Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 300: Your Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is finished

Upon hearing the order from their captain, the members of the Snow Elf Investigation Team took out the chains and shackles used to hold the prisoners.

The investigation captain's face was ferocious, but his heart was full of pride.

He himself had long been corrupted by the Bayonet Gang.

The Bayonet Gang is working hard to make things difficult for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The investigation team members did not act alone, but received orders from their superiors and came with a special mission.

This mission is to try to find trouble and detain some members of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Take them away and detain them to control the mercenary group.

The investigation team investigated several ships but found no suitable targets. Until the investigation captain saw these water pig people.

When the investigation team leader discovered the Water Pigs, he was delighted: "The composition of this dragon and lion mercenary group is really messy. There are even Water Pigs! Then you can't blame me."

Later, he deliberately provoked these water pig people, and the latter fell into the trap.

The mission of the investigation captain has finally been completed.

He suddenly felt relaxed.

The investigation team members continued to approach the water pig people.

The Water Pig grinned, looking at these shackles and chains, and subconsciously wanted to resist, ready to move.

The battle is about to break out.

Thump thump thump.

The leader of the water pigs stepped on heavy steps and broke into the cabin at this time.

When he saw the tragic situation of the investigating captain, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he knew something was wrong.

"Don't take action!" He shouted to the water pigs, "Are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of taking action? Don't cause trouble to the mercenary group!"

Ganglie growled: "I beat this guy. If you want to arrest him, arrest me alone. It has nothing to do with anyone else!"

"Shut up. You idiot, you are in big trouble!" The water pig leader stomped his feet angrily.

After scolding Gang Lie a few times, he forced a smile on his face, came to the investigation captain, bent down and said with a smile: "Captain, everything is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?!" the investigation captain shouted. He pointed at his red cheeks and then at the broken teeth lying on the floor of the cabin, "You call this a misunderstanding?!"

The investigation captain was so angry that he stretched out his palm and slapped the water pig leader's cheek directly, causing his cheek to crackle.

At the same time, he asked: "If I beat you like this, would you think it was a misunderstanding?"

"It's a misunderstanding, of course it's a misunderstanding!" the water pig leader emphasized.

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the investigation captain, and he suddenly slapped with force.


There was a crisp sound.

He slapped the leader of the pigs hard.

"Leader!" Ganglie glared angrily, about to get angry and beat up the investigation captain again.

The investigation captain's expression flinched for a moment, then he puffed up his chest and shouted to Ganglie: "Come here. Do you still dare to take action? I'll let you fight!"

The leader of the water pig men roared at Ganglie: "Stop it! Haven't you caused enough trouble? Ganglie, you idiot!"

The leader of the water pigs glanced at the other water pigs again, and his anger rose: "Everyone, stop and don't move! Can you be responsible for the consequences of doing something?"

The water pigs were all stopped by him drinking.

When the investigation team leader saw this, he couldn't help but become even more arrogant.

He stared at the leader of the water pigs with a pair of gloomy eyes, grinning lightly, showing his mouth full of blood and broken teeth: "I didn't see it, but you are quite interesting."

The leader of the water pig people continued to bend down and laugh: "If you hit me to let off your anger, then just hit me."

The investigation team leader laughed loudly: "That's what you said!"

Bang bang bang!

The snow elf flapped his palms vigorously, hitting the water pig leader hard on the face with every blow.

In order to ensure the power of the slap, he even used black iron-level fighting spirit.

The cheeks of the water pig leader quickly became swollen, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

But he stood firmly in place, silent, and wholeheartedly acted as the target for the snow elf to vent his anger.

The surrounding water pigs were full of sadness and anger, but at the same time they fell into deep helplessness.

This scene was very familiar to them at this time.

It's like returning to the slave life not long ago.

As slaves, they must swallow their anger and submit to any oppression. Anyone who dares to resist will suffer severe punishment or even death!

"You thing..." The investigation captain was tired of beating himself. He looked at the silent water pig leader, with a look of boredom and boredom on his face, and stopped.

He ordered the investigation team members: "Take all these water pig people away from me."

When the water pig leader heard this, he immediately became anxious.

He quickly stopped in front of the investigation captain and shouted in an almost pleading tone: "Captain, you have already lost your temper!"

The investigation captain laughed.

"Yes, I'm done with my anger."

"You did great."

"But my work still needs to be done. These water pigs are violently resisting the law. As the investigation captain, I must enforce the law impartially! It's not me who wants to take them away, it's the laws of the kingdom that want to take them away. I remind you very much. The important thing is, this is Snowbird Port! This is the Ice Sculpture Kingdom!"

