Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 58: The origin of the magic crystal in the heart

The night passed.

The early morning sunlight cuts diagonally across the horizon, leaving a faint shadow on the ground.

The exploration team members had already woken up.

They were awakened by the sound of scorpions eating.

Zhen Jin didn't show any emotion or anger at this moment, and had a calm look on his face. But there was inevitably a lot of disappointment in his heart.

Contrary to what he expected, the sun rose, but the reality was still cold.

The swarm of lizards did not arrive.

It seems that the lizards have lost their silver-level leader, or it may be that the last massacre of the scorpions has made the lizards scared, losing their fighting spirit, and not daring to come here again.

The entire scorpion swarm is eating.

Although Cang Xu had heard descriptions of needle gold before, this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. The old scholar couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement: "Nature is really great. It has created such miraculous animals. When these gun scorpions eat these stones, they actually feed on metal. Their digestive systems are very powerful and special, and they can actually It consumes various metals and adds them to its shell. That's why the scorpion shell is so tough."

"Wait a minute." One of the exploration team members questioned, "Isn't there a powerful magician on this island? Aren't these weird monsters created by this magician?"

Cang Xu smiled and shook his head: "In fact, this is impossible. No matter how powerful the owner of the island is, he only uses the life in nature to piece it together. It's like magicians making puppet golems. , they used metal to make the body of the golem, and then took the soul and instilled it into the golem to form intelligence. It's like cutting up pieces of pictures and then piecing the fragments back together."

After a pause, Cang Xu continued: "If the Lord of the Island can really create things, then he (she) is the Creator, completely above all the emperors and dukes in the world. As far as I know, the living gods There are many, including the Holy Ming Emperor, several dukes in the human race, the great chiefs of the beast race, great shamans, etc., but they cannot reach the level of directly creating life."

Zidi obviously agreed with Cang Xu's words.

She also spoke: "Although the creatures on this island are dangerous and strange, they are actually very imperfect. The magic power in their bodies is not coordinated. If the owner of the island is the creator, he can completely coordinate and stabilize the magic power in their bodies. Strictly speaking, , the gold-level magical beasts on this island can only be regarded as quasi-gold, and cannot be compared with the real golden magical beasts. They do not have the magic-like spells of golden magical beasts."

No one had any objections.

Warcraft usually has spell-like spells.

However, none of the ferocious beasts that everyone encountered on this island had magic-like abilities.

Flying squirrels discharge electricity because they have a tissue structure similar to that of electric eels.

Lizards can spit acid because they have sacs that store the acid. Venomous snakes can spit venom because they have venom glands in their heads.

The essence of magic is to use the magic power in the magic crystal of Warcraft to create something out of nothing, ignoring and transcending the structure of the biological body. This is like fighting spirit and magic, allowing the body to reach power beyond the limits of individuals and races!

But the silence didn't last long.

An exploration team member muttered: "Even if the magic power of these monsters cannot be coordinated, they are still very powerful. If we can't figure out a way to get rid of the scorpions, we will all die at the hands of these scorpions. Even if these scorpions don't eat meat, We will also be cut into pieces by them. I curse the master of this island! No matter how powerful he is!"

"He must be very vicious and dangerous when he creates these things. The scorpion tails of these scorpions are made into spear points by him. The lizard's acid can corrode even steel."

"No matter who he is, what kind of research he wants to do. If I die here, I will turn into a ghost of injustice and resentment, and I will cling to him and let him taste the pain I suffered during my lifetime!"

When Cang Xu heard these words, he suddenly sighed. He turned to face Zidi: "Miss Zidi, I gradually agree with your previous speculation."

Everyone was confused.

Zidi understood what Cang Xu said and smiled: "Are you saying that you also think that the Lord of the Island is making biological weapons?"

"Yes." Cang Xu was still squatting on the ground, nodded slightly, and glanced at the people around him, "We have guessed before that this island has a lot of human traces, and we speculated that the owner of the island is probably a magician. I It was previously believed that he (she) created these monsters for some magical research. Perhaps he (she) was seeking the mysteries of life so that he or she could obtain some kind of breakthrough."

