Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 302: Dense Stone vs. Colorful Roots

Snowbird Harbor.

In a small duel field closest to the dock.

The battle has lasted for most of the day.


The dwarf Menshi was sweating profusely and panting.

He looked helplessly at the colorful roots not far away, feeling very powerless.

Banlangen is a tree man, and at this time he has completely taken root in the sand of the duel ground.

His body is more than three times larger than his normal form, and the branches on his trunk are at least ten times more lush, with the branches and leaves constantly swaying in the wind.

"Come here, I'll stand right here."

"You can come and attack!"

"If I move one step, I lose."

Banlangen kept shouting, provoking the dwarf Menshi.

His face is located in the middle and upper part of the trunk of the big tree.

A large number of branches and vines condensed and twined, forming two huge wooden palms on both sides of the trunk.

A big hand held a golden hacksaw.

The other hand held up a silver-grade square tower shield.

At the same time, there is an epaulette hidden in its crown, which is the wandering full body armor.

In addition to the wandering full-body armor, his strike syringe is also hidden in another place.

And the little Thunder God's flying hammer kept circling and flying around him, sometimes falling into his canopy, like a tired bird entering the forest.

In order to ensure his victory, Banlangen borrowed equipment from other bosses before launching the challenge this time.

It can be said to be fully armed!

In terms of equipment, he far surpassed Qian Shi.

Menshi only had his two-handed long-handled war hammer in his hand.

And this war hammer is only silver level.

The dragon boy also thought about lending equipment.

Then his equipment was very sparse.

Gold chain mail and Grand Arena medals cannot be borrowed.

The Grand Arena Medal has been in use, and the gold chain mail needs repair.

There is another important reason: these two pieces of equipment are covered with a deception and camouflage technique and an anti-reconnaissance prophecy technique.

If it is lent to Kong Shi, the relevant secrets will be exposed.

Menshi actually didn't expect that Banlangen would be so well-armed.

Because Xiong Saw had done this before, Banlangen took the initiative to challenge this time and actually did it again.

"The fighting spirit and physical energy are almost exhausted."

"Can't fight anymore..."

Menshi, who realized this, let out a deep sigh.

Then loudly announced: "I surrender."

He walked out of the duel venue in a decent manner, with a depressed look on his face.

In this duel, he was completely at a disadvantage. Except for the early stage, he was unable to pose any threat to his opponent later on.

At the beginning of the fight, Banlangen released the Little Thunder God's Flying Hammer immediately.

The little thunder god's flying hammer was frantically interfering with the dull stone.

The stone fighting is a typical dwarf style, with excellent defense and insufficient assault capability.

Taking advantage of the disturbed stone, Banlangen quickly and proactively retreated, and after pulling away, took root in the sand.

When Mengshi saw the tree man taking root, he immediately realized that something was wrong. He mobilized his fighting energy and launched a mad attack on it regardless of consumption.

When he rushed in front of Banlangen, he maintained his position and resolutely engaged in close combat.

The interference and threat caused by the little Thunder God's flying hammer suddenly plummeted.

Banlangen had very little time to acquire this piece of equipment and could not achieve precise control.

But this situation had long been expected by him.

Because he once watched the battle between the dragon boy and Bear Saw. The dragon boy once took advantage of this flaw and brought trouble to Xiong Saw.

Banlangen simply gave up on the little Thunder God Flying Hammer and started to use fighting skills crazily, regardless of the serious consumption of fighting energy.

Many viewers thought it was unwise for him to fight like this.

This kind of mutual consumption of vindictiveness is obviously a big advantage.

And even if the colorful roots are completely rooted, what will be gained is only a slight improvement in resilience and other aspects.

The consumption of fighting spirit was too great, and the remaining reserves could hardly support Kuan Shi's follow-up attack.

Banlangen thoroughly implemented his strategy.

After paying a huge price of fighting spirit, he finally succeeded in taking root in the sand of the duel ground.

Kuanshi has plenty of fighting spirit and feels that he still has the upper hand.

But the next moment, Banlangen laughed and took out the syringe.

He stabbed the syringe hard into his arm.

What is stored in the inflator syringe is the fighting spirit he has accumulated in daily life, which has the same origin as him.

With one injection, his fighting spirit immediately replenished and returned to its peak state.

Menshi was dumbfounded on the spot.