"Why, do you also want to violently resist the law?"

The investigation captain glared at the water pig leader, with veins on his forehead twisting.

How could he let the Water Pig go so easily?

If he doesn't take a batch back to be imprisoned, he will definitely be reprimanded by his superiors.

The leader of the water pigs was extremely impatient, but had no choice.

At this moment, Zong Ge, San Dao and others filed in and entered the cabin.

"Who wants to take away my subordinates?" Zong Ge said calmly.

The snow elf investigation captain raised his head slightly and stared at Zong Ge.

"Are you the deputy leader of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group? Our investigation team has been here for so long, and your senior officials are finally willing to show up. Now let me tell you, these water pig subordinates of yours are violently resisting the law! I have all You have to take them away. Your Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group are in big trouble!"

San Dao asked: "Why did they resist the law violently?"

The Snow Elf Investigation Captain stared and pointed his finger at his cheek: "It seems that you are not only short, but also have poor eyesight. Didn't you see? They beat me all this, and this is the best evidence!"

Even when facing the silver-level Zong Ge and others, his attitude was still very arrogant. Surrounded by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, he was always confident.

Because the investigation captain has seen too many outsiders, even if he is very strong, he has to stay humble when he comes to the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

Zong Ge looked at the investigation captain's cheek and asked, "Who did it?"

"Lord Shiqi, it's me!" Gang Lie half-knelt down on the spot and hurriedly admitted his mistake, "Everything is my fault and has nothing to do with anyone else. But this investigation team just wants to take away all of us!"

Zonge stretched out his hand to stop Ganglie from continuing, and then moved his gaze to the face of the water pig leader.

"Who did this?" He pointed at the injury on the face of the water pig leader and asked.

The investigation captain didn't speak, just sneered.

The leader of the water pig people said quickly: "It was me, Master Shiqi, I did it myself."

The investigation captain couldn't help but laugh out loud after hearing this.

Zong Ge couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly: "So, you beat yourself?"

"That's right, sir." The water pig leader nodded quickly.

"Hahaha." This time, not only the Snow Elf Investigation Captain, but also the other investigation team members laughed.

Their laughter was full of mockery and contempt.

Zong Ge didn't seem to notice, and just nodded slightly.

The investigation captain waved his hand impatiently: "Lion Banner, did you hear it? This is what your people said themselves. Haha. Now get out of the way, I want to take these water pig people away. You want to redeem your People, it’s best to go back with me and have a good talk with my superiors.”

"Take them all away!" the investigation captain raised his voice.

The investigation team members were about to take action when Zong Ge suddenly interrupted: "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" The investigation captain frowned.

Zongge looked at Ganglie and asked, "How did you beat the investigation captain?"

Ganglie was a little confused by the question, he subconsciously raised his right hand and replied: "It was hit with this hand.

"Is this how they were beaten?" As soon as Zong Ge finished speaking, he took a big step forward and stood in front of the investigation team leader.

He waved his left hand and fanned forward suddenly.


There was a crisp sound.

Zong Ge gave the investigation captain a hard, big mouth.

The force of this slap was so great that the investigation captain was actually slapped into the air.

Then, he fell to the floor.


He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and there were several broken teeth in the blood.

The investigation captain's face was filled with shock. He lay down on the floor and subconsciously covered his mouth with his hand. He stared at Zong Ge and screamed: "What are you doing?"

"You hit me! You actually hit me?!"

When he said this, he finally reacted.

He laughed strangely.

"You're done."

"Lion Banner, you actually did it yourself and violently resisted the law! You are just a silver, and you dare to violently resist the law. You are finished."???

"You are the deputy commander, and your Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is finished."

"Haha, it's all over."

"Your Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is really unlucky to have a deputy leader like you!"

Zong Ge looked calm.

The surrounding water pigs and investigation team members were also stunned for a moment.

When the investigation team leader saw Zong Ge's calm expression, he hesitated and misunderstood.

He continued to shout: "We all have alchemy devices on us. Everything that just happened is recorded and formed into a magical image."

"These are all irrefutable evidence! There is nothing you can do to deny it."


The investigation captain pointed to the first button of his collar.

"Is this it?" Zong Ge walked up to him, bent down and took off the button.

He held it before his eyes, examined it carefully, and recognized that the button was indeed an alchemical device.

But what are the specific effects?

Zong Ge is not an alchemist and cannot understand it quickly.

The investigation captain allowed Zonge to take his button away.

His face was full of a winning smile.

"Haha, you still want to destroy the evidence? It's useless! All of us have such a device!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other investigation team members changed slightly.

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