"But after experiencing so much and seeing all kinds of magical beasts, I am more inclined to Miss Zidi's guess."

"If you study a certain field of magic and seek the mysteries of life, you should make artificial life more stable. But the artificial creatures here are fierce and fierce. Scorpions are the size of war horses, and their tails are transformed into spear points. Lizards can spit acid and corrode Sword. Momonga can emit strong electricity, which seems to be deliberately targeting metal armor."

"These creatures were created more for their combat effectiveness. Lord Acupuncture, I remember you said that you have encountered blade spiders, one-horned black panthers, and brown bears that can eat ore to heal themselves. , and there are even cunning blue wolves with human intelligence. These beasts are more like special weapons that can be forged than for research and manufacturing!"

Zhen Jin thought for a while: "We not only encountered these beasts, don't forget, we also encountered sheep. Those sheep are very weak."

Cang Xu shook his head and insisted on his opinion: "Although the sheep are weak and allowed to be slaughtered by us, the proportion of creatures like sheep is too low."

"More importantly, I think - these sheep are more powerful than most monsters!"

Everyone was puzzled by Cang Xu's opinion.

Cang Xu continued to explain: "The owner of the island wants to create the most powerful biological weapon, but in fact his (her) technology is not mature. There is one biggest flaw, that is, the magic power that transforms life cannot be coordinated and cannot form magic crystals. Therefore, the lord of the island has transformed the environment and suppressed the movement of elements and magic. If we are in it, we will not be able to use fighting spirit and magic."

"From this point, you can see how powerful the flock is."

"In other monsters, the magic power in the body is chaotic and dissipates quickly after death. But the magic power in the sheep group has a stable trend. Although the temperature rises, the magic power is still chaotic and will dissipate quickly. But when the temperature is low, The magic power in their bodies is so hidden that we are not even aware of it.”

It was precisely because of the inability to detect it that the previous poisoning incident of the exploration team occurred.

"It can be seen from this that the owner of the island is trying every means to develop magic crystals. Although he (she) cannot directly manufacture them, he or she seems to be using the food chain of nature to indirectly promote the production of magic crystals."

"In order to promote the production of magic crystals as quickly as possible, and to test and train the combat effectiveness of these biological weapons, the Lord of the Island also arranged a teleportation array. Every once in a while, after the array is activated, the monsters are teleported over and fight with each other. Constantly fight to determine the winner, which is a qualified biological weapon."

Of course Cang Xu knew that the magic power within the sheep group was actually brought about by eating local grass. But this secret still needs to be kept. Find Shuyuan At this moment, in front of everyone, he said this deliberately.

This does not prevent him from expressing his conjecture.

To be honest, Zhen Jin was immediately shocked by this guess.

"There is a magic crystal in my heart."

"How can a person possess a magic crystal? This magic crystal was probably accidentally created by Zidi instilling bear blood in me in order to save me in the monkey-tailed brown bear's cave."

"So...I solved the island master's research problem?"

"Is this magic crystal in my heart actually an artificial magic crystal indirectly created with the help of the island's lord?"

"What will happen to me if I am discovered by the Lord of the Island?"

Cang Xu's speculation also made others take a breath of air.

"Then what should we do?"

"Perhaps the Lord of the Island has discovered us and just left us struggling here."

"Yes, he (she) may be watching us now, using us to test the power of his creations."

"Then aren't we doomed? Why bother struggling anymore?"

"Surrender? Yes, we can surrender!"

"Okay." Zhen Jin suddenly spoke, trying to stay calm, with a serious look on his face, "It's too early to say this now, everything is just speculation. It's time for us to set off."

Everyone's expressions were still flustered and confused.

Zhen Jin sighed: "Have you met the Lord of the Island? Is there any evidence to support Cang Xu's guess?"

"If you want to give up, think you're dead, or want to surrender, then do it!"

"But if you want to continue following me, it's time to go now."

This time, everyone no longer hesitated and chose to follow Zhen Jin closely.

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