During the battle with the dragon boy, Bear Saw forgot to use the strike syringe.

Banlangen took advantage of this and successfully caught Menshi off guard.

His tactics were a huge success!

After successfully taking root, he gained greater advantages in recovery and defense.

Moreover, his fighting spirit reserve has been fully restored, even surpassing that of Kong Shi at this time.

An inflator syringe completely overturns the situation.

The spectators were surprised and talked a lot.

Heroic Duel does not prohibit the use of equipment, potions and other foreign objects.

But of course the audience recognizes the battles like Dragon Boy and Bear Saw more.

Especially a tough battle that reflects the personal will of both duelists.

Banlangen has such a huge equipment advantage, but adopts such conservative tactics, which makes it difficult for spectators to applaud it.

The battle scene that follows is lackluster.

Kuangshi maintains an attacking stance, while Banlangen is always on the defensive.

He dug his roots deeply into the soil to recover his physical strength and fighting spirit faster. Even if there are injuries on the tree trunk, it can heal itself quickly.

The speed of self-healing is only slightly weaker than that of healing spells.

The biggest disadvantage of variegated roots is that they cannot be moved.

But Qianshi cannot attack this shortcoming.

Because the stone lacks long-range firepower.

His most powerful long-range attack is a fighting skill. This fighting skill allows you to throw your long-handled war hammer directly to hit people.

This fighting skill cannot be used casually.

Banlangen is in very good condition. After Kongshi is knocked out with the hammer, it is very likely that the hammer will be confiscated by Banlangen.

At that time, Meng Shi's situation will be even more embarrassing, and he will be without weapons.

Kuanshi has only one choice, and that is to start a close battle with Banlangen.

But in close combat, he lacks a decisive attack method.

What he faced was not only the full armor of Spotted Root, but also his huge wooden palms, as well as the vines and branches that could be whipped from various angles at any time.

The colorful roots have almost transformed into a tree-shaped fortress with no blind spots in all directions.

After several confrontations like this, Banlangen laughed loudly and began to persuade Menshi to surrender.

"Give up, my advantage is too great."

"Can't you see yet? The winner of this duel will only be me."

"You're like a clown. You can't threaten me at all, so why waste any more time? It would be more dignified if you just admit defeat."

"When my strategy is achieved, the battle is over. I have won."

Kuangshi admitted that what Banlangen said made sense.

But Kongshi didn't give up.

Because he thought of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and the Dragon Man boy.

The reason why the Bayonet Gang launched the challenge was to interfere with the Dragon Man boy's recovery. In an attempt to use various off-site means to force the young dragon man to recognize the reality and have a heroic duel with Fujituro as soon as possible.

Everyone knows that this is the conspiracy of the Bayonet Gang.

Of course he wouldn't let Banlangen succeed so easily.

Therefore, Qian Shi adopted delaying tactics.

Whenever he launches a round of melee attacks, he quickly retreats to a safe area to rest.

During this period, while resisting the interference of the little Thunder God's flying hammer, he took the potion.

This time it was Banlangen's turn to be dumbfounded.

Because he can't move.

Even if he had the upper hand in close combat, or even injured Miao Shi, it would be difficult to pursue the victory.

Because once pursued, he has to leave the ground and release his rooted state.

After the rooted state is released, it is too difficult to take root again.

The successful execution of this tactic also caught the enemy off guard.

Banlan Gen wants to take root for the second time, but Meng Shi will never agree again.

The more critical point is the inflator syringe.

All the fighting energy stored in the syringe was used up. To make up for it is not something that can be done in a day or two.

Without this most critical piece of equipment, it would be difficult for Banlangen to implement rooting tactics.

"The rooted state cannot be easily released."

"Otherwise, all my careful preparations and efforts will be in vain."

"Who would take the initiative to take away their own advantages?"

"And what if this is a trick by the opponent, an act by Meng Shi, but it is actually a trap set by me. If I am eager to win, take the initiative to pursue, and give up my rooted state but ultimately lose, then wouldn't I become a snowman this year? The biggest joke in Bird Harbor?”

Banlangen is very psychologically burdened.

Because before that, he was careless in the duel with the dragon boy, and was successfully attacked by the dragon boy, knocking him unconscious with a punch.

Because of this shameful result, he has been ridiculed and ridiculed these days.

