiong Saw's field of vision was completely filled with countless fists.

His head, chest, arms, legs, and abdomen were all severely hit by fists.

Pain and fear rose in his heart, replacing the previous impatience and rage.

Xiong Saw realized that if he could not survive this round of offensive, he would definitely fail!

Fighting Skill - Black Armor!

At the critical moment of victory or defeat, Xiong Saw tried his best and took risks to display his defensive fighting skills.

In this case, it was very risky for him to do so.

Generally speaking, defensive fighting skills should be performed slightly in advance and as far as possible without interference, in order to be safe and effective.

Bear Saw was being hit by fists all over his body. External forces enveloped his whole body, and the pain was also disturbing him strongly.

Fighting skills cannot be unleashed successfully every time.

Once the circulation of Dou Qi in the body is not achieved, the performance will fail.

The consequences of failure range from vomiting blood to being internally injured and dying!

Bear Saw had to take risks in order to win.

But fortunately this time, his adventure succeeded.

The basics of Bear Saw are pretty solid.

He has developed many fighting skills into his own instinct.

When a crisis came, his instincts became stronger and stronger, and he resisted strong external interference and used his defensive fighting skills.

In an instant, Xiong Saw's skin turned black and became very hard.

The dragon boy's fist hit it, making a series of sounds as it hit the metal.

At the same time, Bear Saw raised his arms to protect his head firmly, and at the same time curled up his body as much as possible to reduce the area being hit.

The fighting skill of machine gun boxing is superior because of its higher frequency of punching, but its instantaneous output is not as good as that of blasting boxing.

The boy refused to break Bear Saw's defensive stance.

Soon the little thunder god's flying hammer roared over and interfered with him again.

The Dragon Man boy was full of fighting spirit and did not dodge or dodge. He endured the constant hammer blows from the flying hammers and always fired machine gun punches.

Just like that, the dragon boy started striking from the air, knocking the bear saw down to the ground.

The bear saw fell to the ground, and the dragon boy stood on top of him and continued to beat him!

"I was actually knocked to the ground. Damn it, get up!" Xiong Zao was extremely angry.

Facing an opponent of the same level, he was rarely so passive and embarrassed.

He has always been on top and his opponent is on bottom, but when did he end up at such a disadvantage! ?

The dragon boy was the strongest silver-level opponent he had ever encountered in his life.

The wandering full-body armor faced the dragon boy's machine gun punch, revealing its design flaws. The loopholes continued to exist and could no longer protect Bear Saw.

Xiong Saw's leather armor was also damaged in many places under the blows of the machine gun and fists.

He felt the pain caused by the rain of fists and tried his best to maintain his defensive fighting skills to protect himself.

Bear Saw fell completely into a passive state.

If he continues like this, if he cannot make a comeback, he will be beaten by the dragon boy until he is defeated.

However, the golden hacksaws were knocked off and fell aside.

Although the fighting skill of Black Bear Armor is powerful, the circulation route of fighting spirit covers almost half of the body.

In this case, Bear Saw cannot use other fighting skills.

But it doesn't matter, it also has its own magic-like skills.

Spell-like - Bear Roar!

Seeing him open his mouth, the dragon boy was already on guard. He sighed helplessly in his heart and immediately retreated.

Bear Saw’s methods don’t stop there.

At the same time, he used his spirit to mobilize the little thunder god's flying hammer.

The flying hammer circled behind and blocked the young dragon man.

But the dragon boy's speed was no longer what it used to be. He made a flexible turn and easily shook off the flying hammer.

The next moment, the bear's roar broke out.

The dragon boy had completely avoided it.

Although he had taken the medicine specially provided by Zidi before the station, the effect of the medicine was not enough to allow him to face the roar of the bear.

Xiong Saw quickly got up, panting, and finally got out of trouble.

The members of the Bayonet Gang in the audience had just watched with fear. Seeing Xiong Saw finally get out of trouble, they all let out a sigh of relief, and then cheered and shouted loudly to boost Xiong Saw's morale, hoping to see him regain his place.

Seeing this, Fujituro secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Xiong Saw was beaten into the air by the dragon boy, his heart skipped a beat and he became nervous.

Bear Saw is only Silver level, he doesn't have any ability to fly.

Once he soars into the air, there will be no focus around him, which will put him in a passive state of being beaten.

In this regard, the dragon boy was in sharp contrast to him.

Although the dragon boy does not have the ability to fly, the smoke ring will give him a strong power, allowing him to exert force and adjust his posture and speed even in the air.

"Fortunately, the fighting skills and strength of the dragon suit cannot keep Bear Saw in the air all the time."

"Kuma Saw's defensive fighting skills also played a role at this critical moment." Fujituro thought to himself.

The situation just now is a huge opportunity for the young dragon man.

But with the current strength of the dragon boy, he can only form an advantage after creating this opportunity, but cannot completely turn this advantage into a victory.

Xiong Saw picked up the golden hacksaw, held it tightly with both hands, regrouped, and continued the fierce battle with the dragon boy again.

It was too deep, and Xiong Saw was now on guard, trying his best to prevent himself from being hit into the air by the dragon boy again.

Xiong Roar successfully rescued him, and he wanted to use it again to restrain the dragon boy.

However, the actual effect was not good.

The dragon boy's defense against the male roar was very good. His soaring speed allowed him to successfully dodge the roaring bear's attack.

The role that the Little Thunder God's Flying Hammer can play has become less and less.

"Damn it, why is his speed still increasing?" Xiong Saw noticed this phenomenon and felt a chill in his heart.

Chapter 282: Huge Advantage__Other novels have no pop-ups and are updated in a timely manner!

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