On the surface, there may not be much ridicule to his face, but the members of the Bayonet Gang privately criticize Banlangen.

After all, Banlan Gen is one of the six leaders of the Bayonet Gang. He is the one in the upper position and needs to be ashamed.

Those in power need fame.

"I have to be careful this time."

"It's okay to lose to the leader of the dragon suit. After all, Xiong Saw is no match for him."

"Then it would be too embarrassing to lose to an inconspicuous silver-level member of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

"What face will I have in the future if I continue to be the leader of the gang?"

The colorful roots don’t dare to grow bigger anymore.

This time he acted very cautiously.

In order to lure Kongshi to attack and start a continuous close combat with him, he constantly provoked and insulted Kongshi, hoping to arouse the opponent's anger.

If he had been strong-willed, he might have fallen into the trap.

But it turns out that Kong Shi is an honest person.

No matter how unpleasant Banlangen's insults were, he endured them without saying a word and resolutely implemented his delaying tactics.

Gradually, the time Kongshi spent resting became longer and longer, and the time he spent attacking became shorter and shorter.

If Kongshi and Banlangen were to fight in close combat, the situation would be quite obvious, which would be very unfavorable to Kongshi.

Whether it's the Wandering Full Body Armor or the Golden Flower Hacksaw, they all give Banlangen a huge melee advantage.

The best equipment on Kong Shi's body is just his silver-level war hammer.

The difference is too obvious.

However, when the stone retreated and opened a safe distance, Banlangen did not have a good long-range attack method.

He is a close combatant in his own right.

His most reliable long-range attack method is the little Thunder God's Flying Hammer he just borrowed.

However, although this flying hammer can bring interference and threats, the degree of threat is not enough to create a chance of victory.

In fact, the Little Thunder God Flying Hammer itself has not yet been successfully built and is a semi-finished product.

Kuanshi relied on his long-handled two-handed war hammer to resist the attack of Little Thunder God's flying hammer. Taking advantage of the gap between the flying hammer of the little thunder god, he could swallow the potion calmly.

In this case, the evil eye is different.

The spiritual light emitted by the evil eye is very powerful, almost certain to hit, and extremely difficult to defend against.

But it is a pity that this precious treasure with the magic power of the abyss has been destroyed by the bear saw.

In this way, although Banlangen has a great advantage, the initiative is always held by Kuanshi.

The scene of this duel became increasingly ugly.

At first, the spectators were very excited and almost filled the entire duel arena.

But soon the fighting became tedious.

Some of the spectators cursed and left.

The people who stayed behind still pinned their hopes on Qianshi. Are they hiding other means? What changes will suddenly appear?

But as time dragged on longer and longer, one hour and two hours gradually passed by.

The spectators who persevered could all see it: Kuanshi had no means, he was just stalling for time.

More and more spectators left this small duel ground.

The small duel arena was originally packed, but eventually it became a scene of twos and threes, with large swaths of empty seats.

Even the vendors were missing.

A group of children were laughing and chasing each other between the seats.

Several old men lay down on their seats and fell asleep. They had been bored watching the battle, dozed off, and fell asleep like this.

There were also a few couples talking to each other in the corner, whispering, exuding the sweet rancid stench of love into the air.

There are also new spectators entering the venue, wanting to watch the excitement.

But they often don't last more than ten minutes before they leave in despair.

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought more medicine." During the battle, Meng Shi regretted more and more.

The potion belt is missing!

Before, he had not expected such a battle situation.

Normally, it would be difficult for a warrior to take potions in a fierce battle.

Kuanshi originally thought he had brought enough potions.

As a result, in actual combat, he regretted it very much.

But there is no way.

Without the rapid replenishment of medicine, his physical strength and fighting spirit had dropped to the bottom, and his combat power had declined very seriously.

It is difficult for Stone to engage in close combat again.

And Banlangen's condition has always remained at its peak.

In the rooted state, tree people will continue to accumulate advantages.

In the end, Qian Shi thought about it and realized there was no need to risk any more close combat.

Because once he is injured, it will not only cause trouble for the mercenary group and worry the leader of the dragon suit, but also allow the Bayonet Gang to succeed in their conspiracy.

Meng Shi finally shouted and took the initiative to admit defeat.

The referee had dozed off a long time ago and was shaken awake by the staff on the side.

"Ah, is it over?" The referee looked at the sky.

It was getting dark.

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